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The Guru (2002)
An enjoyable movie.
23 September 2014

I had seen this around on DVD before, but not really showed any interest. I am not a Bollywood fan and the cover of this film makes it look very Bollywood. But even though there are a few elements to Bollywood in there it is not Bollywood.

The movie is about an Indian guy who leaves India to pursue a career as a Hollywood actor. When he moves to the USA he gets a break in the movie industry by starring in a porn film… this doesn't work out but he does form a friendship with a porn actress who takes him under her wing and helps him get into the porn industry… little does she know that the information she is giving him he is using to trick everyone into thinking he is a Love Guru. People are listening to his advice and he starts getting recognised for it.

This is a romantic comedy but not like many others. The story is really well written. It has the typical elements of all romantic comedies, but this has a fresh feel to it. The comedy is well done, but not really laugh out loud. There were a few moments which I did laugh to, but generally the film was just amusing and fun.

The characters were really well played out. The characters were believable and also likable. Sometimes I find that in these films the characters can just be annoying and not really well done. I like to connect with the characters in the film, and in this it was good. The main character was played by Jimi Mistry. He was very good in this film and I am surprised that he gave up the big movie dream to end up in Coronation Street. I thought he was better than that. Other great performances in this were by Heather Graham and Marisa Tomei. Heathers character was just complicated. Her character was just very weak and seemed confused. Marisas character was just annoying, but not in a bad way. She played the part well and had some very funny moments.

There were a couple of funny musical numbers in this movie. They were unexpected and seemed out of place, but somehow worked really well. It added the Bollywood feel to the film and did make me laugh. The only part that I thought was a little out of place and did not belong in the film was the very last scene. The last scene really had me scratching my head as to what was going on. It didn't make sense and didn't belong in the film. I didn't get it.

It was an entertaining film and a lot better than I thought it would be. I will give this film 7 out of 10.

"I talked to a real live pornstar... and she sounded naked!"

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The Hangover (2009)
A lot better the second time around.
23 September 2014

I remember watching this when it first came out and I was the only one out of all of my friends that thought it was crap.

The film is about 4 guys who go to Vegas to celebrate a stag party. The problem is, the stag is missing and nobody can remember what went on the night before. There are a lot of things wrong when they wake up the next morning. The stag is missing, the room they are in is wrecked, the dentist is missing a tooth, there is a tiger in the bathroom and they find out they have as police car! Their missing is to now try and retrace their steps to find out where their friend is so they can get him back in time for the wedding.

As I said at the beginning, I have seen this before and was very disappointed. But after watching it again I really liked it this time around. The story is really well planned out. I love the idea of the film starting when it has already all gone wrong. You have no idea, just like the characters, what has happened and it is a great adventure what happened the night before.

I loved some of the twists in the story. It does just keep you laughing throughout. Just when you think it couldn't get worst… something else comes to light and you realise it is a lot worse than expected. The characters were not very likable. Every one of them has something about them that makes them the worst friends in the world. But they do stick together and do not stop until they get their friend back. The acting was really good throughout. It makes a change but the casting was perfect. The film stars Bradley Cooper, Ed Helms, Zach Galifianakis, Justin Bartha, Heather Graham and Ken Jeong. There was even a great cameo by Iron Mike Tyson. Mike can't act to save his life and he definitely can't sing… but it did add to the comedy in this movie.

The adventure in this film plays along so well that it is a roller-coaster ride to watch. This film is very funny and if you have seen it and didn't like it, watch it again. I liked it a whole lot more the second time around.

I will give this 7 out of 10.

"What do tigers dream of when they take their little tiger snooze? Do they dream of mauling zebras, or Halle Berry in her Catwoman suit? Don't you worry your pretty striped head, we're gonna get you back to Tyson and your cozy tiger bed. And then we're gonna find our best friend Doug, and then we're gonna give him a best friend hug. Doug, Doug, oh, Doug, Dougie, Dougie, Doug, Doug! But if he's been murdered by crystal meth tweakers, well then we're sh*t out of luck."

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Tyson (2008)
A very entertaining insight into the mind of a very interesting character.
16 September 2014

OK, so this is more of a documentary than a movie, but it was still released in the cinemas and it is called Tyson the Movie, so I thought I would review it.

This is a documentary about the legendary former heavyweight boxing champion, Iron Mike Tyson.

Mike Tyson has has a very interesting life. He isn't really a nice person as we have seen during various moments in his public life. There are times when he comes across as a nice guy, but there are a lot of times where he is just scary. The man is a huge powerhouse which a crazy amount of strength. I would not like to get on the wrong side of this guy. But his boxing career is nothing to be sniffed at. He is and always will be a legend in his chosen occupation.

This film interviews Mike about his life and career. He talks about all the highs and lows of what he has been through. Yes he has had a rough life. He was always in the spotlight in and out of the ring. The film was shot quite well, he covers everything that would want to hear him talk about, from his boxing life, his rape trial, the infamous bite to when he retired altogether. It is very interesting to hear his side of things, but with all stories, there are obviously 2 sides and this only tells his side of things.

Mike was an unbelievable boxer that I loved to watch and still love to go back and watch again and again. He was mesmerizing with the power and skill he had... he knocked out some of the best boxers in the world within a couple of rounds. It is very rare to have a talent like that in any sport.

His personal life is not really any of our business, but when he got convicted of rape I was shocked. There is no excuse for what he did, even though he still denies it to this day. But Mike has done his time and it is time everyone just let it lie and stop mentioning it to him or anyone else. I saw on live TV the other day someone mentioned it to him and he started swearing at the interviewer. I am so glad I was no the guy interviewing him then.

I really enjoyed hearing his stories of his arguments with Don King and various other people when he was young. He tells a great story and as far as I can see doesn't hold back.

