
31 Reviews
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Bosch: Legacy (2022– )
Bosch goes all aboard on the woke wagon with Legacy
29 June 2022
Plain & simple: Compared to Amazon's Bosch, Freevee's 'Bosch: Legacy' sucks. I figure that the series' creators decided to jump on the woke wagon and dumb down the series so it would appeal to the mainstream masses. And apparently it does because it's sooo overrated. I guess it's kind of obvious; 'the masses are asses' and they just love Bosch Legacy.
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DMZ (2022)
Low rater doesn't mean a hater
10 May 2022
After seeing 25% of the series I realized there's better shows on the many watch lists of the multiple streaming services that I use. If I keep adding to those lists I'll probably never be able to get through half the content! I found nothing about episode 1 to make me want to watch episodes 2, 3 or 4. And because of that fans of this show are likely to label me, or anyone else for that matter, who rated DMZ below a 6 as a hater. I don't hate the series, it's just not worth my time. Just goes to show you how feeble minded telivision can make the masses.
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Don't Look Up (2021)
Politicians, billionaires and society realistically portrayed in this Netflix film
11 January 2022
'Don't look up' is the only film Netflix has put out in the past 18 months or so which I have watched in its entirety. It's cast is superb, plus the script is tight & fresh. However, it certainly won't appeal to everyone. I find it a bit ironic that a couple of commentators on here said this movie would likely piss off Trumpers. Perhaps it does, but based on people who I know, if you align politically with the uber liberal crowd you should avoid this flick. Also, fans of fantasy flicks should probably skip 'Don't look up' too.
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Resident Alien (2021– )
Resident Idiots
7 January 2022
How this series won an award and has a rating 7 stars higher than it deserves proves the statement "the masses are asses" as factual; or it shows how corrupt the industry truly is. Either theory seems a hell of a lot more plausible than this show's rating, and it being voted as best cable series comedy. Another weird-ass thing about this series; several commentators on here described it as "dark humor". Dark humor? That just goes to show how clueless fans of this series are! Obviously they're mistaken cheesy for dark. Fans of this show couldn't handle a true dark humor type of series, never mind recognizing what one even is. I couldn't stomach more than a combined total of 35 minutes between episodes 1 & 2. I only watched that much because I was in total disbelief over the massive amount of cheesy schlock this series serves to its fans. And cheesy schlock is the worst kind of schlock! The characters are unlikable nitwits and the script is stupid af. Nuff said.
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Fairfax (2021–2022)
Should be called WTF! Because it sucks really bad & it's all about 'Woke Tween Friends'
29 October 2021
I will reiterate; this cartoon is terrible! Not one iota of originality can be found in this sh¡t-show. At the time of this post Fairfax has a wicked low rating of 4.5. That alone should be a clue to anyone who's thinking of watching this series.

After watching 2 1/2 episodes of this cartoon I had to watch a few episodes of Rick & Morty to put me in the right frame of mind to do this review properly.

