
62 Reviews
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Atlas (2024)
I did not know what to expect, but I could not finish the movie
28 May 2024
Artificial intelligence is a hot topic with significant consequences for our society on many levels. Initially, the depiction of AI by Jennifer Lopez's character (whose talent I acknowledge) seemed somewhat naive, as science fiction writers have explored the subject in much greater depth. However, I had to stop watching the movie after an hour due to the constant screaming, which I found unbearable (despite recognizing Lopez's talent). Additionally, the CGI and set design were not impressive in my opinion. The silver lining is that I watched it on Netflix, so I didn't have to pay for a ticket. Although it's currently number one on the platform in France, I can only give it four stars, considering the budget spent.
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Script was almost fine but there's a problem with the main actor
30 January 2024
"De Guerre Lasse" tries to be a gripping war drama but falls flat on almost every front. From its uninspired storytelling to its lackluster performances, this film struggles to engage its audience from start to finish.

The plot feels like a recycled mishmash of tired police movie stories, offering nothing new or innovative to the genre. "De Guerre Lasse" resorts to clichés and predictable plot twists that fail to evoke any emotional response.

The performances are equally lackluster, with wooden delivery and little chemistry between the actors. Jalil Lespert is definitely a wrong choice in this genre of movie.
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Gemini Man (2019)
Film Flop
16 October 2023
I recently had the misfortune of watching "Gemini Man," and I must say it was an utterly disappointing and regrettable experience. This movie is a prime example of everything that can go wrong in the world of cinema.

First and foremost, the plot was an absolute mess. It was convoluted and incoherent, making it nearly impossible to follow. The story jumped around so much that I had a hard time keeping track of the characters' motivations and the overall narrative. It felt like the script was patched together from various unrelated ideas, leaving me utterly perplexed and unsatisfied.

The characters in "Gemini Man" were one-dimensional at best and completely unrelatable. I couldn't find a single character to root for or connect with throughout the film. Their actions and decisions often made no sense, and their development was non-existent. I couldn't care less about their fates, which is a death knell for any movie.

The acting was equally uninspiring. The performances felt forced and lacked depth. It was evident that the actors were struggling with the poorly written dialogue and the lackluster direction. The chemistry between the lead characters, who were supposed to be at the heart of the story, was non-existent, leaving the audience without any emotional investment in their relationship. Trying to make more money for your family is nice, but at least bring someone who has talent.

Furthermore, the production values in "Gemini Man" were abysmal. The cinematography was lackluster, and the special effects were laughably bad. It felt like the film had a shoestring budget, and it showed in every frame. The lack of attention to detail was painfully apparent, further detracting from any potential enjoyment.

The pacing of the movie was excruciatingly slow, with long, drawn-out scenes that added nothing to the overall plot. I found myself constantly checking my watch, hoping for something, anything, to happen that would redeem this cinematic disaster.

In conclusion, "Gemini Mam" is a prime example of how not to make a movie. It is a disjointed, poorly acted, and visually unimpressive mess that left me feeling like I had wasted my time and money. I would strongly advise anyone to steer clear of this film unless they enjoy the torture of sitting through a two-hour trainwreck of a movie.
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1 July 2023
The boring example of the french movie star system. Stay away.

The pacing of the movie is uneven and sluggish, with long stretches of tedious dialogue and insignificant scenes that contribute nothing to the overall story. It feels as though the director attempted to create a contemplative atmosphere, but instead, it becomes an exercise in frustration as scenes drag on without purpose or substance. The lack of tension or narrative drive makes the film a tedious and tiresome viewing experience.

The plot of is equally lackluster, meandering aimlessly without a clear sense of direction or purpose. It attempts to delve into existential themes and the tortured artist trope but does so in a superficial and unengaging manner. The narrative feels disjointed and fails to provide any meaningful resolution or payoff, leaving viewers questioning the purpose of the entire film.

Sorry about all the stars who did accept to take part of it. It happens.
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The Offer (2022)
14 January 2023
I can't really know what's true in that serie, I guess I should read the book that they used for the series. But what I know is that this is one of the best story I've ever seen. It's fascinating. Each episode is crazy. I honestly don't care if actors look like the originals, or they don't. I thought it would bother me...but you are captivated by every scene, a d they become the real ones, episode after episode.

I'm discovering actors I've never seen, and it's making it like we are back to the seventies. They're all fantastic.

