
30 Reviews
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Aftersun (II) (2022)
Aftersun - A Good Short, A Bad Feature
18 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Honestly, the relatively high rating of "Aftersun" is baffling to me. The director, Charlotte Wells, revels in wasting the audience's time.

While there's plenty to like in this film (not the least of which is its relatively accurate portrayal of depression), it's accomplished at such a meandering, slow pace that it makes one wonder if this couldn't have been a 30-minute short rather than a feature. While I understand that the intent is to be slow (after all, the slow passage of time can be a symptom of depression) the overuse of this practice places the film in a rare category for me: boring.

I, myself, and countless others around me have struggled with depression, and far be it from me to diminish those struggles, but the self-indulgent nature of "Aftersun" seems to serve the director more than it serves the emotional arc or the audience. Ultimately, I found this film to be disrespectful of the time the audience devoted to it.

I understand the knee-jerk reaction to this review may be to posit that slow-burn films are not down my alley. Quite the contrary, I love works like "Nebraska", "Before Midnight", "The Trip", and "Wit". And on that note, one aspect I did appreciate was the film's attempt to show formative moments in young Sophie's life. In this way "Aftersun" feels like a female rendition of "Boyhood", the only issue is the film lacks the forward propulsion to make it nearly as impactful and far-reaching.

Do not get me wrong-as a first-time feature director Wells has strong intention and clear emotional direction, but she was clearly not prepared to make a narrative feature or was conceited enough to believe that merely translating one's own vacation drama should qualify as sufficiently engaging.
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The Kid Detective - A Film with an Identity Crisis
18 January 2023
There's something in the kernel of this idea that's brilliant. It has quirky, fun mystery written all over it, and at points it delivers.

Still, I can't help but feel that "The Kid Detective" would have been better in a stylized or heightened universe rather than one which consistently walks the line between realistic/believable and comedic/wacky, resulting in a film that manages to miss both marks. Wes Anderson or Edgar Wright would have killed with this film and while Evan Morgan's direction shows promise at points, it nevertheless feels lacking.

In complete fairness to Morgan, you can tell that the budget limited their scope and ability. The audio is subpar at times, the stunts are limited, there are no big names (which is fine, but noticeable), and most camera set-ups are simple. I don't mean to say this makes the film bad-to the contrary, I'm quite impressed with what they accomplished given their limitations. It still very much feels like a film. Other films with similar budgets and viewership like "Roger Dodger", "Just Before I Go", and "Kill Me Three Times" are nearly unwatchable despite some of them having access to much more money than "The Kid Detective".

Furthermore, I thoroughly enjoyed Jesse Noah Gruman's portrayal of the younger Abe. He plays the character with remarkable charm and it made me wonder if the film might have played better by leaning into this version of Abe. Some of the quirky comedy feels more at home next to his childish nature. Perhaps if the film was split in two; a comedic young Abe failing to solve his mystery and a more jaded older Abe finally solving it.

Which brings me to the main actor: Adam Brody. Adam Brody is fine. He does a passable job, but he lacks the charisma his younger form has or at least plays it down-harming the momentum and charm of the film. I understand that Adam Brody is playing an Abe who's been beaten down and held the weight of someone's disappearance, but he is missing some piece of what makes Gruman's portrayal work so well.

Finally, I found Sophie Nélisse's performance to be pretty believable. I bought her as a naive teenager and I think she makes a good pairing opposite Adam Brody. There's enough on-screen chemistry to make their relationship work, but not so much that it feels like it's going into "Leon: The Professional" weirdly sexual territory.

Ultimately, the film suffers from an identity crisis. It doesn't seem to know what it's trying to be. Its refusal to commit to a tone keeps it from ever being more than mildly enjoyable. "The Kid Detective" has the potential to be a tremendous dramatic or comedic mystery, but the film is mediocre as a mixture.

Despite its inconsistent tone, "The Kid Detective" is cleverly written and I had a bit of fun watching it. I respect the independent film grind.
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About Time (I) (2013)
About Time - A Love Story, But Not Just a Romance
9 January 2023
This film is a lot. It's hard to speak about why it had such an impact on me without spoiling it, so I'll tread lightly.

