
67 Reviews
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Breathe (I) (2024)
Overall annoying
13 April 2024
I had seen the score and I figured this would be an awful movie, but I gave it a shot.

25% of this movie is the alert system going off and borrowing into your skull. They really didn't need to have the alert system go off non stop throughout the movie, but that's what they did.

I mainly watched this cuz of Milla Jovovich, thought it can't be that bad if she's in it, but it was that bad...

I wish I had a Flashlight and some Copper Wires, cuz then I could have made a "Electromagnetic Pulse" generator and used it and saved myself from this abomination basically.

I won't even rate this... It's just bad.
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Lift (I) (2024)
Why do you follow the rules?
21 January 2024
There should be rules in place to prevent movies such as this ever being made again. We've had plenty of these MacGyver movies with whole teams of geniuses... except, as genius as they are, they could aquired billions using those skills for good, but somehow they use these skills to be criminals barely scraping by... totally logical.

We've got this organization that claims it can empty bank accounts around the world and thus they stick to physical items which are unhackable... but instead of hacking all these bank accounts and acquiring billions and even Trillions, they go through the effort to put their necks on the board for a mere half a billion... what?

And they really just put some sheets on a plane, not even the whole plane, and went "This is now 100% stealth" like what?!

This was not a comedy, nor an action... it was pure stupid.
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Role Play (2024)
Seen it before...
18 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I recently watched "The Family Plan", this is basically "The Family Plan", but the female version of it. The Big Bad Boss in "The Family Plan" was male, and the "Good Guy Assassin" was a male, in this one, it was females.

I went into this knowing exactly what I was going into. I knew this would be the exact copy of "The Family Plan" because for some reason they make similar movies all at once. In the Era of vampires, everybody made vampire movies, in the era of Zombies, everybody made zombie movies, in the era of Sharks, everybody made shark movies. It's like they are all in open line and they go "This year, we'll make a assassin movie where the assassin has retired and is assuming a cover identity and has a family that they love, but they haven't told their family about their past, and then their cover is blown, their family is put in danger and they not only have to save their family, but also come clean about it.... oh and its a relative, like a father/mother or adoptive mother that's the bad boss"

...And this was not really a comedy.
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His Dark Materials (2019–2022)
The Unbearable mother ruined it.
2 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Season one - Mystery.

This show started off quite good, I rather enjoyed most of the first season. It's bound to have one or two unbearable characters, that get offed within an episode or two, cuz any more than that and the whole series gets unbearable.

Introducing the Mother: Unbearable in every way, and in every way she got away with everything. I had to fast forward through the episodes because of how stupid everybody around the Mother was. She lied, lied, lied and betrayed, betrayed and betrayed the same people over and over and over again, and yet they let her live and kept being fooled, as if she was some kind of genius, but she was the most stupid one of them all, the only thing keeping her alive was the plot and the portrayal of how stupid everybody else was.

Then there is the "Anti God", which at this point should be a genre.

Angels are real, but God? No, it was just a scam, there was no creator.

Afterlife real, Heaven and hell? No, that was just a lie, do wtf u want.

Death is real, but not really. You can either live in purgatory eternally while hearing some birds squawking insults at you, or throw yourself into an abyss of light where you become a part of a collective, usual anti God alternatives to afterlife.

Honestly a Good series, but the cliches were a tad bit too much, and they could skipped all this faith bs all together.

Too many unanswered questions.

1. Who created the Angels and everything.

2. If Technology was forbidden, how come the daemon world had superior technology than regular earth.

3. Wills father lived a lifetime in other worlds, but Will and Lyra cant because... 4. All of these world portals have been open for decades, but now that the world was mended, dust returned and thriving, keeping two portals open as opposed to dozens and hundreds, that'll bring the end of the world?

The whole ending was stupid. Anybody who used their thinkers would realize it was a whole stupid!
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The Northman (2022)
Wait... I've seen it! Glad I've forgotten it already!
19 December 2023
A movie so bad I'd forgotten I'd seen it.

