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I'm not revealing anything, and neither is the movie
8 April 2024
I thought I was settling in to watch a campy and funny movie, but what I got was a bunch of great grandmas covered in a wrinkle in fact......a lot of wrinkles in costumes that would make their grandkids cringe and change their names. There's absolutely nothing redeemable about this movie to recommend it for anyone to watch.

The canned laughter is annoying and the costume of the bigfoot is so bad that at times you can see the straps that tied it together in the back, it's about the quality one would expect to get at Target. I'm willing to bet that every actress in this movie was alive when the US flag had fewer than 48 stars....yes they're that old.
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Strays (2023)
Not my kind of comedy
18 February 2024
Let me start off by saying that I have never enjoyed a Will Farrell movie. I'm not passing judgement on his many fans, some people obviously like his sense of humor, but I don't get him. With the exception of Land of the Lost (which was barely ok because I used to watch the show as a kid) and Elf (which I couldn't walk out of because I was on a date) I have never been able to sit through the whole movie. Now don't get me wrong, some of his SNL skits were absolutely hilarious, so I know he can be funny but when it's stretched out to feature films it's just grating. I lasted less than half an hour into this. It started out with promise, the dog's owner was a real jerk and (like real dogs do) the dog couldn't see that, and it had some decent humor, but then the film couldn't go 5 minutes without the f bomb. That's not comedy. I started to ask myself 'Who did they make this for exactly?' Kids can't watch it and dogs swearing was only funny for about 2 minutes. It's not like I'm against profanity because I think Scarface is a masterpiece, but like every other Will Farrell movie, this film is unwatchable.
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As a Tarzan fan I was pleasantly surprised
19 January 2024
I've been a Tarzan fan for pretty much my whole life when I read my mom's copy of Tarzan and the Madman. Watching the Jonny Weissmuller movies as a kid and the Ron Ely series later and owning all of the Burroughs books doesn't make me an expert, just a great fan. I don't believe there's even one Tarzan movie that I haven't seen, the Jock Mahoney, Mike Henry, Bo Derek and the Elmo Lincoln silent film versions included, I have no idea how I missed this in theaters. Having said all that, I think they did a remarkable job on this film. Instead of (like most Tarzan films) starting the movie with a background story this began with Lord Greystoke (John Clayton) already in London. The background was covered in flashbacks as the movie went on. The story itself is very good. Samuel Jackson did an excellent job with his character and had one scene where I was nearly falling off my couch with laughter. Christoph Waltz as always does a fine job as well as Margot Robbie and Alexander Skarsgard as Tarzan. Overall I really recommend it for Tarzan fans, I think you'll enjoy it.
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Well that was disappointing
19 September 2023
I really wanted to like it I had such high hopes, but this project is just a mess. The animation is good, very good, but that's the only plus about it. It's boring as all get out. For some (absolutely unknown) reason they decided to take He-Man out of the plot of most of this and make it about Teela. Why didn't he just make a Teela show and call it that? I don't have a clue who this was supposed to be geared towards? Kids that don't know who He-Man is? Old fans of the show? (they really blew that one if that was their goal) Girls who want to become She-ra? Why not make a She-ra show instead of a petulant Teela saves the day show? They could have added some reverb to He-Man's voice to make it more like the original and speaking of voices, Cringer and Skeletor are just plain awful. The voice actors on the old show were excellent. It's sad because this could have been so much better than it is.
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As a retired controller, I enjoyed it
6 September 2023
This is a fairly decent movie about the jobs air traffic controllers do. I did the job for 25yrs and retired. They actually got a lot right in this. Most of the phraseology they used was close, and the equipment breaking down all the time really does happen. ATC facilities have back up generators that kick in when the power fails though, so outages are short. The personalities in the movie were close to what you find with actual controllers. Guys burning out after a crash and not coming back, strong personalities that have to work independently and as a team at the same time, that sinking feeling when you have to ask a pilot how many souls on board. If you've ever wondered about all the people involved and what they do just to get planes from one place to another I recommend watching this.
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The Twilight Zone: Time Enough at Last (1959)
Season 1, Episode 8
Incredibly painful and sad episode
11 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
There's no doubt that Rod Serling was an incredibly gifted writer and had a flair for unexpected twists in many of his stories. This episode however has a twist that ranks as one of the saddest (along with The Lonely) and cruelest I've ever seen.

