
13 Reviews
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Stars on Mars (2023– )
Show Created based on a Ryhme an intern who was told to come up with titles that Rhyme with Stars
26 June 2023
I thought I didn't know any of these "Stars" but to prove that the producers are awful humans, they allowed Lance Armstrong to make money for doing nothing. A huger cheater, liar, bully, and enormous jerk. He should not be allowed to use his name to make money. Since he is famous for what is mentioned previously. The show is not good, not compelling, or funny. Shatner is a big jerk, (We are from the same city, so I know but he never cheated in sports. Other titles the intern wrote down. Stars in Bars, Stars on Cars, Stars named Lars, Star with SARS, A Star in Tar, and Stores at Wars. These nothings are given space tasks that are carried out with minimum enthusiasm. Except Lance who trips those he competes with.
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Ben and Melissa are Great
20 July 2022
Melissa's real husband Ben is perfect as the Favorite one. Melissa is always good as she is here. It drags when the supporting cast are alone on screen most of the time. I enjoyed the first 3 episodes then in the 4th I had to deal with Satan as Ben has to. Except for him, he is evading evil, I was trying to evade boredom. Few woman have played Satan which is sexist But good acting is good acting and Leslie Bibb is neither menacing, funny or interesting.

When she appears I go for my mouse to fast forward 10 seconds stopping just long enough for plot points. In the show God is played by a woman and is everything Bibb is not. She couldn't tempt a drought to let it rain. But I am looking forward to the non bibb parts of the rest of the episodes.
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Everything except impressive
20 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Michelle Yeoh plays a character who blames everyone else for her problems. One would hope the character would grow but just finds someone new to blame. I guess everywhere all at once justifies it taking place on one floor of a building or is 25 million budget not enough to make it visually interesting. The movie is okay and I will finish the last 10 minutes, but it's not impressive.
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Only featured women with similar experience
25 March 2022
Not sure why people who seem to be right wing are using reviews to say there is something wrong with liberals. Maybe they are frustrated right wing men.

But what I didn't find was variety of woman with different amounts of knowledge. Some women don't understand things, other women know their bodies very well and how to enjoy it alone and with others. But only those with no knowledge who were never taught are featured.

While I have had only a few partners and because of my depression and inability to afford a social life, I have not had a relationship of any length for many, many years. But when I did the woman I was with who were in their 20's and early 30's understood where everything was and we explored it together. Being shown what felt good. I also knew enough about female anatomy that they experienced certain kinds of Orgasm's for the first time. Out of 7 women there was a 2 night stand that did not result in completion. A relationship where she used a device to Complete with my help. In that relationship I was young and should have explored more. A short relationship who sometimes did and sometimes didn't and she had certain body issues(not warranted) Another short relationship with lots in various ways. A one night with happy ending for her. A relationship with happy ending every time. I had my issues so did not have happy endings and only with those I had relationships with where it happened more often but not always. The closeness of the two relationships made it easier once we were together awhile. So my limited experience was mostly with women who understood how to have a happy ending and also enjoy getting there. This Documentary is not relatable to me and would be not relatable to most of the women I was with. Showing a variety would be much more relatable and help those wanting to learn. Not worth it. There are books that are better.
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the Law & Orders were about catching criminals. This is about discussing feelings
25 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This is not a Law and Order show it is a Soap Opera about Stabler and One Organized crime family. After 3.5 episodes Stabler deals with and talks about his feelings. Then they switch to Dylan McDermott dealing with and talking to his family. Sometimes he does something bad. Since McDermott is a costar then I expect him to be in eps 4, 5, 6. And since it's a series he'll never be caught. I wanted to see a show about Stabler bringing down various types of organizes crime. Small crews to Big Gangs. This is not a crime show. It is a boring show. If you like Soap Operas over crime investigative shows, you'll like it. People with a taste for being entertained will not.
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Resident Alien (2021– )
Alan Tudyk Great 2nd lead Tomkyo Boring
5 March 2021
The parts with Tudyk are funny, exciting entertaining. The parts with Tomkyo are so incredibly boring. I fast forward when she is not with him. The creator developed a wonderful character and cast the perfect person for him. But then he decided to try to make it moving or special or saccharine? She seems to take up almost a third of the show, she is mediocre actor given a terrible part. Both excellent and bad writing coexist. I had to give it a positive rating because of Alan Tudyk but not to high because of her. Other characters are fun but we get stuck with Tomkyo
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Doctor Sleep (2019)
Far Superior to the Terrible Kubrick Reimagining
8 December 2019
Suspense, Mystery, Horrific. This film brings the greatness of a Stephen King on to the screen. Dan Torrance did not come out of The Overlook Hotel unscathed. Which would seem odd if a person only watched the Kubrick's mess. Which seems to be what all the reviewers praising Kubrick's version. did. This film has plot development, a story arc. a lead character that can be sympathized with, an ending rather than the film just stopping. Kubrick could have made his own movie about a Haunted Hotel as his Shining did not share anything with the Novel except a few excerpts. But he wanted to steal the title for box office recognition. You will come away satisfied after watching Doctor Sleep. If you want to watch a screen version of the Shining the TV movie was a far superior adaption. They don't need a TV version of Doctor Sleep to set things right. This movie has done that.
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Condor (2018–2020)
Good plot ruined by interpersonal relationships
29 June 2018
Like too many TV thrillers they pad the run time with dialogue that does not contribute to the plot. Hit men discussing the philosophy of what they do. Characters who have already established dislike for each other, doing it again. Lingering shots of people feeling something, but the script and acting give no indication of what that might be. Dull and lengthy Family interactions. I like plot with a bit of character development. This has a fine plot but character development is people looking out a window or pacing. William Hurt is a great actor. He makes even the mundane interesting. But the other actors need something to be actually going on to be compelling. Record this so you can skip ahead 10 seconds at a time to get past the parts that you don't need to watch.
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Ten Days in the Valley (2017–2018)
Bad Mother's Daughter is Kidnapped
4 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
We are introduced to Ms. Sedgewick's character Jane Sadler while she attempts to remember incidents in her traumatic childhood by parents more interested in parties than their children. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree as this first time TV producer, uses Ambien, wine and coke within a couple of hours of putting her daughter to sleep.

