
30 Reviews
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M3GAN (2022)
bad bad acting full of plagiarism
2 February 2023
I was hoping for a much better film, what I got was a rehashed derivative of every doll movie made, but this was even more cringey and absurd.

Allison Williams role as Gemma was flat and lifeless, I think she had two expressions, whiney and..., ah no sorry one. Apparently this young woman in her 20s she went from creating a fluffy little basic remote doll that looked like a troll and was run by an ipad, to a fully autonomous AI type doll that enacted murderous revenge, only took a couple of weeks in her garage. The premise was contrived and just done so badly. The back story of Gemma taking in her niece almost seemed pointless, Gemma was a crappy care giver, unable to deal with Cady, showed little to no social support, this attitude was never retracted during the film either. You definitely felt a cold indigence as a viewer, no connection to the characters. Gemma also talked like a teenager, slurred her words, or was even indecipherable at times, yet apparently was this amazing brilliant engineer, really terrible directing not to improve on some of her line deliveries, felt like I was at McDonalds ordering to a 13 year old mumbling. Her boss, Ronny Chieng went to a similar acting school, hidden at the back of walmart, just embarrassing, lame boring writing didn't help. I think the doll was very good, could have based that premise on a much better movie because the special effects were quite good, the story around it didn't support.
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comedy with no laughs, barely watchable, but didn't harm anyone
23 June 2022
Was expecting a much better script and more interesting characters. No real back story and you have to accept the fact that Gerry just manifests this idea out of nowhere and his wife is immediately on board. It just seemed ridiculous from the start although it's supposed to be a true story, it plays out very weak and disjointed in the film. Marg is a strange character, little too obliging and happy for her age group, and the story is very predictable and plays out like a b grade Disney film. It wasn't horrible, but I can't recommend it will hold your interest till the end. Few sight gags along the way, but few and far between.
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Uncharted (2022)
played all the games, now seen the film
21 March 2022
I was honestly surprised that I didn't hate the film, in fact i really enjoyed it, and I did feel it could be part of the story inside the game. They picked a very clever timeline where Sully was not that old, and Nathan is in his 20s, he just meets Chloe, and Elena is not on the scene.

So it starts at the orphanage, like in the U4 game, and they actually find the perfect match/actor for young Nathan, then the movie jumps to later, possibly Nathan in his early 20s, a period which the game never used. Holland does a great Nathan Drake, and if you treat Walberg as a young Sully, it's kinda works. The dialogue from Nate and Sully was similar to the cheekiness in the game, the movie story line was equal to maybe 4 stages of the game, with strong similarities to U4 pirate themes, and U3 with the aircraft scenes.

The action scenes were very well done, and kept to the craziness and unbelievability of the game itself, like the flying scenes with helicopters and ships, the gold, running thru the cities, I think they even included a quick scene of Nathan climbing, a kinda homage to that part of the game, which essentially is a massive part of the Uncharted series.

There is a hint of possible sequel at the end of the film, and I will be off to see it soon as it comes out, thanks for a great fun film!
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Pieces of Her (2022)
music video slash mini series
15 March 2022
Every time I see them put music to a collage of characters 'goin about their day' as early as the second episode I know they are stretching out an already struggling mess. It's happened twice already in this series, it's the equivalency of hamburger helper and should be used sparingly...and not used to stretch a story from 37 minutes to 52 minutes, really annoying and any fool can see through it. I'm not sure what you officially call it in the movie industry, but I call it hamburger helper. We had violence, then mum (depressing in every film frog mouthed toni collette) pretends to hate child to make her leave for her own protection, she leaves, finds out a whole heap of evidence in a car her mum said to go get, but wouldn't explain it to her over the phone, almost like she was making a tv drama so she wanted it to spread out over 8 episodes, she is followed, after a few other minor things happen, mum tells her to come home again.... I switch off.