Henry Bemis (a wonderful Burgess Meridith) is a booking bank teller whose only wish in life is to be left alone to read. He wears coke bottle glasses and is abused and berated by everyone in his life. His wife, his boss, his customers at the bank, everyone. He tells his boss that his wife is so against him reading things that she takes everything away from him (going so far as to ruining one of his favorite books) and he resorts to even reading the ingredients on ketchup bottles.

Then one day while reading inside the bank vault on his lunch hour disaster strikes in the form of a nuclear bomb, killing everyone but him. He wanders about, finding food, and even finding a gun where the viewer is left wondering if he'll use it to end it all, when he suddenly sees the rubble of a library. He finally has all he ever wanted: all the time in the world and books books and even more books to read. But when he bends over to pick one up, his glasses fall breaking the lenses leaving him all but blind.

This episode could have easily ended with him happily on his own reading the many books he's found, but that would have been a happy ending. The cruel twist takes a born loser who finally wins out after suffering a lifetime of cruelty and briefly gives him a few moments of joy only to snatch it away from him with shocking swiftness. I love this episode but cringe with sadness at its cruelty.
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The Twilight Zone: The Lonely (1959)
Season 1, Episode 7
Shocking ending
11 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This episode, while ranked as one of the best in the series is to me, one of the saddest. Jack Warden plays a character (Arthur Curry) sentenced to (solitary) confinement on an asteroid far from earth. It's a barren desolate wasteland (filmed in Death Valley) where nothing else lives and his only contact with humans is when the supply ships come to replenish his supplies. On one of these trips he's left a crate by a compassionate captain (John Dehner) and his obnoxious crewman (Ted Knight practicing for his character on The Mary Tyler Moore show) and told to open it after the ship leaves. In the crate he finds a female shaped robot named Alicia, totally human looking, complete with emotions. At first he rejects her, but as time passes he feels actual love towards her. Yes she's a robot, but she brings him the one thing everyone in life needs: companionship and love. He's no longer lonely.

Then one day a supply ship arrives early. The previous men (Dehner and Knight) arrive to tell him he's been paroled and they have to leave in 20 minutes or they'll never make it to earth. But, he can only bring 15lbs worth of possessions. He wants to bring Alicia but John Dehner says it's impossible, and promptly pulls out a gun and shoots her in the face destroying her. Dehner then tells Curry 'The only thing you'll be leaving here is loneliness'. Jack Warden (looking at the body) responds 'Yeah'.

I guess it's a social commentary about our attachments to mechanical belongings, and how disposable those things (should be?) are? Even after all these years I'm still shocked by the reaction of Warden's character to losing a love with a simple 'Yeah'. It makes you think.
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Star Trek: The Way to Eden (1969)
Season 3, Episode 20
No middle ground on this one
29 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is certainly one of the most divisive Star Trek episodes from the original series. And continues the season 3 curse of bad ones. When I was younger, I thought it had potential, some humor and I also thought the female hippies were hot. The whole concept of them calling Kirk 'Herbert' kind of made me laugh at the rebellion against authority. Rewatching it as an adult? Wow, this is pretty bad.

Skip Homeier's ears look like they were transplanted from an elephant and chewed down by a rat. Chekov's girlfriend's accent just annoys the heck out of me, and I really noticed on this one how his combover came all the way from the back of his head. His hair was longer than Raquel Welch's.

The hippies take over the ship with no problem (why the heck did Kirk let them just roam around trying to convert the crew with terrible music?) after Chekov basically gives them a blueprint on how to do it, Spock apparently falls under the spell of the guy in a skirt enough to play with them in a jam session, and then they escape in a shuttle craft to a planet of acid (no subtlety there is there?). I have to rank it near the bottom as episodes go.
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Absolutely the best Asylum movie to date
24 April 2023
Asylum has quite a reputation for putting out schlock movies that are close to imitating real movies but not as good. The acting can be terrible, the writing almost always is but you know what you're getting when you see 'Asylum'. THIS MOVIE however firmly puts tongue in cheek and makes fun of other Asylum movies by having aliens recreate the monsters from Asylum movies and attacking earth. It's the closest thing Asylum has made to a Sharknado movie. In fact, one of the most hilarious parts is when a megalodon tosses the six headed shark into the blades of a helicopter you can't help but laugh.