The only thing I can say that I thought ruined this film a little bit was it felt rushed a lot of the time. There was not a lot of time on any subject of his life. The stories were good but very brief and I would have liked Mike to go into more detail about some of adventures in his life.

This is very entertaining and if you are a boxing fan, this is a must watch. Mike comes across as sometimes mad, but I think he is just misunderstood and if you sit down and try and connect with him I think everyone would understand him a lot more... if he lets you.

I will give this 7 out of 10.

"In a fight, in the streets, not like the ring, it has to be almost to the death because you never know. If you don't knock them out cold or you don't him half to death, he'll go home and come back with a gun or come back with a friend with a gun, or gang of people. Normally a fight on the street is deadly"

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A good film, but not much boxing in it.
16 September 2014

I didn't really know what to make of this film at first. I was really hoping it was not trying to be a British version of Rocky... it wasn't which is all good.

The movie is about a beginner boxer who spas with the world champion contender and accidentally breaks the number one contenders hand... all of a sudden he is put up for the championship match... even though he has never had a fight in his life.

This is a comedy and it is funny in places, but it could have been funnier. There were a few moments which made me laugh out loud. It has a typical British humour to it which sometimes can be a bit too much, but for this it worked really well. The film makers didn't put a load of Americans trying their best to do a British accent. They used English actors.

The story was really good. I was looked for nods to Rocky all the way through the movie and saw none. The ending also was really well done. I was expecting the typical ending to these kinds of movies, but the ending to this really threw me off of the scent and I didn't see it coming.

The acting was really good throughout. Orlando Bloom proved he can act in comedies and actually has a goo comedy face. I think he could shake off the LOTR and POTC typecasting and really do well if he chooses the right roles. Other cast members which were really good were Omid Djalili and Billie Piper. But my favourite character was played by Rafe Spall who played Stan. A brilliant comedy performance.

This is a boxing movie with very little boxing in it, but the story carries it along very well. It is worth a watch if you like this kind of thing... but don't expect a lot of sport.

I will give this film 6 out of 10.

"Your timing's rotten, mate. I've got me bird over. I'm getting me nuts wet."

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Machete (2010)
A fun film to watch. I liked it!
2 September 2014

This film started out as a fake trailer for the middle of the Tarrantino / Rodriguez film Gindhouse. It was a great touch and I was glad that the film was made in the end.

The story is about a guy named Machete who is framed for the attempted murder of a senator who is trying to stop illegal immigrants.

This film is super violent. As soon as the film starts you can tell what kind of movie this is going to be. Within the first 5 minutes there are be headings and loss of limbs. There is blood everywhere. It is completely unrealistic but fantastic at the same time. It was made as if it was a 70s slasher film. You have everything in it to make you think this is a really old film, yet it was made in 2010.

I love the vision Rodriguez has for his films. He has clear influences that he uses and he does it so well.

There are some hilarious moments in this film too. It was made like that on purpose. The tongue in cheek moments were brilliant. This has everything you would expect from a film like this. Blood, guts, nudity, bad language and terrible acting... but the bad acting was done on purpose because that is how it was back in the 70s.

Because the acting was bad it means the actors actually did a brilliant job. The movie stars Danny Trejo as Machete. I love Danny. It is about time he got a leading role for himself. He has been in so many good movies and deserves the recognition. Other great cast members were Robert DeNiro, Jessica Alba, Steven Seagal, Michelle Rodriguez, Jeff Fahey, Cheech Marin, Don Johnson and Lindsay Lohan. I can't fault anyone at all... the perfect cast for this kind of film.

The effects were over the top... on purpose. They looked great. I loved the scene where Machete was hanging from a window by some elses intestines. Really badly done, but hilarious!

Honestly this film has everything. You need to watch it to believe it. I can't wait to see Machete Kills.

I will give this film 7 out of 10.

"Machete don't text"

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Shoot to Kill (1988)
Quite good, but felt like a TV movie.
2 September 2014

I had never heard of this film until I saw it for sale on DVD. I am a sucker for an 80s film, so thought I would get it and give it a go.

The movie is about a thief and murderer on the run. An FBI agent and a local guide is chasing him and it is a race against time through mountains and forests to save the hostage that the murderer has.

It is a typical thriller. The guess work was there from the off set. I loved the way the film started. There was no introducing characters or extra added story. It dived right in there with a hostage situation and a couple of murders. It was a fast paced start to the film which got me hooked right away.

The group of tourists that were on the guide around the mountains was well done too. It did keep me guessing and wondering who the killer was. It did a god job at hiding it too because the person I thought it was turned out to be innocent. I never would have guessed who it was. I did think they revealed the killer a little bit too soon though, they could have stretched it out a little bit more for suspense.

The whole film felt like a TV movie. I couldn't imagine this being in the cinema. If anything it could have been an extended episode of a crime show from the 80s.

The acting was terrible. Tom Berenger did an OK job, but there were moments when I thought he just didn't pull off his emotions right. Sidney Poitier was OK, but seeing him deliver his lines was comical. He just looked uncomfortable in the role and it didn't seem very natural. Kirsty Alley was probably the best actress in the movie. She was the victim and played it well.

Overall this is a good movie, but it wasn't anything special. This movie has been made quite a lot of times before and the story will be used again and again.

I will give this film 6 out of 10.

"Everybody else up here acts like they've never seen a black man before. Why should the bear be different?"

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Dark Shadows (2012)
A good movie, but not what I was expecting.
1 September 2014

I remember seeing this film was coming out in the cinema and I was really excited. I love waiting for a Tim Burton movie. Tim is my favourite director and I just love the feel of his movies.