Now, the netflix dramas have really gone to crap, I also watched hulu offering 'the dropout', which is about the Elizabeth holmes story, and that was as bad if not worse. Then I watched an old movie with John Candy in it called 'only the lonely', and it was fantastic, simple, classic story line, no special effects, no teenage heart throbs, no violence. It was an eye opener as to how bad the latest offerings are, just churning out cheap garbage. No wonder I stick to true crime docos or old movies.
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Horizon Line (2020)
as a comedy, it works
17 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
From the opening scenes you get a feeling that the set direction and acting is of very low quality, it had to have been the saddest and uninspiring bar scene ever made, and his apparent shed/home/work space, which was a shed with a few oxygen tanks thrown in, I think the cash was spent on CGI, well I must say, home PCs are very capable these days. They hook up on the island, she leaves, no real character development, she comes back for a wedding, runs into the guy again, share plane to another island where the pilot has a heart attack. Luckily she has had 2 pilot lessons and is able to keep the plane in the air. The fun starts here, where they perform aeronautical miracles, suspended the laws of physics as they traverse the outside of the plane, fixing fuel lines with sticky tape and replacing lost fuel with bottles of alcohol. Land on a sand bar, which becomes the ocean again at high tide, but they are rescued by a fishing boat. Pile of excrement, yes, but funny? Yes, I wanna watch this with some friends again and have a good belly laugh. From start to finish, it's an excellent example of cheap and nasty cookie cutter cinema, with some ridiculous surprises thrown in, thank me later.
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20 minutes in and bailed
11 April 2020
It's badly acted, directed, everything Fenn seems to touch is god awful, as I expected. Lead character is the type of generic actor that had the looks, but just missed out on a role on the bold and the beautiful due to the Corona Virus shut down. The camera angles choices were often odd, and not in a good way, the storyline races thru certain important scenes, sits forever on other longer boring scenes, like at the bar, or chatting while just never gets remotely interesting...sister dying of heroin, 2 scenes = 3min. Having a cigarette in he smoking area = 8 minutes and counting. Sorry i cant sum up the whole load of excrement, but I couldn't get thru it...avoid avoid and avoid.
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Rosie (I) (2018)
car, phone, rain, phone, car, rain, chips, phone, car, rain, rain, mum, night, rain
21 August 2019
I like the reviewer that said "she must have a huge phone bill", very accurate. I caught it about 15mins in, and that's all I really saw, her on the phone asking if they had anywhere to stay. It was a bit like watching a film fishing, you see him get all his gear ready for 30 min, sit on a pier and not catch anything for 120mins. Probably a lot less emotive, but same amount of substance. My wife loves these types of films, I like anything that's a good story, whether it be homelessness, or space exploration, or crime based, doesn't matter, I like it all, but you must have a story to tell, an angle, a personality, unresolved issue with characters etc etc. And remember editing!...when there's a scene where the mother walks across an oval to find her daughter, we dont need to see her traverse the 'entire length' of the sports oval, it didn't build the drama, it was annoying, just an excuse which added to the length of the bloody thing. They defintely captured the boredom and repetitivness off being homeless, but if that's all you have, then make a documentary, there was no story here, just a homeless family living in their car.
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The Hustle (I) (2019)
I'll be honest, I couldn't get through it
19 August 2019
I wasn't aware that it was a remake of Dirt Rotten Scoundrels until about 15 mins into the film, and then a sickening feeling ran down my back, and at the same time I had a wtf moment. Why the f*&k would you remake an incredibly funny and almost cult like classic comedy, that was already made to perfection with 2 iconic actors like Martin and Caine, stars that absolutely nailed it? Why would you? I don't get it. Hathaway's over done posh english accent got annoying real quick, as did Rebel's non chalant bogan 'I'm so funny I don't need to even try' carry on in every movie. Well I have news for you Rebel, that was absolute rubbish, I think it's time to freshen the act a little, you have one comic angle and you've seriously milked it bone dry. Just a tragedy that film makers would even attempt a remake of this, really do not understand the current state of film producers, no brains, or comic perspective whatsoever.
