
7 Reviews
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Three Rivers (2009–2010)
Is there a DR in the house?
5 October 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I don't even know where to begin with how awful this show was.I didn't expect much from the previous bad reviews,but since I usually love medical dramas,I decided to give it a try.Big mistake.

First off,the actor Alex O Loughlin was the most unbelievable doctor in the history of TV.Whoever thought this guy was a good enough actor to carry a show needs a doctor themselves.The man simply cannot act and certainly cant act well enough to star in a show.

The whole feel of the show was bad,the acting,the writing,the stories,etc.I cannot express how unwatchable it was.I give this show two,,maybe three more weeks before it is rightfully canceled.

CBS needs to cut their losses and stop trying to make AOL a star. Also,the other person,the woman who diagnosed pica,which any one with half a brain watching could have done,was a very unlikeable character.

She has a very unpleasant demeanor about her. Her look,her voice and her so called acting.

I at least thought Daniel Henney might be some fun for the eye candy factor,but his one dimensional performance couldn't make him look good in any aspect. Who in the world cast this show? Alfrie Woodard had no role and neither did any of them really.We didn't get any feel of any person or their personalities on the show. I of course will not be tuning in again and if you have any sense,you wont either. 0/5
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The Cradle (2007)
11 August 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Okay,I have seen many,many bad horror movies and many boring ones,but this one is the most boring one ever!

First off,the plot sounded good,but once it was put to film,it lost all interest.

Typical dark lighting,which I hate that they use so much today in movies. What happened to content making a movie dark and creepy instead of using dark light to give the illusion of something sinister? Second,bad acting.

I actually hated the girl in this,don't even know who she is,don't care.

She had a really hard part(note sarcasm here)she stayed in the bed basically the whole movie.

I understand completely about postpartum depression,had it twice,and neither time did I lie in bed 24/7,ignore my child and become some hateful bitty.

The main guy,didn't like him either,I mean he had a hard role also,(more sarcasm)go next door to the strange lady who clearly doesn't want him around,go check on baby,go check on miserable wife,walk around a dark house and dark yard and start all over again the next day.

I have no idea how this movie ended,can imagine since the plot was so thin a 5 year could have written it and don't care how it ended.

To sum it up since I have to write 10 lines for this mess of a film, bad acting

boring characters

typical setting

typical,tired story that anyone can figure out what is going to happen

too dark lighting to hide the fact that there is nothing remotely creepy going on

I only watched about 30 minutes of this drivel and I cant imagine anyone holding out to watch the whole movie.1/10
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Amber's Story (2006 TV Movie)
This was awful
5 September 2006
Wow,I cannot believe how badly this movie was done.The main actress was horrible,her accent was way over the top(I'm from the South,so I know what I'm talking about)and her acting in general was very bad.As a matter of fact,the acting by the whole cast was bad.It wasn't informative at all,I thought it would be interesting to see how the Amber Alert came into existence,but this movie was a poor vehicle for that.This movie lacked a lot of things.It lacked anyone with great acting ability,where did they get those kids from????? It lacked feeling,empathy and substance.I just didn't enjoy this movie at all.I loved the movie Adam,even though it is painfully tragic,it portrayed realistic grieving parents and showed their strong desire to help others in their situation.This movie failed on all accounts.I give this a 1 out of 5.Dont waste your time on this.
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Blood Mania (1970)
Seen a lot worse.This does have a few good moments
10 January 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I just finished watching this and it wasn't the worst I've ever seen.It had the classic 70's look and cheesy music.But along with the bad acting and almost no horror at all,there was a lot of sexiness to the movie.It had beautiful women and the man wasn't too bad for the 70's.Some pretty erotic and hypnotic sex scenes and nudity. The plot was pretty bad as was the acting.There is also a sort of twist at the end that just doesn't offer anything to the plot.The name of this movie is very out of sync with the film itself.There is only one scene that actually has blood in it.This movie leaves much to be desired as far as a horror film.At times it seemed like it was originally a porn,but they changed it to "horror"at the last minute. I give this a 3 out of ten just for the sexy parts,but don't expect any horror in this.
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It is a thrill to watch!!!
15 August 2004
I know a lot of people may say this movie is sexist,and it certainly does focus on a man's ego(which still exists within many men today)but this movie is one my all time favorites.I love Doris Day and James Garner was so attractive in this movie that they make a very sexy,cute couple.I love the atmosphere of comedies from the early 60's,nothing can compare to them today.As far as so many people making comments on older women not having babies in the 60's,tell that to my mom who had me in 1964 at the youthful age of 41.The commercials are a hoot that Doris does and her daughter is adorable!!I found the Spot Checker chick much more offensive,with her non-existent intelligence, than the sexist view of Mr.Garner in this movie. 9 out of 10 stars from me on this timeless gem of a movie.
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Secret Window (2004)
MUCH better than the recent Salem's Lot remake!!
8 August 2004
I couldn't help but notice the user comment that said no one should see Secret Window but watch the new Salem's Lot instead..I couldn't disagree more.While Secret Window was no masterpiece,it was everything it was meant be.It was suspenseful,funny in many places and as always,Johnny Depp was a pleasure to watch.I love him and SK so this movie was right up my alley so to speak. There were no surprises for me as I have read the short story before,but a very enjoyable movie IMO.I love how Depp gives all of his characters such personality.I also didn't mind what happened with his wife and her lover,they pretty much deserved it. I give the movie a 7 out of 10.
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The Village (2004)
I liked it,but it wasn't original
30 July 2004
Warning: Spoilers
I had looked forward to this movie for a couple of months.I love suspense movies with a twist ending(Hitchcock is the master of this above all others).I also loved the Sixth Sense and liked Signs a lot,so I knew his style was very entertaining.The Village had some very good acting(especially Ms.Howard,she was amazing) and the scenery was breathtaking.But when it came down to the actual story,I felt cheated,like been there,done that before. I admit that I had heard the rumors beforehand so it is hard to say how I would have felt about this movie without having prior knowledge to the spoilers and plot twists.All I can say is the movie,while it had potential,good acting,great casting,it left me feeling let down quite a bit.I guess I need to stop expecting anything close to what Hitchcock created in the world of suspense movies. These days it is hard to find a movie obviously that hasn't been done before,but I did expect more from M.Night.I will stick to my classic thrillers such as Rear Window,North by Northwest,Vertigo etc from the REAL master of suspense.
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