
48 Reviews
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House of the Dragon (2022– )
22 August 2022
Even early on not one character stands out while in the first series all characters were clearly defined. Nothing about it holds my attention. Sad after waiting all these years. Not bad but not good either. Lame is the best review I can give it.
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Old (2021)
Confused mess
28 November 2021
Nothing is consistent and very little storytelling. The changes in the characters vary from radical to impossible to tell so the whole age angle gets very confused. The acting is especially bad but we're talking M Night so I'm sure they didn;t get a lot of help. The "trapped" aspect is dodgy and could have been handled better. You keep hoping for some deep story about aging and lost youth and missing out on childhood but he skates over all that get onto.........Nothing really. I'm trying to not give spoilers but it's nearly impossible. They are given an excessive amount of food which is explained later but while everything on the beach ages, is this a spoiler when it's the entire theme of the movie? The problem is certain things like the food doesn;t age. Now this could have been covered in a clever way, I'd have to use a spoiler to explain, but it's never mentioned. Some things change while others don;t.

The big twist at the end......How do I put this....... It's facepalm moronic and makes no sense. Obviously I can;t tell you but if the film was a 5 on the lame scale this took it to 11 and beyond. It makes no sense and the groans in the theater when it was revealed must have shook the walls.

Obviously I;m not an M Night fan and haven;t liked anything since Sixth Sense. Most anything gory or violent is off camera, we're talking M Night, with one weird exception. There's this bloodless surgery scene that is classic M Night. I want to say there's at least an interesting idea but there isn;t. It's pretty much the X-Files episode where Muller and Sculley age fast aboard that ship only not a tenth as interesting or well written. Throw out the ending, make them actually trapped and add in some drama and maybe you would have had a film. Personally I have nearly 2 hours of my life I can;t get back. This isn;t The Happening lame but it's in the ballpark. Sadly it has none of that it's so bad it's good lameness of Signs or The Happening so it's pretty much a waste of time.
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One of the stupiest scripts ever!
8 November 2021
They actually managed to make a "comedy", at least I think it's a comedy, that is unintentionally not funny. Nothing makes any sense. I don't like any of the characters and other than name dropping zombies it has nothing to do with Army of the Dead. Here's a thought Netflix HIRE A WRITER FOR ONCE!!! All their original content is pure crap. I keep canceling my Netflix but it never gets any better. Now they are focusing on Foreign language content so there's no point to even having Netflix.
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The Stand (2020–2021)
Bad storytelling STOP REWRITING KING!
12 October 2021
Why does everyone think they can rewrite King and make it better? I can't think of one time this worked out but they still insist on rewriting King just in case THEIR version is better. It isn't. I'm 15 minutes in on episode one and it's a confused mess. I know the novel well and read both the abridged and unabridged version. There's an ocean of material to work with so if you're tossing it all and making up your own story it's pure ego! And I might say it isn;t a tenth as good. I doubt I'll watch anymore. I'm expending too much energy trying to untangle their mess with my memories of the novels. The original mini series sucked but at least they vaguely followed the story! Why pay a fortune for King rights then rewrite the story??? All they care about is a sellable name, they don;t even want his story, they just want his name and a concept then they'll write their own script that won;t be a tenth as good as if they followed the novel but hey, they got their ego stroked and people will still watch it even if it's incoherent garbage.
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Almost a 9
3 October 2021
Intensely frustrating because I loved everything about the film but the effects. A disastrous mistake to do most of the magic as CG effects and optical effects. Edward Norton does a tiny bit of close up magic but the rest are computer effects and they take you out of the movie ruining the scenes. Aspects are a bit close to The Prestige but I respect that The Prestige went with actual magic tricks and only used effects for the one gag. That film had a fantasy aspect to it where as this one is grounded in a 100% reality so it was odd The Prestige would use practical magic where as the film that was set in the real world uses effects that can't happen in the real world ruining the real world feel. A poor and disastrous choice but still an excellent film that could have been so much better!
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I Am Mother (2019)
Losing my sense of humor about rip offs
2 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I'm sure it's considered a spoiler but the film is essentially the most blatant Terminator rip off I;ve ever seen. The main difference is this one is set after Skynet wins and it wants to recreate "perfect" humans. That's the film and I just saved you two hours. Oh, Skynet wins in the end. There, I really did save you two hours. Even the hunterkiller designs were ripped off of Terminator. Funny how Netflix spends tens of millions making these rip offs and won;t spend ten cents on ANYTHING original! Time to cancel Netflix again......
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La Brea (2021–2024)
A lame Lost riip off with bad CG
29 September 2021
I made it a third of the way through the pilot. About the time they found the heroin stash I knew it was just a lame Lost rip off. I wish I could say there was at least an interesting premise but there isn;t........
