
34 Reviews
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Wish (II) (2023)
9 March 2024
What a disappointment, and a missed opportunity! We were all excited to see what Disney did for the 100th Anniversary, and this is the schlock we get? I guess that's what happens when you ignore meritocratic systems in favor of pandering and DEI hiring. A subpar bit of writing, and lackluster performances from most of the character voice actors. There just wasn't any real inspiring message; just some cliches and some clear merchandising gambits. I'm beginning to hope for Disney to fail, and I never thought I'd say that! I grew up loving Disney movies: The Computer Wore Tennis Shoes, Bambi, Snow White, Old Yeller, etc. THIS version of Disney is a pale, lifeless corpse of the original, and they've arrived at that state by trying to pander to the noisy few, rather than serve the masses that made them who they were. Pretty sad, actually.
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Thanksgiving (I) (2023)
21 February 2024
Just...dumb. Dumb writing, dumb storyline, dumb direction, and dumb cinematography. Even the editing was clunky in a couple of spots. I'm not just picking apart technicalities, either; this film is as if made by a not-well-read high school sophomore with only a week to get it done. The casting was just silly, too. The supposed 'Golden Arm' star high school pitcher was a goofy, unathletic-looking, 5'4" off-brand Mario Lopez. The wealthy store owner and father of the female lead was an uncharismatic schlub who couldn't act his way out of a grade school skit. I know that Eli Roth can make better films than this thing. Has he gotten lazy? Full of himself? Anyway, I rated it a 4.
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Robots (I) (2023)
Wow, Shailene...
2 June 2023
No idea who convinced Shailene Woodley to make this stinker, but they should be ashamed. Maybe it was just the inane political silliness that drew her in... In any event, her talents were on full display, and utterly wasted in a lame attempt at a funny morality tale.

Maybe the moral of this story should be aimed at the elites who like to lecture the rest of us. There's a certain danger in taking for granted the people around you, particularly those close to you who may be cogs in the personal mechanism of your life. I think the filmmakers wanted to take a jab at conservatives, but accomplished a story about how ugly the wealthy elites can be when their morality is actually examined.
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X (II) (2022)
Fun take on some old tropes!
21 October 2022
The movie has a basic plot, and basic setup. You pretty much know what's going to happen from the beginning. The characters are a little bit over the top, but it plays into the unwinding story that they all have some issues that made them who they are.

My biggest issue with the movie is one that I find over and over again: the lame, tone deaf attempts at Texas accents by almost every one of the actors. Mia Goth is from London, but still affects the best semblance of a dialect of any of the rest of the cast. The dude who plays the old man was the worst. His attempt at an accent is silly and cliché. It's to the point where it becomes a distraction, the accents are so bad.

All that being said, the tone and pace of the film are enjoyable, and lend to a creepy, sinister mood. While there are very few surprises, the movie is fun, and is a good watch if you're in the mood for a slasher.
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Mr Inbetween (2018–2021)
A well done original!
8 October 2022
This show presents themes we've seen before, but it does it in a slightly different light, and with a couple of original spins.

First off, as a Yank from the US, it's fascinating to see similar life outcomes with the criminal element of Society, as well as some divergence in what that looks like. Ray is a calm, ordinary-seeming guy who loves his little girl, and treats his ex wife respectfully. He also seems to have a very high level of integrity, and--despite what Society may perceive--very little outward rage, for a common criminal. It seems that the formula for "thugs" or hit men must be a broken personality that results in rage and lashing out. Ray is simply a man who sees things in black and white, and almost never is an instigator to violence. He gives the impression of a guy who always comes out on top, and his calm demeanor seems to lend to that. He isn't physically imposing, but he confronts every situation with a complete lack of fear or hesitation, yet absent of outward rage or psychopathy.

One little thing bugs me in the ongoing story of this man: he never seems to suffer any consequences. He repeatedly goes against some very bad, very deadly groups of people, yet drives around with his little girl and lives in a regular house, with no threat of repercussion for his actions. We also never hear of any investigations of the several people he has 'disappeared'. Nonetheless, it's a great watch, and the atmosphere is engaging. Highly recommended!
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24 September 2022
Just when I thought Hollywood had reached bottom in its production of unoriginal pap, along comes a completely underachievement-driven, mediocrity-laden, formula-burdened insult to ordinary moviegoers like this tour-de-force of schlock.

