
65 Reviews
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A Time to Kill (2020– )
Lazy Indeed
12 September 2023
Let me start by saying I like the format of the show and how it lays the crime line down and unfolds it to it's predictable end of revealing the killer but it really cheapens the show when the narrator drops the killers name then show a picture of the actor who's playing or acting the part of said killer then will show pictures of the actors in group photos with other actors and have the narrator say something about the victim and her friends.. They've gone far enough as to blur out other actors in group photos of the actor who's playing the evil murderer. In this latest season they've used this same actor in back to back episodes and in one he's passed off as a 17 year old kid but this "kid" was 17 yrs old 17 years ago. If the show isn't using real images because the victims families refuse it then they shouldn't even attempt to make that episode or at LEAST make it known that when the dramatic reveal is shown your usually NOT seeing the actual murderer instead they're showing you an actor who's probably going to be involved in several different murders in several different states at several different moments in time in the coming season. Truth be told there are podcast that put in more production value then some of these so-called true crime TV shows..
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I enjoyed it
25 March 2023
I don't understand all of the negative reviews because I rather enjoyed this one.. I'm guessing maybe there wasn't enough CGI spent on it or maybe it's because The Rock wasn't in it or maybe it's that COVID blip I thought we'd see many years in the future of the dumbing down of humanity but unfortunately it's already showing it's ugly face and people just either aren't smart enough to understand what they're seeing or maybe it's just that our attention span has regressed so much that all anyone wants to see are bad comedies or these so-called "unscripted" shows that are already helping humanity lose a few IQ points.. The problem is films Hollywood keeps pumping out turds like Jurassic World: Dominion which grossed over $1 billion dollars worldwide and did it all while sporting a IMDb score of 5.6 and I couldn't get through but about 15 minutes of that junk and I like Pratt and Howard.. In the end I thought the writing was good and Bautista killed it, the only problem was the Andrew character was unlikable and overacted his part but everyone else was solid..
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Servant (2019–2023)
Dirty Dottie
14 January 2023
I'm currently watching S02 E03 and it's official Dorothy Turner is a huge POS and she is UUUGGGLLLYYY plus or actually minus her facial expressions throughout the show.. Groooosss.. And I say that with all the respect to Lauren Ambrose who really nails the fake smiling local TV news reporter who tries to squeeze all she can out of her local celebrity status and is just psychotic enough to think that she's deserves the accolades.. As for Johnny "T. Kebbell" Quid my question to him is what was that a painting of? And are you a real chef? As for the show it's kind of slow and leading and can be annoying at times but the characters, who all seem to have a drinking problem though I'm starting to understand why, are so narcissistic yet they all are very interesting and kinda likable like Dorthy's brother Julian (who I just found out is the kid from the Harry Potter series and is NOT Ed Sheeran) that you want to stick around and find out if they are really that horrible or is that hole that they're digging for themselves going to make their redemption that much sweeter.? I'm leaning more towards the deep hole angle for this bunch.. One last thing if the writers were aiming to build a character who could not only be unlikable but hatable they did just that and broke the mold with Dottie..
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Star Trek: Discovery: Anomaly (2021)
Season 4, Episode 2
No Tears is a Bad Thing..?
7 October 2022
First I never thought I'd say it but I miss Burnham not crying every episode and having her emotions guide her through those 40+ minutes all whilst pouring those emotions out on the enemies of Star fleet. But the first bad decision was in the season three finale and that was making Burnham captain because she's way to emotional of a person to be captain and be responsible for all those lives but the worst decision was to show that she's worthy of the helm let's have the president of the Federation (smh) go for a death defying ride along..! <- that's bad writing so I'm not side eyeing the show because everyone else is. I'm side eyeing it because it's just simply not good.. At all...! It's so bad that I actually looked to see if they'd brought on new directors or writers and it seems like there hasn't been enough change in crew to answer for why the writing has been moving more towards building a prolonged drawn out "we're putting out the universes fires" one episode at a time and we're doing it with a ship full of semi to mostly unstable characters who see orders as something taken at a restaurant rather than something to be followed.. And to have Saru (former Captain of that SAME SHIP) come back as Burnhams' # one was also a cringeworthy smh moment.. Lastly I personally think the writers are coasting on the show and what happened to the first contact episodes?
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Star Trek: Discovery: Kobayashi Maru (2021)
Season 4, Episode 1
Were the writers on strike?
6 October 2022
I enjoyed the first three seasons and was looking forward to season four's first episode so when I saw the low ratings for every episode of season four I thought to be sure this can't be right but I just finished episode one of season four and the low ratings, for that episode, are justified. I'm holding out hope for the remaining episodes but a quarter way into episode two and that hope is dwindling quickly.. Here's my rating and review of this new 600 characters required: rating 0.0 and review: having to come up with 600 characters on a review needing less than half that many makes for some watered down reviews.. How many people read the reviews in entirety anyway?
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Final Space (2018– )
Well This Sucks..!
