
13 Reviews
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Truth or Dare (I) (2018)
Who gives these movies 10
24 February 2019
I am always fascinated by how good movies get 1 on here and terrible movies 10 although average tends to work out . But to make this right it has to be one . This is what final destination 25 would be like . Think final destination happy death day and unfriend you...If that what's it's called. All pretty average movies but they are citizen Kane and the godfather compared to this . Bad actors you'll probably never see again . Dreadful script no tension no fear no fun
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Gravity (2013)
Visually stunning 3d masterpiece
30 October 2013
Don't believe the haters , I went to this based on good press & intrigue & was so pleasantly surprised I had to write a review. When a film doesn't have many characters in it you know that it wont be long , it has to look good & it may not work. Moon with Sam Rockwell works , for me 127 hours doesn't , this sure does. From the opening sequence it takes you on a breathtakingly stunning visual journey . I would strongly strongly recommend seeing in 3d & I am not normally a fan of this , I wish I could have seen on i max I am sure that's even better. Nothing looks CGI although it obviously is , you have a clear idea of what may happen to the central characters but that doesn't stop you being dragged repeatedly to the edge of your seat. Clooney is Clooney , but Sandra Bullock holds the screen effectively throughout , but what surpasses both is the visual impact,give yourself a treat for the eyes go see.
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Prisoners (2013)
a difficult film to watch
26 September 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Surprised by the conflicting scale of reviews on this film , its not the film of the year , but its a very good one. The cast are excellent so much so that my wife has now gone from liking Hugh Jackman to seeing him as some sort of mad rampaging bully, perhaps that's more to do with his treatment of Paul Dano who she has a soft spot for. It isn't Jake Gyllenhalls finest film much preferred him in end of watch but it is a solid performance. Paul Dano is excellent in his portrayal of the prime suspect & the film builds up a true sense of menace & suspense leading to its conclusion. The miserable setting a weather adds to the undoubted despair of the characters & the direction is solid. If I have to add one criticism its that the film is 30 minutes longer than it needs to be which leads to a feeling of this is being dragged out for the sake of it. Excellent supporting cast , well worth a watch , but not a fun night due to the subject matter.
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The Following (2013–2015)
Sorry Kevin I give up
3 April 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I was looking for a new series to hook me in as the walking dead is close to the end of season 3 , I saw the trailers for this & thought looks interesting so will give it a go. I like Kevin Bacon as an actor & stuck with this longer than I wanted to purely to see if he could save this but sorry Kevin you couldn't. From episode one this had holes in the story you could drive a bus through, would someone that dangerous really be allowed to escape twice , would the police & FBI really be that inept but perhaps the most ridiculous issue is the way followers just happen to pop up whenever they are needed. Could any one really create such a cult so easily & as they all seem to have visited the killer in prison surely they could just check that list & arrest them all. The killer is not charismatic or charming as he is portrayed & is not menacing in the slightest in fact he just comes across as a smug no mark. By the way if someone escapes in a helicopter surely its not that difficult to follow . I have just watched episode 8 , told you I stayed to long & have just deleted episodes 9-12 & given up its just boring & not worth the effort. Bring back walking dead or boardwalk empire soon please , or oh for the sopranos re runs.
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Battleship (2012)
the worst movie ever?
23 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I apologise for giving this movie 1 , I wish have given it a minus figure how it is averaging above 5 is beyond me. Firstly Liam Neeson hold your head in shame for agreeing to be in this was the 30 silver coins worth it to put your name to your 5 minute appearance. Everyone else don't bother holding your head in shame as hopefully we will never see any of you act again , unfortunately we will have to listen to Rhianna release 25 albums a year. This film had every ridiculous cliché in the book , the woman in the navy football team , really , the outsider who falls for the admirals daughter who yes saves the world , the useless aliens who come from a million galaxies away then get beaten by 90 year old veterans on a decommissioned warship (why did it still have live missiles on it) , oh & yes lets ruthlessly exploit the plight of wounded vets for entertainment. This film is juvenile , crass & just plain garbage. Put it this way my wife just watched speed 2 again , remember how bad that is well its Citizen Kane next to this.
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Mama (I) (2013)
Doesn't quite deliver
20 February 2013
Having seen the trailer I went to this with high hopes & a bit of trepidation as I know my wife scares easily when watching creepy movies . In a lot of ways this delivered but ultimately it left me with a sense of never quite following through. The set up for the movie is good the cast are extremely solid Jessica Chastain is very believable & the two young girls played by Megan Charpentier & Isabelle Nelisse are both excellent in their roles. The set piece scares are well delivered & while some may say clichéd , there are only so many ways that you can deliver a scare in a ghost movie so lets not get to hung up on how that's done. Again there are the usual points in any film of this genre were you find yourself shouting why are you going in that cabin in the dark , or why don't you switch the lights on in the house , but lets face it , its not real so you suspend belief. Where the movie ultimately let me down was in the last 20 minutes , the director could have played safe & given the ghost the resolution it desired , or he could have done something off the wall in the end it fell in a slightly strange nether region that just left me feeling dissatisfied. Its a decent movie that's worth a look but its been done better & wont live long in the memory.
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Argo (2012)
Captures a time & a place perfectly
2 November 2012
Warning: Spoilers
This is an outstanding movie period. the attention to detail , the ambiance of that time and place in history is captured perfectly .As someone who is old enough to remember the tension of the Iran hostage siege , the support of the corrupt Shah's regime & the return of the Ayatollah , this movie captures & delivers that politically charged period almost perfectly. The cast lead by Affleck are outstanding , the direction is tight & taught all the way through , the tension builds all the way through the film & the scenes in the Bazaar & the airport left me feeling genuinely stressed even though I knew the ending. The actual story of Argo & the movie was not one I was aware of but it is a remarkable tale. Go & educate & inspire yourself with this movie & immerse yourself in the nerve shredding tension it evokes . Well done all around from Arkin to Goodman from Directors to writers to set & location people this is a great movie.