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Oblivion (I) (2013)
A full of holes ego project
13 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I have to say, didn;t it strike anyone as odd that somehow Cruise ended up BOTH being captured by the alien computer AND ended up in an escape pod? Also they never both to explain the pods suddenly crashing into the planet. FYI, they are never called escape pods they are supposed to be sleep chambers but you have to assume they are also escape pods as well. Them being on the ship and them crashing into Earth and everything that happens between is not explained. There's too many plot holes to list and the time frames in no way make sense. As a story it's a confused mess. Once and for all people clones are not the same person they are a twin, nothing more!!!!!! Scifi has always ignored the biology for the fantasy. Also, for the screenwriter, the alien computer would have been trying to get the deuterium which is only a tiny percentage of seawater. Not sure how you'd fit all the world's oceans inside a ship the size of city in the first place? Even the mass of deuterium would be larger than the ship. Sorry, science and commonsense ruin so many bad movies. Could it have been worse? Yes. Could it have been better, easily!
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UFO (2021)
10 August 2021
Episode one blew me away and I would give it a 10 out of 10. There were a couple of known and obvious fakes but not too many. Well Episode 2 is mostly fakes and reenactments but NONE of the reenactments are labeled as such which destroys any credibility the show had. I still have half hour to go on episode 2 but I was so disappointed with the drop in quality I had to comment now. Sadly a missed opportunity to do something real for once. It's why I never watch UFO documentaries because they are all the same garbage. Episode wasn;t garbage it was well done and extremely interesting with information I hadn;t heard before. Just sad they they feel like they have to pack episode 2 full of fakes and not indicate which is which just to fill up the episodes. Seems like they put most of the good stuff in episode one and the rest has a lot of filler. Still good interviews and information but even that isn;t quite as good as episode 1. Sadly these days entertainment value comes in first, second and third. Quality is way down on the list. It's a slick show but packing it full of fakes and reenactments just makes it all seem less legit.
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Cosmic Sin (2021)
We finally have an answer to an age old question
21 July 2021
Apparently there is nothing Bruce Willis won't do for money. They somehow managed to reduce the script to the title. The film itself is just a lot of stolen ideas from everything from Starship Troopers to Stargate to the infected humans were like the things from Ghosts of Mars. They just throw out a couple of ideas to get the ball rolling and then start the effects and gunfire. This seems to be Netflix's answer to Tomorrow War only somehow without anything resembling a story. Bruce, I hope you made some money off this turkey because the next step down is picking up cans along the side of a road.......
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Too much Uncanny Valley for me
11 July 2021
Sorry but a few seconds of seeing the human characters was enough for me to turn it off. A little too Fireman Bill for my tastes. Either do animation stylized or at least don;t think you are fooling people. If you can;t achieve a 100% real don;t try. Polar Express was disturbing but I find films like this worse. Final Fantasy was an interesting novelty but in some ways things haven;t come a lot further. I've seen some stunning human CG replacements but most fall short. This falls short. Netflix is spending an impressive amount of money making unimpressive movies and streaming series. You can tell in 5 minutes these days if something is worth your time, this one wasn't.
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Voyagers (2021)
Dollar for dollar one of the stupiest movies ever made
4 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Just to get the obvious over with, it's Lord of the Flies on a spaceship, there, you know the whole story. What about the big twists they hint at? All really, really stupid. Okay you raise a group of teens to have zero social skills. Essentially you raise them to be a bunch of sociopaths then lock them in a spaceship so what could go wrong? Well you obviously drug them into a stupor until of course someone stops taking the drugs and hilarity ensues. The only real star and adult is killed off early leaving the big star Lilly Rose Depp, yep, that Depp. Unfortunately talent seems to skip a generation and those acting lessons she took from a block of wood didn't help. Well there's a big mystery about a room that was meant for the "third generation" crew. Okay, you have a shipload of hormonal sociopaths, what's the one thing you want to make sure they have lots of......guns. Yes, the big secret was an armory to save time so once they get to the new world they can start their first war right after landing. A great way to jump start civilization. The sets are nice and not a lot of effects, everything else sucks. EVERYTHING! The only way it could have been worse is if they decided to make it a musical. Maybe the sequel will be a musical? There's talk of casting Depp as a chair in her next film but they aren't sure she has the emotional depth for the part.........
