
11 Reviews
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Blimey, this is a truly, horrendously bad film...
7 April 2019
Seriously. It is one of the very worst films I've ever seen. And God knows, I've seen some stinkers. The funny thing is that some of those 'stinkers' might have had something about them that might be enjoyable... cheesy lines, a laughable (but amusing) plot, hilariously bad special effects, whatever. But this is a film that has absolutely no redeeming features whatsoever.

It's amateur hour throughout despite the two main actresses having a bunch of TV / movie credits between them. The first hour just looks like people making stuff up as they go along, improvising like crazy and not doing a good job of it. Not a single interesting line or character-making idea throughout. And when the supposed 'horror' stuff comes along... that's even less interesting. The camerawork is often so bad that I truly couldn't understand what was going on (someone got assaulted? Who was it? No idea...). Almost no gore for the 'gorehounds' (let's face it, the target audience for a film of this title) and... well, I've run out of words why this film is so bad.

I love to support low-budget UK cinema but I can't support this POS. Sorry.
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The Festival (2018)
Well... it was OK...
8 December 2018
I was quite looking forward to this film. Loved The Inbetweeners and was hoping for more of the same.

It was, well, OK. Quite funny in places, quite dull in others. Joe Thomas plays exactly the same character he always does from the likes of The Inbetweeners, Fresh Meat and White Gold. It's always nice to see the lovely Hannah Tointon in anything. And Claudia O'Doherty is a talented comedic actress.

If you're after some undemanding and obvious laughs, this film is worth a shot. Just don't expect a classic.
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Best Teen Movie in recent years? I think so...
14 July 2018
OK... I'm of an age where I remember those 80's John Hughes movies coming out and, yes, even saw them in a cinema... probably too old for a Hailee Steinfeld movie, right? Well, no... this is an excellent film for even, yes, 'old' people like me!

What I really liked about it is that the main character Nadine (played by an excellent Ms Steinfeld) is basically, a dickhead (someone even plays a little tune that says as much to her at one point!)... she's arrogant, constantly on the defensive, thinks the whole world is bullying her... when, in actual fact, she is treating people in the exact opposite of the way she would like to be treated herself. Yet still you feel for her... she's a messed up kid doing her best and making wrong decisions all the time. Well, that sounds like me in my teenage years! ;o)

The supporting cast are great as well... Woody Harrelson in particular (but we all know Woody is always awesome...)

It's a terrific film, well worth a watch regardless of your age. Very funny, often moving, give it a go!
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A reasonable enough romantic comedy...
13 July 2018
Let's get this straight right from the start... this is not a classic. To be honest, I only watched it because I'm a fan of Karen Gillan. It's a romantic comedy that isn't terribly funny.... the first half hour had me constantly thinking 'should I stop watching, this isn't a very good movie...'

But, oddly, the second half of the movie got a lot better. NO SPOILERS! Certain characters became a lot more interesting, there were a few more laughs and a few bits were actually somewhat moving! And what I thought would be the 'obvious ending' didn't happen at all!

This isn't a 'must watch' but if you're feeling a bit undemanding one night, this might fit the bill.
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In Darkness (2018)
Quite an excellent thriller...
25 May 2018
Just watched it. It really is a rather good film. Well acted, well written and with a couple of twists that you might not see coming. I'm a huge fan of Natalie Dormer and she's just terrific here. I don't want to say anymore because I don't want to post any spoilers, but if you fancy watching a tight and exciting UK thriller, I doubt you'll be disappointed. Give it a shot, eh?
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Stratton (2017)
Not very good....
19 May 2018
Not a truly terrible film... a decent enough watch if you're a bit bored one night... but to see Dominic Cooper (who was so incredible in 'The Devils Double', a performance that should have won him many awards!) in such an insignificant film... bit depressing. Apparently he came on board at the last minute when Henry Cavill dropped out. Hey, actors gotta work! Hope the cheque was big enough!
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Nice film, not a classic, but worth a look IMO...
17 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
OK. Very few spoilers here and if there are some, they will be rather vague, so read on with confidence. ;o)

Its a romantic drama with nice performances from some likeable actors. Basically a couple of young people fall in love thanks to their passionate love of music, both a bit pretentious, then as the years go on, one of them grows up a bit and the other doesn't and it kills their relationship. And then... well, I won't tell you.

