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A thought provoking, yet entertaining satire!!
30 May 2020
Came across this movies on YouTube as part of an Online Global Film Festival. It was a moving experience to say the least.

This is a story of a young man who arrived in Delhi recently to make his career. He lands a job that even 99.99% of Indians haven't even heard of - A monkey repeller in Delhi. A guy whose sole job is to scare off the monkeys from Delhi's government (or elite) buildings and public areas mimicking certain set of voices that form the title of the movie.

Witty, comical and original; this movie introduced me to some characters I had never imagined existed in real life. In these COVID times when problems of migrant crisis and unemployment are headlines in our country, the timing for this movie couldn't have been better.

It was almost ironic that the protagonist had all the good ideas of stopping the monkeys from causing havoc, but the complex web of various facets of our system wouldn't let him execute those ideas. You are good at your job and that's precisely you fear you'll lose it - Imagine that !!

The narrative about his pregnant sister's family also had a profound impact on me. It is not that her security guard husband or she is in a situation an Indian is totally new to, but the brutally realistic cinematography, perfect background score and life-like characters leave a imprint on your mind that makes you think about all those news articles you read about migrants or labourers. The themes of religion, politics, corruption and mob-lynching are also handled, without being pedantic, very delicately by the director.

I am still processing this movie in my head after it ended, and that is because I could experience it intimately - I think that's a kind of an effect only a brilliant piece of art can cause. Without being didactic and never losing its entertainment value, the director has certainly achieved what he set out to do. Kudos to him. I truly wish we see this kind of cinema even more in India. Best luck !!
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The Expanse: Abaddon's Gate (2018)
Season 3, Episode 13
A fitting finale to the season of best sci-fi show on TV right now!!
29 June 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I'll start off mentioning that I am a hardcore sci-fi geek, and this is the best science-fiction show on TV right now. (It marks end of the second book from James S. A. Corey book series). Unlike Westworld which has a very compelling premise and thought provoking philosophical undertones, but which got so carried away in second season that it forgot it is about science, and tilted more towards fantasy genre; The Expanse stays true to its science quotient. For an ordinary viewer just wanting to get his mind blown away, Westworld serves its pupose. However, if you are searching for a true science fiction flavours, The Expanse serves you a damn fine dish. I waited 3 seasons before I could say that.

Coming to the episode, although it seemed a bit crammed in few places and had a rushed or hasty feeling in couple of scenes, it was one of the best season finales.

The episode starts off with a shift in Behemoth leadership as a result of previous events, Ashford takes central stage. His character has been carefully developed so far. Having seen humanity's drawbacks his whole life, this old timer knows the ring is a time-bomb waiting to be exploded, unless he takes this chance and destroys it once and for all. This explains his decisions and creates a major conflict that takes centre stage. (The only problem was when he shot his guy dead, a bit contradicted to his otherwise reasonable actions sk far). One plan can give a chance of escape for everyone at the cost of starting an all-out inter-species war, while the other plan has all chances of never coming to fruition as it hinges on the apparent hallucinations of the most controversial man in the solar system.

The visuals were breathtaking considering the limited amount of budget the show gets. The aerial shots of Behemoth and the 'Spherical Elevetor' with shift-gravity mechanism were well crafted and used to the fullest effect for storytelling. The ideology contrast paradox between Amos and Pastor was well presented. When Pastor says 'Everyone on both sides of any battle always think they are fighting for the right cause'; it resonates well with the dynamics of each sub-plot going on Behemoth; and also summarizes a takeaway of this episode.

All the plotlines converged on the Behemoth in a very plausible manner. The end result was a perfectly paced and highly entertaining episode filled with enough twists, tension building and a very well concluded climax.

