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Flatliners (2017)
Having not seen the original, this is abysmal
1 October 2017
This film is strange in many ways. Throughout the film, I questioned the choice of actors in each role. None of them felt like they truly cared about their character and just read from a script. Jack Bauer's appearance was a shock to the system, only finding out after the film he was in the original. His bit-part character was very questionable, clearly only there for the money and/or nostalgia factor. He didn't add anything to this poor film. Then there's the genre and storyline. It's all over the place. With no depth to any characters, you rotate between each of their half-baked stories. I didn't go into the cinema expecting this to turn into a horror but it tries to be. Had the film stuck with an action plot, where it explores the bounds of life and death, this could have been good. But its not, if you want action you have better chance in the bedroom.
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The Walking Dead: Hostiles and Calamities (2017)
Season 7, Episode 11
27 February 2017
Whenever Negan is featured, this show gets better. The depth this character adds to TWD is exactly what this series needed. While not the main character in this episode, it is intriguing to see how a character like Eugene changes under Negans arm. As someone who has read the comics (don't worry, no spoilers!), this episode is an interesting take on that character arc. As with every 'individual character episode', this lacked a bit of depth for me. It was cool to see Dwight eventually finding out about Sherry and it will be interesting to see where the final few episodes take us till next season when surely, the war will be triggered.

+ Unique story-line not seen in the comics, which could alter the Eugene character we know and love + Eugene's credentials are backed up with his science experiments - TWD is clearly stretching out what it can from the comics so it doesn't surpass them
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The Walking Dead: Them (2015)
Season 5, Episode 10
Unlike the others, I was left disappointed
16 February 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This episode continues from Tyreese's death and the entire plot of this episode can be summed up in just a couple of sentences..

We watch the group as they each personally deal with the long road ahead of them and the deaths of characters gone by. The real grind of having to cope in the wild and day to day life (aka travelling and foraging for supplies) is more than highlighted in this episode. For the first time we see Daryl become emotional and scared, we see Maggie become near suicidal and the vicar give up hope in god.

Now whilst that is all well and good, background and depth to the characters blah, blah, blah.. that takes up a good 40 minutes or so of the 45 minute episode! To be honest, I feel as though this is another episode that could easily have been 'blanketed' across the rest of the series rather than just creating one dedicated to filler.

I was close to giving this a 7 out of ten simply because of the intrigue that the final 2 minutes provides the viewer. However, when rewinding and analysing my score, I could not justify how a filler with a great ending could get a respectable review. whilst I'm excited for the next episode (and always will be - huge fan of TWD here!), I just expect a bit more.
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Unimaginative to say the least
9 February 2015
Warning: Spoilers
So having read through the first compendium and a tad of the second, I knew Tyreese was a character just waiting to be killed off at the opportune moment. This was not it.

This entire episode is about that sole moment that happens, Tyreese being bit by a walker. Tyreese, an experienced member of the crew, would not have easily fell for the ploy that the writers had set. Being bit by a 'ninja zombie' as others have said is just not his style of dying.

Throughout this episode, I felt like I was dying. His death was dragged out for way too long also. I expected so much more from the return of Season 5. I wanted to see how the writers can come up with something creative as to where the group goes next, but not this. Maybe the series will start to drop off from this point onward? Their intentions to possibly go to Washington anyway seems like a ludicrous decision..but heck, this series ain't no Breaking Bad.

How on earth this episode has an average of 8.9 stuns me, must surely be people who were simply excited for its return. I gave it a 7 and expect the average reviews to simmer around that mark when the buzz dies down.
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The Walking Dead: Consumed (2014)
Season 5, Episode 6
Lusting for a bit more
17 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers
In all honesty, this episode of The Walking Dead was a bit of a filler for me. One perhaps that at the end of series 5, us loyal and devoted fans could say could be without.

Now, that may come across harsh which I totally get. This episode takes Daryl and Carol's journey to find Beth through Atlanta to the hospital, bumping into Noah along the way. After a tricky first impression of each other, they eventually bond to achieve a common goal - save Beth.

Carol in the meanwhile is taken out by one of the hospital's vehicles in a deliberate crash. Her injuries have her taken by the ambulance back to the hospital whilst Daryl agonisingly watches on (whether this is the long term injury she now has as hinted at a few episodes back, we shall see).

The episode doesn't really have much character development other than some cringeworthy moments of dialog between the two main characters. There is no huge cliffhanger that makes the viewer beg for more.

In all honesty, yes this is a solid episode but from the likes of The Walking Dead and what great reputation they have, I just expected more.
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RoboCop (2014)
Coming from the POV of a newbie
16 November 2014
Now I've never seen the first original Robocop but by golly was it on my 'to watch' list. The raving about the original made me watch this revamp when it came out on Netflix in the same year of release.

I found this film to be a high budget movie with a script that doesn't really have as much depth as I'm sure the original has. As a newbie, I was somewhat confused why the doctor acted by Gary Oldman was so sympathetic, why they had to choose a 'disabled person' to enter the robot and the reasoning behind the anger portrayed toward the end of the film for Robocop. Yes, I understand there was some sort of dark behind the books work by the cops to get the character to be Robocop, but this storyline just falls a bit flat for me.