9 September 2022
I recently started watching FS and 10 minutes in I almost turned it off because Gaaary was annoying but fortunately Kevin quickly took that spot.. God Kevin is dumb.. Well I digress, I got curious about some of the voices so I checked IMDb and was peast off to learn that the show HAS BEEN CANCELLED.. Sad face emoji x 10..! I was so looking forward to finding out when season four would drop only to be disappointed knowing that The Umbrella Academy somehow got another season.. Yikes with a finger in the collar.. Well as Gary Goodspeed once said "life is a graveyard filled with dead dreams"

Side note when did adding a review start having an "at least 600 characters"pitch count.?

I don't even know where I am on that count but I do know that for that amount of characters it seems like that's something we, the people, of the IMDb should get compensated for. I'll be over -> x waiting for that check..
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Unusual Suspects: A Mother's Conviction (2010)
Season 1, Episode 3
"Special" Prosecutor?!?!
10 August 2022
Ed Parkinson the prosecutor should be ashamed of himself for his inability to swallow the thickest of drinks we know as pride and admit that he got it WRONG.. But you sir are 100% right about one thing and that's "one jury got it right and one got it wrong" to bad it was the one after she'd already been wrongly and unjustly convicted because your office became so focused on gut feelings instead of the actual evidence. I wonder how many other people were wrongly convicted by this power hungry creep..
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I Liked it.. Almost Loved it..
1 August 2022
I'll admit it like the same as the rest of you.. It's not as good as the first one or even close but the first one was SOOO over the top good that the follow up which happens to be about "THE OTHER ONE" can't live up to the hype and they baited everyone in with the thought of seeing a lot more of "Ja Yoon" instead we met her sister and she put on a great show..! I even started liking the token over acting overbearing white guy.. Can't wait for part 3.
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Evil Lives Here: Locked In The Closet (2022)
Season 11, Episode 1
An Amazing Survivor story
24 July 2022
An amazing survivor story that is so unbelievably horrifying to realize what this young man and his brother were put through is true and the fact that these kids took it upon themselves to find a way out I found quite simply amazing and I hope that his "parents" are NEVER granted the freedom that they stole from their children. Truly heartbreaking.
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Evil Lives Here: He Kept Her In A Tree Stump (2022)
Season 11, Episode 4
Like Father, Like Son..
24 July 2022
I agree with what another reviewer saw when they watched this episode and that was the crocodile tears to go along with his crocoshyte story.. I saw an accomplice that feared the advances in DNA Technology and possibly the ghost of the victims he and his father shared and his only way forward was placing all the blame at the feet of his so-called "abuser" and somehow people bought into it.. Remorse is something this guy is incapable of feeling..
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The Bubble (2022)
I Lol'd a Bunch
15 April 2022
I thought this film was in the times funny and the script was well written.. The acting was brilliant and I'm now a Duchovny fan.. I seriously don't get the low ratings.!?! That mountain scene though 😂
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The Murder Tapes (2019– )
A TRULY True True Crime Show
7 April 2022
I dont know what the person who rated the show a 5 is talking about.. This show is just as good as the First 48 which is one of my favorite shows of all time but I think this show has way more adrenaline filled moments than the First 48 so much so that during the "Help..! Help...! Don't shoot me.. I can't see you.. Where are you? I'm right in front of you ma'am" episode I was literally on the edge of my seat squirming and I found myself holding my breath and making small jerking movements trying to will the officer to hurry up and clear the house so he could give aid to that woman and I had that feeling during several episodes.. It's all real and none of the over the top re-enactments that are plagued by many true crime shows and where the First 48 usually focuses more on the detectives making the case so once you've seen a few episodes from places like Tulsa, Memphis and New Orleans the detectives are so likable that the viewer ends up feeling like they have a relationship with that detective and that's because the show is geared more towards creating that relationship where as TMT's encompasses every aspect of the the crime from the detectives searching for and making the arrest to the forensics making sure there's evidence to convict and finally to judgment day.. It is a supremely well made and well rounded show and I just don't understand why someone would give this show a 5 star rating unless it's from a producer of TF48 feeling the pressure from greatness creeping up from behind..
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Confusing AF
25 March 2022
Is this real? The so-called members of this missing in America group seem to be dysfunctional and more focused on creating attention for themselves then actually wanting to help find not just Andrea but help finding anyone.. I tried to do a search on anyone they've actually found but couldn't find any numbers.. Also why are these amateur sleuths talking about doing dangerous "undercover" work especially a mother of two? Then you have a mysterious fire at the P. I.'s office that ends up burning all the notes and recordings of the missing woman.. I feel for the missing woman because in every picture they show of her she has what would be considered a smile but not a single one reaches her eyes and it looks like she's turning a frown into a smile.. They try and build this OMG we found something feeling towards the end of every episode trying to make you feel like the answer is in the next episode only to further the frustration of nothing happening..
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The Sad but Curious..
4 March 2022
How does John The Chin Cena keep getting work? Why does Michelle Rodriquez always look like she thinks she caught the smell of a fart and she's trying to figure out where it came from.? How many bullets does a good guy clip for an AK hold? It must be a few hundred.. And when going top speed does switching gears and stomping on the gas pedal really make you that much faster? And who writes this crap and how do I get a gig like this?
