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Civil War (2024)
Nauseating and poorly executed
15 April 2024
I cannot tell you how much I regret begging my husband on Saturday to see this film. It looked good from the preview, the ratings were good at 7.6 on IMDB, I couldn't miss. We hadn't seen a movie at the cinema in about a year, this had to be good, maybe a tad silly but still was bound to be overall a good night out watching a decent film.. That was the hope.

From about 30 minutes in, my joy turned to mixed feelings, non caring, confusion, boredom, annoyance (mostly at character Jessie and hoping she gets killed off sooner rather than later) and lastly a ray of hope that this movie would at one point make any sense and worth the watch. Who knew who is fighting who? None of its clear, it's poor acting by most so you can tell you are watching actors in a film rather than engrossed into the story. In the end, I didn't care for any of the characters, the storyline was silly, no background provided, no context, poorly executed and Jessie infuriated me the most.

Maybe the point of the story was for young people to listen to the wiser elders rather their own foolish, impulsive recklessness. Otherwise yourself or other people can get hurt trying to protect you.

I do give full marks to making the action scenes look real at the end. That is where my praise ends. Script, actors, directing all are poor.

At the end, my husband both spoke at the same time that it was the worst film seen or just how bad it was.

The potential was there but massively let down.

Conclusion: if you are desperate to see it - wait until it's included in your paid tv subscription channels.
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Fool Me Once (2024)
Maya is pretty but can't carry a film
21 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The main actress in this mini series is very pretty if that is criteria to play a main character, but she cannot carry this series. Not sure if it's her Botox, but she has no multiple emotions, throughout the whole series she can show only a few emotions, when this is all about finding her sister and husband killer. She is also bordering on not likeable. The series is insanely slow, and a lot of the time boring. Thankfully I can press the forward button.

There are also many holes, or characters way to slow (eg the detective) or others that are annoyingly daft in general. As for family, pfft everyone hates the other.
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11 December 2023
What an excruciating slow movie that goes nowhere. Nada! You would think Julia Roberts, Ethan,Ali and Kevin bacon would give us a good film. All I can think of, they must all be desperate for cash, or this is the best script they saw from a mountain of bad scripts.

Ethan is just painful to watch, Julia is not likeable and the whole storyline of how Ali, Ethan and Julia meet and the first night is bizarre.

The extreme slowness of the movie or the suspense out of nothing made me forward quite a bit of the movie. I got sick of seeing people always looking out the window for no reason but for lengthy periods at a time.

So many plot holes, and at the end I just didn't care about any of them.

A total miss and regret wasting my evening on such trash.
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The Night Agent (2023– )
Rose is a terrible actress
3 June 2023
Got onto this show, but every scene Rose is in I cringe. She is terrible, she can't act. Same face for whatever emotion she is supposed to feel. Where is true emotion? She has none.

She doesn't sound like a computer brainy person but wow is she annoying, stuck up and is just unlikable. She sounds like a real nasty pushy person too for the very guy trying to help her, like she knows better than anyone else. The male lead is only reason why I am watching it. He can act well.

Please kill Rose off, she spoils the show.

Will keep it going for one more in the hope this gets better. Maybe Rose gets some acting lessons?
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The Recruit (2022– )
Side characters are terrible
11 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The side actors of the house mates as well as the idiocy, immature VIOLET and LESTOR need to stop. It is so annoying. Not one of them can Act. Did you pull them right out of acting school? Secondly they bring absolutely no value to the story line. Not one of them is likeable. Violet and LESTOR, what is their purpose in the show? Just be act like bratty, nasty teenagers whol like to play practical jokes on Owen for no particular reason. Are you serious! They never seem to do any work. Where Janus Ferber (the other lawyer) needs drugs to keep him awake as he's so exhausted. Make it make sense!! I tried to get through 2 episodes but just couldn't. It's boring, badly scripted, the whole Mac MAladze storyline, just waiting for it to end, and a new story line start, unless this storyline is the whole premise of this show.

I will also add even though Owen is supposed to be the new recruit, I am struggling how he managed to get through law school. He is the most naive person I have ever watched on tv that didn't have further health issues. I hope for the rest of the viewers who decide to keep watching, he wisens up more.

