
36 Reviews
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The Out-Laws (2023)
Just stop Adam Devine
16 July 2023
There's something about Adam that he always wants to be portrayed as a childish and clumsy yet romantic manchild that just doesn't cut it anymore

The movie al in itself is just awful, the performances, the cliche and textbook jokes, spare yourself from watching this piece of garbage movie that uses an old and worn recipe and somehow makes it ten times worse.

This is the last thing I'll ever watch with Adam in it, always the same character (himself but with a new quirky and useless thing) - watching him truly makes you a bit more stupid, no matter the show, the movie or wherever you see him.

Stead clear of this BS of an attempt at comedy.
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Superman & Lois (2021–2024)
Well developed - well written - amazing story
22 April 2023
Give it a go... it's probably not what you'd expect from a Superman show, it's much much more. The situations, the character development - hell, even the visual effects are in point.

No. It's not Hollywood quality but it holds a candle to a big production. The acting is amazing - at least from Superman and Lois (the teenagers a bit cringe but hell, it's development at its finest)

If you enjoy any superhero show or movie definitely give this shoe a chance. You will not regret it.

I myself started it with serious doubt, decided to watch it after a tiktok video - I know - and was captivated immediately.
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Should've been a tik tok
6 March 2023
After seeing the pinkett-smith clip - like many of you, I decided to give this special a try.

Boy was that the wrong decision, Chris feels like watching old movies - I actually googled when he mentions the slap because hearing about how rich his daughters are is in no way comedy.

The whole thing was a huge build up to a joke that he fluked by confusing movies, if he wanted to call Smith a B*itch well he should've used tik tok and not have us sit through an hour of nervous skits and constant repetition.

Laughed once throughout the whole special and was the cheating/therapy joke I had already seen on Twitter, tik tok, etcetera

If you're thinking of giving this comedy special a try, don't - you probably have already seen the only comedic part.
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Nice tribute but...bad movie
2 February 2023
Once you get all the Chadwick situation out of the equation You'll see how much this movie sucks.

The story had enormous potential but Namor and the Mayans felt like a threat just once, the arguments and negotiations between Shuri and Namor are downright childish and not at all deep or substantial- I guess they tried to represent black anger thru Shuri's decisions and character development and while doing so they disconnected her entirely from the rest of the movie, don't get me started on the CGI, I lost all interest in watching machine wars just by looking at that faux-ironlady and shuris suit.

Almost 3 hours of absolutely nothing. Well, the one thing that kept it interesting (until she's put in the absolute worse CGI suit) is Okoye and Nakia.
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9-1-1: Outside Looking In (2022)
Season 5, Episode 11
Fire whoever wrote this episode
23 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The person in charge of writing this episode hasn't seen the series - the growth and journey of Buck being what he did in this episode to caring for someone by handing her a beacon. Literally one episode before this garbage

This show had amazing potential but the writers are hell bent on making it a teenage drama. Hen reacting to Jonah: nothing to do with her character arc, she suffered the hazing so she'd be supporting instead of a dialed down bully calling people "Monday"

Buck regressing towards a childish man child and a spiral of lies based on a nonsensical and cliche issue - if your writers had to resort to buck cheating to keep pulling "twists" then they should be fired.
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OMFG Elle Fanning's performance
16 May 2022
If you've been living under a rock for the last years then this CAN be spoiled - but the intricacies of the story, the performance of Michelle's family and Coco's mum is off the charts

Worth the watch, the points of views and stories of each character really build a strong and compelling story.

There's a very powerful scene at a bar, keep your eyes open for Fanning's performance there. Doesn't try to justify anything and it doesn't take sides - definitely recommended.
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The Medium (2021)
Glowing eyes is horror?
9 May 2022
I remember seeing a video that they screened this movie with the light on somewhere on earth, clearly that caught my attention... but no

There's absolutely no substance in the movie, a slow burn with a disappointing ending, the lore and folklore at the beginning is interesting but there was no need to extend it for an hour and a half just to have another hour delivering poor and cliched "jumó scares" - a clear miss.
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Archive 81 (2022)
Who ok'd this? God awful acting and plot holes
27 January 2022
Honestly, I get slow burns and mysteries but this is neither! The acting is abysmal and the story simply doesn't have enough to hold it all together.

At first there was promise, things could've improved but the plot holes and the casts god awful acting just ruined everything.