To describe this movie in one sentence: From what I remember, I'll have to say it's quite a forgettable one, cuz not much worth remembering.

Anyways! Ever since seeing the movie on Prime, I've been thinking about watching it, but something kept me away from ever watching it... HOWEVER every now and then I'd see the movie while scrolling through Prime and I'd go... "Maybe", but still... a higher power or something was keeping me away from it even though this is my kind of movie.

I finally decided to watch it yesterday... so I opened it up and left it open in a tab, until a few minutes ago, today, when I decided to "FINALLY" watch it once and for all! As soon as I started the movie I started thinking about having seen this cast in a movie before, and luckily, barely a minute in I remembered slightly that this might be that horrible movie that I'd once upon a time seen, barely Two years ago... So I decided to check IMDB ratings, I usually rate and put them in my watched list... and yeah, that refreshed my memory and saved me TWO hours.

It shouldn't be this hard to remember a movie, and yet, somehow for some reason every time I saw this title my mind repressed the fact I'd seen it, and subconsciously held me away from it, until my stubborn self finally decided to give it a looksie...
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"Leave the World Behind"... the title implied something... falsely
13 December 2023
Let me start with a joke Joke: A Bread, A Pita and a priest walk into a bar and the priest says to the Bread... Hope you enjoyed my joke! Difference between my "joke" and this movie is that my joke only wasted 5-10 seconds of your time.

All along I was waiting for this movie to finally start, but it never started. The whole movie was an intro, a horrible intro with so much promise!

Nothing is explained and nothing makes sense, whatever COULD had made sense, lost all sense when they mixed sugar with salt, the cake is not sweet, nor salty, its simply horrible!

Good cast, good actors, good everything, but wtf is wrong with the writer? He was trying to bake a pizza but ended up forgetting everything and came out with regular old plain, tasteless bread.

So many analogies, but none can express my anger, my rage, my... ugh!
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Fear the Walking Dead (2015–2023)
Wow... what a battle it was to finally finish this up!
10 December 2023
The series started great, that first season was quite enjoyable, then came the 2nd season, and fine it was great, but it kept going on and on and on and it got dumber and dumber and dumber.

I had to skip through the episodes of the last seasons because the script was so predictable and boring.

If anybody is interested in watching this, don't.

Honestly even the first few seasons were excruciating with your everyday stupid, selfish characters doing what stupid selfish characters do. You don't hate them, they just make the show miserable to watch.

Also, do note that the protagonists of all the walking dead shows usually come up at the top while any and all the communities they come across end up destroyed and everybody in them, good or bad, dead.
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Head Count (2018)
Dead Count!
23 November 2023
First things first, seems somebody in this movie, one of the actors or the writer, whoever, has an enemy that's amassed an army of people to give this a bad rating. Look at all those 1-3 raters...

Anyways, This is a quite good movie, unlike most horror movies it didn't depend on jump scares. It doesn't help to watch a movie in a dark room when you are living alone... well it helps if you want to get scared, and this one made me look over my shoulder a few times. *Looks over shoulder at door...* Just to be safe... Does it again...

A few things I didn't like about this movie is that there was no early reveal, it came quite late. I was hoping for a "investigation" on what was happening, I wanted them to freak out and yeah... fight back, see a shred of hope, have the hope crushed, then regain that hope... but the movie just jumped into it at the end... Also the ending wasn't what I was hoping for... it didn't make much sense.
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Saw X (2023)
Predictable, but alright.
20 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Rather predictable conclusion...

An old man is at a cancer meeting of some kind and they share their life stories and what not.