Max keeps saying she has these secrets to expose, and.... At what point does Owen question her motives, and get her to show real proof of what she's got, before he risks his life.

So confused why the General Counsel just goes along with everything Owen says, even though Owen tells him very little, Next, how can Owen ask for records from the Records Department or any other private information without any authorisation?? Sloppy and just proves writing is poor.

This show must have been written by either a uni kid living in fantasy world, or a high schooler?
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Insanely good
25 October 2022
This show on Netflix is insanely good. I wasn't sure where it was going at the beginning, but I was still hooked and so glad I kept going. I am now telling my family and friends about it, it has many twists didn't see coming and by end of season, I am waiting impatiently for the next one. My mouth is agape and now trying to piece it together in my head the hidden signs. This is a time travel piece going back to 1919 where Esra accidentally travels in time back to Pera Palace in that day. The costumes are so well done too. Really like Halit's character. He is like Turkey's Mr Darcy. The chemistry the two characters have is insane. I didn't even mind reading the translation. I'm from Australia.
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Agent Game (2022)
Was looking forward to it - but MAJOR disappointment
19 August 2022
A very thin ending that assumed people wanted more. It was very confusing and disjointed, and had muddled timelines that were hard to unravel.

Even at the end of the movie, you never really understand the why?

Don't bother with this one, not even with Mel Gibson. It was poorly scripted and executed.
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Lie to Me (2009–2011)
Just discovered it - love it
23 March 2022
Just found this one on Disney +. Wow am I hooked. Such interesting story lines. Why did Fox cancel it?? There is only 3 seasons of it. Very rare we get a good story that is not a copy of every other detective show. Bring this one back.
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Manifest (2018–2023)
Good at first now just silly, slow and boring
16 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Was enjoying it up to season 1.14 then it just started getting silly, then really silly, and now just annoying that I am forwarding through episodes hoping it gets better again. Wondering do I still keep watching or finally give it up. The whole Zeke character is terribly annoying and painful, that I hope he leaves, but reading through episodes ahead looks like he is a permanent. Even more reason to stop watching. The plot was good at first but now just incredibly slow and silly. Reading reviews, sadly I don't think it will improve.
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Red Notice (2021)
Terrible and predictable
13 November 2021
This movie started off well but fell in a heap. I am trying to figure out who was more painful Gal Gadot, Ryan Renolds or Dwayne Johnson. It tried to be funny but was just plain stupid, dumb and unrealistic. I like these actors separately but this movie didn't work. My husband and I were cringing at this movie in most scenes. Give this one a miss.
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19 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I love a good comedy, a good romantic, a good suspense, and most things. I even like some a good B class movie even without any A list stars. This movie just stunk, the best actor was MAtthew McConaughey in this pitiful movie. Jennifer Garner, whom I usually like was just annoying, she acted very put on, and reading from a script, I think the problem with this movie, is that people overacted or in Jen's case over then under acted, she never could quite figure it out, maybe they had no direction, no interest, but I can only hope they weren't paid their ridiculous salaries for this drivel because noone really tried. if that is not it, I guess the issue is their acting skills are poor and would like to know how they got to their position? Now lets talk about the storyline, these girls have no brains, because Matthew McConaghey is in the room, he seems to be able to tell any woman lets go to my room, and they are all like "okay". Oh you want to break up with 4 girls on a conference call with another bimbo in the room, and she is thinking Oh, you wouldn't do that to me, giggle, giggle! I mean please! No originality or sense of reality. this movie has to be written by a guy to think all girls are bimbos. These types of scripts are always the same. Emma Stoné character, she is just annoying. It just doesn't get any better. I really wish I hadn't bothered with this rubbish.
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Aww, love a good romance
30 October 2020
I'm an Aussie girl and saw this movie on Netflix. I was very excited watching the preview with our Aussie accents on display and this movie didn't disappoint. Those people that are Aussies but give it a bad review are most likely those that only love a good action or drama. My hubby wouldn't be interested in this movie for that very reason, but he is away so I get the tv to myself tonight so this movie piqued my interest. It is light hearted, I really like the chemistry Of the couple and It's just an enjoyable watch. Thank you also for displaying some of our cultural differences and choosing actors that are actually Australian. I could see myself watching this movie again for something easy and light hearted.
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The Blacklist (2013–2023)
Lizzy is annoying!
22 April 2020
Just watching 2nd season and not sure who is more irritating Lizzy or that Tom is still alive, and finding out he is here to stay for plenty more seasons. The FBI agents have no integrity or honor to their job and speaking the truth to their superiors. They have own agenda, and all they care about is that, especially Lizzy. So infuriating. She was kinda likeable but annoying in first season, especially since within first few episodes of show, she is behaving like she runs the department. No character development at all with a new job or having any previous experience. But rubbishy actually.