The movie is about a wealthy man who scorns a woman that works for him unknowing that she is a witch that curses him and turns him into a vampire. She buries him and leaves him there. 200 hundred years later he gets dug up and realises that times have changed and the witch is still around running the town. The battle for the town begins.

I went to see this in IMAX when it was released, I remember liking it but being slightly disappointed. The trailer makes it look like a full on comedy, but it's not really. There are some very funny comedy moments in it, but most of them were in the trailer.

The story was really good. I like the rivalry between the vampire and the witch. There is a sexual tension between them, but even though there is that tension there, he really doesn't like her. It is a weird relationship.

The casting was very typical for a Tim Burton film. Johnny Depp stars as Barnabas. Johnny has starred in a lot of Tims films. I have read some negative comments about that, but I disagree. I see them working together and it is a winning combination. If a partnership works, then why break it up? If you look at the films they have made together I can honestly say that I like all of the films they have made... even the remakes that Tim has done. I am not a fan of remaking a film and I was very dubious about it when Tim started making remakes, but I do like the ones he has done. Helena Bonham Carter also stars in this with Johnny. I know... no big surprise. But again, it works. Michelle Pfeiffer, Jonny Lee Miller, Eva Green, Jackie Earle Haley, Bella Heathcote, Chloe Grace Moretz and Gulliver McGrath star. The acting was quite good throughout, but again, the annoying one was Chloe Grace Moretz. She has yet again proved she can't act. It is a shame, but I really don't see what people see in her. Her lines seem so forced and it feels like she is reading every word she says. It was good to see Michelle Pfeiffer in a Tim Burton film again. The last film the made together was Batman Returns. There is also a great cameo by Alice Cooper and Christopher Lee.

It was also really good to see the original cast of the TV series made a small appearance. Jonathan Frid filmed his scene and unfortunately died before the film was released.

The effects were really well done. The end of the movie is where the effects are really shown to it's full capacity. Eva Green's character starts cracking and it is really well done.

The soundtrack to this film is great. The movie is set in the 1970s so all the way through the film you have some classic 70s songs. They really do go well with the film.

This is a good film that is a lot of fun to watch... but don't see it thinking it is a laugh out loud comedy, it is more of a fantasy film.

I will give this 7 out of 10.

"You may strategically place your wonderful lips upon my posterior and kiss it repeatedly!"

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A good movie, but very long.
1 September 2014

Phew... this film is a mission to get through!

The movie tells the story of a doctor/poet. It spans through his life from childhood to his death.

The film is on for over 3 hours, but I made the big mistake of watching it with a 2 year old around... there was a lot of pausing and a lot of noise. I did understand the film, but I have to admit that it was a nightmare to get through. It literally took me over 6 hours to watch!

The story was harsh in places. He went through so much in his life that made him stronger. What I liked about this is he was not the perfect man. He made mistakes and paid for them.

The story is very long, but it was entertaining. There were moments where I thought it was dragged out a bit. I know this is a classic but to be honest, it was not as good as I thought it was going to be. I didn't really know what to expect. I had not seen anything about this, apart from the fact it is widely known as a classic. I don't think it deserves to be called a classic, but it is a good movie.

One of the great things about this film was the acting. The performances were really well done. The movie starred Omar Sharif as Yuri Zhivago. Omar did a brilliant job. His character was so full of feeling and emotion and that comes down to the fantastic job by Omar. Other great performances were done by Julie Christie, Geraldine Chaplin, Rod Steiger and Alec Guinness. I was a little disappointed that Alec wasn't in it more. I am a fan of his work and wished he had a bigger part.

There are not many effects in this, but there are a couple of scenes with blood. The blood looked so fake. Some of the make up was really well done, but then on other parts it really let slip. But the film was made in 1965, so I don't expect it to have amazing effects. For it's time it was perfect. It had a good looking feel to it.

I will give this film 6 out of 10. This is a perfect Sunday afternoon film, but my suggestion to anyone who wants to see it would be... make sure there is not a 2 year old around when it's on. It is such hard work.

"They rode them down, Lara. Women and children, begging for bread. There will be no more 'peaceful' demonstrations."

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Jumanji (1995)
A great movie
14 August 2014

I loved this movie when it first came out and I still love it today!

The movie is about a boy who finds a board game called Jumanji. When he takes it home and starts to play it with a friend, he soon realises that this is no ordinary game. He gets sucked into the game and is not released again until 26 years later 2 more kids find the game and release him. Now he is grown up and has to find a way to end this game before everything it releases destroys the town.

Due to the sad passing of the genius that was Robin Williams, the TV channels have decided to show all of his movies. Jumanji was the first one I saw. The story to this film is like not her that I had seen before. It was an original idea (unless there is another film I don't know about) that was just so imaginative. It works really well and has a great adventure element about it.

The effects are average. This was made in the mid 90s so that probably has something to do with it. The animals were obviously not real. You could see the lion was so mechanical it made me laugh. And the other animals were so obviously computer generated. But it was comical and that just added to the fun of the film.

The acting was great. The main character was played by Robin Williams. He was as energetic and full of character in this role, just like he brought to every role he took. Other cast members were Jonathan Hyde, a young Kirsten Dunst, Bradley Pierce and Bonnie Hunt. Bonnie Hunt was brilliant. Her reaction and facial expressions made me laugh a few times in this. Another stand out performance was by David Alan Grier. David was so funny as the cop. His comedy timing was excellent and deserves a mention.

This film really does keep you entertained throughout and is just a lot of fun to watch... Even now nearly 20 years later.

I will give this 7 out of 10.