Some time later, the old man with cancer is sitting at a cafe when a familiar face from the cancer group appears, and the old man makes contact at which point the other guy who Didn't approach the old man tells him about this miracle worker... Immediately the whole story runs through your head "This is a scam about magic beans, question is what are they after? Money, organs, research subjects?" And "Will he fall for this scam or will he figure it out and punish them for it rather than fall for it, Then punish them?"...Answer was money and He fell for it...

A rather entertaining movie... aside from it being spoiled by its predictability.

-1 point for predictable.

And -1 point for: People going through excruciating pain, that they inflict upon themselves without Losing Consciousness or even considering Ending themselves to end the pain. Rather unrealistic and simplistic.
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Blue Beetle (2023)
Yet another one...
23 September 2023
When you go to a restaurant, there are options.

Each option is unique because they know that if all the options are barely different then you'll simply get tired of their food and go somewhere else...

These superhero movies by DC and Marvel is the same garbage over and over again. This was a waste of my time.

Kid gets superpower and he goes "Oh no, how do I get rid of this inconvenience, all I wanted was to get a job and work for the rest of my life so I could pay off my debts" Then after all of that comes the "Oh no, I'm not a killer" So now we have to watch a fight between this loser hero beating the same guy 50 times just for the sake of "action" because "action" supposedly sells...

You see, when your family is at risk, there is absolutely nothing you wouldn't do to protect them, but these bs scripts ... I don't know, they are made for imbeciles. Their "No killing" bs leads to more people dying, but that's ok because the "Hero" is "innocent".

Aren't people getting tired of this same crap soup over and over again?
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25 July 2023
This movie is good, but its not great... It seems to me as tho the one thing, the one goal that this movie was trying very hard to achieve was to be long. It was unnecessarily long, half the movie was nonsense. Somebody was given an assignment and told "You need to write 2 pages" and instead of writing a meaningful 2 pages, they decided to overdo it just to kiss someones donut and they ended up with 20 pages of nonsense, pretty much like what I'm doing now in order to reach the characters required to post this piece of

This movie was 50% visuals, 20% kids, 30 minutes on a whale and a brat connecting, 10% your typical villan parents and the rest is villainizing humans and how they'll destroy worlds in the future... so yeah, pretty good movie.
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Scream VI (2023)
Same old generic vomit!
25 April 2023
Same old story, once again, nothing new.

Literally the same script with slight changes, nothing original or fun.

I don't get how this has such good reviews. I gave up mid way expecting something good to happen, I was just waiting for the movie to end.

The main characters aren't as likable as the main ones in the first movies, these are some generic characters that you see in every other generic movie.

My greatest regret in life is that I give these kinds of "movies" the time of my day even tho I should know better. When has there ever been a good sequel lately? "Franchise" some movies shouldn't become franchised and this is one of them, should've stopped one movie ago. Two movies too many!

Spare yourself and go watch some indie movie with rating of 3-5 and it'll be on par or even better than this generic vomit!
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65 (2023)
11 April 2023
So... right off the bat, this is a civilization that can travel the universe, 65 million years ago, and they look like modern day humans... OK, I look forward to how they'll explain this

Question is, did humans come from this civilization or did they evolve from apes? Answer is easy, this is one hell of a dumb movie!

Can't you freaking make it slightly more logical, believable, sensible?!

I went into this movie thinking it was more of a World of the planets thing where the guy goes back in time AND I thought "...original", but that'd been far better than this piece of mumbo jumbo nonsense!

And as usual, they can travel the space, but their AI can't detect a bunch of rocks going in a straight line from one point to the other? At a steady velocity?! It can't detect and avoid that?! What a monkey full of bs 'crepe is this?! Give a monkey a pen and it'll write a more believable story than this!

PS. Animals(dinosaurs included) don't behave in this manner!!!

No freaking animal is going to go hunt for food while its raining hell fire! At one point in one scene they "interact" with one baby dino, but the baby dino doesn't even acknowledge they are there, how lazy could u be?! Put more effort into it PLEASE!