Without spoiling the film, I've found there's a common misconception that the appeal of this film lies mostly in its romance. I wish the marketing for this film had relied less on the romance aspect that it so heavily leaned into. The poster is emblematic of this: with a photo of Domhnall Gleeson and Rachel McAdams flirtatiously walking through the rain. It's a misrepresentation of the film and an adulteration of a story that reaches beyond simply romantic love.

Writer/director Richard Curtis focuses intently on emotion in "About Time". From the first frame, it's clear that Curtis has no interest in exploring the sci-fi aspects of the film or their implications. Our focus is on Tim Lake's emotional journey, and only his journey.

"About Time" simultaneously does a fantastic job at what I'd call "perfect imperfection". While romantic, moments in the film are never so perfect that they feel like wish fulfillment on the part of Curtis. Instead, they feel real, whether it be a wedding in the pouring rain, or parents arriving immediately after a night of "passion". To me, these interruptions to moments of beauty lend an authenticity to the film that feels far more relatable than a truly perfect moment.

However, I should probably admit my bias. I'm a sucker for Rachel McAdams. I can't think of a film I haven't loved her in. Even in weaker films (like "The Hot Chick", "Eurovision", or "Midnight in Paris") the performance she turns in is always spot on. "About Time" is certainly no exception. While not as impressive a performance as "Spotlight", "True Detective", or "The Notebook", it might be my favorite role of hers if only because it's such a heartwarming performance.

Domhnall Gleeson gives a striking performance as well. The character of Tim Lake possesses an innocence and naiveté that speaks to the audience and allows Tim to wear his heart on his sleeve. To me, it is reminiscent of Andrew Garfield's work in The Social Network--we can always see hurt, love, or joy openly on his face.

Furthermore, the cinematography is understated, but really quite impressive. People forget that as wonderful as "Love, Actually" and "Notting Hill'' are, their cinematography is only passable. With that in mind, "About Time'' is quite a large step up. There's a fantastic (mostly) muted palette--playing into slight sepia tones with engaging framing--I noticed a particular interest in creating frames around characters using their surroundings.

Fantastic soundtrack. Enough said.

All these compliments aside, the film is fatally flawed if you were to approach the script from a strictly technical point of view. Although its dialogue is witty and engaging, it lacks much of the structure Western film follows--instead meandering through several different plot lines, leaving a fair few unresolved. Perhaps that's what makes it one of my favorite films. There is a charm and a reality to the film that is difficult to find in its contemporaries (and yet another reason to rebuke the Hollywood standard).

Ultimately, I love this film. Although I rarely give out 10 stars, this film earned it handily.
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Pretty Good All Things Considered
31 August 2020
I've read a lot of hate for this film and I think it's because the original is so near and dear to some people's hearts. I think for those people very few stories could have lived up to the first, and this film is not one of them.

I watched the original profusely when I was younger and I like it a lot, but I recognize it comes from a silly universe that doesn't take itself too seriously, and I think Bill & Ted Face the Music maintains that. It is by no means going to be an Oscar winner, but it's funny and enjoyable to see who the Wyld Stallyns grew up to be.

(very small spoilers ahead)

We get to see a bunch of possible futures for Bill and Ted, have them grapple with potentially losing the their wives and the fact that they were never as great or influential as they thought they would be. I think for a lot of people who grew up on the film this hits home. Many of the people who did appreciate the original as kids have now grown up and realized they never reached their own true potential and we see a reflection of that in Bill and Ted. I don't think that was what the audience wanted, even if it was accurate.

I think there's also going to be some resistance to bringing Bill and Ted's daughters into the film. I think that's unfair, they did as good of a job as could be expected and I think that most audiences are resistant to the introduction of new heros to old and beloved works of fiction.

I think the only thing that truly bothered me about this film was the presence of Kid Cudi. It felt a little pandering. He wasn't terrible and they didn't completely over do it, but honestly I would have enjoyed it better with out him.