Normally I end my reviews with a quote from the movie, but this time I just want to say how gutted I am about the news of Robins death. I am a fan of his work. I watched Mork and Mindy when I was a kid and grew up watching Jumanji, Mrs. Doubtfire, Hook, Flubber, Good Morning Vietnam, Jack etc... There were so many great films that he made. I always saw Robin as so full of energy and full of life. He had one of the greatest smiles in Hollywood and when i saw an interview with him, he seemed so chirpy and happy. It just shows that in front of the camera, you never know what is going on in people's heads. I was sad to hear he had been suffering from depression. Depression is such a deadly illness. I know this sounds stupid, but I am gutted that I was not there to talk to him, help him. I hate to think that he felt so alone, especially as he had millions of fans all over the world that knew him on screen. He made the world laugh out loud so many times. Even through bad times in my life, watching his movies has put a smile on my face. Robin deserved much more happiness than he got. He gave so much to me and the rest of the world and it doesn't seem right that he should end his life this way. I will miss seeing new movies from him, but will always continue to go back to enjoy his old ones. Robin will live on in my house and he will always continue to make me smile. R.I.P. Robin Williams.
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Bugsy Malone (1976)
A very amusing film that is a very different take on a gangster film.
11 August 2014

A gangster movie like no other.

This is a musical, gangster film... it is already a bizarre mixture, but the film makers really went all out to make this film different. The whole cast are children.

I knew all of this before watching it but really didn't know what to expect. I didn't know if I would like this or not. So when I saw this was on the TV, I thought I would give it a go. It actually worked really well.

The story is actually quite bad. Not a lot really happens throughout apart from two leaders of opposite gangs are fighting for the same patch. If this film was made normally, it would not have worked anywhere near as well.

One of the things that I like about this film is even though the whole cast is children, they are all made up as adults and act as if they are adults. Even their fake moustaches were really funny.

A lot of the songs were really catchy. There were a couple of songs that were not that go, but generally they were very good. When the children were singing, you could clearly see they were miming. It was not especially done well, but maybe this was dine on purpose. When they were singing, all of a sudden the kids had very mature voices. It was really funny.

Another thing that I thought was well done was the gun fights. They were all fighting and shooting tommy guns that were shooting pies and custard at everyone. But when they got shot it was as if they were dead. The cars were fantastic. They were the old style cars, but they were actually pedal cars. The funniest part was when they were peddling the cars around, you could hear car engines as if they were driving for real. A really good touch.

The cast couldn't act at all... this is the perfect example of children tend not to be good actors. Some of the time it felt like a big budget school play. Bad acting and comical dialogue execution. But even though the acting was bad, it made the film a lot better. The bad acting worked really well with the comedy side of the film.

The movie starred Scott Baio, Florrie Dugger, Jodie Foster & John Cassisi. The funniest character was Fat Sam played by John Cassisi. He was hilarious and was the star of the film, but acting wise I can see why Jodie Foster was the only actress to make it big after this. She was the best actress in the movie.

This is relatively short movie, but it is worth a watch. It is funny, weird and confusing as hell to watch.

I will give this film 6 out of 10.

"Someone once said, "If it was raining brains, Roxy Robinson wouldn't even get wet." Roxy had spent his whole life making two and two into five, but he could smell trouble like other people could smell gas. But believe you's me, he should've never taken that blind alley by the side of Parido's Bakery. Whatever game it was everybody was playing, sure as eggs is eggs, Roxy the Weasel had been scrambled."

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Neighbors (I) (2014)
Amusing but disappointing.
11 August 2014

The trailer to this movie makes the movie look so funny... unfortunately the film itself is not as funny as it should have been.

The story is about a family who have just moved into their house after having a baby. All is going well until they find out the new neighbours turn the house into a fraternity house. Now they must find a way to get the peaceful life they always wanted.

The idea of the film is quite good. It is a very amusing film, it's just not very laugh out loud funny. I did laugh a few times, but it was only at the scenes that were already shown in the trailer. I liked some of the fights they had. The neighbours really went to war and it made for a good movie. I loved the way they always tried to outdo each other.

I felt like the baby in the movie was not really needed. The parents in this film were terrible parents. They swore in front of the child, smoked weed and at some points I am pretty sure they left the kid at home alone. I just think it would have been better without the child because the couple who had the kid were not really likable. I always thought that in films the good guys were supposed to be liked, but I didn't really like them. I also didn't like the new fraternity neighbours. So, it just made me not really care who won the battle. It was just fin to see them fighting all the time.

The acting was really good from everyone. Even though I didn't like the characters, the actors did a good job at what they were doing. The film stars Seth Rogen, Rose Byrne and Zac Efron. Seth is a good actor and so is Rose. I have always liked most of their work and I think they do a good job in this. Now... Zac Efron has had a lot of work to do. I hated High School Musical and thought he couldn't act to save his life, but I have to say he was actually very convincing in this. I hated him... but that is exactly how he played it. At first you liked his character and thought he was an understanding nice kid, but then the war begins and you really see what his character is like. Zac did a great job and I think he would get far in Hollywood as long as he chooses the right roles.

This film was fun to watch and it is very entertaining, i just felt a sense of disappointment after watching it. I was really hoping it to be more funny. It is a shame that it didn't exceed my expectations.

I will give this film 6 out of 10.

"He puts his d*** in your mouth while you were asleep!"

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Dirty Dancing (I) (1987)
A classic.
11 August 2014

A romance film... Not my sort of movie, but there is no denying that this is a classic.

The movie is about a girl who goes on holiday with her family. There she meets a group of dancers. She finds out that one of the dancers is in trouble and decides to help. To help she needs to learn to dance professionally. Whilst learning, she falls in love with her teacher and they have to hide their affair as he would get fired and she would be in a lot of trouble with her family.

