
21 Reviews
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The Fall Guy (2024)
A really enjoyable movie - no politics -
3 May 2024
I hate that I have to say this, but what an absolute relief to be able to just watch a movie that seems to be primarily concerned with being a good movie and not imparting any kind of politics whatsoever.

This film is about love and it was fun and lighthearted, but with an enough depth to keep one fully Immersed.

Emily Blunt and Ryan Gosling are absolutely fabulous. I found Emily Blunt performance to be quietly moving and guzzling was precise and believable as usual.

The stunts were really amazing and the pieces were fun too. The whole film felt like it had heart and passion, and even though it doesn't seem to break any ground, Who says we need to break ground all the time? Especially these days, it's nice to have something that celebrates the simplicity of life.

Well done to all involved. A fantastic picture.
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MUST SEE! Truly beautiful meditation on life and old Japan
19 November 2023
This film was a pure joy. The kind of joy that makes you ache inside and shed some tears wondering where you have been living all this time. Wondering how you miss the beauty, simplicity and honourableness available to us all in this one radiant life. This movie captures the soul of community. It feels as warm and hearty as the ramen soup that is served.

It has the feel of melancholy and nostalgia for a dying time. And a world of simplicity and straightforwardness that we have all but lost with our modern ways.

It is cinematic soul food. And a very tasty Japanese kind. The kind that fills you with gratitude and sorrow at the same time. Go and watch this movie. See it alone, or see it with your friends, then go outside and enjoy your precious life. Arigatou Gozaimasu 🙏
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I miracle of a movie
22 October 2023
This film is pure gold.

It's so subtle and quiet that it might pass some by, but it hold a beautiful essence and love on its heart.

The cinematic feel of this film brings you right into the place and time.

The actors and absolutely beautiful even with perhaps slightly flawed Irish accents.

It's a simple film that only sets out to accomplish a simple mission.

But along the way seems to get swept up in it own humble grace.

I wish reviews didn't have to be so long, sometimes I don't have a lot to say.

This film left me feeling touched and close to the fragility of life and the power and beauty of forgiveness to heal all wounds.
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I'll never understand why so many people don't love this movie
11 October 2023
This film is one of the most beautiful, dark and emotional Disney animations, if not if the best family films of all time. It's utterly original in its approach to a time tested story that many know and love.

This is the kind of move in a league such as Princess Bride, it's absolutely bursting with heart, it has a great story, is beautifully made with absolutely unforgettable performances, it is an instant cult classic to all those with eyes to see and hearts to feel.

Then there's the design of those movie, if you watched it only for the visual splendour and dizzying action that would be enough. But no, the characters hook you in and you fall in love. I identified so much the protagonist when I first saw it, it was like I was in the movie. Absolutely magic. Unbelievable that this movie isn't heralded as one of the greats. I guess many people don't have a taste for the finer things in life, which this movie most certainly is.

Yes it's not perfect and polished in every way and it's full of quirkiness, and that's what's makes it so amazing. You can feel the love that went into this movie, so don't listen to anyone who tells you otherwise, go and experience this adventure for yourself. You might just stumble upon some treasure. Or even fall in love.
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Blue Beetle (2023)
Woah what a super fun superhero movie!
24 August 2023
I haven't seen many of the DC movies but this and e me want to see more. It felt really fresh and exciting while also being homey and full of natrual feeling values like family and love and courage.

WOW what charisma Xolo has! He is truly perfection in this role. Susan Sarandon elevated the whole picture too. And the grandmother omg! It's hard ti single out actors as everyone did a really good job but those guys really shine.

I watched this movie in 4DX which added an extra layer of fun and the whole theatre was having a wild time.

This is everything a blockbuster should be.

It makes you happy! It's sad in all the right ways and just all around sexy fun and super great!

The visual effects and style felt much more grounded compared to many marvel movies.

I don't know exactly what it was but movie just felt RIGHT.

Well done to everyone involved.

Great job.
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Elemental (2023)
A heart touching movie
26 July 2023
I don't understand the hate, maybe people's expectations are too high for Pixar as they have some of the best films of all time. But let's chill out and enjoy life rather than loosing our light ;) to endless comparisons.

Leave your movie critical mind at the door and enjoy some magic. Because that's what Pixar have crated here.

This movie was so beautiful. Visually is was really pretty and had so much detail it was quite astounding.

The story is what stood out though. It was just pure and simple and filled with heart.

I love the music by Thomas Newman, it felt like he was learning even further into his eastern influences and creating music with such character.

The voice acting from the leads was really wonderful.

Overall it was an extremely vibrant movie with a powerful story that touched me.

