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If Only...
5 January 2024
If Halloween Ends had been unrelated to the world of Michael Myers and Laurie Strode, it would have been a fun watch. Rohan Campbell did a great job descending into madness as Corey; his performance reminded me of a scaled back transformation of Arnie in Christine.

But in a film that was supposed to be the ultimate/final showdown of Laurie VS Michael (which the trailer also hyped), the director chose to focus on Corey's bullying and revenge/evil storyline for most of the runtime. Jamie Lee Curtis was great as always, the violence was plentiful, and the score was awesome. Halloween Ends was better (IMO) than Halloween Kills, but it still wasn't great.
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Deviant Love (2019)
Bad Acting and Ignored Red Flags
1 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The acting in this movie leaves a lot to be desired. Everyone treats the grandson (Preston) like he's 5 years old, the main character looks past clear red flags for the guy she's dating:

1. He tells you days after meeting that he's in the CIA and is being monitored. 2. He has some weird qualities, like being concerned about chemicals and poisons in bottled water and green beans. 3. Oh yeah, and he has the same name as your cousin... the one who tormented you as a kid.

Just avoid this movie... it's like a rejected Lifetime movie.
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Lake Mungo (2008)
It Lingers
14 October 2020
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The thing about Lake Mungo is it's not over when the movie ends. It has a creepy, realistic vibe while the movie is going. To be clear, it's not terrifying; it's like you're watching a real documentary with video footage of a hoax... or a phenomena. Some may feel it moves slow. What bumps this up from a 7 or 8 star movie for me to a 10 is the fact that when the movie ends, the creepiness resonates. The movie lingers with you. And that makes it a far above average, well done mockumentary.
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House of the Witch (2017 TV Movie)
Predictable and Cliche
19 September 2020
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Predictable at every turn with a cliche cast. Teenagers want to scare each other on Halloween so they go to an alleged haunted house where, surprise, they encounter the vengeful spirit of an accused witch. They try to escape, and, shocking absolutely no horror fan, the doors are all stuck and the windows boarded up.

Slowly they each end up attacked until they eventually figure out what's going on. We get down to our cliche "final girl" and it seems like she's made it! She's outside the house, the police are present, she's going to get away! Except the smoke that represents the witch shows up and... cut to daybreak? The cops bring poor survival girl to a squad car to sit.

The walk from the house to the car is agonizingly long and shot in slow-mo. The camera angles make it clear that it's not our survivor girl, but is the alleged witch finally freed from the house. This sequence did not have to take as long as it did to play out.

I'd give it less than two stars, but I've actually seen worse. Don't waste your time on this movie.
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This Movie is Not a 10!
12 September 2020
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I've honestly seen worse movies, and I somewhat enjoyed the plot. There are just far too many problems with this movie for it to be enjoyable. All of the characters are scuzzy in their own way. We have a clear alcoholic, a guy who is willing to cheat on his girlfriend (who is present and in the other room by the way), a guy who regularly makes it clear he'd sleep with anyone's girlfriend in college, oh and also wants to hook up with one of his married friends... there's just no one to root for in this movie.

Sylvia (Carrie Preston) is clearly off and/or evil from the beginning so there's no surprise when she starts acting violently toward her late husband's alleged friends.

The actual twist at the end is one that may initially make you go, "Oh!" until you realize it would never be a viable tactic. Signing anything, including a guest book, without knowing it was actually a consent form for an experiment would never hold up in court. All participants would have been hauled off for questioning... the ending was just dumb.
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Sunny Bunnies (2015– )
4 September 2020
There's no dialogue in this show, which seemed odd at first. But I watch it with my 3 year old nephew and we both crack up at the silly things the bunnies do. There's not a lot to learn from this show, which in which each episode is super short, but it's funny and entertaining.
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Delirium (I) (2018)
Well Done
19 August 2020
A well done psychological thriller. After being released from a mental institution, Tommy (Topher Grace) is plagued by visions. From his dead father to his imprisoned brother, the things he sees and hears torment him. Tommy is put under 30 day house arrest at his late father's house. All he has to do is make it 30 days and then he's free to go where he pleases. But can he make it a month without his visions causing him harm?