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A Fantastic Tale
11 February 2022
With life death is a true certainty and with death comes grief and dealing with that grief has never been explained so elegantly and terrifyingly as this film explains the loss of a loved one.. I was bored and looking for something to watch and I hadn't a clue what this film was about and just started watching it and was sucked right into the story and felt like I was a part of the journey..
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Dopesick (2021)
Legal Drug Dealers
5 December 2021
It's kind of a hard watch because I've been where characters like Betsy Mallum and fortunately I was able to climb out of that hole that was my personal hell.. Members of the Sackler family should've been charged with murder for pushing this drug on the world because that's what the government is doing to so-called dealers who sell drugs to someone who later dies.. Not that I agree with this but if your going to put someone on trial for dealing drugs to someone who later dies from that drugs use what makes the actual makers of this poison untouchable? My answer is three words RICH, WHITE, MEN..!

Also Kaitlyn Dever is AMAZING in this series, as she was in the Netflix show Unbelievable..
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South Park: South Park: Post COVID (2021)
Season 24, Episode 3
I Liked it.. A lot..!
2 December 2021
Why all the negativity? I think SP is the most progressive, I call it self shame but others call it cringeworthy, but 100% truthful, tell it how it is offended or not TV shows of all time (also brilliantly funny) and if you didn't see all the bases they touched in this episode then you must've been tired and need to go in for a rewatch because YOU missed it they Victor Chaos'd it!!! That's me!!
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CSI: Crime Scene Investigation: The End Game (2015)
Season 15, Episode 18
That's the best you could come up with?
17 November 2021
Let me start by saying the whole Gig Harbor killer story was absolutely dreadful to watch and with that being said I can't believe they used that as the ingredients in their crap cake farewell... My question is did they decide to make a two episode season 16 to make up for such a poor series finale? If that's the case why use the Lady Heather angle? Because I thought those episodes were a close second to the GHK episodes as being the worst episodes of the show... They'd jumped the shark years before the finale but the two "series finales" showed that they apparently liked the Happy Days episode that started the whole Jumping of the the shark phenomena..!
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Gotta Love Brass
6 September 2021
Jim Brass is a boss!! His character really came full circle in this episode..
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Rick and Morty (2013– )
A Brilliantly Funny Show
16 August 2021
I just finished watching the Birdperson episode S05E08 and for anyone to say that this season of R&M isn't funny or as funny as past seasons has me at a loss for words because I think this season is not only as funny as seasons past but I think the writing has been absolutely genius..
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CSI: Crime Scene Investigation: Compulsion (2005)
Season 5, Episode 17
You owe me an apology.. I'm sorry....
22 July 2021
...That you feel that way... It was one of those YES moments and if you've seen the episode then you feel me.. That was such a good episode.
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Oldboy (2013)
A Remake Failure
4 July 2021
I wanna start by saying the original Oldboy that this rag was supposed to be a remake of was absolutely amazing and already perfect so why attempt to remake perfection..? My answer is I have no clue and neither did the director Mars Blackmon.. Hollywood never knows when to leave well enough alone and it's a shame.. Hollywood I have a favor to ask PLEASE do NOT try and remake Parasite nor any other of the quality Korean films that have come out over the past 20+ years.

If you want to see a good film watch the original release Oldboy 2003 directed by Park Chan-Wook starring Choi Min-Sik.
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Criminal Minds: The Pact (2012)
Season 8, Episode 2
Overacting Much..?
27 June 2021
This entire show is going downhill fast and the eye rolling it causes is starting to give me a headache.. From the HORRIBLE acting and writing to the fact that they go out of their way to make every suspect super creepy and literally ugly.. Prentiss got out at the right time but I think the rest of the "team" are just collecting checks at this point..
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CSI: Crime Scene Investigation: Cool Change (2000)
Season 1, Episode 2
CSI? Maybe not
5 June 2021
Me being an arm chair detective and an even better arm chair CSI I was perplexed by the fact that the head guy of the CSI team sprayed luminal on a suspected blood stain in a pretty well lit room which in every The First 48 episode Ive ever watched they used darkness and a UV light source to show the suspected blood and I didn't see any source of UV light to luminous the blood in this episode which is INFURIATING to me based on the fact that the entire show is based on the collection of forensics and to have the simplest of test being done incorrectly by the head of the department is unforgivable.. There should be no f-ups when it comes to shows like this.. I hate when Criminal Minds continues to call the "unsub" (unknown subject) an "unsub" even after they've learned the "unsub's" identity or how I've seen a few characters handle evidence without wearing gloves.. Your making shows based on the professional collection of evidence how about being a little more professional by making sure it's collected correctly.. Two shows in and I'm out on CSI.!
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Liked it
24 May 2021
I thought it was good.. As a matter of fact I thought it was going to be stupid because I had read a few reviews and then I remembered I don't take any review seriously.. I will admit there were some bad acting spots and the CGI wasn't the greatest but overall I give it a solid 7.5 and I thought that was Timothy Olyphant from Deadwood it want it was Josh Duhamel..
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