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House of the Dragon (2022– )
Writing good = me like = me watch.
18 October 2022
Sinple terms these days, huh?

In the world of woke incompetance, unlikable characters, analogies of 'stones looking down, ships looking up' we love... LOVE, I'll tell ya!!!!

Just something logical, immersive, and normal.

A story, told by a person who has once talked to another person in their life, remembered what that was like, and thought: hey!! - that might be useful to remember:-))

Mediocre is the new good, good is the new brilliant, and brilliant was tortured to death by J. J. A, slaughtered by Kennedy, and devoured by the stupid.

I'm in hell... on a break:-)



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New idea: A show... without, likable protagonists?
24 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I remember watching The Fellowship Of The Ring.

15 minutes inn, and I was already fascinated by Sauron and the Elfs, completely in love with Frodo, Gandalf, and Bilbo, immersed in the story, and my willingness to suspend my disbelieves was off the charts.

15 minutes!

I'm now over four hours into this show, and I don't care about anyone or anything!?!

Galadriel, is an insufferable bore of a character. I want her to fail. End her Sauron, please.

Elrond, a bad friend who by his own stupidity, betrays all sides? Wtf!

The Harfoots, a tribe that actually leaves you to DIE, if you for any reason can't keep up with the pace they're walking.

Splinter in your toe - you're dead.

Get the flu - you're dead. Aholes!

Arondir, an emotionally stunted elf, that instead of protecting the woman he loves, jumps down into a hole that was obviously dug by a massive force. They of course, captures him. Ahole!

Bronwyn, a mother who instead of running away from danger with her son, puts him in a cupbard, hides in another cupboard, and just waits for the danger to reappear? What was her plan? I don't like that ahole.

Halbrand, a thief, who when confronted by his victims, breaks their faces, arms, limbs, shows no remorse for his unjustified violence, and no care about anyone or anything. Another ahole.

None of these characters/actors have any redeemable qualities, interesting attributes, charm, or charisma.

What am I supposed to do, but leave this amateurish drivel in the muddy dark ditch it was obviously conceived.
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Somehow, Donna is not corrupt anymore?
21 May 2022
She was not the one , feeding questions ahead of time to Hillary?

She was not instrumental, in robbing USA of Bernie Sanders?

Poor Bill, he stumbles on... If your kid can be bullied into be gay or trans, then that is definetly not their biggest problem...?

When I was twelve, there was not any power in this wast universe, that could sway me away from my love of female glutes and mammary glands:-) I think Bill has forgotten how to be a human boy:-)
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Louis C.K.: Sorry (2021 TV Special)
He's back, and he's still d'man
21 December 2021
Nuff said, really.

It's him, like he was, is, and will contiue to be for all time(fingers crossed) Played up on stage by 'like a rolling stone', I almost tered up:-) Thanks, to Louis.
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Narcos: Mexico (2018–2021)
You wouldn't think it possible
10 November 2021
But they they took the most exciting source material in history, and made it boring.

3rd season, episode whatever. Whole intro spent mirroring bad/rich guy wakes up, vs good/poor guy wakes up.

You'd think we got it at this point, no? WTF!

I'm speechless.

I am without speech.
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Level (I) (2021)
Math/geometry is the cure
28 April 2021
Flat earthers, propose a geometric claim, yet none of them has even come within ten yards of a geometry text book without fainting.

It's their Cryptonite

And we keep laughing our ba_ls off.

Never change, but stay out of my country!!

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The Mandalorian: Chapter 13: The Jedi (2020)
Season 2, Episode 5
Finally, a good female jedi character
27 November 2020
Frack SJW Frack J.J.A. Frack Rian Johnson Frack the female force squad lady(I won't name you) Rosario rules. Favreau rules. The force, is not a gender, you fracking fracker.
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This is it, Co..smoker
10 January 2020
This is the last time you've fooled me. You're done. Actually, you were done ten years ago, I just loved you too much to see it. Grow up, stop smoking, stop crying, and for God's sake, Stop.
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Chickens (2011–2013)
Atrocious cancelling
7 October 2019
Better than Blackadder, Hale Pace, and a number of other classics. I don't understand humans enymore:-(
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Beforeigners (2019– )
Lazy, PC, buddy cop family drama, with a touch of stink
17 September 2019
Pros: The orginal idea of mass immigration from the past, and casting. Cons: There's nothing interesting here but the original idea, and cast.