The acting in this one is actually pretty good, and the writing is much better than I've come to expect from Asylum. In fact, the guy playing 'Actor' needs to be brought back in more movies because he just keeps you laughing every scene he's in. This is probably the first Asylum movie that I recommend people watch. Worth the time.
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Some movies are so bad they're good, this isn't one of them
14 April 2023
Sadly, the acting in this film is High School film class quality. The lead actress has fake eyelashes long enough to dust furniture and the poor kids are smiling at times when they're supposed to be terrified.

After an earthquake (?) a woman taking her kids to Grandma's house stops along the side of the road and hears loud scratching noises on the roof. ANYONE with even a lick of sense would drive off, instead, her and the kids get out and see a monster on the roof. Then instead of jumping back into the car where it's safe they run away with all the quickness of a sloth. They come across two guys covered in blood that tell them there's monsters nearby and that they came from a cave. They hear growling noises coming from inside the cave and what do they do? They run into the cave. The woman and kids then run to a house with a front door that couldn't stay closed against a slight breeze let alone monsters. There's a motley crew of people inside including a nun with a bad accent and changing complexion, and 4 others. The CGI isn't super bad but the writing, the terrible acting and bad plot lines (people do stuff that no one would ever do) just distract from everything so much that it's unwatchable. Nobody in this movie is afraid, there's T-Rex, giant spiders and other monsters running around and nobody shows even a hint of terror. Even though a couple of the actors give it a valiant effort, it's just terrible directing. Not worth seeing this one.
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Sharkula (2022)
The budget must have been around $500
15 March 2023
I'm not even sure where to start. I've seen bad movies before, and I've acted on stage with poor actors, but this movie has both in spades.

I think most of it was literally shot on somebody's tracphone. The refresh rate gives about half the film a feel of slow motion that can make you queasy just watching it. The actors (bless them) are trying but it's pretty easy to see that they're amateurs of the first kind working with a script that needs a lot of help. Nobody seems to really show any emotion in their roles, they just read the lines. The guy that plays Renfield kind of reminds me of somebody imitating John Lovitz but I was distracted by and had to laugh at his eyes moving back and forth as he read from his cue cards. Every 10 minutes or so the film cuts to a character (somebody's girlfriend maybe?) of a woman standing on a beach twirling some things with lights. No idea what that's all about? It's about the only parts of the film shot with a passable camera.

The set is someone's poorly lit house and unfinished basement, and special effects are limited to a rubber shark head, a rubber bat, and some stuff done on somebody's laptop. They really should name their company Amateur Studios, because this is the kind of stuff you see from a High School drama class.

I give it one and a half stars because (although it is really bad) these guys are trying and you have to start somewhere.
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The Outer Limits: Heart's Desire (1997)
Season 3, Episode 8
Old West redemption, with aliens
11 July 2022
I grew up on the original series in the 60's. Personally I think this episode is much better than many of the OS, and is one of my favorites of the new series. The acting is very good and the story is as good as most movies you see today. If you've ever seen the movie Chronicle you'll see a lot of similarities. Worth the viewing.
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Terrible show
27 June 2022
Whenever I hear a laugh track on a show to tell me when I should laugh, I know it's not going to be a good show. This show stays true to form. The premise is good but the execution and writing are bad. Don't waste your time.
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Redline (2007)
The cars are cool
15 March 2022
Honestly they could have gotten 10x the box office with an R rating and a little skin. Without that, all they have is a movie with a stunningly gorgeous star and some beautiful cars to look at.
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Dexter: New Blood (2021–2022)
How disappointing
11 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
We were really looking forward to The New Blood because the original show ended poorly with bad story lines. They were running out of ideas and they could have just ended it Sopranos like having Dexter head out into the hurricane. But they didn't, so they had a chance to redeem themselves by creating New Blood. Yes he was a serial killer, but he was killing serial killers that were getting away with murder. That appealed to everyone's perception of the legal system and sense of justice in seeing the bad guys get theirs in the end.

