
15 Reviews
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Foyle's War (2002–2015)
The terrors of nightly bombing raids are only matched by the fear and hysteria of the population at the prospect of the seemingly inevitable German invasion...???
10 August 2008
Positively the worst and most misleading summary I have yet seen on IMDb! (Unless I have been completely hoodwinked - I was born just after the war!) According to my knowledge gleaned from various sources and what I have been told over the years, there may have been concerns at the individual level, but there was certainly no mass terror or hysteria displayed as a result of bombings or the prospect of an invasion of the UK, during the darkest days of WW2!

In fact, one thing that is unfailingly depicted throughout the whole, excellent series of Foyles War is the calm control and sangfroid of the main characters that was typical back then, even if it seems to have disappeared somewhat these days. This was exemplified in the way that Foyle managed to winkle out the truth in the various situations he encountered by means of shrewd observation and reasoned deduction, without any trace of unnecessary drama, raised voices or arm-waving and the series is all the better for it - the modern trend in TV/movies that portrays police work as panicky, fraught and highly-charged emotionally is unrealistic (certainly unBritish) and, thankfully, absent in this excellent series.

Anyone who enjoyed tapping into the lost, old-worlde charm of this UK series set during WW2 may well enjoy the equally good (but far funnier) lighthearted but soulful comedy series 'Dad's Army'!
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The Haunted Airman (2006 TV Movie)
The art of going Nowhere very slowly...
4 December 2006
Yet another reminder that the Dennis Wheatley novels may well be a very good read (or they were, many years ago) but that they invariably make (or are made into) pretty crappy movies. I don't even remember if I actually read "The Haunting Of Toby Jugg" myself or just have an awareness of it and think I did, so I can't compare in this case and just took the movie on its own merits.

It was ostensibly very well made (props, camera-work, location, lighting &c.) and the acting is difficult to fault, in fairness, but disappointingly the storyline was not entirely free of some fairly well-worn clichés and dragged on without going anywhere much for so damn long I was ready for just about any ending just to get it over with. Which is just as well - the ending was such a mess it was almost a case of 'Times's up, please hurry up and vacate the lot, we need it for someone else!' and it was neither particularly satisfying or shocking when it did finally arrive....

The whole thing was pretty much a letdown like a sandwich with little or no filling - a pity really, it could have been so much better if it had tried a little less hard to be weird and suspenseful!
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Hell Drivers (1957)
What do you want to know? I was there!!
5 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
When this film was made I was 10 years old and my father was a truck driver in a small (by today's standards) Bedford truck almost identical to the Dodge trucks used in the film and was operating in the very area the film was made. He and his colleagues witnessed much of the film making and apparently had quite a laugh at some of the antics of the actors trying to move the trucks about! (If they had realised what the actors' pay was in relation to their own and what the future held for the likes of Sean Connery and Patrick McGoohan perhaps they would have laughed a little less!!)

As a lad my greatest delight was to accompany my father for the day and on odd occasions I got to drive the truck about in pits and quarries just like in the film and we would occasionally stop off in one of the numerous transport 'caffs' that existed in those days - with biscuits in glass jars, menus written in chalk, Coca Cola and jukeboxes in every one!! What I can tell you is that, disregarding the 'storyline' with its necessarily exaggerated drama and the near-psychotic behaviour of some of the characters, the atmosphere, scenery and setting of the story is spot on.

The film picks up nicely on the period that I witnessed myself at the time in the UK, when the bleak, post-war drabness was gradually being turned round by hard work and long hours put in by just the sort of drifting, diverse workforce (including ex-POWs) that was portrayed with some pretty fine character studies. The grittiness of their existence and the way they coped with the pressures of the day was depicted very well - pubs sold a lot more ale and a lot less 'chicken in the basket' in those days! It was a time when 'black & white' Britain was becoming 'Technicolour' and little black cars (like the Austin 7 in the film that keeps popping all over the place) were slowly being eased out by the arrival of smart new models which could even be had in *different colours*!! (Ten years from the time this film was made colour was everywhere and Britain had become 'psychedelic'!!)

Obviously the events depicted in the film would not have been allowed to go on long before they attracted the attention of the police but it may interest you to know that, for a brief while, some of the ex-military, petrol-engined trucks that were in use just after the war could be made to run faster than the police cars of the day and if you could get away from them, they couldn't 'nick' you!! Also, one small thing that doesn't seem to be picked up on by any of the comments I have read is that the trucks seemed to be running an awful lot of material into a building site that would have struggled to use it all!!

I have been delighted to read through some of the favourable comments here and agree that this film is an underrated gem - it obviously touched me as it was all like yesterday for me, but it also stands in its own right as a superb 'modern melodrama' with a star-studded cast, action, humour, a love angle, violence, death, road chases and the bad guys *getting it* in the end!!