The show's target audience is the mainstream mindset, pop culture fanatics and people who tend to be sheeple. So, I guess materialistic teenagers, as well as teens who are starving for attention, would find Fairfax appealing. Way to go Amazon! Just what society needs right now...more cheesy sh¡t to stroke the desires of the masses.
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Jolt (2021)
Entertaining enough if one doesn't put much thought into it
29 July 2021
It's a semi-dark, action comedy with an incredibly sexy leading actress. So wtf do the uptight prudes who dissed this film expect? If you're going to give this film a go do it with an open mind, without expectations, and it might keep you pleasantly occupied for 90 minutes or so.
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Solos (2021)
Pretentious fodder for riders on the 'woke' wagon
28 May 2021
The reason Solos is rated below six stars at the time of this writing is, well, because it sucks. And suck bad it truly does. If it really was any good the critics & viewers combined ratings would reflect that, obviously. Even though fans overrated Solos with ten stars, all in all, it still couldn't even rate at six. Using logic, that should tell you all that you need to know about this series. Those who can't comprehend the fact that Hollywood weaves a leftist, political agenda into the vast majority of its tv & films are likely to just love Solos to pieces. Solos is trying to be artistic, politically correct, and syfy-ish. And It fails miserably at two out of the three. I can honestly say it's certainly not the PC category. But I must also say that the episode with angel wings was fairly amusing. The other episodes are a combination of weirdness, wokeness and acting for the sake of ego.
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Utopia (2020)
I thought it was entertaining...until I watched the UK's original version
2 November 2020
I liked Amazon's Utopia enough to finish season one. I mean, being that 99.9% of American television wanders between IQ diminishing & total brain rot this series is at least watchable. But then I decided to watch the original version of Utopia that aired in the UK back in 2013. And after just 2 episodes I realized that it already put Amazon's 2020 Utopia to shame. It seems to me by americanizing Utopia Amazon turned a gem into a pacifier for the masses. By removing parts of an already great script and replacing them with America's PC ideology, Amazon made their own version become stale and a bit bland. If you like this Utopia then be sure to check out the original; which happens to be streaming on Amazon video for no cost to subscribers.
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Away (2020)
Wah! Why such a low rating?!
6 September 2020
Because this series sucks! And if it was any good the ratings would reflect that; you whiny reviewers complaining about crap being called crap. The only reason this series is rated over six stars is because Away fans are pissed at the lower ratings this show earned when it premiered, so then they decicded to overrate the series by giving it a score of ten. Seriously, a ten? That means perfection. Obviously nothing is perfect except to someone suffering from delusions of fantasy. Simply put, the show 'Away' is just another boring pile of crap coming from Netflix's ass. It's cliche after cliche embedded in a big stinky mountain of political correctness. Pee-yew! And for the sake of others, please don't forget to deodorize the room after you finish each episode of 'Away'. I'd expect this show to do just fine airing on ABC, CBS, Lifetime, Hallmark, etc. But it's series like Netflix's Away that made me cut the cord to my cable box 5 years ago. I realized then that 99.9% of primetime television is either utter crap or utter crap that's uber p.c. and this show is all of that. If your entertained by primetime TV this show might appeal to you. But if you're not a member of the mainstream mindset I'd steer clear of this stench of a series
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I can't believe I like it
5 September 2020
Being an adult male who's offspring is older than Teenage Bounty Hunters, I wouldn't of thought this series could appeal to me. Well, after watching 3 episodes I realized this series is one of the few that has the kind of humor that strikes my funny bone. Now, this series is certainly not for everyone; especially if someone watches mostly primetime television series as their main source of entertainment. So, this show is a big no for the primetime viewer and/or those with a mainstream mindset. But for those who have a slightly dark & sort of twisted sense of humor, then I'd bet this show will amuse. The first couple of episodes will probably drag on for viewers who have the attention span of a squirrel. But then again, that should be a sign that this type of comedy series isn't for them; nor should they rate or write a review because it may reveal that they have the mentality of an uptight tree rodent
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Perry Mason (2020–2023)
Don't listen to the whiny old curmudgeons who can't cope with this version of Perry Mason
1 September 2020
Unless, of course, you're a whiny curmudgeon yourself who actually liked the original, yet predictable & very boring, Perry Mason series. If this version resembled the original Perry Mason, it would suck the life out of anyone who can think for themselves. I really like how this series portrays the characters as actual human beings with flaws as opposed to the polished phoniness portrayed by the original P.M. cast. I suggest to anyone who eagerly watched the old timey Perry Mason, as well as those who actually like broadcast network programming, to steer clear of this version of Perry Mason. Why? Because it may make you think of people in a way you just can't handle...or in another word; realistically
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Project Power (2020)
Stupid af
18 August 2020
Everything I saw in this movie came straight out of moron central. I could only stomach 30 minutes, but it was enough to know that stupidity is thoroughly embedded in this brain rotting film. And the stupidity starts right from the beginning when the drug supplier calls a meeting with his network of morons. Do you really think that's how drug dealers do business? It's an insult to drug dealers all across America! You'd have to be brain dead or high as a kite to find Project Power entertaining. Netflix, I am canceling my subscription.
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Silent Witness (1996– )
Season 23 is ridiculously PC
26 July 2020
Although I was born & raised in the U. S, a few years ago I finally gave up on American primetime broadcast & cable television shows. The reason being is the abundance of PC fantasies that are written into every script for almost every tv show. Obviously these shows are produced specifically for the mainstream mindset audience, which my mind isn't a member of. So now all my entertainment needs are well taken care of by multiple streaming services. Which is how I found the British series 'Silent Witness'. I have found many British television series likable, but 'Silent Witness' is certainly not one of them. Maybe the earlier seasons are not this way, but season 23 is so extremely PC it breaks all the laws of reality. Basically this show is some kind of weird fantasy for those who love all that is PC. It's also a bit obvious that it's nothing but a 'made for the masses' telivision series. Those who recognize the fact that the masses are truly asses should avoid the big-ass bowlful of brain draining pablum that's being served by the series 'Silent Witness'.
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The Twelve (2019–2023)
So many holes in so little time
14 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I really don't understand the high rating, nor the award this show received. It must be due to how corrupt the film industry is. That is the only sense I can logically make from this, because I must of said WTF to myself several times during episode one. When the episode ended I realized there's so many holes to fill, it'd be too much like work to continue watching the rest of the series. I'll explain a couple of the scenarios that made me wonder WTF.

