4 Reviews
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10x10 (2018)
Sexy Luke Evans main reason to watch this
17 September 2018
First of all, this film isn't NEARLY as bad as some reviewers on here would have you believe it is. Do unrealistic situations occur? Of course they do! It's called "suspension of disbelief," guys. You know, that mode your brain reverts to when watching the SAW movies of when viewing any James bond flick. You think, "Oh my god, that is so absurd; that could never happen!" but you let it go because you understand you are watching a work of fiction. In that regard this movie fits right in. Don't think so damn much about it and just enjoy the nonsensical ride.

Now, if after watching this, you want to see Luke Evans and Kelly Reilly in far superior thriller/horror films, check out their respective movies, No One Lives and Eden Lake. The latter contains one of my all-time favorite twist endings and is one of the most brutal films I have ever seen.
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Bone Tomahawk (2015)
"The scene in the cave"
30 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
So many of the reviews on here seemed to be fixated on the notorious "scene in the cave." Either you loved it or loathed it -- there is definitely no in-between feeling regarding it. I happened to not only love it but as several reviewers have previously stated, thought it was necessary to show/see it. Just as the middle third of the film feels rather slow and a bit tedious, it is meant to put us, the viewer, in the proverbial shoes of the characters we are watching. The filmmakers want us to feel what Sheriff Franklin Hunt and the others are feeling. And boy, do we ever!
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Talon Falls (2017)
Better than you'd expect.
15 October 2017
It starts out like a typical horny-teens-take-a-road-trip-to-a-backwater-town horror flick and initially I only stuck around because the guy playing Lance is a hottie but it actually turned out to be a pretty decent movie. What also helps is its relatively short running time of less than an hour and a quarter. The acting is typical of this genre but that's not necessarily a distraction.
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Frayed (I) (2007)
Amazing beginning and EXTREMELY disturbing ending.
18 October 2016
This film takes inspiration from many classic films in the psycho killer genre, but its narrative avoids clichés and has a driving force all its own.

Frayed is a very interesting psychological horror film. Yes, the acting isn't always that stellar sometimes but it has a lot going for it including several twists and some very good gore scenes. The beginning murder is one of the most graphic I've seen in a movie. It will disturb you, yet you will find yourself wanting to go back and re-watch the movie, wondering what clues you might have missed.

The last scene is definitely the most disturbing one of the film (even more than the bloodbath at the beginning).

Highly recommended.
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