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Slay Belles (2018)
You'd Better Not Pout
6 December 2022
I suppose the main question is: why?

Usually a low budget holiday romp is fun. With over the top gore and nudity. This film seems to pretend it has that but never really delivers all that much, and it doesn't have any decent writing or acting to make up for this.

There are lots of scenes where something wacky or wild is supposed to be happening, but it's far too clear that nothing really is going on. There are lots of ways to pad out a tiny budget and this film seems to just hope that optimism and people being in on the joke will cover it, and it doesn't.

I wanted to like this, I really did!
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Yesterday's Target (1996 TV Movie)
Came Back From the Future To Retroactively Steal From Umbrella Academy
22 July 2022
It's about a time travelling group of children with powers who grew up together but it's also very angsty. There are lots of similarities plot-wise to suspect that Gerard Way saw this and was like "What if this, but good?" before throwing in some X-Men and Doom Patrol along with it for good measure.

You could argue this is a 90s attempt at something like a Doom Patrol, although it is plainly awful. The effects, action and acting are all terrible and there is almost no story when you break it down. Some films are ahead of their time, and some really should not have been made until later, and this is the latter. I'm not saying it would work all that much better, but with a different script, actors, and effects it might have been alright.

Overall you should almost certainly should avoid this. There are a couple of funnily bad moments, but most of it is just dull.
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A Severe Lack of Irony
12 August 2021
I don't know what happened to the writer/director between this and the original, maybe just age? Either way after having watched both back to back it is insane that they came from the same mind.

The first is both poignant and satirical, dripping with irony and original takes. The sequel is, bar some interesting ideas thrown in but never realised, simply a celebration of Punk and escapism. It lacks almost everything that made the original great. Even in the first 5 minutes you can tell the difference. Everything in the sequel is glamorised, there are touches of struggle, but mostly it's something to aspire to. The original starts off showing how crappy the lifestyle is and how false a lot of the philosophy is. There is a real sense of hopelessness and anarchy, whereas this film is basically saying "yay, it's cool to be yourself!"

Overall there are things to like here and it works for a 12 year old to watch and want to emulate, but somehow the original is much more advanced despite being over 20 years old. It makes no sense, maybe it is supposed to be ironic. The original message seemed to be that everyone sells out in the end, and this could act as a meta proof of that, if so it is genius!
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Vicious Fun (2020)
Pretty Vicious and a Decent Amount of Fun
15 July 2021
An enjoyable 80s throwback, all the rage at the moment. Has a solid cast and script, but it does go off the rails a bit in the second half.

The initial premise is pretty great and there is a lot to like here. The only thing it lacks is a suitable sense of escalation. It reaches a certain pace and then slows down and circles back to it occasionally, rather than ramping up the violence and carnage over time. It almost tries to do to much as the original setting could probably have made for a decent movie, but we keep moving, and not necessarily for the better.

Overall though these are minor gripes and the film never stops being enjoyable, it just never reaches that place of mind-numbing chaos that it hints at. A lot of potential and lots to like, certainly recommended if the style appeals to you.
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Bloody Hell
29 June 2021
This film is all over the place! They build a while world and then simply abondon it for another! The main character is all over the place, both brave and weak. If done better it would come across nuanced. As it is, it just seems confused.

I would take this all to be satire maybe. But then there are real issues raised by the film of race and income inequality, so I think it's trying to be serious. But these issues are presented so sloppily that they also don't land and add to the mess. The end song along can tell you how delusional this film is.

Overall this is a great movie to take the piss out of, and if it is all intentional then I'll eat my words, but I'm pretty sure it's not.
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Spiker (1985)
4 May 2021
Two jobbers go to play volleyball, they sort of face some trials, then it ends. I don't know if that is a spoiler because there is nothing to spoil. There is no real plot.

Also there is nothing to care about, no one is particularly interesting or likeable. The coach sort of has some character, but it's never really explained. Imagine Whiplash but with terrible sound and editing, it just doesn't work.

Overall there is no reason to watch this, it's not even really funny or exploitative. It's just there.
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Subpar Horror Comedy
25 April 2021
With so many good people cast in this movie you would hope that they would have something good to work with. Unfortunately the dialogue and effects, along with bad editing, make this nowhere near the movie it could have been.

All the themes are just so on the nose and the antagonists lack any nuance. We are expected to root for the protagonist 'just because' even though he comes across as a snarky Dick from the start of the film. It's a blunt mess really.