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Bird Box (2018)
Let's make up any possibility with no expectations
23 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not a fan of Sandra, never have been, nor Julia Roberts, I find them equally unappealing as actors. Nice to see an Aussie included in the cast, Derryn Hinches ex wife, but as per usual, the Americans accent was intolerable, and she kinda just acted neurotically for an hour. Malkovich was Malkovich, same same. No explanations, we have zero idea wtf was actually scaring them into wasn't mysterious, it was just a complete lack of filling in the blanks, but u have to fill in some blanks to inspire some sort of believable reality into the situation. It was just pure fantasy, dragged out to a full movie, when it could have a quirky 15 min short film. I'd be less annoyed, but it was a boring, drawn out, completely unbelievable scenario. We don't know why some could still use their eyes and not suicide, we don't know what the monsters were, whether the whole world was affected, or why they were completely protected in the end under that canopy of trees and birds, how long it would last???? M Night at least tries to explain his movies, his twists make sense...with this, you're presented with a situation that is firstly unbelievable, unexplained and unfinished.
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yep, its one of those where u can only shake your head
14 December 2017
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Not really a fan of Kidman, and this movie is a great example why, I think she donned her Stepford Wive's persona for this one...again. A heart surgeon has secret meetings with a teenage boy after unsuccessfully operating on his father. The boy somehow makes the Dr's whole family sick as an act of revenge for drinking on the job, Dr must choose which family member to sacrifice...which he does, randomly. During the film, these's lots of hidden messages in the imagery that you must decipher, and most likely will be attributed to the teenager being an incarnation of the devil, or a hundred other ways that it could be interpreted, of which the director will no doubt take credit for, more ambiguity the better for an artsy film, which is really means being too lazy to figure out a more plausible reason that these events could even be put on screen. The dots do not connect, the acting is definitely questionable, and the plot is just hot air, camera work is interesting, a lot of the placement is following the action, as if hovering from behind, similar to 'Birdman'. The film did have me interested in the outcome, I did want to know the reasoning behind all the sickness, and how he was able to predict it, but for a film to be worth watching, it must address it's central question, at least try and answer it, but it doesn't. So yeh it's an 'Art' film, because you have to decide yourself what it all meant, or be able to recount decades of cinematic references that the director was targeting to unravel all the hidden meaning, which may or may not lead to a logical ending. But me expecting a logical satisfying ending to a film (to which there will be no part 2) is no doubt looked upon as ignorant and docile to all the film noir aficionads's. But I felt ripped off after sitting through that, in a really classic 'film noir' way. I once watched a film where a guy took a crap on a wooden cross, and through the wonders of time lapse photography, a rose eventually grew out of the crap, that was at least slightly satisfying to endure, this one wasn't.
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The Shack (I) (2017)
it was a religious bashing
10 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The film started well, but something about it was instantly concerning. It was like a re- enactment from a TV crime show, and not actually telling a story, and unfortunately the beginning was the best part. The more you get into the film, you realize why this was the case. They were just setting you up for rant about religion, and how god is all knowing and blameless. It reminded me of all the poor suckers that got conned into a secret engagement with a friend, only to find out they were selling Amway products. That's how it felt, I was duped into thinking I was getting a movie, I wasn't, it was a ridiculous religious fantasy film, but it pretended to be about a father coming to grips with the loss of his kidnapped and murdered daughter.