Reddington best character of lot of the useless lot. I like him and will continue to watch him, until he infuriates me too. Please kill off Tom from the show, his time is done.
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Pearl Harbor (2001)
More a love story than a good movie
23 June 2019
A thing I really dislike about this movie is the major focus of the love triangle love story. So wrong. These were real events, how dare they cheapen it. Who knows what's real and not from this movie, because besides the day being correct, most feels fake. Watching this movie again now on tv, now remember why I struggle to watch it, because this movie could have been great but failed so amazingly, and none of it felt real, and Afleck playing the same type of character he always does.
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MI-5 (2002–2011)
Absolutely love Spooks.
27 April 2013
Warning: Spoilers
From watching a few episodes from BBC online, I was totally hooked. I then bought 9 seasons of Spooks and watching one to two episodes a day. What I love about it, is that it doesn't try and glorify the roles of Mi5 agents, it feels so realistic, and well it touches on topics that you feel wow, what our governments are probably doing to protect our country and keep us safe that we will most likely never know about.

It brings up the political agenda as well and how that that conflict can arise with bringing to justice criminals as it affects a politician's own personal agenda.

Some of the scenes are scary and the suspense just keeps going, its not predictable but keeps you on the edge of you seat, and my mouth has been left hanging open for quite a few of the scenes. What you also get is you never know which main character will die or be asked to leave the service, so never ever think that even the main characters are safe.

So if you like things blowing up, spies, the James Bond, etc. You will love this.
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Argo (2012)
Feel cheated
1 March 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I thought this movie was good, until I starting reading people's comments and found that it wasn't true what they said about the British and New Zealanders or the Canadians. Why make it that Americans to be the heroes when they actually did very little? I really hate when Americans come in and give the whole I or Americans are the only ones saving the day. and what was with the car chasing the plane at the end? Surely, they would've used their guns if that had been true and not just let the plane go. Out of curiosity, how fast does a 747 have to speed up to to take off? As those cars were beating the plane,without even trying.

So I did originally give it a good score, but the lies you gave, made it just another wrong portrayal of history so Americans will congratulate themselves for a job well done when you hear they actually did little.I didn't know about what happened but I was relying on the movie to give me an accurate, if not close to accurate portrayal of real actual events, not giving their own spin on it, to their own advantage. .The the true heroes were the Canadians. To know Argo won Best Picture now is insulting to the true heroes and Ben Affleck should give a public apology for the misleading film and advise that his movie is only partial fact, but mostly fictional. That just made me angry!! It reminds me of Independence Day. Another, I'm an American so I will save the world. Whatever.
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Mistresses (2008–2010)
Let there be a SEASON 4!!! PLEASE!!!!
15 September 2011
I am absolutely gutted that Mistresses TV show is no longer airing. I am in Australia and they are airing season 2 now. Unfortunately, if we didn't pay for pay TV, we miss out on a lot of British TV, however with more free channels coming, they put "Mistresses" on and I absolutely love it after watching one episode. I loved it so much that I have purchased the entire series of 3 Seasons (which is only 16 episodes) by the way. What! How can BBC ditch the show?? Shame! Shame! So so sad. Please bring it back. :-( I finally find a good show to watch that is not another cops and robbers or some silly, comedy show where the story lines are all the same but just different actors. "Mistresses" rocks!!
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Beauty & the Briefcase (2010 TV Movie)
This movie is pathetic!
15 February 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is sooo bad! Actually working in the office environment(an accountant), and being privy to many office meetings and know how directors think and how in general people act at work, this movie is so bad and I'm not sure I think I heard one financial word used in the movie "Hedging",where they said this is the hedging department. Wow! That is a big word for them. I wonder if they know what hedges are or is that beyond the brainscope? To have Tom, (Michael McMillan) say that he can save the coy by introducing a program for recycled paper! What the.......??? And the Directors love it!!!! Umm, huh? Gee, if I knew that, I would've suggested in my company. hahaha!! What a joke.

