
10 Reviews
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Designed to mind-wash the young..
11 August 2006
*sigh* Does anyone remember that "Simpsons" episode where Bart became a boyband member? And it turned out that the song "Yvan eht nioj", was a subliminal message? Yes, well, this film felt like a more grown up version of that song. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised to find out that the US military financed this.

To explain, this movie's main goal, or so it seems to me, is to present the American soldier as a man of integrity, who will always fight for Good, with a capital G. (This despite the fact that the movie is set in a maximum security prison, these inmate, well, BY GOD, they will be MORAL).

This, alongside the artificial sense of heightened drama, and the saccharine directing, made the movie one of the worst I've seen.

Put frankly, those are TWO AND A HALF HOURS that I will NEVER get back.

Who know? Maybe this will appeal to brainless teen boys, but for those searching for some Redford magic...prepare to be disappointed..
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The Girl in the Café (2005 TV Movie)
A disappointment...
26 June 2005
I'm disappointed that I have to give this movie such a low rating, because parts of it were amazing, and very well done.

However, I felt that this *wasn't* a romantic comedy, rather that it was a heavy-handed piece of emotional propaganda.

Sure, it's a worthy cause, but that doesn't excuse it. The least they could have done was to insert the messages subliminally! The dialogue throughout this film was beautiful, the interaction between the leads was a delight.

However, when it came to the 'taking a stand' dialogue, I found it incredibly cringe-worthy, and even had to turn off the television.

I think this was such a brilliant idea, but it was overwrought, and I'd have loved this if they'd either toned down the political message, or perhaps made is less crude.
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Mixed Film
30 May 2005
I went into this film filled with sheer enthusiasm. After all, I told myself, it has singing, is set in the 19th century, and features Gerard Butler, so how could I not like it? What I didn't count on is the cheesy first half.

Before I go on, I have to say, in short, I did enjoy the film. The end was absolutely great, but the first half? Yeah, not so much with the good/enjoyable.

My utter distaste of the first half is due to the unbelievable lack of emotion present. Literally, it just seems disconnected from any kind of reality. In short, it's an American soap opera MINUS the involving story line.

I watched this with some friends, and one of them walked out (of the living room) 1 hour into the film. At that point I agreed with her decision, but at about 1 h and 20m, I totally saw why this film was worth the pain.

Sadly, the fact that only 40minutes of the film were actually good, doesn't say much about the quality, does it? But I have to say, those 40 minutes were so good, that all I have to to say is; put up with the first half.
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Hitch (I) (2005)
2 May 2005
I watched this with a bunch of friends during a lull in interesting things to do.

Admittedly, the main draw for most of my friends was Will Smith. Not being a huge fan, I entered the cinema as a sceptic. Did I leave as a convert? Not quite, but Smith impressed me suitably enough for me to have enjoyed the film.

As far as plot goes, it's predictable. But then, did I really need to tell you that? It has some fairly cringe worthy moments script wise, but somehow the charming cast make it click.

The only casting objection that I had was the irritating Eva Mendes. Sorry to all her legions of fans, but the girl can't act, and has a voice that more than grates.

If you're going to see this, sure, have fun. Just don't expect anything brilliant or more than mediocre.
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2 May 2005
This film was much hyped to me, so perhaps it is only natural that I felt somewhat disappointed by it.

It's funny, sweet and at times charming. But is it worthy of all the critical praise that has been heaped upon it? No, unfortunately.

The film is decidedly 'plot-lite', and maybe to some people that would be a positive, as it certainly lacks the normal melodrama that is associated with Hollywood films (especially those with main characters that have 'disabilities', e.g. ugliness, being a healthy weight etc).

So maybe in that sense the film was refreshing. It simply gave us an insight into 3 lovely characters. Or maybe it was just an overly ambitious work that didn't quite succeed.

I'm not sure whether i would 'recommend' this film. It's interesting, and if you do watch it, I hope that you enjoy it. :)
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Gosford Park (2001)
Slow burner
24 April 2005
When I first attempted to watch this, I was much put off. An endless surplus of characters who looked alike, horrible sound quality and a slow narrative all resulted in me giving up.

I have to admit, the principal reason was the sound quality. (I rented the film out on DVD, the UK version. And I couldn't hear a thing they were saying. If I turned up the volume I was bombarded with loud music..) But on watching it again last night (on terrestrial TV), with the help of subtitles, I found this to be an absolute delight.

Sure, the characters still looked the same, and the narrative was probably made even slower by the perpetual commercials, but at heart, I loved this film.

I think that when you just relax and make peace with the fact that no, it isn't story driven, and know that no, you won't finally know the names of all the characters, you can just sit back and enjoy the dialogue, which is littered with jems and stunning one liners.

Overall, give this a go. Do whatever it takes, but try and get through it all...

It might not end up being your favourite ever movie, but boy, it's worth the effort!
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Saw (2004)
Cheap thrills
16 April 2005
Eh. This is a popcorn movie, nothing more. I watched this with a bunch of friends (and though that might NOT be the best way to view a horror movie...) and most of the dialogue and action was laughable.

It left me yearning for a real film. :)

The main problem is the lack of tension in the film. It keeps flashing back to 'explanation' scenes, which dissipates any discernible tension.

And the character relationship 'twists'? Yeah, they suck. I won't say what they are, but they just don't add anything to the film/storyline.

(By relationship, I mean the two main characters.)

Eek. My recommendation is this: watch this movie if you can't think of anything better. Mediocre at best...Maybe not even that.
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Great Film
31 December 2004
Having seen this film some 5 years ago, I'm constantly surprised and amazed at its ability to delight me.

Unlike other 'teen' films of its time, "10 Things" doesn't rely on crudeness, or 'grossing' its viewers out. As a result, the film seems immune to the passage of time.

Instead, the sublimely written film, which uses wit as its main source of comedy, will always appeal to those who enjoy intelligent dialogue.

Based on "the taming of the shrew", which is dubious material at its best, "10 things" manages to convey everlasting themes of angst and unrequited love.

Further more, it is probably the only Shakespeare adaptation that is better than the original material from which it was created.
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4 August 2004
I accidentally taped this film on Channel 4, instead of taping something else. Seeing that it had Courtney Cox and David Arquette, i decided to watch it.

It was a Wednesday afternoon and my decision came after the evaluation that there was little else to be done. So, I sat down, and expected to cringe at yet another hideously horrible film. I mean, what else is shown at 1am?

But, i was pleasantly surprised. OK, so the film doesn't really break any rules, and it's hardly the equivalent of _____________ (insert favourite film) but it was very enjoyable.

It had its share of laughs and though a bit predictable, it certainly was worth watching. And it was certainly in a higher league than some of the romantic movies out today! (A recent example being "Along Came Polly", a real disappointment)

If you're stuck for something to watch and just want to relax, this is the film for you. No thinking required. Just an hour or so of fun.
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Dracula 2000 (2000)
Attractive Film
7 April 2004
I also just saw this when it was on TV here in March. The film is pretty frivolous, however, I thought that Gerard Butler was really good in it.

The film was really predictable, and the only thing that wasn't obvious the whole way through (the 'twist') is revealed on this site, namely the identity of Dracula, who he really is.

I'm glad i didn't see it before watching the film, or it would have been even more unbearable.

The film wasn't exactly a waste of time to see (even if the only thing that came out of it was Gerard Butler looking very sexy) but somehow i expected better from Wes Craven. Overall this was disapointing, so don't rush out to see it as it is decidedly mediocre.
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