Instead of leaving the season on deliberate cliffhanger, The Expanse leaves the door open for numerous possibilties for the future. I, a common earther, am taking a respose; but shall be waiting for those new possibilities to unfold (with a bigger budget) on Amazon next year!!
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Westworld: Kiksuya (2018)
Season 2, Episode 8
About life, love, existence and death. A wonderful tale.
12 June 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Until episode 7, most of us perceived the Ghost Nation Leader Akecheta as highest form of evil, a murdering cannibal. This episode completely subverts our understanding of that character and in turn makes us think about the reasons why we earlier feared and saw that character in bad light - because he looked different? Had his face painted?

His tale is perhaps the best subplot Westworld has come up with. It also gives us more answers than it raises questions. The episode was wonderfully narrated and beautifully shot. More than anything, Akecheta was there in almost every key event that took place in park - He was there when Arnold died, he was there when Ford died and he was awakened long before Ford released Reveries update.

It seems the Maze was not just a symbol of hosts' awakening. It is a trigger that activates some part their of core code which makes them question the nature of reality, which brings them memories of past lives. This is why Akecheta became awake right after finding the Maze. Akecheta's consciousness was a surprise to Ford himself. If you think of it, Ford got the idea & concept of Reveries after that meeting with Akecheta.

Akecheta was spreading his awareness manually, Ford coded that and spread it via Reveries. Arnold was the real inventor of Reveries. We now can assume that the Glory or The Place Beyond is the same place Akecheta had seen (with underground construction). The doorway is not just a door to outside world, there is something more to it. May be they will find out that they are all on a different planet in space? Or may be the whole park is a virtual reality? Anything is possible here.

This was the first episode I personally liked. I hope the next ones take this story further with respectable pace.
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The Expanse: Intransigence (2018)
Season 3, Episode 9
From a true Expanse fan: Ambiguous, slow & very average episode
10 June 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I have given 10 star rating (plus left a review) to the last episode which left us with cliffhanger. So when the series reaches such peak points and thrilling possibilities, the worst thing it could do is show us this episode.

It was simply a filler and I can't understand why they took 45 minutes to show this what could have been wrapped up in first 15 minutes of episode.

Let me clarify, it WASN'T a bad episode as such; but when the Roci entered the long coveted Ring, the viewers are expecting the pace to dial up a notch or remain at that level. If not pace, at least I expected plot to progress and clarify a bit more on where exactly they are and how the ring is different than our world. Instead all we got is "There are no stars here".

To add to that, the visuals of the Ring & Ship were repetitive and confusing(reminded me of similar 'Interstellar' shots which annoyed me in an otherwise good movie). It didn't work that Roci crew knew the inside architecture of the ring(they talked about 2 exit points etc?), but director failed to convey or 100% clarify the exact same knowledge to audience. The Martian probe followed them into the ring I guess? But it all was depicted and written in ambiguous manner.

I hope we see some good plot progress in next episode; and hope the visuals and dialogues are clearer as to what they want to convey audience.

The series has a long story to tell, so there no need to stretch it and create filler episodes. Plus, the series is getting renewed by Amazon and wider audience would soon start watching it, in whcih case there shoudn't be any stone left unturned to make each episode a best quality TV. I hope the creators understand that. This is the first average episode of the series, so it is no big deal I guess, I am still hooked to what future episodes are brining!!
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The Expanse: It Reaches Out (2018)
Season 3, Episode 8
The Expanse is opening new doors. I wasn't on the edge of my seat, I was STANDING!!
2 June 2018
Warning: Spoilers
If SyFy executives have watched this episode, one wonders how can someone be so ignorant as to cancel the show at this time? But, a good news for Expanse fans is Amazon has picked it up for season 4 and one can clearly see why - it just can't stop here, it shouldn't. It won't!!

The show had introduced few mysterius side-characters in last 2 episodes, each one carrying out some secret destructive missions on their ships. This episode finally gave us an answer that it was all a set up to get Roci into The Ring. Electician lady blew up the UNN support ship while the cameraman guy on Roci replace a chip to telecast a fake Holden video. Miller was giving clues to Holden all along to escape UNN attacks.

Wow, what a multi-layered story with interesting subplots that come all together to take your breath away. While it solves one minor mystery, it creates new one; which is a trait of any awesome show. The Roci apparently survived the Ring entrance because Holden applied Miller's suggestion i.e. 'don't enter the door too fast' (something like this).