I honestly couldn't find even a moment of true acting or comedic talent in the cast, nor did I see any shred of creativity or passion in any part of the filmmaking. Badly 'written', badly shot, and badly directed.

Not sure who greenlighted this aberration, but it was an idiotic waste of resources. Yikes!

I think Pete Davidson has some great comedic insight, and his timing can be fantastic. For me, it's his utter lack of charisma and his annoying personality that get in the way. It's actually a distraction whenever he's 'acting'. Sorry Pete, but your usefulness has pretty much tapped out.
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Mortal (2020)
More like this!
7 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is so much better-more gritty and realistic-than any of the current crop of mass-produced comic book schlock out there. This is what it might really look like, if it were possible for a human to somehow develop, or inherit, powers like this young man. This movie is very well done; good writing, decent acting, and quiet, purposeful direction. This is what independent film should strive for.

While there might be some moral to this story, it is NOT a lecture in morality. If only Hollywood would rise up to this level of artistry, and stop with the trendy, shiny-object bandwagon pap that they currently vomit non-stop, the film culture could be great again.
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Faults (2014)
If you don't get it...
29 August 2022
For those who are writing bad reviews: you just didn't get it; it's okay. You can't say that it's a bad movie, or list a bunch of shortcomings, you can only admit that it didn't appeal to you. Perhaps you just aren't enough of a critical thinker, and there simply weren't enough explosions or nudity or magic or robots or something.

This film is very well done, and for what it is, it provides a great example. Just move on, and resist the urge to dissuade people from watching it. Go back to your Marvel money train schlock, and leave this and other clever films to those of us who enjoy good stories without shiny objects and cheesy visual FX.
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21 July 2022
I LOVE bad horror flicks, but this one just annoyed me. With a gathering of former stage, film, and TV stars, I expected much better.

The writing seems to have been done by someone who has no concept of continuity or plot development, and the direction seemed to have been done by a developmentally-stunted adolescent. So much disconnection and badly shot sequences...

I'm sorry, I can't recommend this one, even for a 'cheesefest' romp. I'd rather watch Snow Shark, or Birdemic; at least they make me chuckle!
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Oh, come on...
7 July 2022
I'm a life long fan of Carpenter's library of work. I've learned to overlook his slightly cheesy sensibilities in favor of the imaginative and bold stories and often over-the-top effects. His films are fun and are intertwined with my youth and my love of all things Horror.

This film is possibly my LEAST favorite, and is simply too cheesy to endure. If it were maybe tongue-in-cheek, the cheese would come across as campy, but this film attempts to take itself too seriously, and the result is-to me-a giant wheel of cheddar.

Carpenter films always have at least a few awful acting performances, and this one is no different. Also, it seems like they went all out to produce some silly, unrealistic, school play level practical effects: windows smeared with goo to make worms cling in clumps, ridiculous technical apparatus in the guise of high end 'expert' equipment.

And then the entire implausible plot line, and cast of characters. The whole thing seems to spring from the mind of someone who thinks the movie watching public are even dumber and more naïve than they actually are.

I'd say to give this a watch, but be prepared to chuckle and roll your eyes a lot more often than you'll be scared or creeped out. Sorry, John!
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What a waste!
16 June 2022
The tone had me excited for another coming-of-age teen drama, centered in NYC; a real slice of life.

What I saw instead-right up until I turned it off-was a typical virtue-signaling Hollywood pander that tries to edit history. So many things were tweaked to reflect today's overly-progressive viewpoint. The casting is heinous, and the writing is not representative of how things were, but how some Millenial THINKS they were, or should have been.

Enough of Hollywood's revisionist and pandering faux-morality. This could have been a charming slice-of-life, but is just a flat, clichéd, inaccurate snooze fest.
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Pure Cheddar
13 June 2022
This felt like it was written by a 15 year old kid. The cheesiest tropes, and dialogue that is cringy and unrealistic. And science from the imagination of an uneducated preteen. And THEN you have a cast that was careful to include all the current woke requirements. Most of the cast were definitely NOT brought in on their merits, but to satisfy Hollywood's deep, hypocritical need to virtue signal. And the characters, oh my... Combine clichés, cheese, and desperate wokeness, and this is what you get.