An eerie film with a couple of minor jump scares. Topher Grace's acting is very well done in the movie and the story itself keeps you interested from start to finish as you try to figure out what's real and what's in Tommy's head.
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I Fell Asleep During This
9 August 2020
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The premise of this movie really have me high hopes that it would be a titillating thriller. Unfortunately, I almost fell asleep a couple of times during the first 45 minutes because the story failed to hold my interest.

The movie starts with a little girl having trouble sleeping because of something scary in her room. Her mother comforts her and puts her back to bed but her closet door reopens on its own and as the girl hides under her covers, we see the silhouette of a creature standing by her bed. When the covers are pulled away, the creature is gone and her mother is there to once again comfort her.

We flash forward several years. Savannah is a best selling author of a book that (this movie's) Stephen King said chilled him to the core. But all is not well with her. We see her visit her psychiatrist to discuss her progress in leading a normal life. We learn that she's dating Jack, and that she feels guilty for her mother's suicide all through exposition during the counseling session.

She eventually goes on a trip with her boyfriend and two of their friends to spend some time in a remote cabin 6 hours away. This is where some things fail to add up.

They leave at around 10:30 AM, but even though it's only a 6 hour drive, they make it to the cabin after nightfall. They run into Savannah's brother(?) sitting in the dark cabin, which seems very random. When Paul, one of Savannah's friends, goes missing later that night, his girlfriend (Faith) assumes he went for a run. He's still missing the next morning so they go looking for him.

At this point things go from 0 to 60 as Faith finds Paul's corpse in the woods near the cabin. She accuses Savannah because of an audio recording Paul apparently made on his phone the night before. The recording is of Paul confronting Savannah and sexually propositioning her to buy his silence because of a secret he's uncovered in the cabin. It just goes off the rails from there. Without further spoiling things, Savannah ends up being the only one from that group alive at the finale.

The acting is pretty wooden and boring. Andy Buckley's portrayal of the sheriff is well done but that's about it. There aren't any real scares in this movie, and there are too many cuts between present day, the past, and a different subject also occurring during present day. I wouldn't say this is the worst film, but it's not really worth watching.
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Host (II) (2020)
Surprisingly Good
31 July 2020
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I didn't think I'd like this movie as much as I did. I figured it'd be another low budget horror film with terrible events befalling the main characters for not taking their situation seriously. While that's kind of what this is, the difference is that the acting is well done, and you get to see the characters interact a bit before the creepy things begin to happen.

The use of Zoom was a fun touch because it's relevant for the current time, the pandemic really is going on, and with Zoom you have creative backgrounds you can use and time limits for the meetings. All of that worked really well for some of the scares. While you don't get a ton of character backstory, you don't really need it in a 56 minute movie.

The shorter run time helps this movie to avoid some of the tropes similar films have suffered from... there isn't needless fighting, the story doesn't revolve around predictable jump scares or irrelevant storylines to pad the runtime.

Haley gets a group of friends together on Zoom to work with a medium to contact spirits. Jemma doesn't take it seriously and pretends to be contacted by a dead friend. Because she made this up, she inadvertently invited a demonic entity into their session, one that proceeds to target each person on the meeting until no one is left. Just when they think they've properly broken the circle and saved themselves, they find out how wrong they are and that none of them can run or hide from the demonic presence.

Well done and worth a watch!
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The Laramie Project (2002 TV Movie)
Well Done
24 June 2020
This was a well done movie touching on the tragic events surrounding Matthew Shephard's murder. There are plenty of highly recognizable celebrities such as Christina Ricci, Joshua Jackson, Clea DuVal and Steve Buscemi in this movie. The movie is shot in the style of recreated interviews from after the actual attack and murder occurred. The acting is well done and you can't help but be drawn into the story. It's actually based on the true events, so you learn a lot about the murder that eventually helped change many of the LGBTQ laws in the US.
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24 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
While not the worst movie I've seen, there were too many predictable moments to make this enjoyable. Lines like, "What would we do without you?" make it painfully obvious that a character is going to die soon. And some of the characters make nonsensical choices that result in their demise.