(And it's now almost *50* years old...!!)

Ten out of ten - for a lot of reasons.....
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The Fog (2005)
What on earth is all the fuss about?
22 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
We have just seen this movie and thought is was quite excellent in many respects. I then came to read the comments to see why it had such a low score and have never seen such a whinefest on IMDb before.

The original was very good and had some very creepy moments - the fog scene enveloping the town and radio station was better, but in all other respects this version beats it into a cocked hat.

The acting, camera-work, soundtrack and action was first class and the storyline was far better. With the possible exception of the clergyman, the characters were fairly convincing and the costumes and make-up well done. The special effects also worked well enough and managed to avoid the usual sense of the ludicrous which very often creeps in at some point and spoils many similar horror films.

All these sort of movies need their own quirky sort of logic to be able to work at all and this one was, at least, no worse than most - the events and action presented us with no particular problems and required no more than the usual 'suspension of disbelief'!!


The burning scene on board the ship was up there with any action movie I would care to name and the last minute twist ending made a refreshing change from all the 'good guys' making it safely through the nightmare.

8 out of 10 for taking a well respected, existing movie and daring to do it better.
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Monotonous monochrome mystery...???
28 April 2006
We enjoyed this film, but I am mystified as to why it was made in black and white...???

Apart from possibly conferring a dubious, instant 'world cinema/art movie' status it did absolutely nothing for the plot in my opinion and wasted some superb location and costume opportunities.

It wasn't even executed particularly well, as most of the direction seemed to be in the modern style involving camera angles and sweeping movement and it had none of the classic 'set pieces' and static shots (panoramas, buildings etc.) of the earlier masters like the Japanese greats (Ozu, Kurosawa et al) The storyline, characters and acting should (and would) have been enough to lift this flic from the average - it simply does not benefit from being shot in black and white.

Top honours must go to Vanessa Pardis for a superbly consistent performance which captured the (my) attention every time she was on the screen. I always have a little trouble with Daniel Auteil (it's the blank stare) but even he did very well despite signs of his advancing years making him look a little old for his leading lady - he is 22 years older than her after all!!

Don't let all this put you off though - I rate this movie 8 out of 10 for still being refreshingly different in its treatment of unusual subjects and for carrying a story that was both engaging and entertaining.
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I can't really rate this movie.....
23 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
...because I haven't seen all of it.

I lasted about 30 minutes before I had to pack it in. A pity because so much of it seemed to be well done - kit, costumes, weapons, scenery (with real snow) were fine and I suspect the vehicles would have been good if I had seen more of it, but the wooden acting (with the possible exception of the Sergeant, played by Peter Holden) and shambling action made it hard to watch. When the character with the ludicrous 'posh RAF English' accent (and I *do* mean ludicrous) arrived, I started to lose it - fast!

The last straw for me was the (almost ubiquitous, nowadays) Sixth Sense rip-off when a ghostly figure flitted across the screen accompanied by the obligatory, scary **chong** sound. After that I really started to look for the flaws and lasted only another 5 minutes or so before I crapped out.

Three out of ten for making an effort with the hardware and scenery and because I have never given a movie with so low a score before - I couldn't go lower without feeling bad towards the people who made it and, no doubt, mostly meant well!!
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Possibly not one to enjoy as such, but definitely one to watch!
6 June 2005
One acid test for a movie is that of whether or not you find yourself caring for (any of) the characters as you watch it. This superb study of human personality and of self-sacrifice, honour and duty in difficult circumstances passes that test like almost no other film I've seen.

I've read many of the comments here that want to split this film into good parts and bad parts and would only say that I, for one, cannot see the join - from start to finish the film is well-paced with a series of events that will make you laugh at times and may well make you cry at other times. For me, it was uncomfortable a lot of the time, as I wasn't much pleased with the way the story unfolded and the direction the events took - with just about everything going against the way I would have liked it to! (Risk of a spoiler prevents me being too specific here!) Too many personal chords were being struck for me to actually *enjoy* the film at times but it maintained an unusual integrity in sticking to its own uncomfortable/unsatisfying course and reaching its own rather superb conclusion in a way that many movies seem unable to do without pandering to their audience's expectations in some way.

Technicalities were mostly excellent: The acting (possibly because of the non-familiar faces) was impeccable, the soundtrack was excellent and all other aspects were most satisfactory despite a slight air of claustrophobia with much of the film taking place in a somewhat shut-in environment with only the briefest picture-postcard views of Japan. Also, with the copy I saw, the colour could have been better at times, as could the lighting of the interiors...

