
2 Reviews
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Twin Peaks (2017)
A Lynch's fan a bit disappointed
28 June 2019
I love Lynch's work. Mulholland Dr. is one of my favorite movies of all time. And I also loved the previous seasons of Twin Peaks (although I have watched many years ago - maybe I should watch it again some time), but this "Twin Peaks: The Return" was kind of disappointing for me. I can't say if Lynch has changed or I've changed, I just know that the experience was not what I've expected.

The good thing is that the mistery that David loves to work with and we also love to watch, is there! This intriguing and original mistery, also macabre and comic at the same time and the surrealistic universe that he creates, full of unusual and weird elements... I find it amazing.

However, many of his choices in this piece didn't work well for me. First, the immense number of characters. The previous seasons had already many characters and somehow it worked well. But now, we have the old ones (that for me were enough) plus many new ones. Many of them, no matter new or old, didn't get an approppriate development and had no relation with the plot at all. So we have a lot of loose stories that go nowhere. And some I wish they had gone somewhere! Like Audrey's story for instance!

Many scenes were super slow and not in a cool way (for sure it is possible to be slow and interesting), many sequences just seemed deliberated and the plot development was very confusing. Again, you can be confusing and cool, mindblowing, catchy, but it was not the case. Something was missing.

If you are a Lynch's fan, go watch it, the characters are there, Laura Palmer's mistery that we learned to love, is there, the humor, the horror, the dark, the weirdness... it's not bad, but be ready for some disappointments.
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Us (II) (2019)
18 April 2019
I wanted to like this movie, I was so excited about the trailer and I like the idea behind it, it's very original... but it simply didn't happed. Although we can say that Jordan Peele is a filmmaker who thinks outside the box and brings important and strong subjects, I thought the movie was poorly developed. I need to believe in what I'm watching, but there are so many plot holes and inconsistencies that the whole experience was damaged. The metaphors are confusing, the explanations are flat and forced, the writing felt really lazy to me. And to add, I thought the mix of comedy and horror, that can be made in very harmonic ways, was unbalanced. All the time the comedic moments came up to break the tension, so I was not able to get scared at all and I wanted to be. Nevertheless, I'd like to point out the amazing acting of Lupyta. Her delivery is always intense and strong, no matter which character she is playing. And I hope Peele keeps his originality, but learns to develop better narratives in the future.
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