At one point in the movie, Melissa's friend Courtney discovers that Grandma is unstable and potentially violent. She films Grandma yelling at Annie and her friend while holding a knife, and does nothing to hide herself after doing so. Grandma easily sees her filming her and wags a finger at her. Instead of immediately calling or texting Melissa, she goes home and uploads the video on her computer. When Grandma breaks into her house, she doesn't call the police or try to defend herself... she runs to her computer to hide the video in a folder. She then turns around and is immediately killed by Grandma. It was an easily avoidable death, yet she did nothing to try and prevent it.

It's things like this coupled with mediocre acting by some of the cast that causes this to be an average movie. It had some potential but squandered it.
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The Bone Box (2020)
Mediocre at Best
21 June 2020
Not the worst movie I've seen, but not a very entertaining one either. The acting was medicore and the scares were minimal. There were a couple creepy moments with the ghosts but most of the scares were predictable or have been done dozens of times before. I found it hard to route for any of the characters so I didn't really care about what happened to any of them. It's not really a waste of time to watch it but you can find better movies to watch.
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Terrible Casting
2 April 2020
How did they so badly miscast this movie? If you can get past the subpar acting from Ashley Rickards (Mallory), and the predictable storyline, you'll end up unable to get past the bad casting. Parker Mack (Mark) and Ashley are obviously in their 20's even though it's made clear in the movie that Mark is 17 (turning 18). This fact makes some of the conflict in the film (underage drinking, sexual hookups and moving out) laughable as these legal aged actors fail to convince anyone that Mom can still ground them from their video games and hangouts.
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Pleasant Surprise
24 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I wasn't sure what to expect going into this movie. At first I was a little bored but as the story built and the twists were revealed, I found myself truly enjoying it.

The story focuses on two exceptional musicians who meet and hook up. While on vacation together one becomes incredibly ill and sees bugs coming out of her skin. Her friend/lover suggests she cut off her hand to get rid of the bug infestation and so she does. It is at this point we're treated to a flashback showing what really led up to the bug hallucination. The story takes a bit of a revenge angle after that, but throws another twist into the mix near the end.

I highly recommend giving this movie a chance. It's well written, well acted, and properly executed. It's not an award winning film but the entertainment factor is there.
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A Wife's Nightmare (2014 TV Movie)
Decent, Not Great
21 March 2020
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I decided to watch this because I'm a fan of Jennifer Beals. The acting was fine, although the story wasn't entirely original. There are several movies out there with the "husband or wife is having an affair when will they be caught?" premise, and many of those other movies do it with more suspense.

What I liked about this story was (spoiler) Caitlin isn't the long lost daughter, but the mistress. The daughter angle was new to me, and added a little bit of suspense to some of the other interactions in the movie. But I felt like some of the dialogue made the "twist" too obvious too early and the rest of the movie suffered for it.

Overall it's a slightly above average TV movie and if you have some time to kill I'd recommend it.
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Not the Worst, But Not Worth It
24 February 2020
I decided to watch this because I like horror and CM Punk is in it. The acting is bad, the story is tired, and the execution of the movie is poor at best.

A lot of the decisions that Don (Punk) makes are questionable at best and idiotic at worst. The house he and his wife purchase oozes various types of slime/goo and seems to shoot marbles out of random places. Instead of letting these oddities worry him, Don simply cuts out sections of the wall where there was ooze and puts in new drywall. He finds a wig in the wall but doesn't seem to find that disturbing at all. In addition to all of the oozing problems with the house, one bad thing keeps happening after another. The bedroom ceiling falls in, the plumbing acts up, the paint seems to boil at one point as he applies it to the wall, yet Don keeps on renovating without showing much frustration.

