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31 May 2022
I personally don't think this needed an audience or a stage. Presentation doesn't matter only the material. And in my opinion the material is fantastic and had us laughing really hard.
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Lego Masters: Space Smash (2020)
Season 1, Episode 2
13 February 2020
I like the idea of this show. It's basically master chef with legos instead of food. The first episode was cool. I like the idea of building these big landscapes that you fit together. It'd be suffice enough for each episode to be a different themed landscape. But in this episode they just built something to destroy it. You lose points if it doesn't get destroyed cool enough. Wtf. This episode kind of neglects the point of legos.
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The Mandalorian (2019– )
The vibe is finally right
12 November 2019
This is the Star Wars atmosphere and feeling I've been waiting for. No dumb humor, cool characters, and a story I can take seriously. I'm a big fan of what they've done with this series so far and current Star Wars filmmakers need to take notes. The cinematography is amazing. You can tell they use practicality as much as possible and CGI is used only for the obvious like spaceships and creatures etc. It's a truly remarkable balance of old and new.
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Surviving R. Kelly (2019–2023)
A well put together documentary
8 October 2019
Surviving R Kelly is the perfect balance of outting Kelly as a sick and dangerous man while also providing background info on Kelly's childhood so that we can better understand how his sexual habits came to be.
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I can see why some might not like it but I was enthralled
30 July 2019
To me, this film is a culmination of all of Tarantino's past films blended together. This is a film about films, a film about why we make films. It's a long movie with constant movie references and tributes and if you don't pick up on any of these things while watching you probably won't enjoy the first 2 hours. This is a dialogue driven, hangout movie paying tribute to Tarantino's film ingredient roots. However, if you're a film fanatic, a history fanatic or a film history fanatic this movie is what you've been waiting for. This film has so much going for it and it is one of the most enjoyable experiences I've had at the theater in a long time. Both Leonardo DiCaprio and Brad Pitt give two of the best performances in their long careers. Don't go into this movie ready for action at every corner. You'll get your action. Until then relax and get transported back to 1969.
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The Lion King (2019)
Can You Feel the Love Tonight is in broad day light
12 July 2019
I hope I'm not in the minority when I say this film is completely pointless. It's Lion King. And that's it. Lion King Remastered. Shot for shot remake with no emotion whatsoever.

Watch 1994 Lion King. It's a shame such a huge amount of incredible talent was wasted on this.
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Yesterday (III) (2019)
Watch this movie if plot holes don't bother you and you don't want to think
1 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This is a good family film. Well acted. Can't really complain with the direction I guess. The music of course is good. Even the idea isn't bad. But the writing is kind of terrible which sends the movie to a place I was disappointed with. There just seems to be too many plot-holes to count with this whole "blackout" scenario which I expected to be explained but it isn't. And the films conclusion raised so many more questions.

This film centers around an aspiring musician and his manager friend who's really hot and obviously in love with him, but he's too stupid to know it and then one night he's in an accident involving a nationwide blackout and when he wakes up no one knows who the Beatles are so he decides to write their songs himself and gain success.

First of all this film spends most of the movie just talking about how good the Beatles were instead of letting us hear why. I feel like this movie could've been about any bands disappearance. On top of that they threw in this really messy love story that they don't explain well and in the end comes off as a bit toxic.

And the Beatles aren't the only thing that people forgot. There's also Harry Potter, Coca Cola, the band oasis, and all of cigarettes... are you serious? What the hell is this black out? I get the fairy tale story idea but make it a more sound structure. Make me believe it.

I feel this movie would've been better if it didn't try so hard to avoid being obvious. It should've ended with him just waking up in the hospital after hitting his head and realizing that he should just write his own music and proclaim his love to his childhood friend and recognizing he's happy where he is. The end. Lesson learned.

Instead...After feeling guilty about taking credit for their music, the character proclaims his love for his longtime friend at his biggest show and then admits that the Beatles wrote all of the songs, but the Beatles still never existed so no one knows who they are or what he's really talking about. So he kinda just comes off as insane and then releases all the music for free for all the world to hear, saying he doesn't want any money for it(even though earlier he admits to not remembering how a lot of the songs go) and everyone just accepts it.

In the films final scenes, all appear happy. The main character got his girl, and he works at her school now I guess? And they're all singing a song. So in the end, the world never goes back to normal, the only trace of the Beatles that are left are these half realized covers of whatever some guy remembered of them, we live in a Pepsi world, JK Rowling is still living on welfare, and it took all of this for the main character to realize he loves his childhood friend.

(Also there are two very bizarre scenes one where he meets unsuccessful and alive John Lennon where more one note jokes about the Beatles not existing occur. The other scene is with two other people who remember the Beatles as well, one guy is from Russia and the other is a woman from Liverpool. Okay?)
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This is garbage. Borderline propaganda.
14 April 2019
This movie credits Sandra bullocks character for everything that happens. She just swoops in and gives Michael all his ability. Do some research even the real guy hates what they did with this movie. Can't believe this was nominated for best picture. Just another white savior movie with a one dimensional version of the actual hero.
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