One of the great things about the character was how thorough he was in the original show. Throw that out the window in New Blood. They totally went against character by making him sloppy, and then compounded it with really sloppy writing. A forensic specialist in Boonyville NY walks around the crime scene after dozens of people have been there walking in the snow and determines it was murder??? It went downhill from there. After an obnoxious and totally unlikeable Harrison showed up we guessed the outcome weeks ago. While Dexter was doing things for the right reasons Harrison was doing them for all the wrong reasons. After the whole Miami homicide division apparently went after a red herring, an internet influencer and terrible police woman from nowhere solve the mystery??? Wow this was bad.

We're not going to watch the Harrison story (with Dexter as his muse no doubt) when they come out with it. Harry taught Dexter the code when he was still alive, having Dexter teach Harrison the code just won't work because he's imaginary. Sad, they should have left it alone.
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The Book of Boba Fett (2021–2022)
2 January 2022
Episode 1 did a good job framing the story in the spirit of the first 3 movies (Ep IV-VI). I think that's what I like most about The Mandalorian. I didn't care much at all for the last 3 movies. It will be interesting to see where they go with it.
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Much longer than Chapter One but half the enjoyment
6 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
After seeing Chapter One I expected so much more, unfortunately IT didn't deliver. The film starts out with an overly graphic bashing scene that tries hard to be topical but instead seems to be there just to dare you to criticize it's honesty. And things just go downhill from there. The Loser's Club of the first film reunites 27 years later to have another go at defeating Pennywise, but where the kids were charming and you wanted to root for them, the adults all go separate ways to have their own jump scene moments through an overly long two hour middle section of the film. The film bogs because it keeps showing flashbacks to when they were kids instead of building the characters as adults. The effect is that you never really care about them as adults, they're just an excuse to show CGI monsters that never really scare you on any level. The pacing of the film is so roughshod that it never lets any suspense build as it jumps from one scene to the next, while you keep checking your watch wondering how much more of this you'll have to endure. The middle becomes a bit of a horror film mish mash with an homage to John Carpenter's The Thing (verbatim quote and all) a little bit of Toy Story erector spider, a dash of Poltergeist's Native American mumbo jumbo added in with a couple of million years old space entity tossed in in case you needed something to understand what they're up against. James McAvoy's character is jokingly referred to as an author whose book endings suck (a nod to the book) and unfortunately this film doesn't improve on the novel. It's just an overly long series of vignettes that tie to Chapter One in an unsatisfying way.
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John Carter (2012)
Surprisingly good
3 September 2019
I really don't get all the hate for this movie. It's a great Sci-fi film with a lot of humor and character. I think if Disney were to re-release it describing it as a cross between Star Wars and Marvel they'd make a ton of money.
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That's how I got into Julliard
17 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This short is one of those rare productions where you're either going to go with it and have a good time, or you're going to be lost and (no disgrace in that) go 'What did I just watch?' It's a play within a play within a play with several (sometimes hilarious) 'in' jokes like commercials for Checkhov's Gun 'You know you're going to fire it'. Those involved in the performing arts will probably get laughs and enjoyment out of this and for those who don't understand it it's perfectly fine. It's art and open to one's own interpretation. Stranger Thing's David Harbour does a great job in several roles and it's fun to see Mary Woronov in fine form too.
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According to Jim: Heaven Opposed to Hell (2009)
Season 8, Episode 18
Excellent way to end the show
15 July 2019
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This was a fitting end to this great show. For 8 seasons Jim was always a guy trying to do the right thing but sometimes for the wrong reasons. The guest stars are hilarious, Erik Estrada as a smiling leering devil only to be outdone by Lee Majors as an ogling God (Leering at Courtney Thorne Smith) as he tries to rush things so he can go play golf with Bob Hope. It was a hilarious parody of the hypocrisy of religion and it's leaders who are supposed to be morally upstanding but fail miserably. The ending of the episode was a perfect example of the running theme of the series: No matter the tribulations in life your family is your family and love will get you through things and keep you together always. A fine end to a funny show.
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Krypton (2018–2019)
Just plain bad
9 June 2019
I wanted to like this show, I really did, but I just can't. The acting is terrible (really terrible) they make Haydn Christensen look animated. Granted they can only do what they can with this terrible script but we're just watching them read utterly boring lines. The only emotion the lead character can muster is a scowl even when his parents are offed right in front of him, let alone the fact that the killer was none other than his girlfriend's mother. Oooohhh the tension, and he doesn't even grieve. The writers apparently thought 'Well they're dead, let's move on' was good plot development. He then joins up with the bad guys in a ploy that you can see coming from light years away as he's going to betray them. The visuals are great but other than that I can't see anything redeeming about this show.
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Our Planet (2019–2023)
17 May 2019
I was really looking forward to enjoying this series because of the variations presented in each episode. From desert to arctic to grasslands, it has it all. We live on an amazing planet and I love seeing nature in ways that I would never experience without the benefit of fantastic cameramen with endless patience waiting for that perfect shot. The problem I have with it is that I don't want to be reminded every 5 minutes how we're ruining the planet. Are we on a course towards disaster? Yes we are. Are we warming the planet? Yes we are. Do I need to be told a dozen times an hour how badly we are treating the earth? No I do not. I don't know if they think I didn't hear it the first twenty times they told me, or if they just want to keep hammering it home expecting me to send money to someone? On the visuals presented, I give this a 9, but sadly on the preachy narrative I have to give it less than 1.
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Safari Tracks (2005– )
Kind of a dangerous show for kids
22 March 2019
For the most part, this show is very interesting and informative for kids. The unfortunate part of the show is that the host tries to be funny at times but his advice could be fatal. Some of the advice he gives is just extremely wrong. Example: 'If you're ever alone and lost in the jungle, millipedes taste just like licorice.' Now if your child (or an unknowing adult for that matter) were to hear that and commit it to memory, it could prove lethal if they ever tried to find out. Millipedes are highly poisonous. Yes, later on he mentions that they excrete a poisonous liquid, but should a show that purports to give facts on animals be giving kids advice that could kill them? I don't think so.
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I love this movie
7 June 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I am often asked, 'Why do you put jelly on your Egg McMuffins?' I always reply, 'For the very same reason I love King Kong Escapes. It's a matter of taste!'