So many personality flaws and just dumb decisions. I wanted to like this movie but I just couldn't.
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3 from Hell (2019)
Not Bad
15 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I wasn't expecting a lot out of this because while I love Rob Zombie and horror, his movies are always hit or miss for me. This is actually one of my favorite movies he's done. House of 1000 Corpses as ok, Devil's Rejects was fantastic, some of the others had shining moments but this was just a solid film to me. The acting was great. Knowing about Sid's health during this time makes me ok with Spalding's limited appearance in the movie. The kills were gory, the language and nudity was on par with what I expected from a Zombie horror film. Was it the best movie ever? No. Was it worth of a 1-4 star rating? No, it's better than that.
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It Just Kind of Was
8 February 2020
To me this movie just kind of existed. It wasn't terrible by any means but I kept waiting for some twist or shock (other than the obvious) and one never came. The acting was good, the dialogue was fine, but a lack of suspense is what kept me from giving this movie a higher rating. It's still worth a watch though.
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Not So Crafty
20 January 2020
This is a pretty average movie. It starts off on an interesting note but it eventually becomes subpar and predictable. The final "boss" battle is anticlimactic and over before it really begins. From that point on the acting is pretty wooden.

Overall I enjoyed the movie enough to say it's worth the watch and average, but it's almost like they tried to make a slightly different, updated version of The Craft but failed to capture any of the charm or quality.
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14 Cameras (2018)
Not Terrible
19 January 2020
Not really a terrible movie. It's definitely not going down in the annals of film history as a stellar horror movie or a classic film but it's not a bad time. I enjoyed 13 Cameras (its predecessor) as much as this movie and have both the same rating.

The acting is fine, the Slumlord is creepy and unsettling just like in the original. It does make you wonder what all Airbnb type owners may be doing that their clients are unaware of. There's some gore but the majority of this movie leaves the graphic nature of the acts to the viewers imagination.
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A.M.I. (2019)
But Why?
1 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Like many of the reviews said, the actors are all clearly older than high school. But that aside, the acting is mostly terrible and things just seem to happen because they do. How does a "17-year-old" over power so many people and get away with multiple murders? Traumatic injury or not, an A.I. program isn't going to almost instantly turn someone into a cold, heartless killer.

This had the potential to be a great film but it fell short. Give it a watch if you're bored and have nothing else to watch, otherwise don't bother.
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Cry Wolf (2005)
Surprisingly Enjoyable
20 August 2019
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The reviews for the movie were mostly unflattering. The plot was predictable, the "twists" and "surprises" weren't entirely twisty or surprising enough. And yet, I was charmed by this movie. I enjoyed the acting and the story,no like the game they played and the overall outcome. The body count is low considering this is in the slasher genre, but all in all I think it's worth a watch.
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Dark Crimes (2016)
Wait, What?
15 August 2019
The end credits are rolling as I write this and I cannot tell you much about the movie. Jim Carrey's accent was all over the place during the movie which was fine... but I have no idea what just happened. I was so bored by the movie that after 30 or so minutes I started playing on my phone and missed the rest. It's really not worth the time. It's not that it's a bad movie, it's just painfully dull and forgettable.
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The Neighbor (II) (2017)
Slow, Awkward, Artsy
13 August 2019
I'm not sure if it was the script, the acting, the cinematography or a combination of the three but this movie was painful to watch. There was no real tension to speak of, and the movie just kind of ends. The acting felt clunky... it felt like (the character) Mike was shy, confused, and uninterested throughout most of the film. Almost every one of his lines was delivered slowly and without conviction. I don't recommend this movie. It's not the worst I've seen but it's pretty bad.
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24 July 2019
The weird thing about my experience with this movie is that I actually enjoyed it quite a bit. Even though it's not an entirely original premise and it was predictable, it was kind of fun. What kept me from giving this a higher rating was all of the plot holes. Check out the review that gave it a 10/10 and called it a great comedy because that review did a great job of pointing out the plot holes!
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