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Game of Thrones: The Last of the Starks (2019)
Season 8, Episode 4
First 30 minutes is flawlesss television, the last 43 minutes.. Not so much.
21 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Wow. How can a episode of television be so incredibly good and so incredibly bad at the same time... The first 30 minutes are incredibly emotional and very fun. But as soon as Daenerys gets ready to continue her invasion of westeros, everything goes downhill from the first minute. It becomes insanely rushed and doesn't feel like got at all. It is so bad it drags back those 5 extra stars the first 30 minutes deserve. That's saying something. That means the first 30 minutes is the ONLY reason why i rate this episode 5/10 and not 0/10. It could have been 10/10 if it had kept up the excellent start, but of course it didn't. The absolute worst episode of got because of this, and the only one i agree with a poor rating of. All the other episodes in this season is nowhere near as bad as people seem to think. They are nowhere near as good as Season 1-6, but still better then most tv. Especially the bells and the iron throne deserves at least a 7 in rating each. People who didn't see the Daenerys plot coming and at all liked her character through any season of the show, i'll never understand. This is becoming more and more typical for movies and tv at the moment because people don't understand the craft and how much effort stood behind EVERY aspect of got. Yes, of course it's too bad it went a little downhill in the last two seasons, but it never went as downhill as people seem to think it did. The only exception is the last 43 minutes of this episode.
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The Simpsons: Bart the Daredevil (1990)
Season 2, Episode 8
Ending makes the whole episode.
23 August 2021
If it was not for the ending, i would probably have ranked this episode 5/10. But that ending alone deserves two extra stars. I haven't laughed so much and intensely in a loooong time! Probably one of the most hilarious things i have seen in film/television.
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Game of Thrones: The Iron Throne (2019)
Season 8, Episode 6
Absolutely Perfect Ending.
20 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
And here is why. I can absolutely understand the criticism for season 8. What i will never in my life agree on is that this show now is ruined and that we should remake season 8. Even though i can kind of agree that season 8 was one of the weaker, if not the weakesg got season, this show in it's whole is still perfect. And i i know that about 10% of the whole Game Of Thrones fanbase disagree. Cause that is about how many that actually hate it, and it is just a very unfortinete convenience that it happens to be most of the haters that go in and vote the show down

As the man who played grey worm recently said in an interview, it is extremly rude and extremly shocking how you who hate season 8 have reacted. Think of how much extremly hard work the people behind this show laid into season 8. Just to be hated on and just to get 10% of the fanbase to try to ruin the show for 90% of the others... Instead of being to critical on the show, maybe stop it now? We all watched it, have different opinions on it in the end, and that was bound to happen!

We as fans do NOT own this show, and can't try to demand a remake of this! I can't even start on how extremly rude that is! The people who made Game Of Thrones had another creative thought than some of us and instead of just about wanting to kill them, you should respect them!

Game Of Thrones is the best tv show i have ever seen from start to finish, alongside Breaking Bad and people will in the end change their opinions on the show in my opinion. At least people will learn that being as rude and stampling all of the game of thrones fanbase as haters and overly critical.

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Cube (1997)
Interesting movie with a few problems
24 April 2019
Cube: 7.5/10

This movie was interesting! It has a pretty unique story, at least for it's time. It's visuals, also are pretty good for it's time. The cinematography is somwehat outdated, but still works pretty good.

I thought the writing was really on and off though. At times the writing was really weak, and seemed somewhat rushed. The actung was also at times in the movie bad from some of the actors, which really took me out of the mood of the movie. The last 30 minutes, could also have wrapped up differently than it did
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Gets kind of destroyed from bad writing, and mediocre acting.
9 December 2017
OK so the first Cube movie was extremely well made for its budget, and was a thrill ride all the way through! Compared to this movie it is an excellent movie. This movie isn't bad, but it has badly written characters, mediocre acting, and a decent story.

It is pretty interesting to watch this movie, but it doesn't come close to being as good as the first one, because when it actually has its good moments, the mediocre acting and badly written characters come and haunt the good moments! You can blame the mediocre acting at the bad writing.