Overall there are some glimpses of good ideas and humour, but so much is masked by the broadness of the writing and the unlikability of the characters.
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Meandering Mess
17 April 2021
Suffers from a lot of the same problems as the first but lacks the central love story to keep it all together.

Kind of continues the story but feels like filler, aimless wandering where some feelings over events are aired out. It might look better if a third film comes out to connect it.

Overall it's okay, but it feels more like DLC than an actual sequel, and the casting changes are pretty jarring.
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Uninvited (1988 Video)
The Cats Meow
17 April 2021
Falls right into the sweet spot of being so bad it's good.

There is an actual story and a defined cast of characters. The dialogue, editing, acting and effects are all terrible, but there is a solid foundation that makes it an actual movie, even if it is one that is mostly good only to laugh at.

Overall this is great for a laugh, and there is enough story to have fun with, it's never boring or painful, just a good time.
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Free Ice Cream
16 March 2021
This movie is a great look at 'what happens next', holding true to this idea even at the end. There is a certain cynical tone that is self-reflective, both on what is real and why we hope. So it gives you a lot to unpack.

At the same time there is a lot of fun to be had here, especially if you enjoy dark comedy. All the performances are great and everyone knows what they are doing. It's very much a self aware movie that has lots of things to say, but has fun with it at the same time.

Overall I found this really enjoyable, and it's not even necessarily something I would be into otherwise. Has serious Brick vibes, so if you loved that you will probably love this, even though in some ways it is the exact opposite.
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The Barn (2016)
Leaves Doors Open
28 February 2021
Has a good mix of 80s homage and original ideas.

A lot of the dialogue is delivered too fast and the music mixing needs some work, but there is a lot of good in this low budget movie. The effects work and there is a relatively good story to keep things going.

Overall this is a good low budget horror that has some great 80s vibes, hope to see more.
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A Bloody Mess
30 December 2020
This movie is about ten percent good idea and ninety percent nonsense. There is a clear Evil Dead influence, as well as a few others. But here the camera angles and effects are a pale comparison to their inspirations, and the lack of any real story doesn't help either.

Its mostly just set piece to set piece with one or more misc characters from a large group. You could say that this describes many horror movies, but most do more to hide this and to stitch together a cohesive narrative.

Overall its hard to recommend this apart from for 'so bad it's good' watching, despite some obvious nods to horror classics, it just makes no sense on its own.
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All Guts, No Brains
25 December 2020
Some interesting ideas here and a good dose of gory low budget schlock, but none of the characters make much sense in what they do or say.

It takes almost an hour to pick up but gets a lot more fun when it does. The first half has an almost serious tone that doesn't fit the rest of the movie. If it had been crazy from the getgo and better paced it would have been better, but the second half is still pretty watchable.

Overall if you like schlock and cheap horror with nudity then you'll probably like this at least a little, but for anything more cerebral look elsewhere!
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Yummy (2019)
Digested Over and Over Again!
26 October 2020
This film is disgusting, in all the right ways! There is so much gore and humour, along with scenes designed to shock and appaul all who watch.

There is a great balance of light hearted and mean spirited humour here that keeps you constantly off balance. The plot also seems designed this way, it will hit expected tropes for the genre before taking a sharp left turn without warning, going against expectations with no regard for the viewer's comfort.

Overall it's a great zombie film.
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Meaningless Entertainment
28 July 2020
This is a good scifi comedy that doesn't really have much to say about the world or high stakes, but it is solid for what it is.

The writing is amusing and gets to the point of what it wants to achieve. There are lots of fun moments and this keeps the movie fresh and running along nicely.

Overall I can't call this a masterpiece, but it is a fun b-movie that doesn't take itself seriously and should provide an entertaining watch for most.
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Like Bleach but with Food
28 June 2020
A relative novice, but with tremendous potential, enters a high stakes environment filled with elites specialists in their own types of combat: cuisine cooking.

The story and directing style mirror shonen anime, but in a slice of life setting. It's a bit like Bleach, but with a little Ecchi mixed in due to the reaction to the Bankai of the food when it is tasted.

All in all its pretty hilarious, with a motivational setting and a good cast of characters, even if the basic premise for the joke is mostly one-note.
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Probably the Best Original Aquaman Movie
7 June 2020
... I mean it's also the only one, but still!

It was passable, although it went in hard on the new Green Lantern and basically spent the entire runtime making everyone look terribly weak morally and in terms of their powers.

At least there are some appearances of interesting DC characters, but I'm not sure who that's for since the movie seems to aim for a child audience, but those characters are supposed to be anything but. A strange one this is.
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Extended Family
6 June 2020
It's hard to say what the point of this movie is. It lacks the grit of the animated Batman movies with similar stories, and has at best a very tame version of the satire of the mainstream Lego Batman movies, or even the games.

