
175 Reviews
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Life of Brian (1979)
never has been matched
24 May 2024
It is now the time one realizes this movie is 45years old and still must be counted as maybe the best comedy movie...ever. I have seen many comedies, from dark to exstatic and from silly to intelligent.

I just realized I realy can not think of any movie that would come even close to this one. One should not be able to give just 10 points, it should be like 12 just to show how it stands out to other movies that deserve a rating of 10. It is exceptional in all scene's, from the unmatched biggus-dickus scene (he has a wife, you know) from which I always wondered how they shot that without bursting into laughing themselves all the time, to the smaller ones like "oh, you lucky bastard".

Every single scene is a unique piece of cinematography.
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La Brea (2021–2024)
what's good about this
16 May 2024
I was watching this series and started wondering: what is good about the series?

The acting? Don't make me laugh, it is horrible, they say their lines but lack any related emotion.

The script/plot? Hahaha certainly not, it is often so silly and unbelievable you think you're watching a comedy.

The dialogues? Certainly not, they are often cringeworthy and silly. And the most uttered sentence is something like "hey, we need to talk" and then you know you can fast-forward a few minutes. You know when your spous says "I need to tell you something", well thát feeling you know you want to skip the next few minutes.

Well, the montage then? No also not, it sometimes jumps and you get the feeling you have missed a part of what's happening "did I fall asleep? Not it is simply not there. The camerawork? No it is plain and basic.

The special effects? Even the sink-holes, sabre-tigers (that suddenly aren't an issue anymore) and most animals look silly, oh and the fog...hahahaha.

Ok, the props and setting. Ok, we see some nice landscapes, let's give a point for that.

So basically I realized that there ius absolutely no reason for anyone to watch this. It's even worse than "under the dome", but you get the same problem. It is so bad you can't stop watching, you know you're wasting you time but you constantly have the feeling "it can't stay this bad".

Yes it does.
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3 Body Problem (2024– )
29 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I immedeately admit I haven't read the books so I can not compare the two. But that is also irrelvant, because it is about the series.

And although it is a descent series, there are so many logical and technical flaws that you really start to question why it gets so much positive reviews.

Just to mention a few...why is it that after 50 odd years of communicating with humans and Evans, only now they find out people can lie. While being called "lord" which they clearly aren't.

Saul survives and murder attempt as the Shan-ti control 3 autonomous cars, but when they fly him to the UN they can't control and crash the plane, which later, in another scene, they can.

That is just a few of them are very obvious.

But if you put your mind at a low level, it is enjoyable enough,
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21 March 2024
Most people agree that Ghibli is the top in animation movies as it mixes story, character and the typical way the Japanse look at the world, which is full of spirits, in a brilliant way

But Ghibli has a European match, much lesser known but it's movies are as great as Ghibli's. Cartoon saloon does what Ghibli does but than in a Irish/Celtic way. They take the historic tales and spiritual world and turn them into magnificent movies.

Song of the sea is maybe their most beautifull one, it is a stunning experience and the soundtrack is as mind-blowing as the movie itself, the theme song gives you goose bumps.

You feel the Celtic spiritual world, in this case with the sea, while watching this movie. Highly recommended.
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Colony (2016–2018)
17 March 2024
Slow show that never gets up to speed. The characters are dull and predictable. But by far the most annoying is Josh Holloway. Is acting is so basic that the whole time I had the idea I was watching a sequel of Lost. He even has a new Kate, ok Katie in this case.

The only thing he can do is act very seriously and being troubled but in an unconvincing way. There is no variety.

Also this show is very cheap. Except for some quick shots and some drones, we see nothing from the aliens. Apperently the can build very big walls in a very short time and whipe out most of the human population. But why? In the end the want to built a army, there would have been a lot more people capable that the few they allow to survive.

In the end it is all about intrigues between humans and a play who is reliable and who not....

Very basic stuff.
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Resident Alien (2021– )
17 March 2024
I managed to get to E3, than I had to switch it off...what a total boring, predictable and meaningless series. An alien, with the mission to erradicate all humans, is stranded on earth, pretends to be human while waiting to be rescued. Unfamlier with earths habbits he acts very silly while pretending to be a doctor with predicatble jokes. Not to mention that how stupid he bahaves, how stupid he talks and laughs, the girls still like him and talk to him. Come on, if a guy would behave like that, no girl would be the slightest interested in him, except maybe for him being a rich doctor.