There are too many flashbacks, to the point where you often can't remember when the last bump on the head actually goes back to. Sam Worthington as the father was very one dimensional, very sullen and melancholy throughout the entire film, right up until the very end where he experiences his religious awakening. His accent often changed from American to Australian quite regularly too I might add. The film covers ground from when he was a boy and treated badly by his father, then onto him as a father with his own kids. He takes them on a camping trip, when disaster strikes and one of his kids fall off the canoe and gets trapped underneath. While he is frantically trying to save one son, his daughter is abducted by a felon, apparently well known to local police. There isn't a lot of detail given about the actual specifics of the crime, it is pretty much brushed over. It is merely a tool to alert us as an audience that there are intense levels of sadness, confusion and life questioning situations to come.

Time passes, there's some confusing interactions with a neighbour, his own father. One day he borrows the neighbor's 4WD to go back to the 'Shack' where his little girl's clothes were originally located after the abduction. Things go weird here. He gets to the shack, or so we believe, and somehow gets knocked unconscious. But what we see is 'Mack' transported to another world where he meets several people that represent the likeness of god. The dialogue is all about him being angry at god about the loss of his child, but in the film, god never really satisfies the viewer with a shred of a decent answer, just merely shallow propositions you might hear from any experienced politician dodging the real issues. Not to mention the fact that the bible itself makes everyone blameless for almost anything once they ask for god's forgiveness, because god loves all, even the murderers. Mack is s'posed to learn to forgive, and we see Mack learning to forgive for the next hour, literally, it's painful to watch. He is even asked to choose between his own kids, just as god chooses, asking if he should send one to hell, and one to heaven, it makes little sense because his kids had done nothing wrong, unlike his daughters killer. God then questions whether Mack has the right to judge the killer, or maybe the killers father, or that father etc etc, the question being, how far back do you go? God is blameless among all this because it is evil doing this, it isn't god, and god can't choose what is right, and whether or not to intervene. There are no answers in this film, not even in a playfully interesting way, it's a frustrating dialogue to listen to for that long.

I'm not really a religious person, I don't mind the odd Christian feel good movie, I liked 'Highway To Heaven', but this was too much and badly done, was not very entertaining, and left me questioning why an actor from a great film like 'Avatar' would consider putting his hand up for this rubbish. Maybe things are real tight in Hollywood at the moment. I could go on about how crap this film was in many other areas, but I think you get the picture. Could do a lot of damage to Worthington's career, its showcased just how bland he can be.
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Get Out (I) (2017)
get out is good advice
29 April 2017
White girl has a black boyfriend and they decide to spend a weekend away with her parents for the first time. He is told that her parents are unaware she is dating a black guy and he feels uncomfortable about the pending visit.

For me, the portrayal of the girlfriend was a bit full on, she was annoying and uncomfortable in the role, maybe this was purposeful, a hint at what was to come, but I feel she was just not right for the part. Then i read her bio and find she's the daughter of prominent news anchor, and things seem to make sense.

I got all the racist jokes, the irony of the ending scenes etc but there have been better movies that have dealt with race issues in the same way, and there were no surprises in the movie itself, you know whats going to happen, it's all a bit weak, completely unrealistic, and no real horror to be had. There are periods of suspense and a bit of blood on occasion, and I did like the hypnotism inclusion and the way it was woven into the plot. The main guy must have been cast due to his eyes alone, he looks like he being tortured while just reading a book. The guy playing the father was OK, again, laid it on thick, it was part of the plot to do so, but it still made the movie almost a parody of itself, they were out to get him from the start of the movie, as the trailer suggests, and it was portrayed just like this, almost slapstick in its application. This kinda ruined the 'horror' mood for me. Still had its moments, there were macabre aspects to this portrayal and elements of a generic type slasher film. But I was left disappointed, I kinda got exactly what I expected, thought the ending was a bit of comic relief actually. Next
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Knock Knock (I) (2015)
Reeves hits rock bottom
11 October 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Movie about a married father(Reeves) being left alone for the weekend. Two girls unexpectedly turn up on his doorstep on a rainy night and they are invited inside. While waiting for their ride to turn up, the girls quickly seduce him. They then go on to become more trouble than they were worth and it seems he is unable to get rid of them.