PS 2.0 I did enjoy this movie more than 5/10, but it doesn't deserve that due to how stupid the writing was.
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This isn't children of the corn...
24 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I don't know what this was, but it was not what I consented to watch.


1. Girl runs into the corn and is in there for a good while. She meets this handsome old corn fella, The One That Walks.

2. She grows hatred for the adults.

3. She somehow convinces or brainwashes the whole towns kids into doing exactly as she wishes. These kids not only kill strangers in horrible ways, but they also kill their own parents and adult siblings.

4. I know in 3 I said "adult siblings" but there were really only children and parents(aside from the 4)... somehow an impossibility in its own.

5. These kids somehow imprison the whole adult population in this town... OK...

6. These kids are horrible, but in the end, when the monster and the girl walk into the corn to die, all of a sudden all the kids are back to their senses and the girl who was chased by these psychos goes infront of them and pushes them away from the fire to protect them... she turns her back to the psycho kids that chased her with the intent to cut her into small pieces just barely 1 minute before...

7. There was never any magic which made the kids of the town follow the psycho girl...

8. The GMOs bringing the corn to life is by far more realistic than most of the crap in this movie.

Don't waste your time!
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Troll (2022)
So aggravating...
25 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
"Oh look, footprints, but they are of abnormal size so they can't be footprints. Lets call in a "footprint" expert because obviously you need a footprint expert to discern whether a footprint is a footprint.

Footprint expert: Those are footprints.

Everybody else: No way, those can't be footprints!

Oh look a giant flame bird, looks like a phoenix, but a phoenix is a fantasy bird so this is NOT a phoenix, so let us explore what else this can be for as long as we don't come to the conclusion that its a bird of myth...

Did I mention how stupidly aggravating this movie is? And so cliche!

Your usual civilian vs government where the one civilian does a better job than the government that only wants to blow things up...
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Fall (I) (2022)
4 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
1. I'm no climber, but they only used One pin on the mountain.

2. The blonde chick was going solo without any rope or anything.

3. Once again, I'm no climber but I know this isn't what climbers do, the ones who do these things, they die early... wait... perhaps that's the message of the movie?

4. Lets climb a rusty tower.

5. Once again, they are attached to eachother through a rope, but they never secure the rope to the ladder or anything while climbing the ladder.

6. We're stuck here, lets pad our phone in a shoe and throw it down.

7. My foot slipped, so I'll let go of the rope and fall to my death.

8. They had super strength, and yet they were too weak?

9. Instead of timing for the diner to use their flare, they use it for two randos?

A lot of unrealistic crap went on in this movie and most of it has already been mentioned a hundred times by others... other than all of that crap a rather alright movie.
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The Voyeurs (2021)
Unpredictable twist for once!!!
30 August 2022
The whole thing wasn't "fantastical", and yet, it's been a while since I was "fooled" watching a movie. I never suspected the twist and honestly that's the best part of a movie, to be surprised! I haven't been "surprised" in a very, very long time watching many, many and MANY movies.

Usually movies are rather predictable, some movies, you know the twist just by the title of the movie, others by the tone or the setup. This one on the other hand, even if some things were predictable, the important points, and most importantly, the twist was rather a good surprise. Now my "guard" could been down, but I'll take it anyways!

The events following the twist weren't all that realistic, but overall this was quite a good movie.
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Prey (I) (2022)
Woah! A film that's actually good?
7 August 2022
I went into this movie thinking this would suck. I was reserved when planning on whether to even bother with it... First time I saw the trailer I thought "This thing beat a whole army squad with machine guns and this lady is gonna kill it with arrows and bows, yeah right"

I had my doubts and there were predictable moments, such as the place where the final battle would be. Once I saw it for the first time, I thought "Oh I see, so that's going to be in her plan and that's how she'll defeat it, original." However at some point I must started enjoying the movie because I was just watching and enjoying it instead of judging it.

I'm glad I watched it! 8/10!