Why they had Lane (Hilary Duff) putting some sort of tangled bead curtain up around her desk and everyone still respects her and thinks she is smart and not a ditzy looney, I have serious doubts. I love to dress well, look smart but Hilary Duff's character is a shame to any person looking to enter the finance world. She is an embarrassment.

Another thing, I totally dislike about this movie is the fact that Lane wants to meet Mr Right but she is a shame to the female sex in the way that she treats men. She can't believe a man would try and be somebody else to impress a woman (so dumps Liam as he is a waiter and not a high professional star as he told her) and goes for businessman Tom (whom we can tell the relationship will last one month if that), however she has also been dating all the men in the office for a story, and date she does! She doesn't really give any of them the time of day or really show any interest in them. However, they all seem to line up to date her as she is beautiful. However, she is doing it for a story as she feels what it would be like to date an office guy as they would be committed. she is a hypocrite, user, deceitful, a fake. I'm sorry, don't expect us to respect Lane. She is a shame to all women.
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The Last Song (2010)
loved it!
27 June 2010
I have always relied on IMD B before I go and see a movie. I mean who wants to waste their precious hard earned money as well as time to sit in front of a boring and poor movie. IMDb is where I have always turned, but you guys have let me down here. Having got through ¾ of Nicholas Sparks book "The Last Song" I couldn't wait to see the movie. It looked to be so good. However, from your recommendations and ratings from all the users, I was expecting a hopeless movie with only the title to recommend itself as being a Nicholas Sparks novel. The amazing author who brought us The Notebook and Dear John as well as many others. I was ready for a disappointment in Miley Cyrus acting. How wrong all of you were. Not being a massive Miley Cyrus fan of Hanna Montana, I was expecting the worst. However, the girl came through. What are all of you talking about? Are you expecting an actress with academy award written all over it, or what? I think that's what all us critics expect these days. We are the critics too. We complain about everything. Are you jealous or what? If the story is not for you, then I suggest you find out what it is about first of all, before you pay for the ticket. And those of you expecting to see a Hanna Montana type movie in the cinema, umm, should also find out about the story. I learnt from this movie too not to stereotype people. I think the story was great. Miley did well. I am just so disappointed in where they changed the story line. Don't like when they change the story. It is the directors and writers fault. When I go to watch a movie on a book. I don't expect for those in the movie world to put there own spin on it. What is so wrong with copying the book. Why change the story? It just makes people upset anyway and the original is usually better. Maybe it keeps the writers in a job, if they feel they can change something of the movie. No, don't do it I tell you! Think all of you how many good books have been ruined by some silly writer changing the story line for the movie. I admit that sometimes it is need to fit into a 2hr block, but please make minimal adjustments.
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The Hills: The Company You Keep (2010)
Season 6, Episode 7
Bring back Lauren!
17 June 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I haven't seen Season 6 so this was the first episode I watched since Lauren left and it is so bad. Kristin is one mean girl. Her and Brody deserve each other. McKaela sounds so lovely and sweet and Brody is just a jerk!! Kristin didn't care at all that McKaela was having problems with Brody and was wanting to sort things out. She was all over him. Lauren would never have done that. I used to like Brody when I first saw him with Lauren when he first came on the scene but now, his true colours are coming out. He is not as sweet or charming as we once thought. He is a girl chaser opportunist. Obviously as Kristin and Lauren are regulars on the show, it would wise to stay close to them. Interesting, I wonder how often he sees Lauren now or is she just a distant memory because she is no longer connected to the show. I am struggling on who now to like on the show. Always liked Audrina so will stick with her. Never been a fan of Lo, and Speidi. At least with Spencer, he is outright and shows his true colors, but Brody is sly.
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Absolutely love it!!
9 January 2010
I can't believe how underrated this film is and how critical some have been about this film. When I first watched it. I was hooked on every scene. I showed this movie to so many of my friends and family that love dance movies and just a feel good film, they all said how good this movie was. The dancing is spectacular by the main character Kate. She is absolutely gorgeous, sexy and really knows how to dance.