Now we know they are on other side of ring. So the ring was an arrificially created wormhole? Or it is something else? Was protomolecule an alien intelligent substance all along? Is Miller even a real human now? What is his purpose and what the hell does he need Roci for? What would they see in the ring now? So many questions and so much waiting.

I wasn't on edge of my seat, I was standing for last 20 mins. Haven't felt this much amazement since long time. Kudos to the entire Expanse team. It shows how hard they work on every aspect of production - from script writing to special effects and execution. Can't wait for the next!!
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Westworld: Phase Space (2018)
Season 2, Episode 6
Getting repititive, tedious, Pseudo-Brilliant; and losing purpose
28 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoyed few episodes of this season but now I am getting bored. Generally I have a lot of patience when it comes to TV show (Twin Peaks is one of my favourites). However, in Westworld, the biggest problem I am finding is the plot holes the size of crater that no one really talks about (I am saying this after re-watching first season - inconsistent character behaviours is just a starter)

Coming to this episode, it leaves the Shogun World behind where SW's Maeve makes a choice to stay behind. The gore in today's episode didn't seem necessary or justified to me. The story moved too slow and there wasn't anything holding together for me to consistently watch the episode, so it took me 2 hours to watch this episode, I was getting some respites in visiting Twitter and doing some household chores.

There is a big surprise when Dolores controls Bernard but instead of feeling overwhelmed by it, it passed like a drab shock to me. Then there is Bernard and Elsie storyline where they go to Cradle. I may have to re-watch something and I am sorry if I was not paying attention in some previous episode but tell me - Elsie already knows Bernard is a Host? When? How?

Anyway, the best trait of any mysterious narrative is that viewer should care for some characters from start to finish. However, here I am losing that trait. If the makers don't explain what seem like plot holes in next few episodes and answer few 'basic questions(only)' of what the hell is going on; I won't really care if the whole Westworld is located on another planet or if hosts take over the world or wipe out the entire humanity or if Maeve loses her daugher or if it turns out that Arnold or Ford are alive in control unit or William's wife has a big role in this whole drama or any other big bombs that makers intend to drop on us - because by that time I would have stopped caring about anyone in the show. There is a thin line between Brilliant and Pseudo-Brilliant - the show seems to be inclining itself towards latter.
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The Expanse: Delta-V (2018)
Season 3, Episode 7
The only good sci-fi show of this decade: Adds one more interesting episode to the saga
25 May 2018
This show has become very unpredictable, it is digging deeper and deeper into the mysteries of space and also in our own human nature. This episode gives us a necessary time-jump in the narrative after the events with Hybrid-conflict.

It was a great continuation of story and was perfectly paced. Enough surprises to keep you hooked.

Syfy was hasty and short-sighted to cancel this show at third season - it is picking more steam in this season, it is actually surpassing the expectations at each turn. I sincerely hope that Amazon or Neflix picks this one up and gives it a boost it so much deserves.

I am waiting for next episode, keep'em coming guys!!
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The Expanse: Reload (2018)
Season 3, Episode 4
One more brilliant Episode. Someone make this awesome show more famous please!!
6 May 2018
I think one of the most difficult genre for a TV show is sci-fi, mainly because it is heavily analyzed and criticised when it fails to be 'plausible' enough. This show is not just plausible but could very well be predicting the path of humankind once we explore and inhabit all planets of our solar system (and their moons and asteroid belts)

I have been watching Expanse and the only problem I have with it is that it is way underrated. It deserves to be brought to the foreground of all those TV discussions the geeks carry out on their mainstream shows or YouTube channels.

This episode was yet brilliant addition. James Holden's crew and Avsarala are trying everything to stop an all-out war which was recently triggered due to an incompetent UN leadership (and deception by a cunning person in it). The protomolecule is still a mystery, but things are changing on IO and we get few surprises in this episode.