Does this film deserve an 8? No, it's probably more like a 7.1, but it seems only fair to help even out the score here. It's in no way a perfect movie, but give it a chance and I think you'll have fun.
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Risen (2016)
It could have been special
19 February 2016
Warning: Spoilers
When I saw the trailers I was excited, it seemed like there would finally be a movie about the story of Jesus that wasn't completely pandering to a Christian fan base. The story of Christ through the eyes of a nonbeliever they said.

It wasn't that. The movie was well done, the directing was clever (if not a bit overt with all the moving into the light when talking about the Messiah), writing was pretty intriguing at least in the beginning and the acting by Joseph Fiennes and Tom Felton was outstanding. Surprisingly I felt that Tom Felton actually did a better job.

This movie starts out really interesting. There's no clear bias. It's just a man trying to discern truth from fiction in a time where it can be extremely hard to tell. The inner character struggle of Claviusis really well done. You can see it pains him to do the things he does, but feels he must in order to achieve peace.

Let's talk about the good parts first, the reason it gets a 6 instead of a 3. The first and perhaps most important thing is that it isn't hateful. So many Christian movies nowadays are quick to say anyone who doesn't believe in their Almighty is a sinner and a heathens. This movie stays true to Jesus' real message of love and not passing judgment which is something the Christian community could certainly use a little more of nowadays. Also on its side it is a slow burn thriller that keeps you guessing and intrigued for quite a while no matter which side you're on. It helps that it doesn't make things black and white. Many of the Romans who did kill Christ they're never painted as flat out bad, they are rationalizing their actions in a hard world to navigate.

Now on to the bad. It's super biased. I probably should have figured that going into it, but I got excited about maybe a more scientific or logical explanation people had at the time for what had happened. I knew in the back of my mind that this idea would be way to liberal for Hollywood, but a guy can dream. The writing starts out very strong, but after they've unveiled their "truth" to you it's as if they stop trying. It becomes just a celebration of Jesus rather than a story, which as far as film narrative is concerned is a huge no-no. The other issue I have with this film is its implications. The main character starts out methodically trying to find Jesus' body. He uses deduction and critical thinking to get him quite deep into the whole mystery. However, to turn around and say, "Hey! Stop! Don't ask questions! Just follow!" Is a detrimental message to send to people. Critical and analytical thinking are unimaginably important to achieve a better world for all of us. This is a big issue and theme running through all Christian media, the idea of letting Christ guide you and not to question or think for yourself, if it was pressed any harder on people it would legally be considered brainwashing.

All this said, in my honest opinion there were a lot of parts of this movie I enjoyed even if I was disappointed with the ending. I think that the director/writer should have tried to offer two explanations for what happened and let the viewer decide.

There was one point in the film where Clavius talks to Jesus one on one. I was really hoping at this point he'd say that some stuff was true and some wasn't, but regardless of what he chooses to believe happened, it doesn't matter. All that matters is that it's changing people for the better. But that didn't happen, so oh well.
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American Dad!: Independent Movie (2013)
Season 9, Episode 6
Wow. Perfect.
12 November 2015
I was about to give up on American Dad. 9 seasons of mostly so-so entertainment. I watched it more to keep my mind distracted than to enjoy quality TV. While I do think there's the odd really good episode, this one took me by surprise. I hadn't watched the show on Netflix for about a week and a half, which is a while for me, but I figured I'd watch one more since I had nothing better to do. I thought the title sounded interesting and once the story actually started moving I was quite invested, the episode somehow managed to perfectly balance a real, almost heart breaking story and make a farce of the entire indie genre at the same time. There were actual deep moments, metaphors that really made you think and at the same time cheesy lessons that made you critical of indie films too. Really a brilliant piece of work, if I could buy this one episode and add it to my Blu-Ray collection I would. I hope other people get a chance to watch this too and that maybe I've convinced a few more people to make it to this point, because I honestly think, it's worth it.
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House M.D. (2004–2012)
The Game is a Itchy Foot
6 May 2015
I can not recommend this series enough.