The acting ability was flawed in a couple of instances but we are talking about people who more than likely have dancing as their first love and profession and acting as an add on so please! ease up all you massively criticizing people out there. WE are only talking about a few instances here anyway not the whole film.

I like this film more than the first, I've gotta say. There will be people that will disagree but if you are looking for a light hearted feel good film to watch with plenty of dancing, give this one a go.
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Gossip Girl: The Last Days of Disco Stick (2009)
Season 3, Episode 10
This season is going down hill!
18 November 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I really enjoyed the other girl's comment and thought she was spot to the way I feel about this episode and really the whole 3rd season. I absolutely loved for the 1st and 2nd season and was desperately hanging out for season 3 to start. The whole season has not been crash hot and this episode another disappointment. I remember in season 2 where Chuck said to Nate that Blair was changing, and she truly was. She was my favorite character but now it seems her desperation to be accepted every story line is getting a little old and boring and she is not in school anymore. I don't know about you, but I don't know any queen bees at college and I doubt many would care if there were.

Jenny has changed so much from the sweet and innocent girl she started the show with. Her look and hair is cheap now. Bring back the other Jenny! She was a lot more likable and attractive. I now wish she would be axed from the show. Another character I have begun to dislike is VAnessa. Before I blame everything about this season and characters, whom I once used to adore, I blame it all down to the script writing. They must have different writers this year as Season 1 and 2 were awesome. This year, seems there is no character development. Nate definitely needs some good story lines, and the whole Tripp and Serena thing. Sorry, must of missed the chemistry there. It didn't take her long to get over Carter. That was a much better story line. Gee, if Carter comes back, she will have 3 men tailing after her! LOL! Now there is an interesting story line. IT is not the actors fault, as we are reminded they are just reading their lines, but after the last few episodes, I think we are learning that bringing star guests onto the show and going a little bit raunchy (which turned me off rather - a threesome??)is not a way to keep your audience captivated, that just shows looks of desperation.
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The Vampire Diaries: You're Undead to Me (2009)
Season 1, Episode 5
9 October 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I was very skeptical of The Vampire Diaries at first but the last two episodes are the beginning of an exciting series. As they are giving away "HEy you have discovered what we are" quite early in the series, it will be interesting to see how it pans out. I am so glad they ignored the whole "Superman" series how Lois Lane never finds out who Superman is and it will always was will they or won't they get together. Will she finally find out, yah di yah! That is fine for a while but how many series did they go with the same. I had to stop watching. How absolutely annoying! Didn't like the characters at first but they are now really interesting, and a story is starting to coming together.
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The Vampire Diaries (2009–2017)
not for me
19 September 2009
I watched episode 1 and wasn't really a fan. It was like models galore in a high school. Where are the normal everyday school kids. Every Buffy fan would know that they had a few attractive people in it but not the whole high school. If you are a young teenager, you might like it. I found it very silly actually, not suspenseful, intriguing, haven't drawn to any of the characters, you know in Buffy how characters had there quirks, they were funny yet very likable, It is like 90210 and Melrose Place meet two gorgeous looking vampires. One good, one bad. Oh and yes, haven't found one of the actors with much acting talent either. Don't expect this show to last long. Great concept in wake of the Twilight series but poorly carried out.
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Without a Trace (2002–2009)
used to be good
3 August 2009
I used to love this show but ever since Roselyn Sanchez joined, have not really watched it. Why is that TV producers think they need to bring on some very sexy actress to boost ratings to their show? Were they hoping for a more male crowd? Well, if she could carry off her self as a professional, it would be believable, but now every time I see the show I am reminded that this is acting and ALL THE ACTORS ARE THERE for a meal ticket, and not a story which the actors' characters are bringing to life. I am not saying that all actors need to look ugly on the show, I think most of the actors are attractive, but I am sorry Roselyn Sanchez just looks way out of place for something serious like this.
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