The temptation to say avoid this film and any disquiet it might bring you is strong, but instead I say watch it and I have no qualms in giving it 9 out of 10 - it's worth it!!
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Deduct one point for subtitles?
6 June 2005
Often I have thought that IMDb 'scores' for films in a *foreign language* (ie not English) with subtitles seemed to be one point lower than I would have given them...??

I watched Motorcycle Diaries some while back, enjoyed it immensely and readily gave it a score of 9 out of 10 - pretty much my 'top mark'. (A film would have to be exceptional to gain full marks from me.) Since then, I have often thought about it and the events and characters in it - which is the mark of a very good film in my book!

Thinking about it now and remembering it again, it is hard to fault this film which was quite excellent in all respects. In its own way, it was in fact 'quite exceptional'..

Did I also 'deduct one point for subtitles'...???

Anyway - highly recommended for anyone who likes quiet adventure based on a real life story with fascinating character studies set in a superb landscape and scenery.
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A cracking good story all the better for being based on real events.
15 March 2005
A thoroughly enjoyable movie with real ships and lots of original wartime footage, which make it a refreshing change from some of the slick but unconvincing modern offerings. More than a few of the usual, expected stereotypes are depicted, but the plot chunters along at a cracking pace, interspersing furious naval action with some well-observed 'stiff upper lip' screenplay, some nerve-wracking espionage work and any number of amusing little character studies.

Honour, death, determination, courage, childbirth, duplicity, fear and humour are dealt with in turn and all acted out in a thoroughly workmanlike manner. Van Heflin is superb as the captain of the German ship and the unutterably delectable Mylene Demongeot is stunning as a perky nymphette who, obviously fearing her looks would fade before the end of the film, seemed desperate to hook a guy (any guy) before the end credits! As might be expected, the entirely dependable Charles Laughton did a sterling job of playing Charles Laughton - in a Sailor Suit! Without exception the rest of the supporting cast were top notch - all the way down to the brave little kids being winched aboard ship in a cargo net!!

As it is based on true events, this movie is all the more worth watching by anyone who enjoys naval warfare stories and is heartily recommended!

An 8 out of 10 without hesitation for me....
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Never read the book, loved the film....
25 December 2004
I came to watch this film with no knowledge of the book, having never read it and only the vaguest knowledge of a couple of the characters - Magwitch the escaped convict and the jilted Miss Haversham. I had absolutely no idea how events would turn out or what would happen to the characters involved. Good for me - no baggage!!

Taken, then, in its own right I can say that I was quite staggered at the overall quality of this film in every respect and from the very opening shots: The acting, cinematography, costumes, sets, lighting, effects etc. etc. were all perfect and gave no hint of the film's vintage. Surprise surprise (or maybe no surprise), the storyline was quite superb - the ripe 'Dickensian' dialogue was a pleasure to hear and the plot was intelligent and interesting while maintaining a steady pace throughout.

All in all, a very pleasant experience for me and I'm glad it eventually found its way onto my radar!

So - a timeless masterpiece in my opinion and well worth watching by anyone looking for a break from modern CGI-laden disaster/action movies or who do not want to see yet another instance of the Americans saving the world from extra-terrestrial menace.

Nine out of ten without a moment's hesitation....
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The Hours (2002)
Best film on the shelves, when I asked....
22 October 2004
When I asked him about this one, the young chap in the video rental shop said it was just about the best film on the shelves at the time. I had no idea about it whatsoever and just went with his recommendation. He wasn't wrong - it is impossible to fault at any level: Acting, dialogue, costumes, locations, soundtrack, scenery, settings or storyline.

Films like this don't come along too often - beautifully made in an almost understated way, it relates to no major event or cataclysm, it chronicles no turning-point in history and it poses no worrying conundrum for the future. It is simply a quietly-told story that will criss-cross between various points in time and take you deep into the characters' emotions and portray the effect that they have on their lives. When you have seen and come to understand the events that take place, by the time it concludes it will leave you feeling refreshed and perhaps a little better in touch with the emotions in your own life - just like good films should, but sadly, so rarely do...

Easily 9 out of 10 - If you watch this one, you will not regret the time spent.
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Just watch this one, I'm saying nothing....
4 October 2004
Not wishing to give *anything* away here, I would just say this technically excellent, flawlessly acted and uplifting little flic will reward the viewer with an excellent hour and a half's entertainment: It will amuse, surprise, possibly embarrass occasionally and almost certainly tug at the heartstrings from time to time, as it approaches the inevitable, but not obvious, ending without becoming clichéd or predictable in any way. Most definitely recommended.

A previous User's Comment gives 8 out of 10 for the film and 10 out of 10 for both Branagh and Bonham-Carter's outstanding performances - I agree entirely....
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Make just one little mistake and you're dead.....
21 September 2004
No, I'm not referring to anything in the storyline, or the cast, characters or the acting - all of these were really quite superb (I thought) and have been very well covered in the other comments I've read, although I did have a tiny little bit of trouble with Bob Hoskins for a while...