Even Mork and Mindy was more original that this monstrosity

The most fun part about the series are the comments here. Oh no, a girl beats a man, that must be woke and I can not handle that. So Nanu Nanu to you.
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Requires some research
29 January 2024
This movie is not as smooth as previous Miyzaki movies seem te be. That surficial smoothness however hides many deeper layers most people do not understand or more often: not even notice. Miyazaki puts many references in his movies, from art and movies he had seen to books he had read.

This movie differs from earlier movies to such extend, that the smooth layer is largely missing and it is more or less one reference after another. To really understand this movie you need to have some knowledge about Miyazaki, otherwise I can understand you get confused. But isn't that the definition of true art, that as a viewer you have to try and understand what the artist is telling, that it requires an effort from the viewer's side? It is also how Miyzaki promoted (or better: not promoted) this movie. If you wanted to know what it is about, you had to go and see it. And then try to figure out what it was about.

After I watched to movie I realized I needed to know more, some of the references were clear some puzzled me. So I did some digging and although there is some discussion about a few characters, to whom do they refer, but I learned a lot more about Miyazaki, a true artist...
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Severance (2022– )
Exciting but where is the clue
17 January 2024
Watching severance is a unique experience, it is exciting, puzzeling and intriguing. The acting is excellent and the dialgs and plots have you on the tip of your chair. It is all mind-puzzeling, what are the departments doing, why these long corridors, what is the weird behavior of the management and security.

So it is difficult to stop watching it when it is late in the evening and you have an early rise to go to your own work in the morning.

However the ending of S1 is extremely disappointing. At the moment everything starts comming together, they end season one. And now I read there are internal conflicts so it is unsure there will be a s2 and as such maybe no answer to the many questions we are left with.

So just for that reason I can not recommend that you start watching it, knowing all your questions will not be answerd.

If there would have been a descent ending to season 1, I easilly would have rated it 9/10, now it is so disappointing.
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Too many metaphores but enjoyable
30 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This movies tells in different versions whagt is wrong with the modern world, using metaphors. The only issue is that actually nearly everything is a metaphor. We have our relation with nature (the animals try to tell us something), disrespectfull behaviour to women (he took pictures of me), racial issues (discussions between the two families, can we trust them), our dependency on information, fake news (leafleets), while the only thing that worries us if we can see the next episode of our favourite series. The last issue is depicted by the daughter, whatching TV (strange how power remains available while society collapses) surrounded by an abbundance of food. As long as we have that media and food, we're happy and ignore how society is on the way to collapse.

There are so many metaphors that it at some point becomes unclear if a certain situation is a metaphor or not. Is the poor characterbuilding in the movie a metaphore for how we hardly know each other or is it just poor script?

So the message of the movie is: we're on a way to a collapse of society and we're ignore all the warnings while watching screens. Ok, got that. Trying to get all that in metaphors is just a bit overdone.

But all-in-all it is enjoyable enough.
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Predestination (I) (2014)
very underrated
29 December 2023
Robert A. Heinlein was a brilliant science fiction writer, on the same level as for instance Philip K. Dick. This movie is based upon the story "all of you zombies" and really does it credit. It plays with paradoxes as no other movie did before, except maybe "primer", but that is almost impossible to comprehend. As the plot unfolds more and things fall into their place and you get the full picture. Any description a situations will give away parts of the plot, so I will leave it and focus on the acting. Sarah Snook is brilliant in her different roles. Ethan Hawk performs as you can expect from him. The script/dialogues are intelligent and the cinematography excellent. It realyy deserves more credit than it was given.
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Very worthwhile
20 September 2023
This is a sweet gem of a mini-series, What is most amazing is the style of the series it reminded me of fantastic planet (1973), it breaths the same atmosphere of that cult-classic movie. Realizing the manga that was base for this series was from that era, the makers honored Tezuka's (also maker of astro-boy and message to Adolf) style in an excellent way

There is much story put in little time and that maybe the small weakness of the series, but it also means there is never a dull moment. (It may have been that the series was originally intended as feature movie, looking at the length of the total)

As Tezuka made several other publications in the Phoenix series, lets hope this the kick-off for more.
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The Leftovers (2014–2017)
poor season 1 results in great season 2 and 3
29 July 2023
When I started this series with, ofcourse, season 1 I was flabbergasted. Why in the world did this series get so high ratings? The concept was silly, the behavior of people illogical and unbelievable. Acting was descent enough but I kept doing fast forwards and was about to give up on it after 4-5 episodes. As things went I kept watching, I don't exactly know why, but I'm happy I went into season 2. In season 2 things go into a more absurd, weird and absolutely fascinating, with a fine touch of humor. Season 3 even exceeds that. You keep wondering what the connections are, there are weird scenes but also beautiful cinematography and soundtrack.

