
24 Reviews
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The English (2022)
So glad I have a big tv.
13 November 2022
I absolutely loved this. It required some patience and some thought but wow it's worth it.

The negative reviews really made me laugh, they all seemed to be " I watched 10 minutes, I watched one episode". It's like going; "Call me Ismael. Some years ago - never mind how long or how many". That sounds a bit s**t the rest of the book must be rubbish.

And no I'm not saying it's should be held in the same esteem, I'm just saying give it time before you condem.

As it turns out I could have not in a million years predicted the end. But I have to say it was so brave.

Tiny minor gripe, I love Raffe Spall, he is a great actor. It was great to see him play a villain. But he did seem to come across as an Aldi Tom Hardy at points.
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Rogue Heroes (2022–2024)
Who doesn't like AC/DC?
5 November 2022
This series is great! It shows what heroism really is about; conquering your fears, standing by your principles, pushing yourself to the limit, acknowledging your frailties and still perceiving.

Yes it's a bit cheesy but so what! Roadhouse was very cheesy but it's still great.

There are brilliant characters, relationships and stories. I have loved every episode.

As for the soundtrack I think it really works. If AC/DC had been around in the 1940's what troops wouldn't have psyched themselves up by turning it up to 11?

These were hard dedicated men and I think this is a great tribute. How accurate it is I'm not sure but well worth watching.
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Slow Horses (2022– )
Fan of the books.
26 October 2022
In my mind Jackson Lamb was Timothy Spall and Katherine Standish was Olivia Coleman and I think they'd have nailed it.

That said the casting is spot on, everyone is great. Also there should be a massive shout out to the location scouts, Slough House is exactly as I imagined it.

The mood, intrigue and pace are as good as Tinker, tailor, soldier, spy.

I have loved the books so much and am so happy that this has not had the over the top Hollywood treatment that these things often do. It's kept the grime and the humour that have made the books so enjoyable.

I'm episode four in and can't stop..
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House of the Dragon (2022– )
Could be, should be better.
1 October 2022
Given the cast they are working with I'm not sure how it's so wrong.

My big problem is I don't care about any of them. In Game of thrones, both the TV show and the books I had characters to love and hate and then change my mind about. This has none, I couldn't even tell you their names.

There is nothing to sink your teeth in to, there is no hero, no villain, no love interest and impotent dragons.

I understand the idea and the need to carry on the franchise and sometimes it works; Better calk Saul, Frasier to name but 2. This doesn't, we know the history, we know the backstory.

Within half an episode of GOT I knew every characters name, 5 episodes in I can't recall 1.
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Moonfall (2022)
Nope! Nope! Nope!
17 August 2022
I managed half an hour before quitting.

I work in an artistic industry and I know how it feels to give your all to a project. I also know how it feels to know this isn't working, scrap it and start again.

This is the latter.
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Point Break (1991)
What's not to like?
14 August 2022
2 of the most likeable, bankable movie stars alongside Buddy Holly, directed by a woman with a great strong female lead. The action shots are phenomenal and the nazis get battered.

High drama it isn't; bloody good fun it is.
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6 November 2021
I've watched this twice now to try to be sure: I'm still not. It draws on so many influences it just trips over itself. It's not not enjoyable it's just not as great as I wanted it to be.
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Perry Mason (2020–2023)
Binged it in 1 day and will re watch.
5 May 2021
I'm not really familiar with the source material so I will judge it on it's own. I thought it was a great slow burn with great character development and plenty of twists.
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I Care a Lot (2020)
Not 1 sympathetic character
11 April 2021
I'm a great believer I the suspension of disbelief. Sadly there's not enough suspension and not enough disbelief in the world for this.

A racketeer and a sex trafficker lock horns: who cares who wins.
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The Sopranos (1999–2007)
It's cunnilingus and psychiatry that brought us to this.
5 March 2021
There are many TV series we re watch in these digital days and when watching those we skip episodes. Not with The Sopranos, you watch them all. There are just no weak links, there's no character I don't believe and then there's the soundtrack..
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Blown Away (2019– )
It's like knowing rubber necking is wrong.
17 February 2021
Just pick the most PC candidate on episode 1 and be done with it. Chris on series 2 "those that can't do teach". Those that are losing throw in a dead relative. Win, lose or draw. You are a virus with burnt shoes.
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Jojo Rabbit (2019)
13 November 2020
Not at all what I expected. The final scene made me laugh and cry at once. Please watch this absolute gem.
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The Gentlemen (2019)
Really good fun.
5 November 2020
Hugh Grant and Colin Farrell are brilliant in this. If you expect to see anything other than a Guy Ritchie trademark film then don't watch, if you're a fan then you'll love it. Yes it's a slow start but that slow start allows the great interplay between What to me are the main protagonists. If you don't like this you're a film snob: put down The Guardian, pick up a beer and enjoy.
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Free Fire (2016)
It's a black comedy.
23 October 2020
I love this film. It's full of macho dickheads, double crossers and horrible characters. Not only that but what I imagine actually happens when people actually start shooting at each other; loads of misses, painful hits and lots of pain. Also any movie with Creedence in the soundtrack works for me.
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Hunters (2020–2023)
Am I watching the same show?
2 March 2020
I've read some really negative reviews on here I'm not sure why. I'll admit they could've and should've dialed down the schmaltzy accents a bit but other than that I've really enjoyed it. The Tarantino references are more homage than plagiarism I feel. Well worth watching.
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Treadstone (2019)
15 January 2020
I don't get the point of this at all. If you're going to try to televise a loved franchise you need either stellar writers or a star. This has neither it's just a mish mash that doesn't work.
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Jack Ryan: Dressed to Kill (2019)
Season 2, Episode 4
Liked most of the series so far.
13 January 2020
While mostly enjoying this I would like to point out there is no way in hell a one eyed man could do that rooftop run. Depth perception takes binocular vision, it just does.
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The Drop (2014)
I can't believe this didn't get more attention.
31 December 2019
I have loved this film since I first saw it on one of those great afternoon off on your own cinema experiences. I've just come back to it as I was trying to give my daughter an example of a MaCguffin. How did this slip under the radar? Every performance is brilliant, the cinematography is beautiful (it gives such a sense of place), the soundtrack is almost not there but conveys so much. Me, I just tend bar.
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6 Underground (2019)
Just not good.
27 December 2019
I love comedy action movies, this isn't one. It misses on so many levels. Either make it total fantasy or anchor it in reality. This just doesn't do either.
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Daybreak (I) (2019)
Great way to while away a day off.
27 October 2019
Nothing serious here at all but good fun. Not a classic but certainly better than the " Ooh I take myself soo seriously" nay sayers would have you believe. Turn your cynicism down and enjoy.
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The Boys (2019– )
So far so great.
26 July 2019
This looks set to be a real stunner. My one draw back is what the hell is going on with Butchers accent, it's a cross between his natural Kiwi and Dick Van Dyke mockney.
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Deadwood: The Movie (2019 TV Movie)
Truthful but....
13 June 2019
There are so many positives about this: the language, the characters, the performances, the plot and the comedy. I've loved it but I hate it. To in the end sanctify Al Swearengen a man that stood on a woman's throat, cut a women's throat (for profit and political gain) is just wrong.
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So bad Ikea Knightly only turned up for a cameo.
14 May 2019
I watched this to try to go to sleep, it wasn't even capable of doing that.
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After Life (2019–2022)
Heartwarming beyond belief
13 March 2019
I thought Derek had to be the pinnacle of Rickie Gervais's career, this is even better. Rapier like wit can combined with gutter humor and then a massive dose of pathos. I could not have enjoyed it more.
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