When the police arrive and take their time before even looking for the young girl I couldn't help think of Kyra's hit show the Closer. In that Los Angeles, when a child was missing the LAPD declared a Critical Missing, launching the full resources of the LAPD to find them.

Sandler is so concerned for her daughter's safety she lies to police then goes to work. A likable character she is not.

As this is just TV there's no reason to care about the daughter. I will continue to watch to see what a terrible person Sadler turns out to be.
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Iron Fist (2017–2018)
A fun adaptation
17 March 2017
Excellent productions values. Lead Actor is excellent. He is familiar and has been in many excellent projects but I don't have his name in my head yet

While I am not a big Martial Arts guy. The energy brought to the fight scenes along with a sense of humor make them work. These kind of scenes on a TV budget are hard to pull off but mostly they work.

If you want to binge watch something that will give you good feeling this is a nice choice.

Just want to comment on the review that appeared on the opening page.

It wasn't a review but a racist and misogynistic diatribe about people of colour and women taking white men's roles. Written by a coward who pretends to be from India but must be a delusional White guy who thinks White people are being discriminated against. I.m white and have it great, wish all could be so lucky. Sorry Carey MacLeod (Real Name)
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Found Footage is starting to break the clichés. Spoilers in 2nd Paragraph
29 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This is an excellent horror,thriller. It was made by Hollywood Professionals with some recognizable actors. The movie's mystery is revealed a bit at a time adding to the suspense. The pacing starts at a normal pace and builds until the end. Of course that is what movies are supposed to do. But so many people think they can make a Found Footage film cause it is shot in video know nothing of how to make a movie.


While this is the 3rd "found footage" I have see where the heroes survive. It is the 2nd one in a few months that has directors, writers and producers who are talented.

The Sacrament was a bad movie, and while the "heroes survived" they only did because of coincidence rather than their own wits and actions.

The Taking and As Above So Below were suspenseful, thrillers, and Scary except horror movies don't scare me anymore. Where the heroes find themselves in a terrible situation, try to fight, look for solutions and have suspenseful endings where some people survive.

Found Footage is a good name for the genre, but it does not mean that everyone has to die and someone else finds the footage.

Happy endings or everyone die endings can both be labeled Found Footage.

One watches and doesn't automatically know how things will turn out.

Unless it's one of the movies made by pretentious amateurs who don't have a clue.

It's nice to see real money spent on these films. I hope this trend continues. I thought Blair Witch was a bore, but I guess it sort of inspired years later the Paranormal Activity Franchise which has started to have the same endings. Not the everybody dies. But the circumstances.


If you like supernatural horror movies then this movie will entertain and keep up the tension. Hooray
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Skew (2011)
15 Minutes of Plot out of 83 Minutes
23 August 2014
I began watching this and was quickly bored with footage of nothing and dialogue without content.

I then began fast forwarding looking for when something happens, I would often stop realize it was just people talking about nothing or footage of a picnic table. I kept moving on and I watched the parts that moved the story along. It took me at the most 15 minutes to get through the movie. Perhaps those are the parts that the horror websites were praising.

If you like watching people talk then you might like this. If you like horror movies where things happen and the heroes take action and there is some degree of suspense the AVOID WATCHING THIS.

I saw some references in other reviews about how this was not a found footage film. But there is not description for movies shot using one or more cameras to give the feeling that the events happen in real time. Or real time that has been edited together. Found footage has become a genre title to identify how it was shot. Not just video tape that was found and everyone in it dies.

I'd like to see a found footage style movie where the hero defeats the evil force in an exciting climax. Like Alien but with Signourey Weaver carrying a video camera and the ship equipped with cameras in all the locations.

Thank you
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The Sacrament (2013)
Where did the 4 Million Go?
14 August 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I clicked spoilers but will not write direct descriptions of what happened. Or what didn't happen in the case of this movie.

I had to write this as I saw a DVD jacket with raves from Hollywood reporter. The label of Horror is wrong, nothing supernatural, no monsters, no serial killers. If you are aware of semi recent history and big cult news it becomes obvious that they are retelling the story of the biggest cult issue that took over the news and has been retold in other movies.

The biggest problem I had was the DEUS EX MACHINA ending. The "Heroes" had nothing to do with how the film ended. Spielberg did the same thing in Jurassic Park

The sets are an office, the forest substituting for Jungle and the clearing where very rudimentary buildings were located. Perhaps the Director just stole some of the money. There is a lot of talking, I think most people will know how things will enfold 10 minutes after the "Heroes" arrive. Acting is fine but it is difficult to watch the heroes (Tired of quotes) slowly discover the secret behind the curtain as one already knows what it is. There are plenty of things they do that make no sense. Or things they miss that are staring at them in the face. As they are supposed to be journalists one expects a little intelligence. Slowly paced, obvious, a little tension which is then ruined by ending. Watch Cabin in the Woods again. You may not what is going to happen but unlike this, it's an entertaining ride.
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