Nicolai Broch, and Krista Kosonen is gonna have to carry this lighthearted shallow production into the hearts and minds of many teen girls to ensure it's survival, I think. So since I'm a grown man, I'm gonna watch another episode of Carnival Row instead. Good luck though:-)
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Polar (I) (2019)
No subverted expectations here
8 February 2019
By that I mean I expected it to be good, and it was. It's a genre action movie executed to perfection, so don't be surprised by the lack of teenage angst, or Shakespearean dialog. Think, the first time you saw a Schwartzenegger movie, if he could act.
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The Orville (2017–2022)
Brilliant, it is not
31 January 2019
  • but only because I wanna save that word for Einstein and Newton.
For anyone that loved Star Trek for its anti glomery, societal philosophy questioning and wonderous style, this is it. I'm actually giddy everytime a new episode comes in. The smart part is the slightly silly tone, that actually gives them allowance to make all the mistakes that would make a pure drama fail. Brill....!!
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Hasan Minhaj: Homecoming King (2017 TV Special)
18 September 2018
A good measurement for comedy, is if you write it down and it's still funny to read, and a good measurement for a comic, is if they can just tell you their boring life story and get a laugh out of you. Now he might be a comic by definition, but this was not comedy. This was just a very animated boy, telling mundane stories we have all heard a hundred times before, and I just couldn't be bothered, sorry. I don't know what the audience had been smoking that night, but I suspect that if they'd spent ten minutes with Dana Carvey before they went in, they'd chased Hasan out with pitchforks for blasphemy. If you gave this drivel TEN stars, what in god's name are you gonne give Denis Leary 'No cure for cancer', or Bill Hicks 'Sane man'? You are left without integrity.
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Ocean's Eight (2018)
Here's why it doesn't work:
21 August 2018
In order for a heist movie to work, the audience has to want the heist to be successful. This is easily acheived by making us like, love, or be endeared by the protagonistic heisters. Or really hate a potential antagonist. Preferebly both. Easy peasy, right? Well, the first action made by the main protagonist in this movie, is to con some makeup from a cashier, whilst being mean to her. Now, I don't really like mean and grumpy people who steals makeup, so guess what, she's now in the minus column. That's bad writing. I stayed for the rest of the character introductions, but they were all either completely blank, or in the minus column also.

I understod then, that the movie was not gonna work for me, so I turned it off and thew it in the bin. Glad I didn't pay for that sjoit.
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Westworld (2016–2022)
A dive like I've never seen before
26 June 2018
From one of the best sci-fi television series I've ever seen in season 1, to a messy philosophical mumbo jumbo turd, that will not entertain anyone who's not a 14 year old boy.

I like philosophical challenges, like some of Star Treks early years or TNG, but this is not challenging, interesting, provoking, or even a bit entertaining. I don't think they expected this one to make it to season two, and it shows.

Frankly, it's crap. A well casted, brilliantly executed, amazingly looking piece of crap. I will not waste my time on the third season, and if you're reading this before watching season two, spare yourself. Walk away.
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Tomb Raider (2018)
See Disney? It's possible...
29 May 2018
Powerful female character without being a Mary Sue. Building upon old canon without destroying the old. Making fantastical scenes without leaving the realm of physics.

Vikander is the perfect Lara, skinny but muscular, pretty without makeup, and most importantly, she's actually believable in her atheletics. All the other characters are well casted. Direction is more than decent for an action/suspense flick. Story is as superficial as it should be(TR is not supposed to be Hamlet)

It just works, and I think its perfect as a first introduction to a long series. I take away one star, because Lara didn't puke after her first kill, and there was not enough snot and drool when she removed her stomach splinter. Don't be afraid to ugly up Vikander, she can take it.
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Future World (2018)
Soulless display of uninspired stink
27 May 2018
Hour and a half completely devoid of content. Like a porn parody without porn. Looks terrible. Sounds terrible. I felt nothing, NOTHING, I'm not kidding, I was not even annoyed. Waste of talent, waste of money, waste of space, and ultimately, a complete waste of my time. Milla Jovovich, James Franco, Lucy Liu, Carmen Argenziano,they should all be ashamed of themselves.
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The President Show (2017–2018)
16 May 2017
I think I've seen all the comedians do Donald-tiny-hands, both domestic and abroad. Some of them are excellent in portraying the mannerisms and the voice, some of them are funny.

Anthony Atamanuik however, is down right channeling him. His soul(or lack thereof) depending on if you are a fan or not is laid bare for all to see. The suggested psychological conclusions that they are quite humorously presenting for us is simply dead on.