Its worth the watch if you enjoyed the first one, but don't think its nearly as good.
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I can't seem to understand the love surrounding this movie?
16 October 2017
OK, just watched this whole movie! One of the only things i can think about it is how extremely long it is! if this movie had been half the time it actually is it probably wouldve been an amazing movie in my opinion! but the length destroys the whole movie! This movie is really not that interesting, with the exception of a very few scenes through it's runtime. It is impressing for its time, that was about the only thing i thought was really strong with this movie. I think this movie is very overappreciated, and trust me, i have done my fair share to understand the love for this movie, but the only thing i can do is to respect the movie, but only because, as i said earlier, it was impressive for it's time. Clark Gable's performance was also something that made this movie a little better, but it was not really anything special with the performance.
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Gran Torino (2008)
This movie is fantastic, but one person ruins almost everything...
30 September 2017
OK, so this movie is really good! I loved it actually!

Buuuut, its got one MAJOR flaw! And his name is Bee Vang.

This guy is seriously one of the worst actors i have ever seen! He is so bad, it almost ruined the whole movie for me! What did Mr. Eastwood think when he filmed this? Didn't he notice how horrible this guy is at acting? I don't understand how he let Vang play such an important role in this movie when he is so bad at acting!

The movie plot is awesome! All the actors are doing a really good job, except for Vang.

Eastwood does one of his best performances since The unforgiven. Too bad Vang ruins it all in every scene they share by making me laugh out hardtime of how dreadful his acting is.

I know this pretty much is nagging but its irritating me how bad this guy is! Please never let him act in a movie again!

Otherwise this wouldve been one of my favourite movies. Its awesome, and very entertaining.
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Very overrated, very uninteresting movie.
30 September 2017
This movie was very dissapointing to me. There seems there are some few of the movies from 2000-2010 that i really don't like as much as everyone else. Fortinently, that is one of the things i love about movies and cinema, because everyone is different, and everyone has a different view. Some movies, people agree more if it's good or bad, and some movies, people just don't agree at all.

I cant seem to see whats so entertaining about this movie. The main character is just really annoying for the most part throughout the movie, which is a very common problem in a lot of movies with women who star in the lead role nowadays, because the movie industry pushes way too hard when it comes to the feministic views and equality (of course it's good they care, but they overdo it a lot these days and ruin parts of many movies for me with this because the lead role is such an important part of a movie....) , but Morgan Freeman, and Clint Eastwood are fantastic as usual, legends as they are. Without Freeman and Eastwood, this movie probably wouldn't have been good at all, and they made the film and gave this movie some good qualities, and it is because of them this movie at least became mediocre.
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The Happening (2008)
One of the most hilariously unintentionally bad movies i have seen!
23 September 2017
This movie is hilarious. It is actually so bad, its good. The acting is absolutely dreadful! Especially from Zooey Deschanel! M. Night Shaymalan Has an extremely varied career as a director!

He has made two amazing movies (the sixth sense, and signs), as well as three OK movies (split, the village, and the visit), and three absolutely horrible movies (the happening, the last airbender, and after earth). I think this is very disappointing, since we saw in his early career that he really can make amazing movies with signs and the sixth sense, then he come with movies like the last airbender which is widely regarded as one of the worst movies of all time!

Lets go back to this movie! This movie has so many extremely stupid and dull moments that makes me laugh so hard! One example is when some of the survivors find bodies hanging while driving on a road, and after we see this, a girl in the car screams and freaks out so hard! Even though she obviously wouldve seen this before we saw the bodies hanging!

Just watch it! its actually so bad its worth watching. You will laugh so hard!!
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The Shining (1980)
The Best Movie Of All Time!
23 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
To start of, Stanley Kubrick is the best director of all time. Too many people seem to forget this amazing director, which is a shame.