Right from the start it looked and sounded B grade, the kids were wooden and the direction and dialogue was very badly staged, we didn't see much of the family except for the first few minutes, as they were just used to try and set the scene of a typical happy upper middle class family. It all felt very weak and transparent, even Reeves playfulness with his kids was bizarre, then he continued his moronic monster act, playfully begging for sex with his wife, who was a successful, but actually quite horrible sculptural artist.

The overall acting by Reeves was really terrible, I lost count the amount of times he pathetically wailed "Please, Please I love my family" and would start sobbing. Many times during the film he has a chance to retaliate or escape and failed miserably, it was painful to watch, not exactly suspenseful, more like ridiculous. The Matrix is one of my all time fav movies, and it was clearly a great movie whomever played the role of Neo, cause he really struggled to be convincing. the girls were attractive, and both believable as sexual hustlers praying on older men, but when they turned on him, it lost a lot of credibility, became even more ridiculous with stupid Jeopardy type games with Reeves tied up in a hair, trashing the kitchen like 3 year olds. The whole point of the movie was a payback for something that had never really existed in the first place, he was a pedo, then he wasn't a pedo?. The movie plot lines really had basis for their actions except to prove that men won't say 'no' to rape, from 2 attractive, young, sex crazed women...doubt that anyone was surprised with that outcome. 1 star for the Spanish pop song, 1 star for the funny phone call to the wife, 1 for Reeves role in 'Parenthood' that still lingers with me, great movie.
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Not 'The Road' by any stretch of the imagination
1 November 2014
If you are still seeing anything above a 4 on these ratings, then you are being duped by staff. These Final Hours is just a blatant waste of money, time and resources, I cannot figure out why it was even made when you have nothing new to add, and there are so many far superior apocalyptic themed movies, I shake my head.

The acting was lame and unrealistic at best, it was like a pack of new grads going for an Oscar in every scene, but clearly missing the mark on their delivery, the female roles were particularly annoying and over the top, lacking vision, and direction. I would like to add that the young girl was probably the shred of decency in this film, although, it's a bit like saying the radio works in an otherwise wrecked car.

Trying to shoot an end of the world drama on a low budget is almost an impossible task on a low budget, I rest my case right there. The outdoor scenes were few and far between, mostly tightly cropped vision of tree tops, only one long shot of a skating center car park, which they were clearly chuffed about and used as long as they could, close up of houses, some burnt out cars, but in other areas, seemingly unaffected suburbia. And of course, as in every cheap ass Aussie flick, the car of choice is a 1970s Ford falcon, even in 2014(hmmm okay)and the obligatory gratuitous sex scene with the male ass going for it right at the start. The plot was not believable, rest of the world was wiped out except for Australia (by a number of hours) and yet, so many had apparently chosen to kill themselves and their families on a lovely sunny day before anything had actually happened, yeh right. Yet, others were sitting around drinking wine, smoking cigarettes chatting about family like nothing was happening. There was no consistency, and I was reminded of this poor attempt at convincing me it was really happening thru the whole film. It completely failed to attach any emotion, while films like 'The Road' still stay with me years later. There was one scene where the young girl was being kidnapped by some suburban bogans, and it became a personal dilemma to rescue her, or take the car, and that was the only time we cared as a viewer, rest of the time I was ready for it to finish, just a train wreck.

I shudder to think why in so many contemporary Aussie movies recently, we are displayed as utter dickheads, singlet wearing, ute driving, raping, brainless, mad max type, drunken useless drug taking scum. Why do film makers want to project that representation of Australian culture, it's boring and no longer shocking or artistic, just cheap and easy to replicate bogans.
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warning to avoid
29 August 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This review may not contain a spoiler, but I ticked it anyway. This is a cheaply made, badly acted and scripted, possible student film.