The inception of this show was the story of Sherlock Holmes. Sherlock Holmes is one of the best crime solving detectives in the world. Even today it spawns new and great television and movies. Sherlock, The Sherlock Film Series, Elementary (supposedly) and House M.D.

The show is never boring. It's always a cocktail of emotions, bringing together humor and a deep, dark depression in a brilliantly entertaining way. There's always a story going on, and not just the medical one. That's one thing I love about the show, it's not just character and it's not just medical. It walks the line in between which works extremely well.

There is an element of suspension of disbelief required, as with any TV show. There's no way one doctor in New Jersey gets 8 years worth of interesting cases. And to some extent a case by case basis for an episode can get somewhat formulaic, what really makes this is the characters and their complexities.

The writing is exquisite and the directing sleek and stylish. The acting is top tier and a joy to watch.

Overall this show is pretty amazing and I hope everyone will watch this.
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Surprise! (in a good way)
1 April 2015
This is one of the best children's films I've ever seen. As far as films in general go, it's pretty high up there as well.

Maybe that's because I wasn't expecting what happened. Maybe it's the reality of the joy and wonder AnnaSophia Robb. Maybe its the sheer talent of Josh Hutcherson (See Little Manhattan). There are so many great things about this film that it's hard to figure out what shines. It all does.

I'll start with the story, even before the aforementioned twist, I was hooked. It's a very engaging story, but dark. The star has trouble with his father, his family is struggling with money. He's bullied, pushed around and treated mostly bad for a fair amount of the film. It's very well written and most people can relate, at least to an extent.

The film itself is beautiful, they don't overuse graphics and it was shot in New Zealand to get that beautiful greeny-earth look. It's colors aren't vibrant, but it fit the story and works very well.

The acting is excellent. Josh Hutcherson is one of the great child actors. If you don't believe me, go watch Little Manhattan (another kids film). The father plays a bit of a jerk really well, not that it's hard. The person I was most impressed with though was AnnaSophia Robb, she brought this sense of innocence and quirkiness that made the film great, it could not have worked without her. Zooey Deschanel played her part well, but there wasn't a very large role for her, even if her character was important.

Overall, the film was extremely good and I wish Disney would make more like this.

One last thing, there is a lot of controversy over the "twist" in this film. Claiming it was inappropriate or unexpected. That was the purpose, that kind of thing happens in real life and the film is very sensitive and respectful of the subject. They don't show anything or give any graphic information, but dealing with that is an important part of life and if you're not willing to expose your children to that, they wont excel in the authentic world we live in. It could definitely be construed as bad parenting.
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This is Sad
31 March 2015
The film on first glance just seems like not a very good film with very Christian heavy leanings. You know, whatever, fine.

However, upon further inspection it's stereotypes are incredibly racist and the arguments between the professor and student are unfounded. When a Freshman in college (me) has better rebuttals than what is meant to be a Philosophy Professor (by the way what the hell kind of professor is this? Certainly not a realistic depiction of college). I'm not saying this as trying to convince anyone of any belief system, I don't care. This film, however, is purely propaganda.

I read a review on here from a pastor. The pastor called the film, "more propaganda than art, and thoughtful atheists will see it for what it is even if Christians can't". If even a Christian pastor can admit that this film wasn't good, was a, "blunt force instrument for communicating dogma in story form".

It's sad, I was looking forward to a real discussion. This movie is a sham.
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30 March 2015
This film made me sad. I'm an aspiring filmmaker. If this is how my first feature turns out, I don't know if I could be confident in my ability anymore.

I watched the premiere in San Francisco, I met the actors and the directors and I want to be clear, they're all very nice, good people that deserve our respect. I wish that made the film good.

The cinematography is actually very cool. They play with light nicely, though some of the slow motion was obviously shot in 24fps and then slowed which looks really bad. Also in low light levels they didn't use a denoiser in post so it can also be very grainy. Overall though, it was pretty and I enjoyed that.