And Miles. Miles is turning into one of the best actor of his generation for sure.
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Avoid this movie
25 August 2021
Honestly, you can find all the ingredients of a bad comedy: bunch of clichés and a full set of recycled jokes.
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Too much of clichés
1 July 2021
Kid plays badly, and the story is way too predictable.
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Go Fast (2008)
So so
1 July 2021
This "polar" (French use this term for this type of movie) does not have enough impact. But more importantly: never use a French actor to pretend be an American citizen speaking French with a fake American accent. It's ridiculous and it kills it!
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A good movie but too far from the reality
21 May 2021
"La French finally offers beautiful moments of cinema. It is precious. But when the "truthful" becomes a commercial argument, there is deception on the product.". It was written on Lexpress magazine, and I fully agree. This judge was assassinated and when you make a movie out of it, you must respect his memory. There are too many invented facts in this movie.
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Bertrand Blier doing Bertrand Blier's job
13 July 2020
Bertrand Blier is definitely always filming unconventional movies and this one is using love, sickness and somehow solitude as central topics with a good trio of actors (I want to put Anne Alvaro at the same level than Dujardin and Dupontel) putting the scene in a dramatic set up.
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Comedy in the pure tradition of the 60s
13 July 2020
"Les bons vivants" is not known as much as "La grande vadrouille" or "Les tontons flingueurs" but it has the same ingredients with great actors like De Funes, Bernard Blier, Mireille Darc, Francis Blanche with a story that has this very French rascal twitch.
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A crazy love story
11 July 2020
Patrick Deweare and Clio Goldsmith are forming an amazing couple at the beginning of an extraordinary love story. The main character's explanation that accompanies the actiin makes the story with more sense because it's quite irrational...but so powerful!
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A simple story
11 July 2020
This is the second movie from actor Sam Karmann with a good cast (Gerard Lanvin, Jacques Gambling and Clovis Cornillac) for quite a simple story about two poor lost guys and another one who doesn't want to go back to jail.
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Les marmottes (1993)
What's up in a family?
5 July 2020
This movie by Elie Chouraqi deeply resonates in me with all the various "love and hate" situations between characters, the back and fourths, and replicas happening during a family gathering in the alps.
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Curious but rather interesting sci-fi movie
28 June 2020
The movie is using Josef Mengele performed by Gregory Peck, was released in 1978. Mengele died in 79, that has been discovered in 1985 and fully confirmed in 1992. It must have been taken some imagination to think of such a story and the film depicts some of the worst aspect of humanity can create. Lawrence Olivier is another great participants of the cast making the movie an interesting discovery after all.
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Power (1934)
Historical value!
28 June 2020
A few years later, the Jew Suss by Halan was giving its own perception of this historical fact for the purpose of Nazi propaganda. Yet, in 1934, Conrad Veidt and director Lothar Mendes escaped from Germany for the US and both participated to this well filmed movie that had a sort of Hollywood twich of the story of Josef Oppenheimer.
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To explore for nostalgia with the cast, not history
27 June 2020
The cast for this movie is phenomenal, probably not the direction of the movie and some scenes, nor the vision it gives in that historical facts but it gives a light on what happened in Palestine in 1948. The movie may have had problems to be released for its pro-Israel approach back in the sixties, it's quite interesting to see Issur Danielovitch, aka Kirk Douglas, being the hero here.
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Oy what a mensch!
26 June 2020
This story is quite a complicated one for just one man who is passively following his path along the way with 3 different woman. But I don't see it just as a comedy because of something from the past which is haunting him and might explain his attitude. Actors are all playing a very good part of this movie.
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Lost Bullet (2020)
The French know how to make crime movies
25 June 2020
With a well selected and fresh set of actors, this movie is giving us what Hollywood is usually providing us in terms of action and suspense, even though we know we should get a happy end.
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Quartet (2012)
Then let's get married
25 June 2020
Such a beautiful jage to life, opera and love that Dustin Hoffman gave us with those wonderful English actors and all the retired musicians who took part (look at the movie until the end). Watching this movie is like receiving a lesson of modesty and hope that leaves you very nostalgic, whatever your age can be. Admirable!
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Being There (1979)
We are all Chauncey
25 June 2020
The destiny of Mister Gardiner is not common but there is a lot of him in us. I felt very close to Chance, I was Chance. Peter Sellers was unique, and unfortunately it was his last movie. It's no coincidence he was so good in this character. Watch him and get to know him better, and you will understand what I meant.
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Howl (2010)
When movie goes with poetry
25 June 2020
Of course, "we" know Allen Ginsberg. I did not know him that much but this movie motivated me to learn more about him and get closer to poetry which is never a bad thing at all. James Franco is perfect and looks like him younger somehow.
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Le viager (1972)
French comedy full of sarcasm with great actors
23 June 2020
A doctor is giving another couple of years to live to the owner of a house in the south of France. He is suggested to sell it through a special way of financing (called "viager", a life annuity). Obviously the scenario written by the creator of Asterix and Obelix will happen in an unpredictable manner for the new owner of the house who has to wait for the death of the initial owner... A typical French comedy!
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Boogie Nights (1997)
A crazy funny film
23 June 2020
I heard that Mark Walhberg had some regret playing in the film but I'd say except for the last scene that he should be proud of it since it's a very interesting story with a great set of actors. Crazy times I guess and it's more a sociologic movie than any kind of movie for voyeurs if you see what I mean...
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Interesting sociological movie
23 June 2020
I did not expect Gregory Peck in such a drama. A very interesting noir film. The music from Johnny Cash is going quite well with obviously.
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