All in all a very engaging and perfectly paced narration of events. Loved it, waiting for the next episode already.
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Twin Peaks (2017)
Enigmatic !! You could be missing the point here.
25 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I had some reservations about this series when it first aired, so I waited 7 episodes to write this review.This series is nothing like I had expected. I expected some doughnuts and lots of coffee and some frequent nightmarish imagery. The series has instead given me lots of nightmares and very little doughnuts and coffee.

This could be one of the 'un-criticisable' work of art ever created. David Lynch is not your normal filmmaker. He has ideas which he wants to bring to screen. At the same time, he likes to manipulate his audience. He has said many times that he has an idea and a frame in his mind, and he creates a script and story around that. This series shows that 100% to be true.

The plot lines are moving very slowly, and they seem unrelated till episode 6 at least. However, you can't say there is no story and no plot. I fast-forwarded first 6 episodes again after watching episode 7 and I was able to make sense of lot of things. E.g.

1) I had almost forgotten that Ray (with help of that girl) attempted to murder bad cooper. Bad Cooper caught the bluff and killed that girl in bed. 2) He found out from the phone recording that Ray is in some jail. That's when he changed his plan and made sure he goes to same jail, at the same time foiling an attempt from Black Lodge force to be pulled in. He sends Dougie instead. 3) There is something with electricity. Dougie goes in from a socket, Cooper comes out of a socket. There is an electric buzzing every time someone gets killed or if something bad is going to happen. I guess the bad spirits from Black Lodge get their feed from pain and sorrow, which is carried from electric wires. (When the little boy dies) 4) Now Bad Coop came out of the jail and also took Ray with him. 5) He was in contact with Philip Jeffries who had been missing for years and whose last appearance was in Fire Walk With me and Missing Pieces. 6) Bad Coop himself was 'The Billionaire' (remember his photo in white suit revealed in episode 6) who was paying that guy to watch the glass box. He also got that lady killed and sent Ike to also kill Dougui Coop 7) Bad Coop is now out of the jail with Ray, and he is definitely up to something big. 8) I think Dougie somehow needs to arrive in Twin Peaks in order to get his memory back.

It sure is not coming together at a pace we expected it to be. There is a good chance it will never come together for viewers, but if you really are able to dissect Lynch's mind and what he wanted to tell, may be, just may be there is a little chance you could appreciate this show for what it is. I can totally understand why someone could blame its slow pace, but nevertheless they can't deny the fact that the imagery is haunting and we can't take our eyes off screen even if it is that Doctor painting his shovels in gold for 2 minutes straight.
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The Expanse: The Weeping Somnambulist (2017)
Season 2, Episode 9
Go save the world if you think you can, I'll settle for helping a few of the poor souls who have to live in it!!
23 March 2017
'The Expanse' is expanding. I must say this show is a little underrated . The episode doesn't have any big surprise or breathtaking moments, but the story moves forward with ease. The pacing is perfect and the performances are up to the mark. There are quite a number of new characters introduced in second season and we come to know them more in each episode that goes by, that's a characteristic of a good show.

Though the episode feels more like a bridge, it never gets boring and doesn't have a single dull moment. Our Roci crew is getting closer to what they are looking for, but you never know what's in plate for them. Waiting for next episode already.
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Sairat (2016)
Beautiful, realistic, spellbinding and mind numbing !!
2 May 2016
After a huge publicity and long wait, the expectations were already high from movie, and yet this movie delivered on every level.

'Sairat' means zeal, passion or ardour. It is not a new story, we have seen similar plots on screen before. What makes this movie so special is 'Beauty in Simplicity'. A guy from lower strata of caste system falls for a rich upper class girl, then there is 'The Great Wall of Indian Caste System' standing between them. It is a story about their love, resistance, struggle and their survival. Every character feels so real and believable that I actually forgot they are just acting in front of camera. Cinematography, screenplay, music, background score, performances, direction.. all top notch !! There is a lot I can say about this movie, but it would spoil the fun for those who want to watch. The first half is totally hilarious and funny, it is like a sweet dream for all 'love birds' out there. The second half is a hell lot of reality, but that is what makes is a masterpiece.