A woman tries to hide the fact that she's been chosen to be a juror from her husband. Hubby didn't want her to be selected and had her appear as an undesirable juror. So, how the hell is she supposed hide her jury role from hubby in one of the most media covered events in the country? And then one night at home while the wife's using the bathroom, hubby's watching the news and sees her on the tv. So, he gets pissed off and locks her in the bathroom from the outside of the bathroom. Why would anyone install a bathroom doorknob that locks from outside of a bathroom? WTF? It makes no sense whatsoever. Perhaps in following episodes the viewers discover that the husband's some kind of freak who likes to lock people in his bathroom forcing his stink upon them.

Then there's the scene that takes place at the hospital with a detective and a mother who arrives in a panic because of her child's ER admission. The frantic mother is desperately trying to find out what happened to her child when the lead detective tells her she must sign some paperwork. The mother's confused but she signs it anyway probably with the hopes it'll bring her to her child. That's when detective Bitter B¡tch tells the mother she's going to make sure she's found responsible for the murder of her own child. WTF? The alleged crime just happened and any possible evidence hasn't had time to be gathered and processed. Does detective Bitter B¡tch have psychic abilities? Maybe the frantic mother's ex husband caused her to be suspect, but still, anything he said needs to be properly investigated.

These are just a couple of the many holes in episode one. There are so many strange holes in the show's premiere episode, there's no way to write enough material for the remaining episodes to fill all of them with any sense. If episode one's high strangeness is due to artistic license, it needs to be revoked.
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Hightown (2020–2024)
Action series for anyone tired of primetime tv programs
13 July 2020
I'll keep this one short. I guess the mediocre rating is due to the show's portrayal on the seldom seen parts of society. This series is probably too harsh for lovers of the primetime lineup, and mainstream America in general. So, with all that said, I have to give 'HighTown' credit for keeping me thoroughly entertained for 8 Sunday nights. I like the premise of the series, as well as its settings. The show's characters are pretty interesting, and the actors/actresses performed well also. HighTown deals with issues that the mainstream mindset rather not know. If you want an action series to binge that's outside of primetime tv's box, you surely ought to check this one out.
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Big Dogs (2020– )
A series for anyone sick of network tv's cop shows
9 July 2020
I just finished watching the 1st episode, and so far this show's held my interest. At least it seems promising. It's got some really interesting characters, and the actors/actresses perform their parts well. What I can say about this series is this; If you like broadcast network programming, this show isn't for you. It's not a CSI, or a Law and Order type show for sure. And I thank the god of entertainment for that. So, if you like the programs airing on the American Primetime lineup, save your mainstream mentality for whatever appeals to it, and don't bother to watch this show. Because you'll only post a whiny review based on the 5 or 10 minutes that you spent watching episode 1. This series isn't made for the masses and their mainstream mindset. Besides, anyone who can think for themselves, and looking for a different kind of cop show to watch, will certainly be entertained by Big Dogs because this show is nothing like the shows that air on network television.

