
42 Reviews
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Head (1968)
Meh at best
1 February 2024
My God,how did this movie get all of these eight,nine,and ten star reviews?...seriously??... Seriously??? Let's start with the plot\story...well,there is no plot or story,none whatsoever, it is just one dumb scene after another after another after another with a handful of ok songs,not even close to being as good as some of their other songs. While watching the movie all I could think of is that it's a good thing that Jack Nicholson didn't give up his day job as an actor to be a screenwriter.

Overall, the movie barely had enough interesting things going on in it to give this movie a positive rating of 6.
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Clerks III (2022)
Here we go again!!
17 September 2022
There was a time when I thought that Kevin Smith was a huge up and comer who was going to do great great things...his work seemed to get better and better. I loved Dogma and Clerks 2, but ever since then I think he has hit his peak and that's the best we're going to get from him, his next movies haven't come close to these.

Now we are at Clerks three. I have no idea how he is getting eight,nine or ten stars for this movie,I've given it seven and I think I've given it an extra Star just for nostalgia sake. Here we are at the same location as the first,with the same characters, the same jokes repeated over and over again.
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25 July 2022
When the movie started I was thinking "okay this isn't so bad,not good but not really that bad!" Then it got worse and worse and worse until I started thinking "why the hell am I watching this crap???"
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Reimagined fairy tale
2 May 2022
Like a lot of movies over the last decade you're getting a moody but very slow moving experience usually saved by a great ending. Unfortunately here you are given a very underwhelming climax and you're left with the feeling,that's it??? This is one of those movies that has all the right elements but just falls short. A few tweaks and this could have been great experience but as is it's just passible.
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Great cast,mostly
4 January 2022
Great combo of a panel show and a game show,both aspects of the show works well with a great cast but.... There is one huge negative with this show and that's Joe Wilkinson. I can't stress enough how terrible this guy is, he's so cringeworthy that I dread every second he's on and he almost drains the life out of a great show.
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The Visit (I) (2015)
Not bad
28 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Not great but a reasonably good solid movie. There are two problems with this movie that prevents it from being great 1/ I found it hard to believe that a mother who has been estranged from her parents for so long would just blindly send her kids to stay with them and 2/once the blindly part clicked into my brain it became very obvious what the twist was going to be.
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The Village (2004)
A let down
28 October 2021
Within 10 to 15 minutes I knew exactly how the movie was going to end! I spent the rest of the movie hoping and praying that I was wrong and we would get something really good. Nope,I was right! The Village isn't a bad movie,just a disappointment.
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The Muppets. (2015–2016)
5 October 2021
Who in there right mind decided to turn the muppets into the Office??? Obviously the people who made this has no idea who the audience for this show is. Not surprised it was cancelled.
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Why the hatred?!?!?
1 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I loved this movie!!!! Sure there are a few things you can complain about that don't make alot of sense but nowhere near as bad as anything in the last several movies. This is definitely the best Star Wars movie since the original trilogy.

The spoiler: the biggest complaint is about Ben bringing Rey back to life,if Jedis could do that why didn't they do this all along to save everybody. This is a stupid complaint because first maybe she wasn't dead just on the verge of dying and secondly Ben wasn't going around saving everybody he gave his life force to save hers. In other words he died doing it.
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The Rookie: Life and Death (2021)
Season 4, Episode 1
Worst episode of the series
29 September 2021
This is suppose to be a cop show! In reality this rescue mission would have failed in a hundred different ways. It's so unbelievable it just took me out of the story and just came across as being silly.
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How did this movie get such a high rating????
8 September 2021
This has to be the stupidest movie I've seen in a very long time. Except for a few good scenes this movie was terrible. Even some of the acting was bad,John Cena was so wooden! And don't get started on the poor characterization of Harley Quinn who is suppose to be a genius,psychiatrist,psycho but comes across as a blonde,ditsy,bimbo!!! Suicide Squad,which got alot lower rating,was a far superior movie.
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Annihilation (I) (2018)
Really disappointing
6 September 2021
Really dumb movie dressed up nice and pretty,with a bow on it, to make it look smart and some people actually fell for it. Not a terrible movie just not a particularly good one.
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Not a classic like you would think
22 August 2021
I missed this when it first came out and when I got the chance recently I had to see it. I was kind of let down by it considering all the great things I heard about it. I think the filmmakers were trying so hard to make the next Platoon or the next Full Metal Jacket that it comes across as very forced and because of that it just misses the mark. A good movie, worth seeing but just not in the same class as other Vietnam war movies like the others mentioned above.
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True story?? Bullcrap
15 August 2021
I have to say I was very let down by this movie,I was hoping to get to know more about Mr. Rogers but didn't. The true part of this movie: there was a reporter that Mr. Rogers became friends with that wrote an article about him (not the guy in the film,he's mostly fiction) What's fiction: EVERYTHING else The story in the movie is completely false and is one of the biggest cliches in movies , you've seen it a 100 times before.

