
9 Reviews
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Cats (2019)
Horrible and cringeworthy but not the worst I've seen
4 April 2022
No, this is not a positive review. The movie is painful to watch, but I can forget it easily enough. It's not as psychologically damaging as, say, Pink Flamingos (seriously, don't watch it...there are some things you can't unsee). Cats is just a horrible attempt at a musical. I couldn't make it through ten minutes before I sensed my brain cells were commiting suicide at an alarming rate and I had to turn it off. Watch it on a dare, but only if there's money involved.
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Hannah Gadsby: Douglas (2020 TV Special)
Just terrible
15 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Oh my god, it was just one big rant at the patriarchy and men suck, especially the straight white ones. She starts it off by telling the audience that before the show she is going to tell them what's in the show and then she proceeds to go into 20 minutes of explaining what she's going to do from beginning to end. People like this is what is wrong is wrong with comedy. Unfunny woke trash at it's best.
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The Lion King (2019)
It's a beautifully made movie...with no soul
10 September 2019
Making the animals hyper-real took all of the emotion out of the movie. The original had such good animation that showed emotion, but in this remake it just falls flat. I think it would have been an enjoyable (yet still pointless) movie if they had used CGI that was more along the lines of Zootopia. That way, they could have kept the emotion in the characters. Yet again, Disney makes a pointless remake, but hey it made a billion bucks, so look forward to more of the same. The next on their list of remakes is Lady and the Tramp. Disney is officially out of original content
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Cobra Kai (2018–2025)
Very well written and acted
10 May 2018
The writers had a stroke of genius when they decided to focus this around Johnny and his inner turmoil. Daniel is still a likable character, but has picked up some of the cockiness that comes with being very successful. Seeing the struggle of Johnny who, it turns out, is a pretty decent guy is really well written and acted. All the young actors do really well in their roles. I can't wait for season 2.
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Warehouse 13 (2009–2014)
This is great fun with some interesting character development throughout the series
17 January 2018
Remember the end of the first Indiana Jones movie? The ark is in it's crate being wheeled down an isle stacked with similar crates. The camera slowly pans back to reveal a huge warehouse with, what one can only assume, are similar artifacts. That's the idea behind this show. There are artifacts out there that have become imbued with magical properties. The magic in a particular artifact usually has something to do with a person who owned is or created it. But for every up side that an artifact has, there is a down side. For instance, the sunglasses that made you invisible render you blind for twice as long as you were wearing them when you take them off. other side effects can be anything from drowning on dry land to spontaneous combustion and everything in between. Enter the Warehouse 13 agents, who are tasked with hunting down the artifacts as they pop up and bringing them back to the warehouse to be stored safely. That's it for starters. There's Artie, the grumpy guy in charge, Pete, the goofy secret service agent, who can kick some ass when he needs to, and Myka, another secrete service agent who is serious and smart, and always hilariously annoyed with Pete. It is SyFy, so there are some cheesy effects along the way, but the varied plots and characters introduced through the series are always interesting and there can be the occasional serious moment where characters connect. All in all, it's great fun from beginning to end
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Pure awesome for fans of the show..others? Well we'll see about that
9 October 2017
It was pretty much what I expected; a longer version of one of the TV episodes, which is fine with me since that's really all it's meant to be. The songs were all very good, but the one done by Tempest really stood out to me. The new animation used in the film was absolutely beautiful. A true step up from the flash animation. All of the characters had their moments, from Pinkie Pie's party canon to Fluttershy telling one of the big baddies "You seem tense. Do you want to talk about it?" Rarity is absolutely adorable with her meltdown proclaiming "The bad guys have won!" Rainbow Dash's sonic rainboom looks awesome with the new animation. The storm king seemed more like an afterthought than a real villain with Tempest playing the biggest role on the bad guys side. Extremely well done animation and voice acting. Fans of the show will love it, but it will not get many new fans. I would say a rock solid movie effort well worth another one in the future.
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Thoughts from Bronydom
15 May 2014
When my wife first told me about 'Bronies', I was shocked and a little disgusted. I asked Lisa "You mean there are actually grown men who are fans of My Little Pony?" I remembered the cheesy My Little Pony cartoons that my little sister used to watch in the 80s/90s. They, like most Saturday morning cartoons of that era, were horribly animated and sometimes a little creepy. Lisa informed me that this was a new iteration of the franchise, and not the old ones that I remembered on TV. I was undeterred in my skepticism.

That was a few years ago. Fast forward a couple years and Delaney starts watching My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic and loves it. As any parent knows, you end up sitting through endless hours of children's shows. The show Yo Gabba Gabba has become the yardstick that I use to gauge the level of quality for any particular kids show. That show is just about as preachy and dumbed down for kids as any one you will ever see. When I first saw this current iteration of My Little Pony, my first impression was that it was not annoying like Yo Gabba Gabba. It wasn't painful to watch, and it wasn't trying to sell my kids on saving the earth if you can just recycle enough plastic bottles. The themes were simple and were usually tied to characteristics espoused by one of the main characters; those characteristics being honesty, loyalty, generosity, laughter, and kindness.