UPDATE: After watching the entire series I have to say, I really like how this show differs from all the other cop shows. It's gritty, gripping, full of action and funny af. It has the right kind of humor for those of us who are sick of the mind rotting fodder that the networks regularly dish out to the masses.
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Reprisal (2019)
Some people just gotta whine
12 April 2020
This series really surprised me. And I didn't even know this series existed 'til I re-subscribed to Hulu yesterday. So far I'm on episode 3 and I really like what I'm seeing. It's got a great premise, script & cast. It will entertain those of us who are looking for something other than the brain draining primetime line-up that's always being served to the drooling masses. So the whiny reviews gotta be from those who were expecting the usual pablum. Before I started watching this series, I read the series promo on Hulu. It gave me an idea of what I was getting into with this show. So to all the whiners; what's the matter? Is it too unlike 'Modern Family' or 'The Good Doctor' for you? Well, I suggest that you should go back to the crap put out by broadcast tv or cable tv and join the rest of the mindless masses before you go whining about this series. Just sayin'
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Making the Cut (2020– )
Who watches this crap?!
30 March 2020
This series is utter sh¡t. C'mon Amazon, gimmie something good to watch!
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Hunters (2020–2023)
As my Jewish grandmother often used to say; "Meh"
24 February 2020
I like the premise of this series, but a couple of the characters seem a bit out of place. Plus, the cast is uber PC for a show that is supposed to represent society in the 70's. It's just unrealistic if you ask me. Obviously the characters were invented just to appeal to modern day masses . And you know what they say; "the masses are asses"...a fact that I never knew was a fact til I hit middle age. Don't get me wrong, I'm currently on episode 4. And since it's kept me this long, there must be something good about this show, right? Maybe I'll figure that out after another episode or two.
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68 Whiskey (2020)
Won't appeal to those who idolize the military nor anyone fond of an active or ex service member
9 February 2020
I changed my rating from 8 to 10. Why? Because I truly believe this show is getting a bum-rap from all the disappointed military fanatics who were expecting something that the U.S military would put out if it produced television shows airing on primetime cable.

Original review starts here:

The tone of the negative reviews peeked my curiosity, so I knew I had to check this show out. I found this show to be pretty humorous, and it kept me entertained for the entire hour. It then became obvious that the low rating is because many of the reviewers just can't stand to see members of the military portrayed as anything less than polished, mighty and righteous. Well, tough sh¡t for their squashed fantasies. This show is for entertaining the casual minded viewer. It's certainly not the kind of show that will uphold militarized fantasies of the uber-patriotic, and it will certainly piss off the righteously uptight as well as the sexually frustrated prude.
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Another Life (2019–2021)
Only the brain dead could call this entertainment
13 August 2019
So America's intellects, scientists & politicians hand pick a bunch of immature & inexperienced space punks, who all seem to have bloated egos, as humanity's saviors? Yeah, well, in this fickle excuse of a scify series they do! This series makes Netflix more like the CW network for sure. Another piece of crap coming from Netflix's ass. Why do I still subscribe at 16 bucks a month? Quite a few of Amazon's originals are far superior this summer compared to Netflix
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The Boys (2019– )
A super hero series that smashes every Disney, D.C. and Marvel fanatic's most precious fantasies
26 July 2019
Generally I find super hero movies slightly annoying at best, and usually ending up under the category 'mind rotting fodder for the masses'. But this super hero series is the best super hero franchise ever! Well done, Amazon. Now, just dont skimp out on season two's production just because we're hooked on The Boys now.
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Pandora (2019–2020)
Watch this show for 10 minutes or sniff f@rts in hell for 10 minutes
19 July 2019 amazingly crappy show that is so bad I'm clueless as to how this show could make it onto any kind of television network. Oh, and those 'reviews' rating this §hit-show over 5 stars are obviously written by people associated with this stinking mess of a series. All I have to say to them is good luck trying to make it more palatable than possible
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Love Island (2019– )
Love Island 2019: diminishing America's IQ 1 episode at a time
16 July 2019
Who watches this crap?! The only reason I know this show exists is by chance. My buddy and I were chillin' at his house watching tv when his wife came rushing home and changed the channel on us. To my dismay she gleefully started to describe one of the scenarios on the show like I actually gave a rat's ass. I told her I had to go and left. Ten minutes of mainstream programming is the same as spending ten minutes in hell to me. I'm sure glad I disconnected from cable and broadcast tv before primetime programming could turn my brain into a mushy blob incapable of recognizing anything logical
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The best show to appear on my television in years
16 July 2019
This series is soooo different than just about everything else available for one's entertainment needs. I guess it could be considered as a dark comedy...though whatever it's considered this show has me laughing until my gut aches. The script is comedic gold, plus the cast fit their roles perfectly. With that said I probably don't need to say the acting is stellar as well, but it really is. One of the best traits about this series is that it has no need for any political correctness foolishness. This show's cast is based on characters the average Jane & Joe citizen might see romping around every day in their community...not some politically correct b.s. fantasy neighborhood as seen on every primetime program airing on BBC, CBS, ABC, FOX, etc. So, with all that said I suppose I'll end my review with this: if you don't like this show, either you probably didn't give it much of a chance, or you must be one uptight m.f. who prefers primetime broadcast tv shows.
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