The film stars the late great Patrick Swayze. Patrick was such a good actor. He made so many great movies and even acted towards the end of his life in the TV show The Beast even though he was in a lot of pain. He is in my top 5 actors of all time and he is missed. Dirty Dancing is one of his biggest movies. The man knew how to dance well and he really shows it in this movie. Jennifer Grey played the girl in the movie. Jennifer is a good actress and she played this part well. She has been in a lot of movies and TV shows, but she will always mainly be famous for this film.

The soundtrack to this movie is one of the strongest draws to this film. It is a near perfect soundtrack. It has a lot of great songs in it and it is made all the better by the song called She's Like The Wind which is sang by Patrick Swayze himself.

The story itself is actually quite weak. It is a love story that has no deep meaning other than a holiday romance. Normally it would not be a good story for a film... But it works because of all the elements that work well together.

I really like this film. I watched it a lot when I was younger as it was one of the first VHS I owned. It is a classic that I liked now as much as I did. But I can imagine that I wouldn't like it as much if it was the first time I saw it.

I will give this film 8 out of 10.

"I carried a watermelon."

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Ordinary Person Movie Reviews
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A good movie, but on for far too long.
2 August 2014

I know this film got a lot of press and award nods, but I don't fully understand why. Yes, this is a good film, but is it a great film that will become a classic? No.

The movie follows the life of a stock broker who starts out with nothing and ends up with millions of dollars and a very successful life... But he is not doing it all the legal way. This is a true story based on the life of Jordan Belfort.

For a start this film felt like it went on forever. It was 3 hours long and it felt like it. Even though the film was entertaining, it didn't feel like the time flew by... It felt like 3 hours and towards the end I started getting slightly fidgety. I was not very comfortable and I was ready for the movie to end.

Jordan has led one hell of a life. He was the boss every bachelor would love to have. Drugs, hookers and hardly any rules applied in his offices. Some of the things they did was shocking. I am surprised this guy didn't die from the amount of stuff he was doing. He did seem to have a lot of fun though... But he didn't seem to care who got hurt along the way.

There were some very funny scenes and characters in this movie. I did laugh out loud a few times.

I don't pretend to understand the stock market, but you don't need to understand it to enjoy this movie. I enjoyed it even though I still don't understand what he did for a living. It doesn't try and teach you anything, it just concentrates on his life which is a good thing.

Jordan is not a very nice man, but I can understand why people wanted to be around him. He looked after his friends well, but he also dragged them down with him. Sometimes he did a nice thing and his heart was in the rig place, but other times he was as mean as they come.

Overall the movie was good, but it dragged on too long. I don't know if I will remember too much about it in a year.

I will give this film 6 out of 10.

"My name is Jordan Belfort. I'm a former member of the middle class raised by two accountants in a tiny apartment in Bayside, Queens. The year I turned 26, as the head of my own brokerage firm, I made $49 million, which really p*****d me off because it was three shy of a million a week."

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not bad but not great.
30 July 2014

This film is not great, but not bad either.

The main thing I like about this film is the way that there are 2 stories and they don't connect themselves until the second half of the film. The first story is a crime thriller. A group of people break into a wealthy families house and kidnaps their daughter for ransom, but in doing so they murder his wife and also takes the nanny. Whilst hiding out in an abandoned school they have no idea what is yet to come. The second story that is going on is about an old man who kidnaps women and tortures them and feeds them to this creature that he has hidden down in the cellar or him barn.

The 2 stories don't collide until later on in the film and I thought this was a nice touch. I enjoyed flicking from one story to the next. It made me wonder how this was going to get connected and it was really well done.

The crime story was really harsh and at times I though was a bit brutal, but it all made it better. You did actually start to hate these guys. The horror side of the story was OKish. Nothing really original. We have seen kidnap/torture/monster films like this before numerous times. The deaths and gore were OK, but felt watered down a bit. It would have made it better if we had seen more.

When the 2 stories do get together, it was quite well done... but not very realistic. The reaction that the criminals in the school had made me laugh. There is no way these hardened criminals would have reacted the way that they did.

The acting was bad! Nobody really did a good job with this. I am fully understanding why these guys have not made it to the big time yet. But they have got further than me so I can't really say too much. haha The movie stars A. J. Bowen, Anessa Ramsey, Sonny Marinelli, Katherine Randolph and James Bartz. They were just not very convincing... they were acting like they belonged in Prisoner Cell Block H or something. Poor.

The ending was very disappointing. It felt like there wasn't much build up.. no suspense. It kind of just ended. When the credits started to roll I looked at my partner and said to her "Was that it?". I honestly thought that could have been stretched out a little bit more.

The story was good and in general the film was OK, but more originality is what is needed these days in the horror genre... and of course better actors. Not a bad effort though.

I will give this film 6 out of 10.

"Promise me you'll never leave me"

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A much better film... Let's forget the first.
29 July 2014

Wow... At least they made a decent Hulk film this time. This film fixes everything that the last film ruined.

The story is 100% better. I'm really glad that this is not a sequel. This is a whole new film, you don't even need to even think about the original film. You don't need to worry about it being part of the story as this one just starts again.

This film has it all. Action, drama, romance, thriller... And the best part is there is not too much of any one thing. It is spread out really well.

I really liked the characters in this movie. You really did feel sorry for Bruce. He is always on the run. It is a well put together chase film.

The effects were mostly good. There were times when I thought the Hulk or the other monster didn't look very real, but it didn't ruin the fun of the film.

The casting was perfect. Edward Norton was a brilliant Bruce Banner. I was really disappointed to see he was not in the Avengers Assemble. Especially as there was an awesome little cameo at the end by the legendary Robert Downey Jr. It tied it all up nicely for the big film. Other cast members were Liv Tyler, Tim Roth and William Hurt. Excellent job done by all... Especially Tim. His character was a power hungry, evil man... And it was played perfectly. I really hated hi throughout this film. He was scary.