Stanley Kubrick has made several of my favourite movies; Barry lyndon, A clockwork orange, and Eyes wide shut. His best movie though, is probably This one, or Barry lyndon! Most people either think barry lyndon is "boring", unnecessary, etc. It is not, but i will not go into that here, since now i will talk about The shining.

The shining is without a doubt the best Horror Movie of all time! Probably the best movie ever made. It is suspenseful, Intense, Has near perfect acting, and is not boring for one second of its runtime, even on the 120th viewing!

The shining is also one of the most mysterious movies of all time, and it is pretty hard to understand the movie, even after extremely many viewings! If you have not seen this movie, do yourself a favour and watch it this instant!


The ending of the movie is pretty well known. Jack hunts down his wife and son to kill them with an axe. I have a theory of the absolute last scene with the picture on the wall.

In my opinion this scene means that jack possibly died from the fall in the stairs earlier in the movie. Which means that what actually is hunting down jacks wife and son is the memory of both jack and delbert grady. Its an insane theory, but personally i think this could be a possible meaning with the ending. I ain't saying this is what the ending means but its one of my theories.
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Barry Lyndon (1975)
May be the most Overlooked movie of all time!
23 July 2017
This may be one of the most underrated movies of all time!

This movie moves slow, and may be the reason it has such a bad rating compared to how good it actually is! People need to learn to watch slow moving films!

In my opinion, Barry Lyndon may be among the 10 best movies ever made, and it has such a fascinating look, amazing story, many interesting stories, amazing acting, and is also among the best looking movies of all time!

Stanley Kubrick put his heart into this movie, and made something so incredibly amazing. But this is still his most overlooked movie, and no one ever mentions this movie!

Kubrick have made many of my favorite movies, among them: The shining, and a clockwork orange, but i consider this movies as good as these! No one else seems to have seen this movie, and amongst them who have seen it, never seem to like it as much as i do. Incredibly few people seem to have seen this movie the same way i have!

This is in my opinion a must-see! It doesn't matter if you like slow moving movies or not, you should watch this movie and try to look at it the same way i do. If you can manage to do so, you will have a fascinating, and fantastic three hour period in front of you.

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Game of Thrones: Mother's Mercy (2015)
Season 5, Episode 10
Most underrated episode of got!
16 July 2017
Well, this episode is in my opinion among the best ones, and absolutely the second best season ending (winds of winter is probably extremely hard, if not impossible to top)that we have had!