Whoever greenlit this movie on Netflix should be looking for a job in some other industry, maybe the obits on a local paper can challenge your imagination but please leave the movie business to the millions of people who actually have talent.
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Inside Job (2021–2022)
A keeper
23 October 2021
Interesting and fun - definitely a watch for those who enjoyed deep space but with a lighter - much lighter - tone.

Amazing characters and a blast of a story - Netflix should stick to this type of comedy and animation.
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9-1-1: Desperate Measures (2021)
Season 5, Episode 3
Let's hope this is the last we see of Maddie
6 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Had already talked about this / JLH has no range whatsoever, her postpartum depression was a complete snooze fest and slowed the show to an almost unwatchable pace

Good riddance Maddie, may your character never return.
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Star Wars: Visions: Tatooine Rhapsody (2021)
Season 1, Episode 2
Just don't
25 September 2021
Skip this chapter - it's got nothing to do with SW except an emo kid wanting to be a rockstar and playing a gig in front of Jabba.

To whoever wrote, directed, led this short: you missed the mark by a long shot, you have no business meddling with the SW universe

To the creators of the show: things like this keep fans and newcomers away from the franchise - what we're you thinking?
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Brooklyn Nine-Nine: The Set Up (2021)
Season 8, Episode 6
Should've ended last season
1 September 2021
A crying shame that an amazing show as B99 is going to end with terry, Boyle and everyone else in the nine nine as extras with little to no story lines or even a meaningful development.

This show ended last season for me, no longer invested on the story at all - and it's not about the politics involved, the show had amazing chapters that actually built on what was happening in the US but now they are all over the place and running like a headless chicken.

So long B99, you were amazing up until they "woke" the living cr*p out of you.
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Crazy idea...
29 July 2021
... let's cancel Kevin smith. Yeah, he has a lot of aces and did a couple of good things but those days are definitely gone and this show is that cherry on top to prove the point.

Kevin was not brave as he said, he folded and succumbed to money and fast money at that - there's no heart to the story and Teera has no appeal as a character whatsoever. The whole angry thing got boring from chapter 1!

A waste of Hamill (awesome btw) but story-wise? A "eff you" to fans more than a love letter as Kevin so graciously flaunted his new show, also a "eff you" to newcomers and everyone who actually sat thru these garbage of episodes.

  • A big miss from Netflix -
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Spiral (2021)
2 June 2021
Don't watch this film.

Chris rock is awful, there's nothing about his "performance" that's worth a single minute of your time. Not even Sam Jackson can save this train wreck of a movie.

For a couple of seconds (first minutes) I enjoyed watching the get lose or die formula but damn they effed this up big time!

Saw is everything that's bad with the movie industry. Repeat till you suck the wow factor out of an entertaining and fresh movie.
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9-1-1: Suspicion (2021)
Season 4, Episode 13
Great but...
18 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
... Aren't we all tired of seeing Jennifer Love Hewitt in drama roles? Does she ever stop crying? I get her character, the domestic abuse and all but post-partum depression?! C'mon!

The drama is always focused on the same two characters: Bucky's worst thing was learning that he had a brother - big whoop

Maddy is beat up, taken hostage, raped, beat to a pulp. Kidnapped, evicted and disowned by her family... and how hated by her daughter apparently.

I actually hope that JLH's last episode is the next one, grown sick & tired of her performance, her character and all.
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Firefly Lane (2021–2023)
This should've been made a decade ago
9 February 2021
Yes... Katherine Heigl is in this and yes, it's from 2021!!

There are countless reasons why KH should just retire and for the most part is really because she's the most entitled bad actress out there - in everything I've seen her she's the same character! Nothing deep, just a bidimensional and annoying "but with a sassy look on life!" And it. Is. Tiring!

Firefly lane is one of those series that if you make it to the 3rd chapter you can call yourself a worthy opponent to rocky balboa, beaten by dullness you might want to stand up and continue but deep down you know it's not worth it cause you're gonna lose!

Producers, writers and directors should pay everyone who watches this god-awful series their Netflix account for at least a year for wasting our time.

Steer clear from firefly lane... and everything starring Katherine Heigl - you'll thank me

Think about how bad it was I decided to take time (precious time) to write this and help other people avoid doing a grave mistake
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American Gods (2017–2021)
Just stop
13 January 2021
They use slo-mo and over the top "awesome effects" it takes a chapter or two to get to a subplot.