The only real positive is Tom Hanks is wonderful as usual.
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Blair Witch (2016)
Rehash of the original
30 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
For the most part this is a redo of the original movie except it goes a little further once it reaches the house. There is some improvements in this movie like better camerawork,some people might get a tiny scare out of it etc. This movie kind of sucks but nowhere near as bad as the original.
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Mr. Mercedes (2017–2019)
Watch the first 19 episodes,ignore the rest
21 July 2021
When I started watching this show I loved it. By the middle of the second season I was ready to give this 9 stars. Unfortunately by the second season finale everything came crashing down,by the middle of the third season I couldn't wait for it to be over. The biggest problem with this series is you get very little satisfaction with the climax to the story.
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"Mumble mumble grunt" *
11 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
If you want to see a 2 hour action scene this is the movie for you. On the other hand if you want to have something as silly as a story you won't find one here.

The basic plot: "we have to go that way!" Gets there. "No,we have to go back!" Gets back. The End!

The worst thing is it's "Mad Max" but you can take out Max and there would be absolutely no difference in the movie

* Maxs' best line.
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Matlock (1986–1995)
Likeable enough
2 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Matlock is a likeable enough show with a good lead. Unfortunately there are two big problems with it 1/ as a mystery lover it bugs me that you can never figure out who did it because there is always just one piece of evidence pointing to the killer and it's never mentioned until the very end 2/ the evidence against the killer is always so flimsy that if the killer had a lawyer (and not even necessarily a good one) at least 9 out 10 times they could easily get off with it if they didn't always shout out in open court "YES,I DID IT"
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The Handmaid's Tale (2017–2025)
18 April 2021
The Handmaid's Tale,I think, represents the best and the worst of modern TV shows. When you are actually watching each episode it sucks you in and you can't wait to see what happens next,so most times you enjoy each episode. The problem then is when the season is over all you can think is "Wait a second,did anything actually happen this season???..... Maybe something will happen next season!!!"
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The end was good
14 April 2021
A lot of movies these days are said to be "slow burns". "Slow burn" has now become synonymous with "my god this movie is ssssooooooo borrrrrrrriiiiinnnnnggggg ...BUT the end was good"
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Line of Duty (2019)
Stupid but enjoyable enough
12 April 2021
I just can't help thinking if the filmmakers had to tweak some of the really stupid moments it could have been a real classic action movie,All the ingredients are there. But,as is,you really need to shut your mind off to enjoy it.
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Hypothesis??!?...Who needs a damn hypothesis??!?
22 March 2021
Not these "scientists". I love haunted house movies so I had to see it. I have to say,I enjoyed it very laugh I had all week. Unfortunately,for the filmmakers,it's suppose to be scary and not funny. In a couple of scenes I can just picture someone off camera throwing books on the floor.
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10 February 2021
One fantastic scene doesn't make a fantastic movie. Once you get past this scene the movie is only good at best...if you want to see a great WWII movie go watch Band of Brothers which really is a true story (for the most part) that's brought to you by some of the same people
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The Masked Dancer (2020–2021)
What did I just watch???
29 December 2020
Just finished watching the first episode: this show is so painfully bad,these people could barely move let alone dance. At least with their sister show the Masked Singer some people could actually sing
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Too silly
16 December 2020
In the X-Files the Lone Gunmen really walked a fine line of believability and because of the great writing it worked really well. The problem with this show was they added a character like Jimmy Bond and all of a sudden it turned really silly . Some glimpses of good writing couldn't save it after that.
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