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Good Story but Amateur Doc
19 May 2024
Good story, well told but dwells on select people cases too much (the vlogger couple in particular) and artistic dramatic slow downs (person looking longingly into the sky to show they are reflecting) etc.

The doco completely skipped over the cyber attack suspects, the police investigation, the legal action outcomes and how the business was still able to operate, the processes they have put in place so that it doesn't happen again etc. This is critical information and should have taken precedence over a handful of case studies.

It is watchable because its an interesting story, just think netflix could have regulated the content focus a bit more.
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Zack Snyder Overrated (in slow mo)
5 May 2024
I dont know why I keep going back to Snyder movies to give him another go.

I think its because his movies are so popular and get so much hype that I double question that I must be wrong about him.

But every time I am welcomed with constant needless slow motion shots, zero character depth and appalling dialogue.

If the slow motion was sped up to real time i wonder how long his movies actually are? Length of a tv episode maybe? At best.

I just watched people cut wheat in slow motion for what seemed like an eternity in rebel moon 2.

If it was select action sequences id understand it but its literally everything.

Once the wheat was done i then watched someone drink water in slow mo. Who on earth gets enjoyment out of his movies?

Long gone are the days of Dawn of the Dead and Watchmen. Sad times.
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The Witcher (2019– )
No Wonder Henry Wants Out
30 July 2023
Season One hits a 7 or 8 as fans of the books and games get to see the Witcher on screen. Superbly cast by Henry Cavill. Soundtrack, cinematography, cgi, atmosphere etc all appeared to be nailed tight. I questioned some of the casting decisions which becomes more of a hinderance as the seasons progress.

Season Two becomes above average at a 6. You could see the gradual distance growing from the source matter. Poor casting of Triss and Jennifer starts to become glaringly obvious.

Season Three was atrocious. No wonder Henry wanted out. Script was woeful and the show tries to be too clever than it is at times. Theres an episode where they play the same scene from the view of about 7 different people and another episode of siri alone doing monologues. Just draws out the season and leaves the viewers dumbfoundingly bored. 2 out of 10

I wont be watching season 4 unless I hear that it has truly progressed beyond the drivel i just watched.

With all seasons combined you'd struggle to give this beyond a generous 4.
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The Gentlemen (2019)
How is Metacric at 52?!?!
13 July 2023
Guy Richie masterclass.

Cast is superb. Special mention to Hugh Grant blowing his typecast character out of the water.

Script absolutely perfect. Laughed my arse off at the quick fire exchanges at times.

Soundtrack is perfect.

Captures the various demographics of london / england to perfection. The South London segment in particular cracked me up. No posh parts of croydon (my hometown).

Engaging from start to finish and keeps you guessing.

This is the closest thing i have seen to pulp fiction since its release and this might even beat it if i put nostalgia aside.

Outstanding movie thats recommended to all.
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The Power of Manipulation
26 April 2023
A tragic abuse of power and the ultimate manipulation.

Did the police force make errors? Sure. Did they learn? Hopefully.

To hear the survivors still carry on like they are victims was frustrating beyond words.

Religious beliefs do not exonerate anyone from the law!!

Having sex with minors, creating illegal ammunition and firing and killing police officers deserves prosecution no matter of your beliefs.

Truly appalling. These people need to have a long hard look at themselves. The police didn't kill their families they are accountable for that for not surrendering and they can wear that burden every single day for the rest of their lives.
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Matilda: The Musical (II) (2022)
An ok adaptation with some issues
1 January 2023
Iv seen reviews that criticise the casting. I dont think it was miscast. Actors all seemed to be a good fit in my opinion. The cinematography and the music was great also.

My 2 biggest criticisms is firstly it felt too long and secondly they didnt focus enough on the development of matildas powers which bought happiness in the book and original movie. Instead it dwelled on the abuse matilda received at school and from her diabolical parents. This felt overly harsh in areas without the reprieve of happiness. Trunchbulls comeuppance for example felt VERY short in the context of the movie length.
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The Sandman (2022– )
Strong start and then goes nowhere
12 October 2022
First episode or two was intriguing and absorbing with a clear direction but once dream gets his 'things' back it just gets lost with no progression and cohesion between episodes. Character development felt utterly wasted. Unsure why the show creators made the decision to abandon a strong story arch and choose to do standalone episodes when the starting formula was fantastic. Perhaps its just the way the comics are structured.

Some episodes are still enjoyable in their own merit (death comes to mind) but the delivery feels fragmented and clunky between episodes. A real shame with potential that wasn't seized.
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Harrowing Case - Drawn out doco
31 May 2022
Deeply disturbing case that all should be aware of.