After watching a few episodes, I decided that not only was this show not incredibly annoying; it was actually kind of entertaining. For a Saturday morning cartoon, it is surprisingly well produced. The voice acting is very good, as is the writing and animation. It wasn't long before I started watching episodes I liked when the kids weren't watching them. That was a first for me. There is no other kids show before MLP or since that I have actually watched by choice when the kids weren't watching it. It wasn't unusual for me to put on an episode of MLP on Netflix when it was getting close to bed time. This eventually led to Lisa realizing that she had went to bed after watching Arrested Development on Netflix, and woke up to an episode of MLP being on there instead. Of course, she was endlessly amused by this, knowing it was me. She called me on it, which I tried to half-heartedly deny before admitting that I liked the show.

It was strange; realizing that I enjoyed something that was so obviously marketed to young girls. This got me trying to figure out what it was that I found so entertaining. Basically, I like MLP for the same reason I like Frozen, Wreck it Ralph, and Tangled. The animation is done very well, the writing is good, the voice acting is good, the songs are catchy and memorable, and there are pop-culture references throughout the series. A long time ago, Disney realized that they could target the adult demographic by throwing in these references for the adult viewers. For instance, Frozen had a reference to an Arrested Development episode that Lisa picked up immediately when we watched it for the first time. She was extremely amused. I'm not the Arrested Development fan that she is, so it went completely over my head. MLP uses the same references to appeal to a wider demographic than their target audience. My kids have never seen Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, or The Big Lebowski, yet there are those references and a lot of others interspersed throughout the series including a reference to one of the old My Little Pony cartoons from the 80′s (seen in the "Too Many Pinkie Pies" episode).

The animation style also impressed me. Being a life-long computer geek, I remember flash animation when it was the new cool thing on the internet. There was no video streaming on a 56k modem. If you saw something moving on a web site, it was a pixelated video clip or a gif. Then Flash came along and you started seeing cool animations when you went to web sites. MLP uses a heavily modified version of Flash 8, and does a very good job animating the show.

Another interesting draw for me in the series is the appearance of mythological creatures in the world. There are appearances of a minotaur (named Iron Will, and hilariously modeled after Rex, the karate teacher in Napoleon Dynamite), cerberus, manticor, hydra, chimera, cockatrice, and a gryphon (named Gilda). Of course, several of the main characters are pegasi, unicorns, and alicorns.

So, in summary, yeah, I like My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. My favorite character in the show is Pinkie Pie, maybe followed by Apple Jack. I also liked Frozen very much which is a princess story, when you get right down to it. Olaf cracks me up. I feel like because I mocked when I first heard about Bronies, I am due a little mocking bring it on :) But don't bother questioning my sexuality. First of all, I'm not gay. Secondly, calling someone gay just isn't the insult that it used to be. All you have to do is turn on the news and it's celebrities coming out of the closet and gay marriages. It's the "in" thing now. Beware, though; if you want to mock me, you better watch the first few episodes of season 1 before you do. You might just turn out to be a Brony too.
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The Walking Dead (2010–2022)
Great TV Show (No Spoilers)
4 December 2013
I have been a fan of the Zombie genre since I was a kid. To this day, it is my favorite type of horror film and still the only kind that will give me the occasional nightmare. The series is excellent. With every zombie movie, I'm left wondering how the survivors (if any) may have fared. This show gives you that ongoing struggle that characters go through over the long term. I have always thought that the strength of the zombie genre was not the horror aspect, but how characters develop over time in a post apocalyptic world. This show is not timid and will kill off main characters that you liked, and you won't see it coming. Those who are giving the series one star ratings and complaining about "all the drama" should just stick to watching mindless slasher flicks. The series seems (at least to me) to do a good job of showing how real people might respond in these situations. It feels like it's something that you could almost see happening to people around you. There is plenty of blood and guts in this as well as some language that you won't hear on other stations, but it's not horrible or all the time. If you like mindless slasher/monster/zombie flicks, pass on this one...but if you always wanted to know what may have happened to the characters at the end of the last good zombie movie you saw, this series has some ideas.
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The Survivors (1983)
Fun, pointless comedy. Well worth the watch
26 September 2013
I love to read the reviews of this movie talking about how there are plot holes and the movie lacks direction and on, and on, and on. The Austin Powers movies have plot holes a plenty and virtually no direction or underlying 'ah-ha's...but they're still really funny.

The one liners in this movie are classic Robin Williams and him and Walter Matthau play off each other really well. Throw in Jerry Reed and you have a party. If you're looking for something with plot and direction and some underlying meaning, this is not your movie. If you just want some good laughs in a corny comedy filled with some really great one-liners, this is right up there with the Austin Powers movies. Just don't go into it expecting to see something like Schindlers List and you'll be fine. For all the haters out there...lighten up! Stress'll kill ya!
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