I'm impressed, amused, and of course.. scared.
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Reza: "I am a scholar"
13 April 2017
That is literally how every episode begins. You could put that single statement on Reza's headstone, and there would never be any doubt as to who was lying there.

He have had many opportunities to be a good journalist over the years, but it seems he always end up being his own agent instead of an agent of truth.

His face is in almost every shoot, and in those few instances it is not, his voice is.

This is not anything else than Reza selling us Reza.

I'm not buying.
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For the new people
30 March 2014
This is a program made for (and rightly so) children, and should be rated as such. Production: Excellent. Neil Tyson is so comfortable in front of the camera, it's almost embarrassing. He should have been a rock star or something.

Anyway, if you do not remember anything from science class, or just want your children away from the brain destroying reality shows. This is the one. I was definitely not bored, and I'm 41.

I would even go so far as to say this should be implemented in elementary school. Especially in the country where it was made, as "Evolution" seams to be a controversy there. Perhaps the main reason this was made, is because there is Americans who believe humans rode the dinosaurs. THAT's tragic.

Edit. Not just for children. A theory is fact, Tyson? Really?

Newton rules!
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Dirty Wars (2013)
Yet another conformation
15 March 2014
Testimony after testimony, document after document, who now in the world still believes in this once great nation.

Jeremy Scahill, Bill Maher, Michael Moore, and every American citizen who knows the truth about their government, should be ashamed of themselves. They have the power to lead their country in the next revolution, yet they sit on their asses making movies and comedy. Somebody, sometime is going to take down the powers that be in the US, and when that happens, I'm joining.

This is obviously a movie that makes you feel something, or confirms the feelings you already have, towards this world terrorizing band of merchants
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A work only of duty
21 January 2014
Sadly, we see this more and more often: An okay premise, pi..ed away. The movie is from start to end a mishmash of good acted moments, piled together like all your favorite spices, and then blended together in a porridge that is just not good for anything.

The overall storyline is usable for a 1st act, maybe..

It baffles me, when amazing actors like Woody, says yes to something like this. They have contracts of course, but they are not slaves.

I could have watched three episodes of Star Trek instead of this, and remained a richer person.

Stay away, wait for the final act and then FF this turd.
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Assassin's Creed III (2012 Video Game)
cut-scene, walk two feet, cut-scene
6 October 2013
What a complete waste of time. I actually could't play this game for more than two hours at a time, fearing my heart would give in from my frustration:-) Every aspect of this game i worse than even AC1. Let aside the battles at sea which was new and great. The buttons, the story, game play, graphics, characters, conversations, cut-scenes, I could go on and on, they all suck! Do not buy this game, and spare yourselves from a lot of pain. Connor is the most annoying, whinnying, uninteresting character in gaming history, and Alex Hutchinson name is now burned in to my brain, and i will forever shun from anything he puts his name on.
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Under the Dome (2013–2015)
A whole town with an IQ under 100
1 August 2013
If you are writing a science fiction in our age(set in the present time), you have to consult with an actual scientist about the science. Or me, or any kid above 14 years who understands the basics of energy, biology, the human brain, or chemistry. Please! nobody in the whole town(with a hospital) knows how to make insulin, or at least extract it from animals? And if you have an impenetrable energy field in front of you, maybe you should avoid touching it, if you have a peacemaker. Hihi! Nobody in real life is this stupid, or at least he would't be the elected sheriff. Knowledge about the human animal: If your son is a psychopath, you will probably not be to eager to let him run around with a gun and a badge:-) So if you are bothered by such things, or was one of the people who early saw that "LOST" was never gonna tie up all the mysterious "happenings", and got out of it. STAY CLEAR!
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Great concept squandered away
16 April 2013
Awful casting. When are directors gonna realize that Nick Stahl is not leading man material. I'm sorry if you ever read this nick, but your face looks like you are a very pale, sick, and overgrown little boy. A very wise woman said to me that "If you do not like the book after twenty pages, don't read it". In movies it is even easier, as you'll almost immediately feel that you are in skilled hands, or not. Don't waste your time on this less than adequate experiment, where everything except the idea, is a bad one. And another thing. You do not need ten lines. To warn other friendly humans. To stay away. We should just be able to write: Warning, Nick in leading role! Warning, looks like a dream sequence from an 80's movie. Warning, a writer who takes him/herself and life, way to seriously.
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