Acting was pretty bad on all accounts. Especially the female mentor. This weird red head lady that was meant to be likable, but came off as a bit of a jerk. The movie definitely should have been in the native language of the lead actors with subtitles. That would have made this film infinitely better.

The set design was pretty horrible, very empty. I recognize that as an independent production so that wasn't necessarily their fault. So I tried to look past it, but it still bothered me.

The scenes that did have some value were the "street fight" scenes. Some of them were cool, the director obviously knew her way around the space and all the blocking.

As far as characters go, the film's lead was fairly unlikeable despite the fact that we were meant to sympathize with her. I'm not sure if that was the acting or the writing.

The plot wasn't that original either, but what is these days?

It's an enjoyable film, but if you're going to put 90 minutes into a film, this definitely wouldn't be my first choice. As a courtesy I'll mention a few other titles that are better with about the same length:

1. Bridge to Terabithia 2. The One I Love 3. Identity 4. Short Term 12 5. Moonrise Kingdom 6. Little Manhattan 7. Brief Interviews With Hideous Men 8. Coherence 9. 127 Hours 10. Stand by Me.
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The X-Files: The Field Where I Died (1996)
Season 4, Episode 5
A Severely Underrated Episode
27 March 2015
The fact is this episode was meant to have an extra 20 minutes tacked on to it. I'm not saying that because i wanted the story more developed (though I did); I'm saying it because when finished filming they had to remove 18 minutes of the episode before it was cut down enough to air. I don't care what your doing with a TV Show, you cut 18 minutes out of a story like this, it's going to lose structural integrity.

That said, the episode stands pretty well by itself, though I'd say it feels far more like a film than an episode. Hell, with the 64 minutes they already had, all they had to do was write 26 more pages and released it as a stand alone film.

I like the idea of past lives and repetition of souls and emotions, I am an avid Atheist, nevertheless it's written in a way that is intriguing (which is not that hard to do, to be honest).

Someone said in another review that this episode is an acquired taste. I could not agree more. I think that looking back on it, it only gets better and watching it again will only make me realize it's staying power all the more.

All this said, when it comes to The X-Files I'm a little bit of a push-over. All the episodes are great. This one however, did stick with me. Think it over.
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The DUFF (2015)
Generic and Entirely Too Predictable
18 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I had high hopes for this movie, it's not often that a comedy scores much higher than a 6.6 on IMDb. So when I saw this at a 7.0, (wouldn't be surprised it it's changed since) I was determined to watch it.

Mae Whitman as long been on my radar as a fun actress, I of course remember her from her stellar role in Arrested Development, but she is also a graduate from Scott Pilgrim VS. the World, Avatar: The Last Airbender and Perks of Being a Wallflower.

At first the movie impresses, somewhat reminiscent of Scott Pilgrim in it's abstract presentation. You feel as if you want to join her in her journey to become something better than she is, to become more than just the invisible DUFF.

This first half of the movie is really the only reason I gave this a 6 rather than a 4. I thoroughly enjoyed it and found it fairly funny too.

Now this first half sets you up for one of three tales: a) She gets the Guy (which after an incident seems pretty unlikely) b) She falls for her "Jock" Guide c) She has personal growth and realizes though she wants these things they're not important to her and what really matters is what she thinks of herself (and she rides alone into the sunset)

This is where it began to lose me. They continued to attempt and do both story (b) and story (c). Both stories' poignancy suffered because of this. Her journey of self acceptance was hampered by her need of his approval and her journey for self acceptance made the romance seem unrealistic.

They had a chance to do something else great which few movies get and that is to go past the teenage happy ending. After they first kiss, long before they get together, they had an opportunity to put them together and explore the facets of a high school relationship. For example, in the beginning she repeatedly states he is a man whore. Does the end of the movie mean to tell me that suddenly she doesn't think about all the girls she's seen him hook up with through her window in the house next door? Even though this problem was well set up, it was never realized which was a missed opportunity.