It is completely unoriginal, except for the fact that the main character purposely tries to become possessed as opposed to unknowingly. This may be because of his wife accidentally dying, but it's never made clear why, seem to be just an experiment he's performing on himself, out of depression maybe, we don't know, he seems fairly chipper in the beginning. Since when do things happen for a reason in C grade films? He has a young daughter still living with him, but he continues on his course of trying to become even more and more possessed, till he gets out of control, trashes the house, and his sister takes his kid off him. The talking was too quiet, then sound effects were way too loud and abrasive, trying to maintain their cheap 'jump' scares that always fell flat. People connected with the film have once again inflated the scoring, it's definitely a one star film, avoid this poor excuse of a movie.

I would like to offer a way it could have been better, but the story and plot were weak, the acting was weak, writing was dull, the look of the film was not consistent yet the settings were pretty much all in the house. The grave scene with the priest, that kinda went in another direction there where he was getting teeth sewn into his belly to summon the spirit of a dead corpse. Then it was back to the house for the rest of the film till its inevitable end. Please stop making this type of complete crap, conning the general public to rent or buy it, nobody in the real world would rate this stinking movie, nobody.
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Free Samples (2012)
Poor mans Winona Ryder
16 August 2014
Just watching it now, the fact that I'm not waiting for it to finish is probably a give away. I really did feel like I was watching a tasteless impersonation of Winona Ryder, but without any of the skill. It's a boring indie film, the plot is not believable, the main character is a depressing early 20s law school drop out. The incidental characters seem to become the centre of attention for a large percentage of the film, but there's nothing to hold your attention,just ridiculous writing, trying to be clever, misses the mark, I even felt like it was just smart ass lines being spewed out, with each character trying to out do each other. For the people rating it higher than a 2, they are associated with the film, or brain dead.
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Blended (2014)
rom com of shame
28 June 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Just writing a review to reinforce a clear mental note to NEVER see another Adam Sandler or Drew Barrymore movie ever. The main problem with this one was the actors, the plot, and the writing. It was so bad it turned my stomach, especially all the singing by the Africans to outline the storyline...a technique clearly pinched from 'Something About Mary', but it was done soooo so poxy. I hated this movie, so did my wife, and my dog. To say it was a cookie cutter movie and predictable as hell is an understatement. Boy meets girl, kids don't like new dad, old dad is an ignorant dick who sleeps around, bad first date, they meet accidentally in shop, accidentally end up on an African vacation (like a Brady Bunch Hawaii 'special') Africans sing all the time and it's like Disneyland, oldest daughter is tom boy, gets make over by new mom, so then gets the guy she likes, new dad teaches kid to hit baseballs, he hits a home run at end of film (they love their baseballs metaphors in American films)Drew has a ridiculous job as a wardrobe arranger with a ridiculous friend who really unlikable because she hates kids (in quite a nasty way actually)I can't even be bothered to finish this review...I don't recommend seeing this, watch '50 First Dates' again instead.
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Her (2013)
70s rehashed fashions in an unbelievable future
30 April 2014
I thought it was depressing and incredibly boring. Just my opinion, I don't get the 8 score on here, it was predictable, unoriginal, and the lead actor Phoenix was kind of a pathetic soul. It was one long 'deep and meaningful' with a computer, the directors way of commenting on our (not mine) dependence on technology, rather then interacting with the real world, we stare into our ipods with ear buds in our ears. The acting was well done, great scenery, although the scenes were fairly contained. I really didn't understand what he did for a living, I mean, I know what he did, but it was ridiculous, massive plot hole really. And to have such a basic job, yet afford the luxuries of where he lived, didn't seem believable. There were some good lines of dialogue in the movie, but it just seemed to drag, and he seemed to laugh a little to much, plus that mustache became irritating, as did his dress sense, what was it s'pose to be, 70s again. They opened their wallets on this one, it's not a B film, it's just forgettable, if you can get thru it.
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Rage (2014)
another not worth watching
25 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Cage plays a building developer with a dark past, links to the Russian Mafia. His daughter is abducted, and he assembles a crack team of former work colleagues to hunt down and kill those responsible.