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The Sapphires (2012)
Just a fun evening out
24 October 2012
OK I got free tickets for a screening of this film on the basis that I saw the trailer & thought my wife will like this more than some of the other films we have seen lately , I was right she loved it but so did I. There are some reviews I have read that accuse the film of being cheesy & having holes in the plot , guilty as charged but sometimes you should just put that aside & enjoy something for what it is , a delightful uplifting tale of four women battling against prejudice to achieve their ambition to sing. Other than the excellent Chris O Dowd I didn't know any of the cast & have no idea if this is there first big film or not , but they all did their jobs in a Stella fashion. For me Deborah Mailman was fantastic in every way , believable , strong tough & yet completely vulnerable. The 3 other members of the sapphires played their parts with conviction , comedy & pathos & boy can they all sing. In an era of endless remakes & rehashed action movies this is a delight. This has it all political insight , struggle , oppression , history , romance action & beautiful music. Just go & see it you will enjoy it I promise.
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2-Headed Shark Attack (2012 Video)
You know its bad without me telling you but How has this got a 2.7 average
5 September 2012
I watched this on TV the other night just for the hell of it , I knew it would be bad , but my tip is please please don't watch this if only I could give 0 out of 10. apparently I have to write 10 lines of text to get my review submitted so hear it is don't watch this, today , tomorrow , next week, on a rainy day , at Christmas, at Easter , if your TV gets stuck on one channel go out read a book ,count grains of sand , iron your socks just do anything. Now I have said that you will probably watch it but you have been warned . One more thing even on a really bad movie surely someone checks continuity........obviously not. I hope nobody ever had to pay to see this film.
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a very mixed bag
8 August 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I had real doubts about the making of a Bourne film without Matt Damon , & worried seriously that the trilogy that I loved so much (miles better than Bond) would be tarnished. Then I saw the cast the trailers & read some early reviews so thought hang on this might not be as bad as I thought. My wife who hasn't seen any of the previous three went with me to a free screening & obviously didn't understand many of the references to Jason Bourne or the links to previous films , but stuck with it anyway. The cast gave it a reasonable go on what was at best an average script that was like a recycled version of the previous films. It was very muddled at the beginning hoping around trying to establish a plot. The action felt rehashed for example the big chase in Manila at the end of the film has been done before & much better as in the Moscow chase in the Bourne supremacy. The same applies for the assassin sent to kill Cross , done better in all the previous films. It is hopefully time to close the Bourne franchise unless Matt can be talked out for one last go. Jeremy Renner & Rachel Weisz gave it their best but this ain't no legacy , & whilst not a bad movie its not in the same league as the previous three.
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a breathtaking roller coaster of a movie
27 July 2012
I saw this film twice this week the first time firstly in i max & then on a normal screen , go & see it in I max if you possibly can. The movie races along from the epic opening sequence that is a true adrenalin rush to the final epic encounters. Everyone plays their part to perfection , Morgan Freeman & Michael Caine are great at being Morgan Freeman & Michael Caine. If you thought Heath Ledger was awesome as the joker wait till you meet Bane a truly mesmerizing villain. The story is superbly interwoven & ties up all the threads of the first two movies & offers a completely satisfactory conclusion to this trilogy. The batman movies make in my opinion every other comic book adaptation seem like what they are fillers & cartoon window dressing. Christian Bale is the perfect Batman & I had always been vaguely indifferent to Anne Hathaway till I saw her as cat woman , sexy vulnerable & compelling. If you only see one movie this year save up & see this on I max , if you only see two see this twice its Brilliant.
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The Lorax (2012)
Dr.Seuss I don't know the stories but so what
21 July 2012
I must have missed Dr.Seuss as a child & wasn't aware of his books till a much later time in my life , I haven't read them still so have no preconceptions as to how they should look or what plot lines have been added or taken away. I would say that I have seen the films & enjoyed them all (yes even cat in the hat) , the Grinch was marvellous but my favourite still remains Horton heres a who, so I looked forward to the free screening we attended of the lorax. The fact that the film was stopped 10 minutes in & then after a similar gap was restarted didn't help , but once it got going my wife & I & are two youngest all found the film warm , charming & comfortable. It is a simple story with a familiar moral but the animation is cozy & bright the characters are engaging & the songs didn't irritate me at all & believe me I can not for the life of me understand why anyone would listen to the blandness of Taylor Swift , but then I am not 12. If you want a fun filled 90 minutes with a few laughs some nice animation & Danny Devito then you will enjoy this. Its not the best animated film ever , its not the best Dr.Seuss adaptation but its also not the worst way to spend an afternoon with the kids.
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somehow all went wrong
4 April 2012
Warning: Spoilers
This was nothing more than a watchable pop corn movie , must admit I went to a free screening with my wife.She is terrified off horror films & didn't find this scary. The premise interested me but as other reviewers stated the switch been the cabin & the corporate world left me slightly confused as to how to feel as every time any tension was built up it was quickly dissipated by the wise cracking suits. The ending of the film & the reason for the journeys the participants are on is frankly ridiculous & left a somewhat farcical feeling in me at the end. There are some interesting moments & some nice homages to previous horror movies both in the US & Japan , but overall I felt it could have been so much more & felt like a missed opportunity to do something different. If I was you I would rent the evil dead again, but if its a free screening then why not.
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