So you need to get through season 1 but will really enjoy S2 and S3.
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The Leftovers: The Book of Nora (2017)
Season 3, Episode 8
poor season 1 results in great season 2 and 3
25 July 2023
When I started this series with, ofcourse, season 1 I was flabbergasted. Why in the world did this series get so high ratings? The concept was silly, the behavior of people illogical and unbelievable. Acting was descent enough but I kept doing fast forwards and was about to give up on it after 4-5 episodes. As things went I kept watching, I don't exactly know why, but I'm happy I went into season 2. In season 2 things go into a more absurd, weird and absolutely fascinating. Season 3 even exceeds that. You keep wondering what the connections are, there are weird scenes but also beautiful cinematography and soundtrack.

So you need to get through season 1 but will really enjoy S2 and S3.
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Visitors (2022– )
2 July 2023
If you do not like french humor, do not waste you time on it. The french think that comedy is acting a bit odd"(like looking around suprised like: huh" and create some illogical situations. The french beat the germans in at least one thing and that is in having absolutely no idea of what humor is. But hey, maybe you're into that kind of "humor", then probably you will enjoy it.

This whole series is full of moments where you think "I guess it is supposed to be funny but where is the funny thing. Then it seems to be more serious again but you're never sure: "was this supposed to be serious or funny".
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wow and disappointment
3 May 2023
This series is special in the way it is slow paced, time is taken to let the images work and the characters built. Basically it is around 2 families that have in some way a connection with a mysterious device underground. But the whole area is full with techo-litter doing weird stuff and unexplainable events.

When I saw episode 1 I was full with anticipation. It was great. I loved the visuals/styling, the story, the acting, all of it. So I quickly went to episode 2 and on. And I got more and more uneasy. All elements are there, yet it is like the writers were struggling to come up with something that was both mysterious and fitting. Storylines became to basic, illogical or simple.

Episode 6 (parallel) was laughable. It was like the writers realized "oh wait, we are having a series mainly about two very normal and kaukasian families. We need to get in a black main character and some LGBTQ stuff, otherwise we will be criticized". While all other episode somehow relate to each other, this episode is an odd one out.
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not even close to any good
25 April 2023
I know this is the time of the internet and one-line/meme philosophy. I know this is the time of remakes of classics into garbage. It is the time of empty characters, plotholes, basic action and no depth in a story.

In that case this movie fits in perfectly. I read the book, I saw Truffauts masterpiece interpretation of the book. Even if you realize that we're now in the 21th century with different references and technology, it is still a bad movie. Acting is poor, there is no character development, the relation between Montag and Clarisse is simplistic and unconvincing, the idea how data is saved is just silly and shows a total lack of fundamental technical knowledge. Even the special effects are cheap.

This movie lacks any depth and its message gets lost between basic action. It actually shows the vision of Bradbury. This movie is just the headline of the message of the book. Nobody cares about the content

It is ok for a mindless evening.
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Avenue 5 (2020–2022)
it grows
24 April 2023
The first few episodes weren't convincing. It simply didn't want to go into action, everything was there but somehow it was somewhat dull, slow, not really as entertaining I had expected or hoped from the cast and concept. So I almost gave up on it.

But I'm really glad I didn't. The actors grow more and more in their roles and the plots become more and more funny. It becomes often a mirror of modern day society with narrow minded and twisted people. The election episode is a hilarious example of that.

It is really worthwhile to have a little patience with this show and see how it develops. Hopefully there will a 3th deason.
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Upload (2020– )
the good place done (real) bad
26 March 2023
Upload can be seen as Amazon's response to "the good place" but it doesn't even come close. The concept is interesting enough, when people die then can be digitally uploaded into an afterlife. A kind of heaven for the rich, or a limited bandwidth for the poor.

It however never takes off, Nathan (only selected for his Tom-Cruise looks, not for his acting skills) dies and his neurotic girlfriend pays for his upload. What could have been an interesting concepts is mainly a continuous sequence of silly relational issues, uninteresting, dragging unrealistic plots and mainly bad acting & dialogs. S1 is so-so, s2 drops all the way down. Amazingly s3 is even worse, dialogues and story become so boring it is almost impossible to not fall asleep.
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The Expanse (2015–2022)
slows down
23 February 2023
As with many TV series, they simply take too long. When it started it was simply amazing. But as the show progressed I realized it was mainly the character of Miller that carried the show. Up to the moment they discovered what happened to Julie Mao in the hostel the show was brilliant and amazing, after that it slowly, bit by bit went down. What didn't help was that the sometimes poor (over) acting from the main characters Holden ad Nagata. Certainly Holden often looks and behaves like and 80's junky. And he's always dramatically serious, like Nagata. Which is too bad because the acting of most others was pretty good (except s5, Marco and Philip Inaros are very poor), where Drummer really stood out and Avasarala grew into the series

After S3 also the storylines drop. Although basically interresting enough, personal issues get the overhand with (S5) Marco & Philip Inaros and Nagata being sometimes laughable. Also the plotholes grow larger and episodes slow down. Too bad.