I don't nit-pick about science or plot in action films, normally, but this thing is just so bad it almost makes me angry. Even the physics of motion with the visual effects was silly and cartoonish.

I'm sorry, I just can't recommend this to anyone but the hardest-core Jurassic fans. It's just lame and silly.
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Sorry, nope.
12 April 2022
I have to agree with a lot of the reviews here in that this one did not warrant a remake, nor did this remake hold up in the slightest.

I love Denzel, and I love almost every movie he's done, but not this one. His part was exactly what you'd expect from him, excellent in every way. The problem is the absolute historical nonsense, good or bad. You simply can't change things for the modern sensibilities and then expect people to like it at the level of the original. Historical settings require historical representation, not political correctness. They should have just drawn an analog to the original, and changed the setting.

All those things from the original film that were exciting and moving in that one came across as cheesy and contrived in this one. This was a big swing and a miss by Fuqua.
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THIS is original and creative!
10 March 2022
While some of the acting wasn't stunning, the writing and story flow moved me. Some great characters, and great dialogue. This film is what I always want when I choose to watch an independent film. Well worth a watch!
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1883 (2021–2022)
Wow, even I believed the hype until I watched it.
7 March 2022
ATTENTION: average actors born in California, STOP attempting your lame, ridiculous attempts at doing dialects. Simply lengthening vowel sounds and omitting 'R' sounds does NOT affect any realistic Southern accent. The Elsa character is just idiotic. Hollywood is completely off the rails any more. Even the great Sam Elliot can't fix what's broken with this mess. Ugh! I was so looking forward to this show. BIG MISS by the producers of this sludge.
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7 March 2022
Who decided to make a completely unnecessary film in (apparent) favor of the Baskin woman? Does this person actually KNOW anything about this subject? This movie casts favorable light on a corrupt, hypocritical pathological liar, and does it for the mere purpose of exploiting an idiot who was falsely imprisoned, and a possible murderer who seems to have gotten away with it. Leave it to the dolts in Hollywood to take her side. Kate McKinnon is incredibly talented, but is yet another of the sheeple who believe all the misinformation and disinformation the media spoon feeds the rest of the lemmings. Don't bother with this tripe, unless you're a fan of regurgitated schlock that is all based on skewed information.
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4 March 2022
As much as I love and respect Elle Fanning's talent, this film is just silly and full of lame, overused tropes. And of course, because Hollywood is so packed to the rafters with lemmings and virtue signaling dimwits, the cast has to be politically acceptable. How forward-thinking: an interracial couple! Never seen THAT one... IN EVERY SINGLE FILM MADE LATELY. Hollywood, just give up. None of the things I complained about here bother me, if the film is really well written, produced, and performed. That simply isn't the case here, so the clearly intentional contrivance is nothing short of annoying. I feel awful for the actors.
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I'm a HUGE Cumberbatch fan...
6 January 2022
I really wanted to like this film. I loved Yellowstone, and so I was excited for the backdrop, the art direction, the atmosphere... This movie does a great job with all of those things, but within the first few minutes, unfortunately, I was pulled out of it by the jarringly bad dialect of Benedict Cumberbatch! There's a scene early in where he and Jesse Plemons are riding alongside one another, and the conversation is distracting. Jesse fits right in, with his quiet, country-boy speech, and then BC-whom I think of as one of the finest actors of this generation-ruins the whole mood with his stilted dialect choice. Many Britons and Aussies are very good at a generic 'American' accent; some can do a passable NY/NJ accent. I'd like to beseech both Hollywood and the UK film industry: PLEASE stop casting people in roles as either Southerners or Westerners if they sound ridiculous trying to affect a passable accent! Seriously, this ruins this whole movie for me. I would rather he just use his English accent and make that part of the story.