I felt like I was watching another version of 'Taken' starring Liam Neeson, but I can assure you, I wasn't. It was badly acted, badly cast. badly written, and badly edited. The whole premise to the film that we see at the start is completely undone at the end, to the point that the whole film becomes one huge 'celebrated' plot hole, or should I say 'sink hole'. It is a directing tool of mis-direction that should be avoided, it stinks, did not add an interesting twist to the storyline, just made the whole film completely pointless. Cage's acting dynamics went from the usual 'head down ramblings' to the ever annoying 'over the top yelling', usual fare from him. The wife role was almost pointless,I think Sidney Poitier's cop role was ridiculous, even at times saying..."If you don't stop killing all these people I may actually have to do something.." You don't really get much of a back story from any of the characters, you do not feel any empathy for their plight, or care what happens to any of them. There's a lot of shooting, car chases, and the movie goes from whispering dialogue to ear splitting gun shots and screeching cars, which I find annoying, the higher end of the dynamic range of the soundtrack was ridiculous compared to the softly spoken dialogue. Needs to be addressed, sure, gun shots are gonna be louder than the spoken word, but c'mon, one minute I couldn't hear the dialogue, nek minnit, I was reaching for the volume control. 3 out of 10
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very touching human story
21 March 2014
I was pleasantly surprised, was very touching, more about the people and their respective obstacles, not so much about the food itself. It seemed to dig deeper as the film progressed, they left a lot of the juicy bits till later, and didn't dwell too much on less important issues. Felt like I really connected with all of the restaurant owners, which is the main purpose of a documentary.

At the end of the film, I felt like I wanted to move to small town America and live amongst these people and their community. With technology these days, people are becoming more fragmented and friendships are being based on edited remarks and low resolution pictures. What an amazing close community some of them have built for themselves, if we don't have each other, what do we really have?

The first restaurant was home style American cuisine, low priced comfort food in a buffet type setting. They had been established for 150 years and run by the same family. It was situated in a very close community of Balltown, the residents treated the place as a 2nd home, and the relationship went beyond just friendship, and we get the feeling the town and the restaurant itself were symbiotic, in that one would not survive without the other

Another restaurant was focused on modern cuisine in Chicago, where they spend hours creating one of a kind dishes. Their creations delve into the areas of science and even human psychology. But here we see they are no less devoid of intense personal issues that are placed between them and their ultimate goal.

The third restaurant is about a couple, struggling in a small town, creating simple Mexican food. We are led into their home and restaurant, we see how they struggle to manage their daughter while trying to make enough money to survive, working 90+ hours a week.

Highly recommend this movie, it will leave a lasting impression about what it takes to survive in your own small business, their personal struggles will stay with you, and success is never guaranteed, but if you surround yourself with true friends, you will inevitably survive.
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Escape Plan (2013)
Yes, another prison escape movie, but it was actually enjoyable
14 January 2014
How could a film with both Stallone and Arnie be bad, well it is possible, but not this time. I won't reveal too much because it may ruin the intro to the movie, but suffice to say, Arnie appears a little later in the movie. Stallone's face looks like it's made of silly putty, but Arnie's actually not looking too bad, neither are into the naked topless thing these days, which is understandable considering their age. There is a great balance of humor and intensity in this film, there moments of genuine suspense, and a few surprises. The sets were great, story had original elements to it. Plenty of punch ups, good body count, lots of action, and a few remotely possible gimmicks...possibly a whole mythbusters season worth of investigation in this one movie. Nice to see some direction in the fight scenes without using so many angles and shots, that it's almost dizzy to watch, it was more old skool, much more enjoyable. Ending was slightly confusing for me,few tiny holes I thought, but still worth a strong 7.
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it's hard not to contain spoilers, not that it will lessen the enjoyment
11 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
We are directed thru this shambles from the perspective of a doctor who is in a hurry to get to his place of work. He has a son and meets an attractive female on a train. Other stereotypical characters are introduced to raise our suspicions of possibly some sort of terrorist act further in the proceedings. The train fails to stop,then there appears to be staff missing from the train, and pathetic attempts are made to find out who is in the drivers seat. They manage to eventually disconnect one of the carriages, before which they casually throw back a few beverages and chat amongst themselves about irrelevant life lessons, even though they are expecting to die in approx 5 minutes. The idiot Dr then finds himself on the wrong side of the train carriages as the last carriage separates, and then he miraculously throws himself out the back of a speeding train as it crashes into the last station. You've seen this movies a hundred times, the acting is terrible, the plot is predictable, and we are left none the wiser as to who was was driving, or why? It dragged, it had numerous plot and acting flaws, there was no interesting dialogue, or inspired character portrayals. It floors me to think how these get made, who is funding this rubbish and why? I gave it 2 stars because there was an ambiance to the film, I felt there was potential at the beginning, but I got nothing from the film except a lack of sleep, from staying up to watch it.
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Prisoners (2013)
finally a movie that put the film industry back on track
17 November 2013
I have seen so many movies lately that just seem to disappoint, both big and low budget films. 'Prisoner' is one the best I've seen in a long while.