Overall, I was left somewhat confused by this film. The storyline was too much on a whim and didn't offer the depth I'd expect from such a big name. Entertaining none the less, the big budget Robocop gets a 7 from me.
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The Walking Dead: Self Help (2014)
Season 5, Episode 5
Just survive
10 November 2014
This episode of The Walking Dead was unexpected from the very off. We now follow the three groups (Beth at the Hospital, Rick et al at the church and Eugene's safety crew to DC) in alternating episodes.

In the episode prior to this, you'd expect to see more of a development in the hospital and finally getting to see what happens on Daryl + Carol's journey to rescue Beth. However, we get great character development from the viewpoints of two rather mysterious till now characters - Sgt Abraham and Eugene.

This episode is where these two quiet really do shine as you see a glimpse into Abraham's history soon after the zombie apocalypse. His family deserts him after 'the straw that broke the camels back' moment occurs when he kills someone - who and why, we don't know!

On the edge of suicide, the Sargent is saved by the sense of hope that Eugene provides him when stumbling across his path with walkers. Deciding to retract the gun from his mouth after finding his wife and two children dead, he joins Eugene on the trip for the cure.

Eugene on the other hand is a totally different kettle of fish after this episode and by golly, I wasn't expecting it. Turns out that Eugene is no Doctor at all and just used this 'cure' as an opportunity to survive with a crew! He believes that DC has the safest protection against this apocalypse so used the story to get where he is today.

The whole episode concludes with us pondering where on earth the series can go next. It appears there is no hope other than to 'just survive' for all involved but I'm sure the writers and the comic book has more up its sleeve. Whether Eugene survives the brutal retaliation from Abraham or Abraham finally pulls the trigger on himself is yet to be seen.

This episode deserves a 9 because of the insight into the two very interesting characters that so far have taken a back seat.
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The Walking Dead: Slabtown (2014)
Season 5, Episode 4
Low key, slow paced but great none the less
3 November 2014
You cannot deny that this episode takes Season 5 of The Walking Dead down a notch. Somewhat unexpected by me, the storyline here follows Beth since being kidnapped in an earlier episode with Daryll. We find new characters as her position in the zombie apocalypse is in the hands of corrupt police officers who are trying to rebuild society from a hospital.

We have a guest appearance from 'Everybody hates Chris' which kind of ruined the vibe for me personally, I always love to see 'new' actors rather than big names as they are always destined to go either way: last the remainder of the entire show (end of season 6+!) or have a cameo role.

The storyline from the start to midway of this 45 minute episode is a 6 at best, but the directors obviously want you to understand from the base up where Beth is and how she got there. Once past the halfway point in this episode, the viewer finally realises why this episode is rather lacklustre compared to those before it, totally changing the review score.

I'd say that the cliffhanger at the end isn't so exciting as the rest but I am really looking forward to Daryl and Carol's branched story. Overall, this is an episode that introduces the viewer to a fresh scenario. Not every episode is going to be jaw-dropping and this is a good change of pace.
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The Walking Dead: Four Walls and a Roof (2014)
Season 5, Episode 3
27 October 2014
This is an episode of The Walking Dead at its very best. The 45 minutes or so of screen time has you attached from the off. There is no dull moment in this episode, of which I worried from the 2nd episode of series 5 would be a rehash of The Governor. So many twists and turns in this episode make it a great watch as the viewer observes how Ricks group faces off the group from Terminus. You learn a lot about how society has changed coupled with an in-depth look into the life of the mysterious priest character. At the end of the episode, the story really takes off in a brand new branch not yet explored yet by this post apocalyptic series. I love how the team at AMC are so particular about the details and I really look forward to how the two groups will emerge. As always, a spectacular cliffhanger leaves this episode on a knife-edge. It well and truly rounded off one of the best moments of TV, again provided by The Walking Dead.
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The Walking Dead: Strangers (2014)
Season 5, Episode 2
Slightly disappointed but still longing for more!
20 October 2014
So here goes for my first ever written IMDb review!

This episode leads on from the incredible high set by the first episode set in Season 5 of The Walking Dead. The crew are on foot, away from Terminus and has the audience captivated as to where they are heading to next.

Turns out, nowhere really. This episode sees the cast stumble through a forest to find a priest who is about to be killed by walkers. The priest is searched by Rick, one of the only members of the crew who is suspicious of his character from the off.

The priest takes the group into shelter in his church nearby and advises them on where food and supplies could be nearby. This splits the group off which takes up a vast majority of this episode.

Not too much happens in the way of thrills and action in the second episode of season five until the last few minutes. Once the crew are back in the church, they somewhat unite with 'the army guy' to go to Washington DC to find the cure. Yet, Bob is snatched away from anyone's notice by a masked figure - could this be Morgan from the bonus credits scene from episode one!?

Turns out no. It's the group from Terminus who are now without a home. They begin their fightback against our gang by ravaging Bob, eating him piece by piece alive! The episode ends, this time with no stinger appearing after credits!

So with the basic scene set in this review, I find that this episode has a lot of filler; from the very first minute to the fortieth, this episode has very little in the way of character development or shock value. Stumbling upon the priest and seeking refuge seems a tad cliché in this comic book series and we have seen plenty a time before when 'war' emerges between Rick's crew and another.

The reason this episode deserves an eight is for the climatic ending to the episode. Whilst I don't wish for a repeat of an entire series (i.e. The Governor), it will be interesting to see how this storyline plays itself out. As a huge fan of the show who is only just catching up on the comic book itself, this episode leaves many doors open as to where this series can go; or it can loop back on itself with a repeat of season 3.
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