Of course Stan Lee makes his usual cameo nicely. I do hope that one day he plays a bigger part. It would surprise everyone and it would be great. The other thing I really liked about this is the original TV series had a couple of nods of appreciation. The Hulk in this was voiced by the original Hulk himself, Lou Ferrigno, and also he makes a cameo as a security guard. Nice touch.

I suppose I would like to have seen a little bit more Hulk in the film. It felt like there were long periods of not seeing him.

This is a very good film, entertaining and a lot of fun, but it's not the best comic book film out there.

I will give this 7 out of 10.

"You won't like me when I' hungry."

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Ender's Game (2013)
Not bad but not great.
28 July 2014

I don't know what it is about sci fi films, but I love them. I love the idea of being in space, other planets, the idea of life in the universe. It is the perfect escapism for me.

Ender Wiggin is a very smart kid who is believed to be the chosen one to end a war between the human race and aliens that want to wipe us out.

The story is quite good, but I just thought that a film about a child being trained in killing aliens could have been a lot better. Ender just wasn't very convincing as a character. There were a few characters in this film that I thought were not very convincing. I didn't believe that this kid was as smart as he was made out to be. Then the bully character was just laughable. I think the casting and probably the story just didn't add up.

The film has some pretty big stars in it. Harrison Ford makes his way back to science fiction films after a long period away... And seeing as he has signed up for the next instalment of the eagerly anticipated Star Wars saga, it seems he is hanging around sci fi for a while. You never know... That rumour of a sequel to Blade Runner might actually come. Harrison was probably the best actor in the film, but he should have been in it more in my opinion. The film also has Ben Kingsley in it... Ben has a relatively small role, but he is memorable in it. The main cast were Asa Butterfield, Hailee Steinfeld & Abigail Breslin. Asa was not great. I thought in some scenes he was OK, but generally he did not pull this character off. Hailee did a good job. I thought she was he best actress in the film (next to Harrison and Ben).

The thing I loved about this film the most was the visuals. It was an amazing looking movie. I loved the scenery and the effects. It was all done brilliantly. It made me feel that I wanted to be up there. It looked beautiful.

The ending was really good. I thought it was really well done and I did not expect the ending like that. The ending was actually worth waiting for.

Not a bad film, could have been a lot better, but visually it is worth watching.

I will give this 6 out of 10.

"Your mother cheated, that's why you look like a plumber."

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The Grey (2011)
A great movie that was very intense.
22 July 2014

I didn't know anything about this film really... all i did know was Liam Neeson was in it.

The movie is about a group of people who survive a major plane crash, but when they try and get back to civilisation, they get hunted by a pack of hungry wolves.

The story is actually a little depressing. The things these guys have to go through are really bad and hard to imagine surviving. You really feel sorry for these guys, but there are times where they react to some thing in a certain way that just didn't feel right. There are a couple of times where they start joking and laughing together, and I know you would have to try and find a way out of the situation, but I am not sure that anyone would have been able to laugh like that under that pressure.

The story was really good and well put together. There is a lot of dialogue in this movie which is a nice touch. It was written very well.

The acting was very good. Everyone was believable and there were characters that you liked and other characters that you really didn't like. But you still felt sorry for all of them. Liam Neeson was the main character, but other cast members were Frank Grillo, Dermot Mulroney, Dallas Roberts and Joe Anderson.

The wolves were actually quite scary. I liked the way that they looked and the way they acted around the humans. The only thing I was not very convinced about was their knowledge. The wolves in this movie were very smart. They seemed to understand and communicate a plan to get the humans. I just think that they would have been more 'wild' about it and less smart.

There is a very good ending to this movie and not very predictable at all... I just think it ended too early and could have at least continued it. It left me wanting more.

I really enjoyed this movie... and it was made even better due to a thunder storm that was on outside as I was watching it.

I will give this film 7 out of 10.

"Once more into the fray. Into the last good fight I'll ever know. Live and die on this day. Live and die on this day."

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not bad but not great.
22 July 2014

I watched the movie first in the cinema when it first came out.

The movie is about a man and a woman who meet in Vegas and get very drunk and get married. But just as they agreed that the wedding should be annulled, he wins a lot of money. She then decides that as they are married she is entitled to half... but a judge disagrees and makes them live as husband and wife to earn the cash.

It is a cheesy comedy that has some good moments and some bad moments.

The story is quite good, but this is a romantic comedy so just like all romcoms, the first 2 thirds of the movie is very good, but the final part is just mushy dribble.

The movie stars Ashton Kutcher and Cameron Diaz. They are both completely over the top in this movie. I am not overly impressed with either of them as actors. I think Cameron can be funny, but generally just annoying. Ashton is not very funny, but can be entertaining at times. He was quite funny in this though.

There were a lot of predictable moments in this film. There wasn't anything really original in there. I did like the way they fought each other throughout... I think that is was made this film as entertaining as it was.

There are a lot of romantic comedies out there and sometimes I wish there would be some more original stories, but it seems that if you are making a film like this, there is a typical formula that you have to stick to.

This film is good, it is funny, it is entertaining, but it is not the best. There are a lot more comedies out there that are a lot better.

I will give this film 6 out of 10.

"I just wanna junk-punch him in his man business."

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Waxwork (1988)
Not as good as I'd hoped, but not bad.
22 July 2014

Now this is one cheesy horror film.

2 girls stumble across a wax museum that they had never seen before. The proprietor offers them a midnight viewing for them and 4 of their friends. When the go, they find out that the waxworks are not quite what they seem. It is a macabre looking place where people don't always leave.