You already know the plot outline from the above, so as an audience member, I just want to assure you that it's well worth your money to see this film.

I'm not a huge fan of Hugh or Jake, so I was a little skeptical of whether I'd really enjoy the film for that single reason, but the acting was so strong and convincing, I just saw the characters, very dynamic and memorable performances. I was intrigued by this film right from the opening scene, it definitely had an atmosphere about it, and this was maintained throughout the movie. I'm not a director, and I doubt that any critic could accurately explain the sheer talent and creative processes that go on behind the scenes, to direct a movie like this, so I wouldn't even attempt try and describe the tools he used to manipulate the audience, but i found myself questioning and guessing the whole time, was a great ride.

As I said, up there with one of the best suspense/thriller films I've ever seen.
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SOMM (2012)
wine tasting as boring as i thought it was.
15 September 2013
Bunch of young guys try to become Sommeliers, who are experts in wine, said to be one of the hardest exams to pass. I didn't really learn any interesting facts about wine. It was really just guys sitting around offering their best descriptions of the wine they were tasting, doing a bit of study, getting annoyed, bit more study, mock exams, whinging. We never really became connected with the participants, or came to know much about them at all, except that they wanted to pass this test. I was intrigued by how they were able to correctly identify some of the wine, but it was never really explored how they do it. I assume from drinking a lot of wine from all over the world. I does one become interested in this??? Not answered. How is it done??? Not answered. How many varieties of wine are there??? They did say there only 147 qualified in the world, so that was one interesting fact. I did feel sympathetic to the guys and the amount of pressure they were under, but the whole topic and the characters were vastly unexplored. I wouldn't rush out to catch this.
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you'll enjoy the implosion that is 'Monsters Wanted'.
15 September 2013
The do co is about a bunch of young adults who invest time and money round Sept and Oct of every year to build and run a haunted house during the Halloween season.

I gave it a 5 due to the suspense factor, watching these guys operate hand tools was frightening in itself, I thought the female was going to lose her hair for sure. The main guy was your garden variety knuckle head 'wannabe supervisor' that had big ideas, but a lack of personality, funds, and technical ability. There were several pathetic arguments between co-workers about nothing, which was quite entertaining. The props they tried to build were no better than what you might see at a high school performance, and hours before the first show, they still had things to finish and were stressed out.

But I must say, overall, I did enjoy it, I thought the guys doing the do co did a great job, they didn't edit all the nasty, juicy bits out, and ended up making these guys look like the bunch of incapable individuals that they were. You can't help but feel sorry for them at certain times, but you also know that they are kinda their own worst enemy. If you like watching train wrecks, you'll enjoy the implosion that is 'Monsters Wanted'.
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