Over all I'd give this an 8 out of 10.
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So. Much. Fun!
24 July 2023
Wow. What a movie. I watching this flick in 4DX the perhaps slightly over the top medium where the seats move with the action on screen. I think with another title this could have felt slightly ridiculous but with such a solid and utterly bombastic movie like this it added value. Now, while the move was jaw dropping action, the truthfulness and real sense of humanity held everything together so beautifully. It is a film that wasn't sentimental but was totally full of heart, earnest and an honest sense of play, something so rare these days.

Tom Cruise delivered, as he always seems to do? While the rest of the cast were utterly on point the whole time. Featuring a particularly fabulous character from Vanessa Kirby.

From the soundtrack to the story this is just a fantastically made action movie.

I would say it's not the kind of thing that stays with you long, but it's so much good clean fun that I'd b i t think really matters here.

Bravo to everyone involved.
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Totally absurd, a rare beauty
7 March 2023
What I loved so much about this film is how it is so obviously handcrafted. With so much love.

This is a world that feels like a dream, but a tangible lived in dream.

I was spellbound from the beginning by the intricate beauty of the movie. From the production design to the heartfelt and wonderfully quirky characters.

This is film of pure imagination. And while it's an escape I think everyone can come away with core understanding about what I means to be alive. In all it's colours.

I felt like I'd encountered an endangered animal, having the pleasure of being whisked away by this work of art on the big screen.

It's messy, and strange and flawed and oh, so human.

A magical masterpiece, food for the movie goers soul.
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Do you wanna know why I smile so much? Cause it's worth it.
2 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Marcel the shell 🐚 is a very touching film.

I conjured an appreciation of life's simplicity and gentle exposed to beauty of our quirkiness as human beings.

From the very start, the film is disarmingly emotionally authentic. Taking itself seriously in all the right places as it continues to poke fun at everything but the hearts of its characters.

Marcel felt slower, no pun intended, and this allowed for a deeper experience than most films offer their young viewers.

It was definitely nuanced, tackling head on themes of grief and loneliness, caring for the elderly and even Alzheimer's.

Everything felt like it was offered with such grace.

The soundtrack was absolutely beautiful and totally unique, you barely felt it's presence but it complemented this wonderful world sublimely.

Tye film felt like an entirely inspired creation from top to bottom.

The attention to detail was stunning and characters performances rang with such effortless verisimilitude.

The main character Marcel was so lovable and cute.

There was such a sense of ease peace that was created by this film. Truly you can feel the care and loving attention of the creators ooze through this tender and playful picture.
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Tár (2022)
I didn't enjoy it
26 February 2023
Tár was a painful watch. A cold and almost clinical window into narcissism and the worst parts of humanity, portrayed with little compassion. But perhaps that's point?

It left me with the cold feeling, is life really like that?

I don't feel it it is. I felt like I'd stumbled onto a nightmare.

The cold concrete blocks of the protagonists home are enough to give you a feel for the heart of this film. Dark, corrupted and paranoid. It's a film of the mind, without the joyful beating of a heart.

I can't recommend it on that basis.

Everyone was playing their part, and doing it exceptionally well. It was just a vision, the kind of modern cinema that looses the magic of life in its pursuit of reality, that I couldn't get on board with.

6/10 would never watch again.

We need more heart and life affirming content in our cinema.

Truth be told, I thought it was going to be a biopic, as soon as I realised it was a fantasy if a biopic and a cold clinical dark one, I was turned off and reminded of absolutely agonising hours I spent watching Vox Lux.

Faith in humanity destroying content.

I still love cate Blanchett and can't help admiring the craft, she brought total attention to this character. Though if the craft isn't affirming something beyond the horrors of being human, it doesn't gel with me.

A limited scope sucked the life out of this experience and left an empty taste.

But again, perhaps the point.
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Aftersun (II) (2022)
Truthful and poignant
25 February 2023
This film danced between the tender moments of childhood and adolescence. It had a light touch but held so much depth.

It is one of those extraordinary films that just feels real.

A pure unfiltered slice of life. Perhaps filter through the artistic lens of the director, but the simple grace of each frame brings one totally into the moment.

It moved at a perfect pace. And dipped in and out of weighty topics without ever lingering.

It was a story in many ways told through the eye of young girl. And the portrait of beautiful broken man. We watch how the two collide together and bounce off each other in the swirling dance of life.

The stillness was palpable. In the quiet shots of nothing much happening at all. Isn't that life?

Much ado about nothing.

Simply beautiful and very touching.
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Listen to your heart, not your head
22 February 2023
This film was one that conjured up faith.

It was a deep meditation on sacrifice and the true meaning of love.

I captured the beauty and agony of selfless service and the pain of being human.