As for all the negative reviews being "Teenage girl beat what a whole army squad couldn't" That was my initial impression as well, as I've already said, but I'm going to guess, unlike me, those people didn't watch the movie? She may have dealt the finishing blow, but it did take a whole village to weaken it.

PS. An army man and a hunter are not the same. This was a Hunter vs Hunter and the better hunter won.
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They/Them (2022)
Oh Kevin how you have let me down!
6 August 2022
I decided to watch this movie just because Kevin was in it, thought surely it must be good, Kevin is in it! ...It wasn't.

10 minutes in it was obvious who the killer was. Question was "why?"... and that wasn't revealed until later and it was so underwhelming.

Was hoping for some indiscriminate killing and people running around screaming for their lives, hiding, fearing... None of it. That's what I expected going into the movie...
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5 August 2022
23% gave this a rating of 10 stars... You can never truly trust somebody that gives 10/10, they are lacking!

They see a mediocre movie and give it 10 stars...

The movie had it's moments, but for most parts it was lacking.

The story wasn't anything special either, rather mediocre, but it had some funny scenes.

If I had the ability to write a list of "don't watch these movies" and rewind time then this movie would be on it. It's not bad, but it's not good either.
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The Wilds (2020–2022)
Solid series
30 July 2022
A fun little time waster to watch when bored.

A lot of flaws and plot holes, but fun none the less.

Downgraded the rating because it got cancelled without anything resolving.

My rating doesn't represent the series, but more the ones in charge of not committing to give one extra episode to tie all the knots. Don't get in the kitchen unless you are prepared to finish the dish!
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Danny Trejo... need I say more?
25 July 2022
The dude literally goes around asking to star in the worst movies possible.

I think his first question to any role is "Is it going to be crap? Then I'm in it!" I like the guy and enjoy his movies, but damn!

Tho tbh... he wasn't really in this movie.

I'd given the movie a higher rating had it not been for the fluctuations in the monster power... At one point It has the power to crush skulls, at a different moment It's throwing punches with a weak old man and the old man isn't even bothered by the punches of the creature that crushed a skull as if it was a deteriorated old balloon.

You don't go making a running film where the bad guy runs 200km/h at one point and then at a different point, can barely keep up with a guy running 30km/h...
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7 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
They tamed and conversed with dinosaurs dumber than chickens, The current animals "co-existed" with dinosaurs, even tho some of those dinosaurs were carnivores. An entire island was set a fire by a group of less than 10 idiots...

My God was this movie dumb!

The first few of the new one were dumb enough with their "The force" of taming dinos, but this took it to a whole another level.

I wouldn't given it more than 4, but since these craps get crappen, a 1 is what it deserves. We gotta show somehow that these crap movies are enough, they need to die out, start making an effort instead of riding on old fame and nostalgia.
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Revealer (2022)
A netflix original perhaps?
27 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The moment I saw the protesters and the premise was clear I realized this was going to be anything but a horror movie.

This was a piece of crap is what it was.

Instead of a well written horror movie about the end, it was mostly focused on the fact that this religious girl was indeed a sinner herself and moreover, she was a lesbian who hid behind her religion and felt shame and judged herself...

I don't even know why I didn't get up and punched myself in the gut for continuing to watch this...
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We aren't dumb, we deserve better!
26 June 2022
These people out here wasting more money to earn less money by destroying airplanes, cars, sportscars worth millions and putting themselves at risk in bright daylight with rocket launchers and yet the part that bothered me the most was when Teddy left the car in the middle of the train tracks with $8 million in the trunk, what bothered me even more is this stranger who's known him for two days lends him the car with $8 million in the trunk while the police are after him...

I understand it's comedy, but this kind of dumbifications are freaking *BARF* Surely they don't think of us to be sooo dumb to find this kind of dumb idiot crap entertaining! Yeah it had its funny moments, but horrible horrible idiocy as a whole!
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