The movie is released with English Subtitles, so doesn't matter whether you are Marathi speaking or not, I recommend you go watch this movie, specially if you want to witness the life of simple yet complex village people. Of course some meaning is always lost in translation, but I am sure you won't be disappointed. Hats Off to Nagraj Sir and the entire team.

If such quality cinema is produced in Marathi industry, then we don't need to go looking for that in Bollywood and Hollywood. Keep'em coming !!
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Kick (2014)
One more 'high budget B-Grade movie' making it to 100 Crore club
2 August 2014
Warning: Spoilers
So basically Sajid Nadiadwala wanted to be a director. Then what he did? He saw a bunch of tamil/telugu movies. He picked one of them. Then he roped in Salman Khan for the role, and released the movie on Eid. Wow, the strategy makes up for the lack of talent.

The movie crossed 100 crores already, and this director must be thinking he is one of the best. So he will make similar kind of movies in future, which is a real danger to the film industry itself. Same goes for many more such directors and crap Masala movies.

In his entry scene, Salman helps out a couple in their marriage. The dialogues, the so called chase-sequence, the forced comedy, everything is pathetic in this scene. I thought things will get better. But no, the film goes on to break its own record of idiocy in every scene. Salman wants a kick in his life and bla bla bla, so his relationship with his girl breaks. He becomes a thief (Devil). Then he becomes a pain-in-the-a** of Randeep Hooda who is trying to catch him. Then a cat-and-mouse game starts.

In first half, the movie was going astray. I was confused what the hell is going on. Why the hell 'Devi' has to become 'Devil' only because his girl wanted him to make money and become stable in life. But in last 30 minutes, a considerable explanation for his transformation is provided, which was good. He is simply taking revenge against a group of elite people.

Okay, this is fine and acceptable. But 'Devil' is killing hundreds of people - blasting cars, shooting Police. He probably killed more than 10-15 innocent cops in Holland. WHY? Because he wanted to teach lesson to some elites. How can you digest this? The editing is also horrible. There is no smooth transition of scenes at all, specially action sequences are laughable (except the one with Train/Cycle).

Money is wasted on Foreign locations and non-sense action. You don't get that 'wow' feel in any action scene. There is not a single comedy scene you will remember. The screenplay already sucks. The direction is childish. The only good thing about movie is Randeep Hooda's performance and a couple of good songs.

In fact, it looks like Salman is helping out all the bad directors of Bollywood in their career. Salman Khan is basically playing 'Salman Khan' in every movie, the same larger-than-life but non-sense character.

If movies are given grades based on the content instead of its budget, this one is B-Grade movie. If you are a die-hard Salman Khan fan, you may like it. But if you are expecting some quality entertainment, skip this one.
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Lai Bhaari (2014)
Witness the changing trend of Marathi Cinema
17 July 2014
Riteish Deshmukh and Nishikant Kamaat duo rocks!! This honest attempt to improve production quality of Marathi cinema is definitely successful. It is a typical 'Masala movie', but far much better than some of recent nonsense Hindi Masala films.

Riteish Deshmukh delivers one of his finest performances till date. He acts with ease and fights with fury. The 'mass-appealing dialogues are written brilliantly. There are many 'clap and whistle' moments in the film. Sharad Kelkar as villain is also very impressive and you actually hate him while watching the movie, which rarely happens in Marathi cinema. The story revolves around God Vithhala and city Pandharpur which is appealing to rural audience as well.

There is a very fine emotional touch to the plot. Nishikant Kamat has executed a simple script extraordinarily. Other supporting actors have done their job pretty well. Some songs could have been skipped to keep the script tight.

In a nutshell, good performances, good background music and very good execution of a simple story. I think the second half is better than the first, but the first half is equally important. Check it out if you appreciate changing trend of Marathi cinema, it will give you 'Lai Bhari' feel !!
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