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Painfully bad script
2 July 2021
The dialogue is so bad it set my teeth on edge. Chris Pratt was there for a paycheck and just phoned it in. If you're looking for Jurassic World/Guardians of the Galaxy Chris Pratt, sorry, this is thinking about the house he just bought with the money Chris Pratt. The writer had a three year old's understanding of temporal physics. The script basically thumbs it's nose at the whole grandfather paradox as millions of grandfathers and grandmothers are wiped out forever changing the future they supposedly came to save. I can;t comment on the overall story since I was so excited I fell asleep a little over halfway through but I did wake up just in time for the end and I can say the ending may be the worst part. Definitely some of the worst dialogue.

The streaming services are just cranking out content with zero consideration for whether it's any good or bad. I used to protest when I saw something like this one and canceled my subscription. No one cares so there's no point. The old studio system made some great movies. The streaming services are the new studio system and they crank out dollars, not movies. I hope the house you bought is nice Chris because the movie sucks. He seemed about as inspired as Kevin Kline in Wild Wild West. I hear Kline had to look at his paycheck between takes just to be able to read the dialogue in that turkey.
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Capturing the Light (2008 Video)
If you are impressed by dots on a screen you'll love it
27 June 2021
It's not what they keep claiming. The first five minutes is people telling you how blown away you'll be. All I saw was white dots against black. The lines they show on a single frame couldn't be a single object moving. There could be random light leak causing it in the camera. I just watched the beginning and end so I have no idea what happens beyond that but I scanned it and the whole film looked like the first five minutes and when I paused the film it was always someone raving about how awesome it all was. Claiming you have proof requires actual proof and not a bunch of random dots. They claim they took all precautions but a magician would do a facepalm at what they called precautions. They only let her have the camera all alone for the whole night but they processed the film themselves. So it was impossible for her to fake it when she had a whole night to herself? Filming a bunch of people telling you how incredible it is isn't a documentary. I gave it a three but the truth is as far as proof of UFOs I'd give it a one star. They do show some actual moving film at the end but it was some of the least impressive footage I've ever seen. Anyone serious about the subject lost interest in lights in the sky decades ago. There's simply too many things they can be.
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The Ice Road (2021)
Well it accomplished one thing
25 June 2021
It's the worst knock off of "Wages of Fear" I;ve ever seen and that's saying a lot. The premise involves driving hundreds of miles on a featureless flat surface so they came up with a bunch of ridiculous twists to eat up time. The director is so bad he even got Liam Neeson to over act. The script is the worst of it and it's painfully bad. I'd skip this and watch ANY other version of Wages of Fear and if you want a special treat watch the original French film. This film is just Netflix cranking out filler and spending a fortune doing it.
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Tenet (2020)
Confused mess
6 June 2021
The top reviewer says be patient. What for? To give them time to learn how to tell a story? I made it ten minutes in and I have no idea what's going on, I learned nothing about any of the characters. If the film gets better then obviously they need to cut the first ten minutes because it doesn;t accomplish what it's supposed to accomplish, engage the audience in the story not throw a lot of crap at us that makes no sense then promises if we stick around is may or may not make sense. Here's a thought, hire a writer! I;ve stopped giving films a pass for bad scripts. This one had a 205 mill budget and it barely held my attention for ten minutes!!!!!!! THERE IS NO EXCUSE!!!!!
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200 million to make a lame TV movie
22 May 2021
Hollywood has given up and Wonder Woman 1984 is the poster child for this fact. When you order the DVD it comes with a special collectable nose clip so you can stand the smell when you watch it. The writers in Hollywood have definitely given up. How have the scripts gotten this bad? I tried to watch it last night and I can;t remember, I maybe got 10 minutes in before I couldn't take it anymore. Is it meant to be a parody or is it unintentionally funny? How could this thing make it to being released without anyone noticing just how unbelievably bad it is? The only spoiler is cluing people in on how lame this turkey is. Tedious and dumb are not words you want to see in a review.
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Stupid, stupid, stupid movie
21 May 2021
I would have given it 5 stars instead of four but come on, the entire script is ripped off of other films and they did a bad job of stealing. Towards the end they even ripped off Aliens! No, I just removed another point for ripping off story so it's down to 3 stars. Why so few? NO EXCUSES! They had plenty of money and several of the cast are good actors with most of the rest solid so it's all on the writer and director for this embarrassing train wreck. You make a film like this for 3 mill and it ends up on scifi channel, but if you're Netflix you'll spend 20X or in this case more for roughly the same film. This film was as plausible as Sharknado! Towards the end I think they manage to out do the Raiders 4 refrigerator scene for shear silliness. Please tell me the writer was stoned out his head? I'd hate to think he wrote this hot mess while he was straight? Just remember they spent 70 million on this disaster. You could have made 70 good films for that much. No, they lost another star for having a 70 million budget and spending a buck fifty on the script!