I just wish the case was told with less fillers (animations, slow motion walking, lengthy text message tappings etc). It led to a very slow tempo documentary.

The fillers could have been traded for attention to the court case, the impact this case has made to modern society and legal implications of cyber crimes.
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Interstellar (2014)
8 May 2022
Amongst the best movies of all time. The story, the acting, the script, the cinematography, the effects, the sound and the production as a whole is all absolute 10/10's.

But what beats all of that is Hans Zimmers compositions. How he continues to churn out perfection to the senses is mindblowing.
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Midnight Mass (2021)
Absolutely Superb
14 April 2022
A surprise masterpiece.

Fantastic character development, well written and acted. Perfectly dark and intrigues from start to finish.

A really fresh take on a topic that has been done a million times before. (Trying to avoid spoilers) 😬
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The Batman (2022)
A Fresh New Take on Batman
2 April 2022
Its hard to be original when there has been so many different variations of a character already but this movie nails it.

Its dark, gritty, hard hitting and will keep you intensely guessing throughout.

Every character is a fresh and different take on the characters that you are already familiar with. All have character tweaks from previous iterations and all of them just work.

Pattinsons batman is more reclusive and gothic but harder hitting than others before him. He swings to the extreme side of comfort behind the mask and looks uncomfortable as his playboy persona in the real world. The new dynamic is fascinating.

Batman needed to move on from Afflecks batman fast and succeed (i feel for Affleck, the scripts handed to him were woeful). Cant wait for the next movies.
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Old (2021)
Good Concept : Poorly Executed
12 March 2022
Its a good idea that is let down by a truly dreadful script and equally poor casting.

I can over look plot holes (and there are MANY) but the dialogue is frequently eye rollingly-bad. You will be on a cringe rollercoaster throughout.

This is only rivalled by the woeful execution by a majority of the cast whom had zero likability or chemistry between them.

Visuals, direction and production value was what you expect from shyamalan which is a lonely positive i can draw.
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Decent but plenty of niggles
22 February 2022
Firstly i like Julia Garner a lot. I think she did well with the script she was handed. (Which was below average).

The characters are mostly repulsive. Anna Chlumsky in particular leads the line of melodrama and over acting. Id say she probably clocked a record for the number of facial expressions in any given scene in tv history.

It didnt need 10hrs to tell the story. I think it would have been more effective in half the time.

Soundtrack was solid.

Shame on you netflix for funding a majority of her sentence.

All in all a fairly average affair that will have you yawning and rolling your eyes on plenty of occasions as the show stumbles its way through plot milestones.
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One tweak would have got this a 7
6 February 2022
Didnt stray far from the theme set in the previous movies. Effects were good. Solid cast. Good plot.

But ...... and im probably going to get some down thumbs for this ...... hear me out ...... im all for leading women roles. Im a big fan of tessa and i think its great theres gender equality finally being pushed through the industry..... but ..... you dont need it being referenced constantly. There are just too many occasions where the writing has felt the need to place an emphasis on it. We dont need it. Its a good movie. We arent watching it because its a female lead. We are enjoying the engagement of the movie and dont need that disrupted by gender equality jokes or dialogue constantly.

Some of the best movies of all time had strong female leads without having to point it out to you along the way. An audience isnt that dumb surely?
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Stay Close (2021)
Plot Holes you could put a truck through
12 January 2022
Every lived in a town where everyone and everything revolves around a strip club and all know each other? Well this is the show for you!

It bewilders me to think this got good ratings.

Im not sure if it was poorly written or poorly executed .... Or both.

Many actors miscast for the characters, lots of bad actors, unnecessary subplots and weak character development. It tries to be clever with twists but all it does is flip characters from being 'good' or 'bad' on the flip of a coin.

Utter nonsense.
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Angels of Death (2021– )
Great but Flawed
9 December 2021
X - Artistic style is fantastic.

X - Animations great. (Apart from face animations which i will get to below) X - 40k universe captured perfectly.

X - Strong and engaging story.

But ...... the face animations and syncing to voices need work .... A lot of work. (Especially the co pilot) It is noticeable and distracting enough to take away viewer engagement.

Many people wont make it past the first episode unfortunately. It reminds me of the issues mass effect andromeda experienced. Hopefully theres a season 2 and can be addressed.

Overall great work though.
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Cringey with one saviour
6 November 2021
I'll cut to the chase - this movie would have been nigh on unwatchable if it wasnt for Chloe's performance to keep you hanging onto your engagement.

All other characters were horribly written. The dialogue was cringe worthy throughout.

The effects and visuals were great. No dramas there.

The action scenes were unbelievable and one scene in particular was just an eye roll.