Jesse Plemons, as always, is incredible, and Ms Campion made a beautiful film. For me though, this is a fail for Benedict Cumberbatch. I still love him, though!
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Yellowstone: Freight Trains and Monsters (2020)
Season 3, Episode 2
S03E02 - cringe
14 December 2021
Okay, this is my first problem with this show after two seasons: the new character, Teeter, is just bad. Another California person who simply cannot even remotely perform a Southern accent. Not only is the accent stupid and tone deaf, but the actress is so over the top as to be painful. The stupid pink hair is maybe the dumbest choice of all, because the acting and bad accent aren't choices; they're simply a lack of actual talent. The pink hair choice is asinine, because any self-respecting cow hand would never affect such a played-out statement, especially one that was as antiestablishment as this character is being apparently "portrayed". Pink hair is just as inane as blue hair. It's just another bandwagon that the ridiculous suburban kids are doing-for the third time in history-to be 'radical'. Just as with the tattoo fervor: expressing their individuality by being part of the crowd. Yeah, sorry to the actor playing Teeter, but you're really bad, and whoever cast you has dented the credibility of this formerly fairly authentic production. What a shame.
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Caveat (2020)
Some people aren't bright...
17 October 2021
The people who wrote negative reviews are likely bitter, spurned filmmakers or actors. I can't think of any other reason to offer insulting reviews that aren't based in truth. We all have differing taste, sure, but to say that the acting was bad, and that there was no story line are the ravings of either a dolt, or someone with an agenda.

This film was brilliant! Well imagined, well shot, well edited, and well acted. All on a shoestring budget! THIS is the art of filmmaking!

Do yourself a favor... Make up your own mind.
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Trick (II) (2019)
Wow.... Just, wow! Gravely dumb movie.
14 October 2021
I can't even imagine where the army of semiliterate dimbulbs that wrote good reviews even came from. The fact that they write like developmentally-stunted fourth graders should tell you how much credibility they have when it comes to what makes a good film.

This thing offers all the dumb tropes you can think of, but not at all ironically or tongue-in-cheek. It's painfully unoriginal, and lends more weight to the growing theme that Hollywood is under the control of silly, unartistic, and out-of-touch morons. Clearly, more attention was paid to insuring adequately virtuous casting choices. The demographics are slanted toward the currently prevalent political idiocy, rather than by virtue of merit.

Go ahead and waste your time, if you're one of the slavering, mindless horde who values the wrong things in your art.
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Phobias (2021)
Yeesh! Do NOT waste your time.
13 October 2021
Whoever cast this film wasn't looking for talent, they were keeping a spreadsheet. Whoever wrote this mess either has no talent to begin with, or made a conscious decision to be unoriginal, uninspired, and unrealistic to a fault. Whoever green-lighted this project was either leaping onto a bandwagon, or made the choice to pander to weak-minded muppets. In no way is this film worthy of the resources put into it, and it pains me that filmmaking in this country has fallen so deeply into this pit of placating and virtue signaling schlock.
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Head Count (2018)
Some of the acting is bad, but...
28 September 2021
.. the movie was better than I expected. It seems like another formulaic premise, but it's a new version of a common trope. I'm also over the maniac slasher films that we now have piles of from the years since "Psycho", and this supernatural tale is at least fresher than those. The writing was okay, but this film suffered from either a painfully insufficient budget, or a director who wasn't on their game. I actually enjoyed this one more than any other movie in the mid-5's on IMDB. Give it a watch, but ignore the acting.
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Billions (2016–2023)
Great start, but...
21 July 2021
I have to chime in to echo what it seems is a common observation on the evolution of this show. I feel like the first three seasons were well written and superbly produced. When season 4 started, I was convinced that they had fired all of the talented writers and hired some 15 year old, blue-haired whiner to create the story and dialogue. The casting is suddenly a wokefest of unlikely and unlikeable demographic virtue signaling. It has become clear that many of the cast were selected for their gender status or ethnic representation, as opposed to their possible contribution to the plot and story line. The overarching feeling seems to be that, as long as we meet the wokeness quota, who cares if they can act, right? What a disappointment. Seasons 1-3, I give a high 8; thereafter, a low 3.
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Time (I) (2020)
Dishonest pandering
25 April 2021
Fulfill a quota, even if you have to shape the story dishonestly. Yet another attempt to divide us by creating ANOTHER false narrative. Ridiculous.
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