You could say it is a good entry level film for kids, but it does really require at least some knowledge of the Batman universe due to the multiple characters who don't have any sort of introduction. The story definitely assumes that you know your Batman and yet doesn't try to do all that much original.

Having said that it is not a bad movie, it's a fine story and will definitely entertain any child fan. If there werent multiple other better versions of this then it would probably be pretty good, but as it is, it just seems unnecessary.
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Blood Quantum (2019)
Needed More Solace
2 June 2020
This movie is a good mix of genre awareness and original ideas. There are lots of clear influences and it doesn't waste time getting bogged down in more of the laborious tropes. Instead you get to see a solid zombie film that knows what it is and has fun with it.

On the bad side the acting is generally pretty stilted, a lot of the dialogue takes you out of the film with how clearly scripted it all is. What's more when it's not pausing to deliver a bunch of exposition it moves at disorientating speed, things are set up and go to pot in near the blink of an eye and probably could have used some more time to marinate.

Overall this is a smart and sharp stab at the genre, with enough original ideas to make it interesting and enough cool gore to please any fan, it could have just used some better actors and more time to breathe to make it a true classic. Definitely worth a watch though.
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Off the Rails
27 May 2020
The fifth instalment in this series actually returns to the Christmas roots of the first two films, it also features sex Obsessed killer robots, so it's still somewhat far away from the original premise.

While all of these films are bizarre, this one might just take the cake. Although luckily it moves back into that 'so bad it's good' area that all fans of schlocky horror enjoy.

Overall there is some actual entertainment to be had here, and while it isn't exactly great, it's certainly a curiosity worth checking out.
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This Bugs Me
27 May 2020
There are a bunch of things wrong with this film on so many levels. The main one being that this time not only is there no killer santa, the whole film might as well have nothing to do with the franchise, which is evident in that it has a completely different title on the UK Imdb that doesn't link it to the series at all!

There is nothing about this script that has anything to do with the franchise and its not even trying to do a Christmas anthology theme like Halloween did, it just doesn't care. There is sort of a tease that one of the characters is the villain from 2 and 3, but it doesn't really make sense of so.

Overall this is not only not connected but also just a bad movie. I'm not sure if it hares men or hates women, but one thing is for sure, it hates the viewer!
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Just Wear the Damn Suit!
27 May 2020
Like the other entries in this series thus film has a lot of padding in its short run time. It feels cheap and the acting is terrible. But worse than that, Ricky doesn't even dress up as Santa Claus!

The later sequels drift further away from the original premise, but this one has the same character from the second film, only they strip him of all memorable quotes and over the top acting that actually made that film (the parts that were original anyway) kind of fun. This is the worst sin you could do in this kind of schlocky seasonal low budget horror.

As it stand this is just some people having lots of mostly pointless dialogue and seems to purposefully avoid the only redeeming aspects of the series. It's probably best just to avoid. Naughty!
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Fun but Not Flawless
22 May 2020
A new origin story for the hero Shazam, that delivers in lots of ways, but still doesn't reach the heights of the theatrically released lego movies or the live action film.

The story is pretty great and it's definitely worth a watch, the humour is a little lacking but not totally gone.

Overall this is a decent lego DC film, but it lacks the teeth of some of the other DC animated or lego movies, a great watch for the family though.
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Back (2017– )
21 March 2020
The main thing to note is if you don't like dry and dark humour that doesn't stop to give you time to process and signal that yes, that was a joke, then you will hate this.

There is a prominent Mitchell and Webb vibe from the show. But it definitely differs in tone somewhat from Peep Show and their various sketch shows. Personally I found this incarnation less appealing than those previous works, but there is no real reason why someone couldn't enjoy this more, it's just a matter of taste.

Overall if you are a fan of the duo then you will probably enjoy this, I think the only thing it lacks is a likeability factor with the mains. You never connect with them properly and there is no mechanism this time to falicitate this despite their apparent dislikablilty. I thought you were supposed to mellow out in your old age as a comedian, not get bleaker!
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Joe Pera Talks with You (2018–2021)
3 March 2020
Never has there been a show that is so willing to risk viewer engagement to establish and maintain a unique feel and mood.

The acting, editing, sound design and music all work together very purposefully to create a self-aware experience that is very rewarding for those willing to give it a chance.

Overall there is just so much heart and personality in this show, and if you like the first five minutes then it will probably become your favourite show of all time!
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