
153 Reviews
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Your Honor (II) (2020–2023)
This May Be A Great Series, BUT
3 June 2024
We watched the first episode of 'Your Honor.' It was interesting, and the judge is good in anything he is in. The son, however, eh! Then we realized it was 20 episodes over two seasons. Honestly, I don't see any way that a hit and run can be dragged out for "20 episodes." That must be painful to watch so boom, we dropped it.

I imagine that the production crew kept thinking, "When is this going to be over? Please, oh please, just combine the last 15 of the 20 episodes into 1 and call it a wrap!" My apologies if I offended any actors or production folks, but golly, how can there be basically nearly 20 hours of worthwhile story here?
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Sugar (2024– )
Starts Good, But Turned Unnecessarily Weird.
2 June 2024
The evolution of 'Sugar' went from quite good to weird, which was a huge mistake. The strangeness (and weirdness) began to emerge about Episode 4 or 5, and it hung over the remainder of the episodes (8 total episodes). Each episode continued to spiral downward at an increasing rate. Episodes 7 & 8 I could have done without.

I am aware that many TV shows now do the "DEI thing," and change screen writers and directors like socks with each episode. If you have ever wondered why subsequent episodes of TV shows appear to not match up with the previous, that's the reason. The new group has a different (usually incompetent with a different vision). 'Sugar' was a little different: It just took a left turn at Episodes 4 & 5, and never turned back. And then the ending looks like they are trying to get a season 2 out of this nonsense. I hope it hits the crapper and dies so season 2 never starts.

What a shame! And honestly I think a rating of "5" would be more appropriate as follows: "6" for the first four episodes, but "-1" for episodes 5-8. Nets at a solid "5." That is my opinion, without giving away the story.
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Jo (2013)
Really Good Miniseries
21 May 2024
First, let me get this out of the way. To be clear, 'Jo' is not a French show. Now for those of you who whined there were no French spoken, please read this over and over until you understand: Jo is not a French show. It is an American show set in Paris. That is why everyone speaks English! Let me repeat, it is not a French show; it is set in Paris. If that is too hard to grasp, change your streaming to Disney.

The cast is great, and very impressive. Quality American actors were imported for each of the 8 episodes. And thankfully, it is not a typical American canned detective show. It is a little rough around the edges, but that's what makes it interesting and unlike most American TV. I liked it. I was not happy with the ending; however, I suspect they were leaving some things open and were expected to have a second season. It was not renewed, a major disappointment.

My recommendation is to watch it, enjoy it, and get over the ridiculous criticism that it wasn't in French.
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Boring! And Also Very Boring.
2 May 2024
Well, about all I need to say is this movie was b-o-r-I-n-g and very boring at that. Somebody wrote a book about this (which is astonishing). What is more astonishing is that a movie was even made. I really thought I was watching The Three Stooges until I realized there were four (4) of them.

I am hoping that the script writer took extreme license with the booklet, which today would be covered in the news with a single sentence. As a reminder, this occurred during the Battle of the Bulge, where over 10,000 Americans died and over 40,000 wounded. All of this while these four (4) morons were acting like they lost their mommy at the grocery store.

Embarrassing and insulting to the men's sacrifices and families that were ruined by their bravery.
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Killing Eve (2018–2022)
Couldn't Even Make It Through Season One
27 April 2024
The first few episodes of Season 1 were interesting, even though I kept my index finger near the remote's STOP button. Then it went off the rails. The question I then kept asking myself during several more episodes: "How could this last 8 episodes, much less 3 (or were there 4) seasons?"

Basically, it turned ridiculous, and I felt suckered, but solved that when I stopped and removed 'Killing Eve' from my List. There, done and good riddance. Was it a dark comedy? I don't think so. Was it, well I couldn't appreciate whatever it was. I think it was just stupid, and I felt like a cat teased by a string being pulled away as the cat chases it. End result was the cat and I discovered we were just bored with the whole thing.

Bottom Line: Sophisticated, eh no! Mysterious, eh no! Just plain dumb, got it. End of story.
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Nolly (2023)
We could only stand the first few minutes
19 March 2024
I was shocked that Nolly had a '7' rating. Maybe you have to be a Brit to appreciate it, but for this South Georgia guy who likes British shows on Masterpiece (and who incidentally is highly educated) it was awful. In all honesty, neither my wife nor I can actually stand the star, Helena Bonham Carter. I'm not sure why she is so disliked, but we never watch anything with her in it.

As for the first episode, it was extremely overacted. Too much, too soon. There may be some redeeming factors to the show that occur later, but we will never find out. The word "obnoxious" comes to mind when I think of the acting in Nolly.
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DISJOINTED and ridiculous
19 February 2024
This was embarrassing, very embarrassing. It was impossible to follow. And the storyline was nonsensical. First, about 1/2 of the script was French, but the closed caption translation to English moved away so quickly it was mostly impossible to read. Plus the scenes were totally disjointed. And the story just wasn't that interesting, maybe because it was so meaningless and dumb. BORING AND POINTLESS.

I suspect that the people affiliated with Spade thought they were making it mysterious. Wrong! It was just plain awful. I can't believe I tried to make sense of this mess. Do yourself a favor and flush it where it should have gone when first imagined. I wish I could rate this worthless junk a negative 10, which would have been generous.
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Excitement in Season 35 or was it 45 of Oak Island!
7 December 2023
Because it is such a potentially tense and possibly exciting show, I wanted to update everyone on the 2nd show of the 35th season of Oak Island. The big find was a lead sack seal from the 17 hundreds. They think it is very exciting and it could "potentially be a possible clue to potentially possible proof that potentially there were people" on Oak Island potentially as early as the first season of Oak Island. Plus they saw the potential significance of a possible dirt place potentially important. What a show!