The story was actually not too bad. I like the idea of the time travel and the victims turning to wax. When the victims step into the compound of the wax figures, they get transported into the time of the wax figures and have to play out the scene, but generally that ends in their deaths and they end up as wax figures in the display. The effects were terrible, even for its time. This film was made in 1988. I know the effects were nowhere near as good back then as they are now, but Gremlins was made in 1984 and the effects on that were far superior. The wax figures were clearly people dressed up… and at times you could even see them moving slightly... It did contribute to the comedy of the film though.

The acting was terrible from everyone… I am not sure if that was done on purpose or if they intended to be convincing, but wither way it was bad. The movie stars Zach Galligan. I think Zach is a good actor. He was very convincing in Gremlins, but this is weak. His acting could not be more wooden. All of the other actors were just as bad too. Other cast members were Deborah Foreman, David Warner and Michelle Johnson.

The best character in this film was the servant that opens the door. He is such a brilliant character and the funniest guy in the film. He was played by Mihaly 'Michu' Meszaros. He is mostly famous for playing the alien Alf in the classic TV series.

I thought this was going to be a serious horror film, but it was clearly made tongue in cheek. It is a silly comedy with horror elements. It is worth a watch if you want to laugh at an 80s film.

It was entertaining but not brilliant, so for that I will give this film 6 out of 10.

"They'll make a movie about anything nowadays."

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The Watch (I) (2012)
Not the greatest comedy, but a good sci-fi film.
15 July 2014
THE WATCH I saw the trailer for this a few years ago and it never really appealed to me, but after seeing it I wished I watched earlier.

The movie is about a group of friendless guys who decide to put together a neighbourhood watch group after a shop security guard gets murdered and skinned. They soon realise that this group they have made is investigating something even more surreal than a murder.

The film comes across as a comedy, but to be honest it wasn't that funny. OK, so I laughed in places, but in general I thought it could have been funnier. I would consider this to be more of a sci-fi film that anything else. It was a very good movie though. It was just misleading.

The story is fun and the aliens looked amazing. They were like a mix of Alien and Predator together. The effects were really good and the alien looked realistic enough. There was a really funny scene where they thought they killed one of the aliens and they were just taking photos with it.

The movie stars Ben Stiller, Vince Vaughn, Jonah Hill and Richard Ayoade. Ben was really good in this, but then he is quite good in a lot of his movies. Vince was really funny throughout too, but the thing with him is he seems to play the same character in every movie he plays. I don't think he has any range to try anything different. Jonah played his part well and was possible the funniest character in the movie because he played it so seriously. Richard was brilliant. His English accent really made his character all the funnier. He had some great lines, but I had hoped he would have had a bigger speaking part.

The film ran along nicely. I didn't get bored at all and it felt like it passed quite quickly. All in all I though this film was a lot of fun and I am glad I watched it. It is a good movie, just not as funny as I had hoped.

I will give this film 7 out of 10.

"I have this one scenario in my mind. I kinda hope it plays out like this: young, sexy, Asian housewife, alone at night, frightened. A noise out by the trash cans. Best call the neighbourhood watch. I show up, look heroic, and then... get this - she sucks my balls."

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Sliver (1993)
Not as good as i remember, but still a good movie.
15 July 2014

I remember watching this quite a lot in the 90s. I loved this film along with other thrillers of its time.

The movie is about a woman who moves into a new apartment block. She starts to get a few people saying that she looks a lot like the woman who killed herself that used to live in her apartment. When she starts to make some new friends in the area, she discovers that there is more to this coincidence than she first thought.

This is a typical Sharon Stone film of the 90s. It is full of sex and suspense. The story is quite good, and the mystery element to it is actually not that bad. There are times when I watched the film and thought I knew who the villain was, but as time goes on your mind changes about 5 times. When you watch the movie, you realise it could only be one of two people… but you really are not sure who it is until right at the end.

I enjoyed the movie, but to be honest it was not as good as I remember it being. This happens a lot when you return to an old film that you have not seen in many years. It is a shame, but your opinion changes on movies, and with the rapid changes in the effects that Hollywood has made, it is not surprising that you all of a sudden think that the films are not as good. But I still enjoyed it. I thought it was entertaining and I had forgotten who the bad guy was anyway, so the film was still a surprise for me.

The movie stars Sharon Stone, William Baldwin and Tom Berenger. Sharon does a great job. She had a very good career in the 90s but just seems to have dipped off of the radar. I believe she is making straight to TV movies now… it is a shame because she is a talented actress and she deserves to be on the big screen. In my opinion, the last great film I saw her in was Diabolique. William Baldwin did a good job at playing a creepy, slimy guy. He was just weird throughout the whole film. I know he was supposed to play the good looking but suspicions type, but he just came across as creepy. Tom Berenger should have had a bigger role really. He was good in the bits he was in, but to be honest he had a relatively small role.

The drama and suspense in this film is the thing that carried it through. I wanted to know who did it… The ending was OK, but I thought they could have had a bigger ending. It just kind of felt it just ended. There was more that could have happened.

I did like this movie, but it is not Sharons best.

I will give this film 7 out of 10.

"You like to watch? Watch this!"

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This is a great fantasy movie that should be seen.
21 May 2014

I have seen this film once before and real enjoyed it, but there wasn't much I remembered about it... which made it all the more exciting to see it again because it was like watching a new film again.

The movie is about a single mother and her 3 children that have just moved into a house in the country. the house used to belong to Arthur Spiderwick. What the family are not expecting is to be in the middle of a world full of fairies and goblins that are trying to kill everyone.