There were two saving graces to the film, one is the Asian teacher. He outshone everyone in the movie and every line the sprung from his mouth was gold. Second is the relationship between the "jock" and the "duff", just like a real relationship they're weird and that, to me rung true.

Overall I would rate this film a 6.2, not a bad movie date, but as far as film goes, really disappointing.
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Nebraska (2013)
One of the Best Movies of the Past 10 Years
18 February 2014
Nebraska is the story of an old man and his son who embark upon a personal journey to get an old man's (Woody) million dollars. While his two sons and wife know that this is a scam, Woody insists on traveling to Nebraska to collect his money. The characters and story are impressively crafted. And the choice to shoot the entire film in black and white only adds to the dramatic approach of the film that I loved. The acting is exemplary on all accounts. My personal favorite would be Bob Odenkirk of Breaking Bad alum. I must say I feel that it's one of those movies that right afterward is slightly underwhelming, but the more you think about it and analyze it the better it gets. It has an emotional range from laugh out loud awkwardness to just plain sobbing. Nebraska is one of my favorite movies and I'd say second only to Spike Jonze's "Her" in 2013. There is no debate, this movie is worth a look.
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Garden State (2004)
Garden State
6 May 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This was a truly masterful and moving piece of work. Zach Braff was always an idol for me, but he really did become incredible after this movie. I of course am fully supportive of his new ambitions, "Wish I Was Here".

The love story was very well planned out, and what I loved the most was the growth of the characters. It was also great to see a love story that had more going on than just the romance, yet still deliver that sweet ending we all craved.

As an aspiring director myself, I one-day hope to be able to do something half as good as Garden State, it is sweet, moving and a fresh take on love .
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Fringe (2008–2013)
6 May 2013
This show was truly ground-breaking from season one to season 3. After that the show excelled in excellence, but did not quite live up to the standard it set.

The cast really play their parts believably and go through emotional situations which we can all relate to on some level despite it being a Sci-Fi.

Overall this show deserves to be seen and loved by everyone, but it wont be, FOX canceled it after meeting the mark of 100 episodes. The story is incredibly well crafted and I have to say this is probably J.J. Abrams best work. I would highly recommend this series.
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Flight (I) (2012)
Buckle Your Seat Belts and Prepare for the Ride of Your Life
6 May 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Stupidly, I watched this on a plane.

While an incredibly good movie, it was frightening movie to watch, it was hard not to imagine my pilots doing the same thing Denzel was.

That said, now that I'm safe on land, I loved the progression of character and how he slowly drags everyone around him down with him. It was an incredibly acted and directed movie.

They also are seemingly very realistic, you can't just go cold turkey when it comes to drugs and alcohol, as he tries to do multiple times.

I'm sure there are other movies similar in style to this one, but thus far in my life it seemed very new and the depressive nature of storytelling really kept my attention.

Overall very impressive on all accounts.
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Flashforward (2009–2010)
Riveting Series
6 May 2013
I was incredibly saddened by this series cancellation. There was nothing I did not thoroughly enjoy in this show.

I do however wish that they would have not ended on a cliffhanger, I will forever be left guessing what the ending to this show would have been.

I loved the premise of seeing a limited vision of the future and being left guessing. The idea that we would create a social network to connect each of the "flashes" seems like a realistic intuitive leap and I was impressed by the realism this Sci-Fi presented.

Very awesome.
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End of Watch (2012)
End of Watch
6 May 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This movie actually left me with a lump in my throat and tears on the verge of my eyes. I wasn't to thrilled to watch this movie, but I figured, "why not?". I'm glad I did though.

I always thought that the whole found-footage thing was for story telling and not a very useful tool in the process of character attachment.

I was wrong.

The relationship between all these characters was perfectly mastered by the director and the actors. You cannot watch this movie without getting emotional at the end.

The only complaint I have is how some of the scenes were filmed. I mean honestly, who was filming them kissing? I solved this in my mind by simply assuming that this film was a regular film, interlaced with footage that the cops filmed.