Josh Whitehouse and Freya Mavor are both excellent. Fine young actors who deserve a big break into the mainstream sometime soon. Ms Mavor is the more likeable character (Nat), though... Mr Whitehouse (Liam) is basically, an a-hole throughout much of the film, pretentious, constantly on the attack for no good reason at all and talking crap throughout... but I quite liked him because he reminded myself of ME when I was young and in a band in the 90's! Yup, I was once that guy. Aw, the follies of youth, eh...

What let me down about this film was the ending, which I won't spoil for you... let's just say it all went a bit 'Four Weddings And A Funeral'...

Oh, and Ian Hart, in his brief appearances, is superb, especially his last scene!

In summary, it's a nice enough flick (with some great tunes played throughout!) but could have been a little better... give it a go, though, eh? Hope you like it!
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Cobra Kai (2018–2025)
Loved it far more than I thought I would...
15 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
OK. I saw the trailer. Thought it would be a cheap nostalgia fest, aimed at middle aged folks who loved the original movies and wanting to revisit their youth. Fair enough. I've fallen for things like that before. Gave the first episode a go, quite good fun, gave the second a go, then the third and... damn, did I start falling in love with it.

Look. Johnny and Daniel have both turned into a-holes in their middle-aged years, for different reasons. Why do I identify with that, as someone who watched the original movie as a kid. Ahem... ;o) And their reignited rivalry throws all those around them into certain levels of turmoil. Any kids watching this show (who will be the same age as we were when we watched the original films) will get the same buzz out of it. Some talented young actors, BTW.

My favourite new show of 2018, such a fun watch... funny and moving and with many throwbacks to the original movies that'll make long-term fans punch the air... and, heck, any show that finds the time to put in some cheesy montages set to 80's rock music is fine by me!
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Josie (2018)
Not a great film, I'm afraid.
17 March 2018
Yes, the performances are decent (Sophie Turner acts better than she even did in Game Of Thrones and Dylan Mcdermott shows, once again, that he's a hugely under-rated actor) but it's rather slow and uninvolving and the 'big twist' is so blindingly obvious...
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Good Lord, this was bad...
17 April 2016
I love a good, silly, dumb action movie. Truly, I do. But this one was just insulting... I felt like it was written by a bunch of 13 year old boys, cranked up on too much Red Bull.

Totally avoid of any characterisation other than in the broadest possible terms... the dialogue was just horrendous... the plot makes very little sense to anyone with the slightest scrap of brain in their head (what, most of the London police force were taken over by terrorists and NOBODY noticed?)and as for the SFX... you'd be embarrassed if you saw them in an X-box game! I'll admit, there was one good action sequence when Mr Butler and the SAS were advancing on the terrorists lair amidst a hail of gunfire, that was quite nicely done... but five minutes of decent enough action isn't enough to make me think that this film is anything other than an utter turkey...

Give it a swerve, IMO.
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It was... OK...
7 January 2016
A mildly entertaining action flick, no more no less. Rather bloodless in the action scenes and many of the jokes have been done before in better films...

Looks like a pilot for a network US TV show, only a couple of f-words would put it apart from any show on CBS or whatever. To be honest, I only bothered with it thanks to the gorgeous Katie Mcgrath being in it (I'm a big fan of Merlin... damn, why can't anyone put this lovely and talented actress in a BIG film, and no, JURASSIC WORLD doesn't count because she was in it for about five minutes... ;o))

It's an OK watch if you're feeling a bit undemanding...
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