It served as an examination of ego and how the mind or the ego, plays us, and takes us away from truly matters. How we cling to the forms of life and miss the life that inhabits them.

I found it deeply moving. It illustrated the total innocence and purity of childhood.

I walked out of the cinema changed. In a silent state. Connected to something greater than my individual self.

It is a film about truth.
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I profoundly moving and refreshingly understand picture
18 February 2023
Mendes has made felt like a quiet masterpiece.

The film moves through many layers and levels of complexity and handles it all with grace and class.

One can't help but be loved by the touching and emotionally honest portrayal from Olivia Coleman.

The film oozes with nostalgia and a deep love and reverence for cinema, honesty, connection and the human condition.

The soundtrack was beautiful, veering away from the classic notes of Thomas Newman, instead teetering on a very subtle ambient score from Trent Reznor, and Atticus Ross. This still feels very much like a Mendes film.

Empire of Light is a melancholy joy. Overflowing with nuance and pathos. It feels like a broadsheet of a movie in a sea of cheap thrills and dwindling attention spans, Empire is a bacon.

It's all so very British. In the best possible way.
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Sing 2 (2021)
Full of heart
8 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This film was a musical adventure. It was full of simple and lovely characters with unique quirks.

It didn't try to over complicate things and leaves you inspired and touched in the most little ways.
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Belle (2021)
Deeply touching fantasy tale
5 February 2022
A very heartfelt story of a girls journey through grief.

Simple, at times derivative, yet beautiful.

Stunning visuals and a glorious shimmering soundtrack.

At once over the top and yet understated when I'm the "real" word.
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A film about service
14 January 2022
A rather beautiful film, although piled with action and dramatised violence.

The film plays like a prequel to the previous films and succeeds in deepening Ralph Fiennes character and hammering home what I consider to be the message of the films; there's is no greater pleasure nor honour, than that of service to what is truly right.

There were some lacklustre moments, such as the arch villain who, for example felt quite inconsequential. Along with some contrived scriptwriting. There is however plenty to live for in the film. There are strong and some wonderfully quirky characters with heart and some deeply satisfying execution of action and fight scenes.

The film never seems to reach for greatness, quite in keeping with its modest and reserved protagonists, instead it lures your down some unfamiliar territory and packs quite a punch with some unexpected moves.

Overall a fun film, with a strong heart.
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Cloud Atlas (2012)
A beautiful messy masterpiece
27 December 2021
The first time watching Cloud Atlas, it blew me away. Visually, emotionally, thematically, sonically, spiritually and in every other way that mattered.

It was the first time I saw comedy interwoven with real horror and sprawling adventure spliced with huge existential ideas.

It was a mash of so many stories, all tied together in one shimmering tale about absolutely everything that it means to be human and beyond.

It tickled every fantasy and pulled off so many tones it was incredible.

I would go to watch the film countless times. And each and every time, notice something new.

Sometimes it would be a small detail, like an actor playing a part I didn't see the first time. Sometimes it would be the transitions, which seems to weave together and rise and fall like crashing waves interlinked across lifetimes. Other times I'd find a new understanding of the philosophy as it hit me harder at a different point in my life.

It's a film that seems to morph as I watch it, being so filled with brilliance it's like it can't all be digested at once. Each time is a feast with new flavours that you didn't know we're waiting to be tasted.

As a filmmaker it's a true inspiration of how the boundaries can be pushed.

I'm forever grateful that this was made and that I get to experience this art work again and again.
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The most beautiful fantasy action movie
30 July 2020
This movie has such gorgeous visuals and emotional depth it's so powerful. You can't go wrong watching this.
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BoJack Horseman (2014–2020)
Colourful psychedelic journey through the dark night of the soul.
25 February 2020
I started watching Bo Jack when I was 17 years old. I am now 23. This show grew in depth and maturity as I did. The way that it captures the darkness and ugliness of life, while also celebrating in its wild crazy unpredictability, is like nothing else. While I struggled with purpose, meaning, mental health, drugs and the rich expanse of life that is sometimes so difficult, I felt I could relate to Bo Jack Horseman. It is a very honest portrayal of many things. And a very, very, gloriously silly way to do it. I grew with these characters. There is something profound about this. This piece of art, that I know will never be done again. The attention and care and genius that is here, is worth celebrating. Thank you for Bo Jack Horseman
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Brazil (1985)
Difficult to watch
6 January 2020
Savagely dull, Unrelentingly un entertaining and bleak. And yet a possibly relatively realistic portrayal of our future.
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All Is True (2018)
If you love gorgeous, relaxededly paced period films
9 February 2019
I don't understand all the hate!

This film was a beautiful, low key escape to a time and place, green, lucious & less sensationalised.

For what is was, it couldn't be better.
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