If you're really into high tech special effects, realistic looking monsters, and elaborate sets that aren't miniatures.............this just isn't your type of movie, because this film surely has none of that. It has good guys, really evil bad guys (one who finds redemption in the end) a dinosaur battle complete with drop kicks, the mysterious Element X, and a giant robot Kong that just won't tire.

The evil Dr. Who (voice dubbed by Paul Frees) builds a mechanical King Kong to mine the mysterious Element X which is to be used to create a nuclear arsenal. Unfortunately the radiation from Element X disables his mechanical Kong, and he is forced to kidnap the real Kong from Mondo Island, and (using mind control) have him dig it up himself. Dr. Who's plans are foiled by an American submarine commander and his cohorts (who are researching Kong) and King Kong himself who escapes Dr. Who and battles the Mechni Kong in the middle of Tokyo in a showdown that just can't be watched with a straight face.

This movie makes me laugh from start to finish. Whether you're a kid, or an adult it's just pure entertainment. It tries to make you think it takes itself seriously, while totally showing you at the same time that it doesn't. It's the 'Princess Bride' of monster movies.
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What a convoluted mess
23 December 2004
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I am sorry to say I wasted my time and money on this movie. I own the first one (Oceans Eleven)and have watched it numerous times. Too much of the cast (Andy Garcia, Bernie Mac, Carl Reiner, Eddie Jemison etc.) are just cameos in this one. Plus Terry Benedict just comes up to these guys and says get me the money plus interest or else. In 2 weeks? Then they, in a matter of days raise a whole building 3 inches. Without anyone noticing. No cracks in the walls or anything? Then Catherine Zeta Jones just walks in and goes, "Well someone beat them to it, and here is where they used a crossbow and you will find the building has been raised 3 inches." Come on, who wrote this? Then the contortionist thief guy just happens to know the exact timing of the laser beams for the alarm system. Didn't they say it was RANDOM? That scene was a total ripoff of Zeta Jones laser dodging in that robbery movie with Sean Connery, Entrapment. If you haven't seen this yet I recommend you rent Battlefield Earth and watch it. If you think THAT sucks multiply it x3 and you have how I feel about Oceans Twelve. If you think Battlefield Earth is a cinema treasure you might just want to check this one out then.
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