This episode is very intense all the way through, and is extremely underrated! I see a lot of bad reviews for this episode and i cant seem to understand what the problem with this episode is! Its very intense, very entertaining, and has a insane ending, Which made it very hard to wait just three days (i got finished with got three days before season 6)!
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The Exorcist (1973)
Masterpiece, but not the "scariest movie of all time"
8 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, so this movie is a masterpiece. This is one of the best horror movies of all time, but its not the scariest movie of all time! It says that on the cover on all the physical copies, but thats not true at all. I can agree that it might was horrifying when it came out, and you went to see it, and had no idea what this movie was, but now its not so scary, except for a few scenes. Its more disturbing and mysterious, but i would still consider it a horror movie because of the darkness in the movie. The movie is about a 12 year old girl, called Reagan. She gets possessed by a demon called Pazuzu. In the start of the possession, they think it is the nerves and signs of puberty. But they are horribly wrong! A absolute must- see for horror fans, and one of the best movies of all time! Enjoy it!
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It (1990)
Fantastic mini show that could have been just a little bit more scary
8 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This mini show, is fantastic, but lasts a little too long and could have been scarier. But if you don't think about those two things you have a awesome mini show that all horror fans should watch. It is about a killer clown that kills children that are scared when they see him. Pennywise, which is its name, are played by Tim Curry, and he does a fantastic job at being creepy, and its not his fault that they didn't put in more creepy scenes with him, because those scenes are the absolute best scenes in the show! The first part i would consider to be nearly perfect, because this are for the most part interesting because Stephen King, who wrote the novel have done a fantastic job with setting up interesting stories for the different children in the first part. In the second part, it isn't as interesting because the adults are pretty weird individuals, and they could have been made more realistic. Absolutely a must see for horror fans though. The second part is pretty good, even though it doesn't live up to the first part. The ending, is pretty disappointing as well, since i hoped they would actually fight Pennywise when it was a clown, but instead i think he was a spider.
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Lost (2004–2010)
Amazing TV series, which disappoints the last two seasons.
7 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I love this show. A must watch TV show, which just lasted a little bit too long. The first four seasons though, are so good and you're addicted from the first episode! This show is about survivors of a plane crash that gets stranded on a mysterious island. It happens a lot of mysterious things that make the people on the island wonder what is going on. From this moment the story just get more and more exciting! You're going to love this show. But this show also have some weak sides to it. At moments, there are too little happening and at times there are too much happening. If you don't follow along, sometimes you may miss something important in the story. So just watch the whole time, which most of the time wont be a problem because its very exciting. But the last two seasons though, are very disappointing. You have to watch them as well, because its some good parts in the last two seasons as well, but its still not the same thing as the four first seasons. Keep that in mind when you're watching them.
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Battlefield: Hardline (2015 Video Game)
Pretty disappointing battlefield game
7 May 2016
I've always liked the battlefield games, but this is the first time i have been disappointed by one of their games. Its too much like the masterpiece battlefield 4, which destroys the whole game, because the weapons are almost the same as in battlefield 4. The maps are too big, and the maps are taken over by insanely good snipers that stand everywhere and kill you. But if you don't think about all the most important things you have a playable game that you can play until battlefield 1 comes out;) i think that will be the best game in 2016, and the best game in the series so far! Buy this game if you just want a battlefield ti play while you wait on the new one. No other reason to buy it.
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Call of Duty: Black Ops III (2015 Video Game)
Very good call of duty game, but the hardest one yet!
7 May 2016
Okay. This call of duty game is very good, but its extremely hard, because its so many extremely good players you play against. Its not near being as good as modern warfare, world at war, or black ops, but its still very good. But i still miss the good old only on the ground type of call of duty. I think its time for them to go back to that style, or i think most of the call of duty players will go over to other games. Its worth playing while waiting on the call of duty modern warfare remaster though. I really hope they go back to the old fashion cod after infinite warfare though... if not, i think i permanently go over to battlefield and cs go. So watch out call of duty. The weapons in this game though are pretty disappointing, and its very hard to figure out which weapons that is for you except for a few weapons like kf-44 and locus.
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The most disturbing movie I've ever watched and ever going to see!
5 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Cannibal holocaust is a very good movie, but its also a gruesome movie. I am a person who can handle blood, guts and gore very good, but this was totally insane! I was so offended at some points in this movie that i almost threw up! The other thing i didn't like about this movie is that the acts they did to the animals. I've never liked to see animals die or being tortured in movies, but i can handle it okay. In this movie though, i did not believe what i saw at times! They cut off the legs of a turtle while it was alive, and ripped of the shell of the turtle as well! But other than this i would call this movie a fantastic movie! The shots in this movie is fantastic, and we get a look at what humanity can do to the jungle! Absolutely a must watch for a horror fan, but not if you're easily offended. I think it will be a long long time to the next time i will see this movie, since even though it is a masterpiece, i do not wish to be so offended as i was when i watched this movie again!
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Absolutely a horror movie must see!
5 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This is very good but not fantastic. I would say that this movie isn't good for what it is, but for what it started!it started the whole series of awesome Friday the 13th movies, and is absolutely worth seeing for that! This movie though, has way too many calm moments, but i like these calm moments, but i don't thunk many like it. But remember, its not very good for what it is, but for what it started. I think you have to see this if you're going to watch the other ones. Its absolutely worth it. Another bad thing though, is that Jason is not with in this movie. Jason is the serial killer in all the other movie, except for one more i think. I wouldn't consider this a classic though because its so many elements going against that, but its still a great movie. A must see for horror fans.
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