The actual plot was wafer thin.

Just all too absurd me. More cons than pros. Id struggle to give it more than a 3.
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Squid Game (2021– )
Fantastic Show - just let down by 2 eps
4 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Fantastically haunting soundtrack.

Rich character development that leads to you having a connection with all of the lead roles.

Iconic costumes and a horrifying and thought provoking plot.

This should would have gotten a 10 of if wasnt for episodes 7 and 9.

(SPOILER ALERT) X - episode 7 - the VIP's were absolutely horribly cast and they needed a stronger script. I completely understand what they were trying to achieve but literally every line that came out of any of their mouths was cringe worthy in delivery. It took away from an otherwise outstanding episode.

X - episode 9 - Everyone loved the relationship of old mate and the lead character. The final ep really took away from that connection. I am a fan of twists but this one just didnt seem believable for me. The character was just too different to be credible.

X - red hair was pointless X - Not getting on the plane felt like a stretch from the leads character. Lets just hope he doesnt go full John Wick in season 2 or its just too far from everything that was great in 7 of the 9 eps.

Its hard to give above an 8 when the vips and old mate twist was just one cringe too far.
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Squid Game: VIPS (2021)
Season 1, Episode 7
Casting Process?!
29 September 2021
What an amazing show ........ until the VIP's appeared.

Id love to know the casting process to bring them into the fold. Its woeful. Every line (and theres a lot of them) was poorly delivered and cringworthy.

I was sitting in awe at the series and keenly looking forward to a 10/10 rating but its just impossible now. Hopefully they arent as prominent in the remaining 2 eps .... Which i suspect they will be.
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Movies lost
27 August 2021
Its stuck between being a fluffy comedy flick and a ghostbusters movie.

It doesnt know who its crowd is so it fails on all fronts by being unsatisfying for everyone.

My biggest criticism is the transition from dark dry humour in the originals to slapstick chick flicky immaturity. Missed the theme of the originals completely. Disappointing.

Lets hope afterlife hits the beat.

Generous 2 just for the visuals.
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Tenet (2020)
Overly Complicated and Flawed
7 August 2021
As usual from Nolan the casting, cinematography, atmosphere, production value etc is top notch ....... But what on earth happened with the audio? Effects were too loud and the voices constantly go from talking at a normal volume to a quick fire mumbled / whispered responses. You miss a lot of whats being said in a movie that you already feels needs 110% of your attention.

Its a good watch without a doubt and i tried to like it, but its so confusing that you are straining your head to not miss a beat. I ended up just watching content to not understand in the end.

Im sure some will love it but i watch movies for enjoyment, this was straining.
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Shadow and Bone (2021–2023)
Dont believe the 10/10's
15 June 2021
The only reason i am writting a review is because of the other over the top reviews listed which is baffling.

It is ok. Its a tv show lost on what it wants to be. It is constantly stuck between a GOT style darkness and hunger games childishness.

The cast is young and often swings towards adolescence even though the theme can be dark.

It just feels off the whole way through.

Is it worth a watch? Sure. Is it a masterpiece, the best fantasy series of all time, will you be distraught if there isnt another series? No. Not at all. Dont get your hopes up reading the reviews.
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Nice to put it to bed
16 February 2021
The scariest part of this case is how moronic those youtubers were with their conspiracy theories and the harm they can cause a case with misinformation. The poor family that would have been taken on a that emotional rollercoaster as a consequence when all they should have been doing was mourning their tragic loss. The damage they caused morbid. I hope he continues recovery and this documentary helps with that. I find it very concerning how these youtubers get air time, even in a documentary like this which could have been a lot shorter by just focusing on the facts.
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Six Feet Under (2001–2005)
It Will Stay With You Forever
11 August 2020
The shows character development is absolutely unrivalled and I can guarantee that you will never forget the Fishers. Never have i watched a show that can touch such a wide spectrum of an audience. They take you through the rollercoaster of life, through all of its highs and lows. The lows can be hard to get through at times and can break the toughest of hearts. It is a constant reminder of the fragility of life and how complacent we can be whilst forgetting what truly matters in our world. An absolute master piece with a finale that leaves you reflecting for weeks. Everyone has to watch this show at in their lifetime ...... and dont wait ...... who knows how long you are here for?....
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White Lines (2020)
Blurred Lines
25 June 2020
The show is muddled with exactly what it wants to be. Constantly yoyo-ing between relationship melodrama, drug 'wars' and investigatory work chasing a ghost.

Mix this with an entire cast of unlikeable characters, terrible acting and an unbelievable script, and you have a recipe for a cringeworthy show from start to finish.

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