
2 Reviews
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Girl Meets World (2014–2017)
BMW Fan - Excited for GMW before, even more excited now.
27 June 2014
Just watched the pilot and am excited for the rest of the season. Huge fan of Boy Meets World, so I was super excited for this. But I also tried to keep my expectations in check - it's its own show, the 1st season of BMW was fairly cheesy, etc. Well, I really liked it.

Of course I'd like more Cory and Topanga, but the show is about Riley and her journey. And the two of them are incorporated, and I imagine will continue to be. (Think of how much we got to see of Amy and Alan's perspectives and they didn't even have the cult following.) I love the relationship between Riley and Maya - very Cory and Shawn. I think the actress playing Riley has the right amount of preteen curiosity and awkwardness as well as the ability to deliver humor. She seems like she'll be able to "grow with the show" as Cory did.

My only complaint is that some themes seem a bit forced - the "finding the world and making it yours" repeated over and over, and the "Riley is going to save Maya" motif is a little obvious. However, it's a kids show, so adult viewers need to remember that kids don't pick up on repetitive elements as easily.

For those worried about it being too "Disney", all I have to say is that after watching part of the "Disney Channel Original Movie" that was on before the pilot, this show is MUCH better than typical Disney shows. I think it has a lot of potential.

I think true fans of BMW - the ones who love it for the wholesome and important messages it sent - should give this show a chance. As much as the majority of its viewership is probably made up of the adults 20+ who grew up with the original, the show is for a new generation. And I, for one, am happy that Michael Jacobs and April Kelly are bringing this kind of programming to today's kids. I think fans of the old will appreciate the tributes and similarities, and new fans will enjoy a new, quality show for a generation that needs it.
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If you're a fan of the book, don't watch
13 May 2013
This is the worst book-to-movie adaptation I have ever seen. And I'm not one of those people who generally gets super frustrated with movie versions because "it's not how I imagined it". But this was just awful. It is one thing to cut scenes for time - that's understandable. It is entirely different to completely change everything - the characters, the story-line, the ending. So many missing details (including ones necessary to the plot) and so many...strange...changes. It seriously was like the screenplay writer asked someone to quickly summarize the book for him, and afterward, he went to write it and just BSed any plot holes he was missing from not actually reading it.

Positive comments: Ugh....not many. The acting wasn't terrible. Jeremy Irons does a great Macon and Emmy Rosum was perfect as Ridley. I wasn't fond of the guy who played Ethan and his accent (which he isn't supposed to have anyway) was pretty terrible. But he wasn't bad. There's only so much an actor can do with a bad script, so I feel like they did their best.

I can't speak for those who haven't read the book, though since this left out all the good parts of the actual story, I can't imagine it would make much sense to someone unfamiliar with it. But if you have read the book and you liked the book and you can't wait to see your favorite parts played out, don't watch this movie. You will be disappointed and so frustrated that you feel the need to write reviews on IMDb to warn people.
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