I'm referring to the technicalities: historical detail, settings, scenery, props, sounds, colour, lighting, camera work, costumes, make-up, weapons and machinery handling - all the things that, if done right, go to make a truly believable and watchable war movie which this most definitely is.

I reckon 'modern' war movies have to be the very hardest genre to get right, especially when they refer (as they almost always do) to real events and double especially when survivors of those events are still alive today. Other than, say, real-life biopics, almost any other genre can get away with minor inaccuracies or fudging the details, but with a war movie - make just one little mistake and you're dead. Get it wrong and the whole effort is reduced to farce or parody. A shot of a modern Coke bottle might make a big, effective and intriguing point in a sci-fi film - a similar anachronism in a WW2 film and the whole thing's straight out of the window, in my book.

Discounting some dodgy CGI (Stukas), EATG was a visual and audible feast of truly epic proportions which you will not begrudge the time taken to watch it. The story, based on real events, is very well done and is set in a phenomenal landscape, littered with a wholly believable destruction and debris of war on the Eastern Front - well up there with Saving Private Ryan for my money. All in all, a tribute to JJ Annaud's continuing production of superior and highly recommendable films. (Watch this one twice - there's plenty more to see, second time around!)

An easy (but rare for me) 9 out of 10 - perhaps not quite perfect, but it don't come *much* better than this.....
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If its got a nuclear reactor you just *know* it's gonna give trouble....
18 September 2004
This is one of those movies that, no matter what you may have been thinking of it as you watched it, the end 'justifies the means' and it all comes right as it crosses the finishing line.

K19 - The Widowmaker, set at the height of the Cold War, ploughs doggedly through every cliché in the 'nuclear submarine on its maiden voyage with two captains and a dodgy reactor' book while it explores such issues as loyalty, heroism, patriotism, comradeship, cowardice, fear, bravado etc. on the personal scale and touches on the possibility of events leading to a nuclear holocaust on the global scale.

(I have to say at this point that, nowadays I expect *any* nuclear submarine on its maiden voyage to get to the point where it may have to be scuttled, or will sink, as the nuclear reactors on these vessels are bound to play up!)

The film has been well made with decent camera-work, lighting and sound although some of the technicalities were a little suspect at times - the interior of the sub was looking decidedly scruffy in places for what was supposed to be a brand new vessel and there were nothing like enough oranges to go round when supplies were being loaded! Best not look too closely at the dockyard setting and I have to say the inevitable dockyard scene with welding and grinding sparks flying everywhere would have been an immense disappointment had it been missing. (As it would also have done if Joss Ackland hadn't appeared briefly as a high-ranking Russian official....)

What carried this film, in my opinion, was the excellence of the supporting cast. OK, Neeson and Ford did a fairly good job of looking alternately po-faced and/or grim as the occasion demanded and managed to stay just short of the 'woodentop' mark, but the supporting cast were really quite superb. Being mostly complete 'unknowns' I had no problem accepting them as a real, if rather young, submarine crew. The film was well enough directed to ensure that they were much better used than the more usual 'standing around looking scared extras'and the standard of acting by all of them was really quite good.

I enjoyed this film. It was solid and had its own integrity that made it a fairly uplifting experience by the time it was over. Despite ticking off every cliché as it presented itself, the pace wasn't quite as slow as it appeared, as there was continual activity and suspense. It certainly wasn't boring and the outcome was never entirely predictable. The end held no great surprises when it came, but it was well done and rounded off the story nicely.

Therefore 8 out of 10 for a much better than average 'non blockbuster' movie that I enjoyed watching.
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Ghost Ship (2002)
perfectly acceptable ghost story
12 September 2004
Warning: Spoilers

Can't see why this perfectly decent little horror flic gets such a bad press. OK, it's a little formulaic, but it's an interestingly different take on the usual 'trapped in a haunted house with a dreadful secret' theme. The inevitable, gradual reduction of the principal cast by various gory/unusual means (with the usual, sole 'good guy/girl' survivor...) is well enough done (without being overdone) and it's well enough acted, especially considering there are no big names here.

There has also been enough effort put into the settings and scenery to make it quite 'believable' without too much reliance on CGI effects given the nature of the film - I had no problem with it at all. All other technical respects (SFX, props, sound, lighting, costumes etc.) are difficult to criticise.

If you just want to be entertained and are not looking for a 'life changing experience' I can recommend it as a good alternative to the usual 'slash and scream' offerings as a film which will not bore you to death and where you will care about the fate of at least a few of the characters.

Easily 7 out of 10....
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