I don't know who told the creators/directors this was appealing - maybe a couple of years ago on Hannibal, but not anymore

Just cancel the damn thing already
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Really? No one wishes for world peace? - Jenkins dropped the ball she threw
28 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The movie is flat, Plot holes all over the place and a "beautiful message" hidden somewhere in between Pedro Pascals over the top interpretation and a terrible writing

Gadot and Wiig are amazing actors but their characters were toned down and instead of empowerment we get that their insecurities and "womanly desires" fall in the ridiculous

Patty Jenkins - and DC - didn't keep in mind a whole universe and the 80's feels like an excuse to go over the top on many things and issues.

The world decides to give back their wishes, to lose everything before they... lose everything or something like that?

The ONLY memorable two scenes are the opening one when WW is racing the other amazonians and maybe the fireworks and logic behind the invisible jet...

See it, it will be two hours of your life where you'll be entertained but definitely not an empowering movie, not a smart movie and challenge yourself to ignore the galore of plot holes
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Mandy (I) (2018)
A movie to be talked about
20 December 2020
It doesn't matter if you liked the movie or not - YOU WILL TALK ABOUT IT.

Personally, I enjoyed it, the visuals; the overkill in every gesture and the blown out madness of the movie kept me entertained.

Not for all, actually... just for a few but hey, let's talk about it
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Enola Holmes (2020)
Not funny. Not amusing. AVOID IT AT ALL COST
1 October 2020
Who the hell thought Millie Bobby Brown to stick to dramas, she nails that but comedy? Not one thing about this movie made me even smile.

Utter waste of time - AVOID IT
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Just watch the first episode
5 September 2020
Amazing start! Then... quite the opposite, ive tried to carry on but can't bring myself to do so. Such a shame since the first episode was something else
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Hunter Killer (2018)
Gerard butler wants citizenship?
3 August 2020
The past... 4 or 5 movies starring Gerard butler are all-American let's save the country from: Koreans, Russians, the Americans themselves!

Please just give him the citizenship!! Feels like he's jumping hoops and making god awful movies filled with America rules cliches!!

This movie adds nothing to the career of everyone involved - total and utter waste of time
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Should've named it something else and not engaging AT ALL
28 June 2020
It has nothing to do with its predecessor - in terms of production, acting and plot. The fact that an American and a puerto rican wrote this misses tens of thousands of opportunities while dealing with the folklore of la Santa muerte - yes, I am from Mexico, not a Chicano as most characters though... so we have another stance when it comes to the subject.

They tried to englobe the dreadfulness of America - the racism, war mentality, class separation, and forgot all about folklore, there is no bearable performance by anyone in the cast, everything was over acted and over romanticized

A big miss and a wasted opportunity to actually get Mexican-American folklore involved. I really hope no one decides this show deserves a second season

10 episodes with no closure or cliff hanger. Just another show that deserves to be put in the drawer and be mentioned as "a bad decision" in further interviews from the cast, writers and directors
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Harley Quinn: Inner (Para) Demons (2020)
Season 2, Episode 8
All over the place...
24 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
... so, the show begins with Harley realizing she doesn't need a man, nor a relationship to be happy, that she's no sidekick and just like that... she bounces off to Ivy?

I enjoy the show but this love triangle they're gonna force between Harley, Ivy and Kite Man? Not that interesting, they got rid of the other villains so fast they came up with this?

What started as a breathe of fresh air on a DC show will soon become an R-rated - very well animated - teen drama of Harley looking for love and it's gonna tire soon
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The Mandalorian (2019– )
A must watch - period
29 December 2019
Even though the last three movies have been so-so to put it mildly - Jon Favreau skillfully sets it's series on a league of its own. Disney and LucasFilms have been hiring fanboys as movie directors but Jon is a storyteller, someone who took his time caring for a franchise that the last movie directors didn't do.

He masterfully guides us through a post empire era, with great scale and finally some of the best character development in the Star Wars saga.

If this is the way (ha) Disney and LucasFilms will go forward with Star Wars I'm a hundred percent on board! Kudos to all of the directors, the actors and crew involved in this series, you achieved perfection and specially to Jon Favreau for crafting such a compelling story.
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