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The Nevers (2021–2023)
Well it looks pretty.......
18 May 2021
I want to like it and it started off promising but there's a point where mystery turns to chaos and it passed that a couple of episodes back and I'm 6 episodes in. They keep throwing more twists without resolving the existing ones which just makes it a bigger more confusing mess. There's so little to watch these days I've tried to hang on but if this two parter ends with even more chaos I'm done. Even when they try to explain something they somehow manage to add to the confusion. I swear half the genre shows on are some kind of X Men knock off dealing with mutant humans which never makes sense but it's become the entire genre lately. It's not even a sub genre it's taken over. It's one thing to do a story that doesn;t require explanation but doing a mystery that may not have a resolution is frustrating. I can;t see this wrapping up in anyway that doesn;t leave me feeling like I wasted my time. Once again, it's pretty looking and should win an Emmy for art direction. The cast is solid and the direction seems competent but the story line is a mess. I'm sure most think it's brilliant storytelling but it isn;t, it's lazy storytelling that actually never gets around to telling a story, that's the problem!
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Close but no cigar
9 May 2021
A bad story and script killed this one. Nothing makes sense until you find out all the potentially cool stories you made up in your head were all wrong and "what's in the box" is really dumb. It's one of those films where the big reveal kills the movie. There's a lot of flaws up until then and all the macho banter is way over the top. I would say all the obnoxious stuff they say to her would have ruined the movie even if the overall story was good so the film is pretty badly flawed. Sadly the look is atmospheric and parts are done well. The script is painfully bad and as I say the twists are so dumb you get angry because the film might have been a 10 with a good script. It's obviously pretty low budget given she spends most of the film in a gun turret. The other characters are voice overs or shot against black for the bulk of the film. My guess is they only could get the plane for interior shots for one day. Most of the shots of crew are even against black. All the budget went into the effects but without a decent script they're wasted.
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One of the funniest movies Ive ever seen
2 May 2021
I didn't want to watch it until I found out who the two stars are then I couldn't wait. I wound up laughing pretty much from beginning to end. Absolutely brilliant parody of slasher movies. Something happened in it that was going to cost it two stars because I thought it went too far but it set up one of the funniest gags in the film so they got the stars back. I love both of the leads and it's by far one of the best things either has done. I'm trying not to do spoilers but it's hard because you want to talk about it but it's all funny, well except for one unfunny bit that sets up a hysterical gag. Just know it all works out in the end. The problem is I want a sequel but I'm glad they haven't done one because I;d be terrified it wouldn't measure up. Script, brilliant. Direction, excellent and the cast just knocks it out of the park. I think 90% of what's out there is pure crap and 9% is watchable. Realize that when I say this is a hysterically funny and very original film. It feels good to leave a good review for once.
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I didn't make it five minutes in
2 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
About the time 100' tall elephants that looked suspiciously like the ones in the Lord of the Rings movies showed up I was done. Not in the mood for a LOTR knock off with twice the budget. Exhausted from all the high budget rip offs! If you have that much money can't you hire a writer to come up with something original? I like Charlie Hunnam but he's becoming a sign of films to avoid. Everything I try to watch him in sucks. You need to pick your parts better or you'll wind up doing soap operas.
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Creepshow: Night of the Living Late Show (2021)
Season 2, Episode 5
A new twist on a clip show
30 April 2021
I would have voted it a lot higher but it depends too much on the clip footage so don't be fooled it is a clip show. At times they just composite Justin Long into a shot for no good reason just so they can keep holding on the original film rather than new footage. Funny that effects have gotten so cheap it can be cheaper to composite someone in rather than shoot original footage. It's a clever idea but was done better in Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid and that was long before CG took over.
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Invisible City (2021–2023)
Please stop!
24 April 2021
Stop looping foreign TV shows and movies without labeling them as such Netflix! I watch lots of foreign content but I HATE looped. It's barely acceptable when it's well done but most of what they are doing these days is awful. The series might be good but I won't watch it in English! All the streaming services are starting to bring in cheap foreign content to increase their libraries but they need to be labeled and hopefully without the miserable looping.
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Seaspiracy (2021)
On of the best I've seen yet
16 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
He would have gotten a solid ten stars if he could have avoided the Vegan nonsense at the end. I have no problem with vegetarians just fanatics. I read constantly on the topic and I still learned a lot from the video. Where he screwed up with the vegan BS is I had already decided to avoid seafood but he made me question that after the vegan push. We passed the tipping point and the oceans are dying. Unfortunately the fishing industry has been so mismanaged we need to stop fishing entirely and work hard to restore the oceans, not for seafood but our very survival. Sadly a billion people depend on the sea for food so there is no solution.
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