The story is a lot of fun and the film is generally well written. I enjoyed the adventure these kids go on. It has a lot of twists and turns that keep you watching. I loved the idea of only seeing the goblins if they want to be seen. There is a way of seeing them

The effects are very good. I loved the look of the goblins and creatures. I thought it might have been a little scary for little children, but this is a good family movie.

The acting wasn't too bad either considering it had child actors in. The movie stars Freddie Highmore, Mary-Louise Parker, Nick Nolte, Sarah Bolger, Andrew McCarthy and Joan Plowright. I am a fan of Freddies. I thought he was OK in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, but I like him even more in Bates Motel. He has to play 2 parts in this movie and I thought he did a good job considering he had to play 2 different personalities. Mary also did a good job.

This film is a lot more fun than it got credit for. It should have had a better reception I feel from the critics. If you like fantasy movies, then this film is one to watch.

I will give it 7 out of 10.

"Vengeance or death!... Hopefully vengeance."

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Spider-Man 3 (2007)
Good... But not great.
13 May 2014

The final chapter in this trilogy.

The movie continues on from the second movie with Peter and MJ together, Harry angry with Peter and looking for revenge and 2 new villains on the loose.

This was entertaining, but was disappointing compared to the other films.

The story was actually not bad, but it seemed very stretched and there was a lot of things crammed into one movie.

The rivalry between Harry and Peter was very interesting, but would have liked to see more. I thought Harry's anger towards Spider-Man was so strong that the Hob Goblin could have had a whole movie to himself. The other bad guys were not really needed. But, the Hob Goblin was not the main villain. Sandman was the main bad guy. The effects were quite good for him and I thought he looked great, but I feel he should have been more evil. The writers made him more of a victim than a bad guy.

The other bad guy that made an appearance was Venom. Venom was my favourite character through the movie, I was just very disappointed that he had such little screen time. Especially as you have the posters with him all over. The scenes he was in were great though.

There were a few things about this film I didn't like. It felt like this film was ripping off parts of other movies. At one point it reminded me of Superman 3. Spider-Man started changing into an evil version of himself. During this time, Peter walks around town dancing and thinking he is gods gift to women. This just didn't seem to fit into the movie at all. It took the atmosphere away from the story and added too much comedy to the film. It distracted us from the main story and point of the film. I know Peter was going through some changes, but it should have been done differently. Secondly, there is a scene where Peter is dancing with some girl to make MJ jealous. This is another scene which should have been left. Out. It looked like a scene from The Mask. It just didn't fit in this film.

The effects and action sequences were very good. I really enjoyed them and thought they were as good as the other movies.

The acting was as good too. The original cast returned. Toby Maguire, Kirsten Dunst and James Franco. All did so good job. Other cast members were Thomas Haden Church & Topher Grace. It was also good to see Bruce Campbell and Stan Lee back.

OK, look... This is a good film, and I did like it... But the are a lot of things that were not so good. This is 2 films squeezed into 1 and it all feels a bit rushed.

I will give this 6 out of 10.

"You know... I guess one person really can make a difference. Nuff said!"

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Typical, average romantic comedy.
13 May 2014

I am a fan of Robin Williams. He has made some great movies in the past, but I have not really seen him in anything decent recently. This was only average.

The movie is about a couple who want to get married. Before they get married, the vicar of the church puts them through a few tests to see if they are compatible.

This is a comedy and it is funny in places, but it is not hilarious. There was not a lot memorable about it.

The story was OK and it went along smoothly. But there could have been more. I was hoping for a few more twists and turns, but the whole film just was straight forward.

The acting was very good throughout from everyone. The movie stars Mandy Moore, John Krasinski and the legend that is Robin Williams. Mandy and John went well together. I believed they were a couple. Robin was the star of the film from my point of view. He was the funniest character, but this is nowhere near his best role.

This is a typical romantic comedy. Everything that you expect from a rom com you get. The ending was very predictable too. I just wish they would make a rom com where it all goes wrong at the end... The closest they got to that was The Break Up.

This film was enjoyable to watch and it did keep us entertained all the way through, but it could have been better.

I will give this 6 out of 10.

"Do you wanna walk the midget?"

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Jackie Brown (1997)
This is a lot better than I remember.
6 May 2014

I first saw this movie when it was first released and I hated it. I thought it was boring. now after 14 years I decided to try it again...

The movie is about a flight attendant named Jackie Brown. She gets caught up in a huge arms deal and decides to risk everything to help herself other than anyone else.

The movie is quite slow going. There is not a great deal of action in it, but the character building is brilliant. A lot of time is spent getting to know the characters and dialogue. That is one thing I love about Quentin Tarantinos movies. The man really knows how to build a character. The dialogue in all of his movies is what makes him stand out from everyone else. This is one of the reasons why he is one of the best.

Another thing that is really good with this movie and a lot of Tarantinos films is the soundtrack. I read that he bases his films around the soundtracks, and this has some classic songs throughout.

Even though there is not a lot of action, you can't help be get drawn into the story and trying to guess what Jackies next movie is. All the way through the film I was trying to guess what she was doing and who she was actually helping. It is a good film to keep you thinking.

The casting was fantastic. Every single actor did a great job in this movie and they all deserve some credit. Pam Grier, Samuel L. Jackson, Robert Forster, Robert DeNiro, Bridget Fonda & Michael Keaton star in this movie. It was also a nice surprise to see a young Chris Tucker and also Sid Haig appear too.

The main thing I noticed from this film compared to most of Tarantinos others was the lack of violence. There were not many scenes where the violence was high. This is a very subtle film but runs very smoothly and very enjoyable.

I will give this film 7 out of 10.

"Look, I hate to be the kinda nigga does a nigga a favor, then, BAM!, hits a nigga up for a favor in return. But I'm afraid I gots to be that kinda nigga."

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