Overall I was incredibly moved and saddened by this movie. Great one.
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Being Human (2008–2013)
I Really Wish This Had Ended After Season 3
5 May 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This show would have and should have earned a 10.

Sadly, all of the original main cast left. The first three seasons are amazing, and it is potentially the best written/directed/acted TV Show I have seen.

Really this show deserved to go off with all of the original characters, it deserved to have an epic send off after season three, where we say a goodbye to all the character's we've come to know and love.

You need to see it, but trust me, only through the third season.

You've been warned, now go watch this gut-wrenchingly good show.
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Battlestar Galactica (2004–2009)
Battlestar Galactica
5 May 2013
Galactica is on par with Firefly (the best Sci-Fi of all time).

There are very few criticisms I have. The main one is just the who;e concept of fat Adama.

The acting is incredible and the twists are unexpected yet looking back make complete sense. It really is one of the best Sci-Fi's I have seen, and certainly the most complicated.

Originally after seeing parts of the original and hearing about the basis, I was fairly sure I would hate this show.

It's a must see.

And it's fraking awesome.
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Brick (2005)
5 May 2013
Warning: Spoilers
The plot of this movie is truly inspiring.

Those of you who aren't inherently brilliant may need to watch it twice just to completely understand it.

The acting is also simply exemplary, although the quietness of the audio did sometimes bother me.

Plot holes are also seemingly very hard to find. There are a few, like how he manages to see the address without his glasses.

Never the less, the movie delivers a great ride, one the world has not seen the likes of in a very long time.

Not to mention how perfectly this movie nails the "noir" genre, which is very hard to do.

That being said, this movie blew me away, probably one of the best independent, no, one of the best films ever.
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Band of Brothers
5 May 2013
I loved this show.

It's close to impossible to beat Damian Lewis. I've watched him in Life, Band of Brothers and Homeland and he plays each character with impeccable accuracy.

The supporting cast is also amazing, many of the starts were already famous or have become famous since and suffice to say they make this show what it is.

I was astounded by the realism portrayed in this show and it has brought forth great respect in me for our veterans, it can be very emotional at some points, but none-the-less it makes for a amazing show.
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Jekyll (2007)
You Might Want To Hyde, It's A Bit Scary
5 May 2013

This show kept me on the edge of my seat, possibly Steven Moffat's best work. This show is dark and intriguing, it kept me guessing until the very end.

It is also a completely new and original take on the Jekyll and Hyde story and I've said this before, I'll say it again, it is hard to find new and original things nowadays.

Overall it's hard not to be impressed by James Nesbitt wide range of acting ability and gripping-ness of the story. I had to force myself not to watch more, just so I could wake up on time.

Really, really well done.
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28 Days Later (2002)
28 Days of Awesome
5 May 2013
The first time I saw this I was pretty sure I was going to hate it.

One of my favorite movies of all time. And no I don't just love Zombie/Infected movies, it needs to have a riveting plot, and compelling characters. Both of which this movie has no to mention the incredible acting ability of Cillian Murphy.

When I started the movie I was completely taken out of the experience by the horrible camera it was filmed on. Truly horrendous, yet by the end I was so totally engrossed, that I didn't even care.

I can watch this movie four or five times a week and still enjoy it. It's not just scary, it's original.

Original is not something you can find very often. Highly recommended to anyone interested in good movies.
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Sunshine (2007)
This Movie Brightly Stands Out
5 May 2013
Great movie.

Of course it's Danny Boyle so what would you expect?

Anytime Danny Boyle and Cillian Murphy make a movie you can count me in.

To be perfectly honest, this movie was nothing special to me at first. After watching it the first time I was more like "Ehhh...". I mean I loved the special effects and I thought the acting was incredibly good. But the movie overall, nothing special.

A year later this movie still pops into my mind for no apparent reason and I'll find myself thinking and/or saying "Aw that part was really good".

Really just one of my favorite Sci-Fi films because it doesn't solely focus on the Sci-Fi aspect. There's real humanity behind all of the characters motivations as well. That's what makes this movie special.

It leaves a lasting impression.
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