Just watch it till maybe S3 or even maybe 4. Then leave it.
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19 February 2023
The first Asterix and Oblix movie was pretty much fun, but things went downhill from there with this as an absolute low. There are some funny moments but all in all it dragged on and on and on. None of the characters were really convincing, except for Oblix, Tatan and the empress. Asterix, who should be the leading hero, was exceptionally poor, really dull. The introduction of Ibrahimovic was useless with some predictable footbal jokes.

It may also have been the french humor, which isn't humor at all but just acting a bit silly and make it drag-on. Like Ceasar's writter who was a bit fun at first but become more and more anoying: "yes now we know, get on with it"
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Wednesday (2022– )
it is not it
25 November 2022
Jenna Ortega just isn't Wednesday. From the old series to the movies, Addams family always had convincing actors. Christina Ricci was just excellent as Wednesday. Jenna Ortega just isn't, she is too smooth, too normal. Also all other known characters simply do not convince

Also Addams is about over-the-top humor, and although it starts well with the piranha's, after that it is just never any fun and lots over personal issues and basic suspense.

Can't imagine this is done by Tim Burton, it lacks his style and quality. The storyline of often illogical and the dialogues unnatural. So I guess he's lending his name while having a trainee do the work, or something like that.
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Pantheon (2022–2023)
5 November 2022
It is great to finally watch something again that is really worth spending your time on. The last time I had this was with "Stein's gate" a brilliant time-travel series.

Patheon keeps you intensely involved, the story keeps your attention all the with all the intelligent twists and surprises. Although the graphics aren't as smooth/dynamic as they could have been, it is an absolute minor annoyance of what is an intriguing story about minds being uploaded into computers, to be exploited.

It is also fun to watch all the small references to Ghost in the Shell. Laurie looks like Monoko, there is a scene with the extendable typing fingers and the intro is a reversal of the GiTS intro, instead of parts moving towards the body, they move away from the body. The shell is removed from the mind/ghost in this case. However I have to admit it does not have the philosophical depth of the GiTS movies.
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Exception (2022– )
30 October 2022
There us a lot to dislike about this series. The visuals are terrible, some weird esotheric simplistic computer graphics that lack any feeling, they're cold and dull. The music is even worse. It looks like it is there to disrupt the visuals, rather than to emphasize the atmosphere of the moment. Also the whole setting is weird. Why do you need a spaceship that size, complete with endless corridors and huge stairways. It simply makes no sense. Also if there is a misprint, you would expect a blob or something, not a well-formed monster

There story is however interesting enough to keep watching it to see how it ends.

Netflix calls this a mix between Ghost in the Shell and inception. Clearly written by someone who only read the one-line abstract of those movies. Referring this to those movies, certainly Ghost in the Shell, is nothing more than a huge insult to both movies .
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great visuals
30 October 2022
School for good and evil fails on many points except for the visuals which are truely amazing. But this is in total contrast with the acting. None of the actors seems to have any clue about the characters they play where the two lead roles are also the worst. The only one that seems to enjoy her role is Charlize Theron who really radiates the evil side she has to portray as Lady Lesso.

The storyline itself is pretty basic and ofcourse it ends with a fight between good and evil, although try to make an effort to show that there is not absolutes in this, except maybe for Rafal. So in the end there is evil, good and good that thinks they're evil. Ah well, never mind.
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Moonfall (2022)
My life isn't so bad
13 October 2022
I was feeling a bit depressed when I watched this but it cheered me up. Really, if people that produce this amount of garbage and feel happy about it, having the illusion they made something good, they must be worst of then me. And well know actors must be very miserable and desperate if they read the script and think it is something good. Investors must be really desperate thinking this will make money. Directors and crew mus be really desperate thinking this will boost there names. Sofar I thought 2012 was the most ridiculous movie ever, this one beat it by a mile

So my life i good, this movie proves that people have much worse lives than I do. Even some people enjoyed this move, with its ridiculous storyline and absolute illogicallities.
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