Every show I mostly fast forward through makes me feel like a huge sucker. So I may have possibly missed the potential of things going on.
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Reptile (2023)
I Have Read Some Crazy Movie Explanations, But...
24 November 2023
What I believe about this movie 'Reptile' is that it must have been highly edited after filming was completed. It appears to have changed course. There is actually no mystery; it's a simple cop show that the director (and I use that word loosely), tried to make more sophisticated than it started out, which is just another low budget murder whodunit.

And actually, snakes shed their skin as they outgrow it, not to reflect a hidden or newly realized double personality. Reptile-what is this: 3rd. Grade?

Reptile started out pretty good. I saw it as a more realistic version of how detectives solve a crime. But then, it started downhill. Here is a hint: Leaving holes you could drive a wrong colored Chrysler through isn't cool. It's the sign of an amateur director. Explaining away these holes as art isn't good enough. My initial rating was a generous 6, but after reading the director's comments I dropped the rating to a very generous 4. "Nough said."
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The Gilded Age: Never the New (2022)
Season 1, Episode 1
Encyclopedia of How New Yorkers Became "New Yorkers!
7 November 2023
As a true Southerner, this New York, NY crude and obnoxious behavior for "The Guilded Age" was no surprise. It really lays bare the phony, do anything approach rooted in the wannabes, the have nots, the phonies, the idle rich wives, the obnoxious attitudes and behavior rooted in New York City behavior for generations.

It's really too bad these "people" didn't stay in New York, instead of infecting the rest of the country with their amoral, do anything attitudes. It is easy to recognize this type in the South, where we continue to snub rudeness and obnoxious behavior by their descendants who inherited their crude behavior, dare I say honestly from their dirt scratching ancestors.

My recommendation is give 'The Guilded Age' a hard pass. It is a major disappointment from Downton Abby's Fellows. Sad, really, really sad.
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Country Hearts (2023 TV Movie)
B-O-R-I-N-G: Just Plain Boring.
5 November 2023
This could have been a pretty good show, but it wasn't. The actors are not very good, but minimally okay. The guy who played the ex-con's singing made my ears hurt. And the film just kind of dragged along. In other words, there was no compelling reason to keep watching it because it was not very interesting.

On the positive side, the horse stables and surrounding fenced grazing areas were pleasant to view, and who doesn't like horses? If the script, directing, actors, and acting were as good as the location shots, the film would have been quite good.

I believe it was a great missed opportunity, and what a shame.
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Babylon (I) (2022)
Awful. Just Absolutely Awful!
7 October 2023
How could anybody think this load of rubbish and nonsense was worth making, much less watching? Babylon is nothing but garbage. It reminded me of a computer game where some "people" mistakenly thought total excess of anything and everything was a hit maker. Ugh, wrong, as they learned. And, I use the word "thought" so loosely as to be nonexistent.

Right out of the gate the F-bombs try to be more frequent than any previous shows with excessive F-bombs. What a goal! Well, in unimaginative fashion this is their only success, and a pitiful success. The writers, directors, producers and other nimrods involved in this disaster and waste of oxygen obviously were standing behind the door when quality or quantity was taught.

There is no point in going on, because there is no point in further explaining why Babylon is such a loser. Recommendation: Don't waste your time.
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Light and Fun To Watch (but not to be taken seriously)
9 September 2023
First and most important: Sylvia Houks is very pretty, and although she looks nothing like any Bosnian I have ever seen (and I have seen many since I was there a lot), she was an absolute joy to watch. She also did a fine acting job.

Second: The opening action was just plain silly. Plus the U. S. troops were not assigned as peacekeepers in Sarajevo, and I never saw one there after the war. The Russian peacekeepers covered Sarajevo. I would have preferred the stupid opening tank scene in Sarajevo to be scrubbed. I believe it set the wrong tone and did not help the movie with its silliness.

The remainder of the movie was somewhat fun to watch. Realistic, possible, probable, exciting, tense, all a big NO. It was simply light and entertaining. It was a fine way to waste a couple of hours. And I gave it a solid "6."
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Rocket Hunter (2020)
This Isn't A Hollywood Blockbuster But...
1 September 2023
Reviews are awful, but I have a different take on Rocket Hunter. It tells the story of a very dangerous mission to destroy the Nazi's underground V2 rocket manufacturing facilities. That's a significant endeavor, and its success saved hundreds, possibly several thousand or more civilians and military personnel and facilities in England, particularly in London.

So what if it wasn't top actors, no CGI, and a super slick production! I have bad news for you: I'll bet the characters are closer to the real people and hero pilot than any overproduced Holyweird movie.

Bottom Line: I rather enjoyed it, budget production as it was. Heck, it's a great story and was a great event. Put down your Game Boy mentality and pay attention. You may actually enjoy it.
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I Enjoyed Watching D-Day Assassins/The Filthy Thirteen
28 August 2023
After reading a number of the reviews for D-Day Assassins/The Filthy Thirteen, I just had to provide my opinion. Was this movie a blockbuster? Well, no. Was it loaded with high-end CGI garbage? Well, no to that as well. Were there some historical and technical errors as pointed out by some reviewers, yes. Were the actors on the Hollyweird hit parade? Well, no (and that was really a refreshing difference).

What I will say is that I enjoyed watching it, and unlike most of the nonsense out today there was a moral to the movie, and quite a good one. Many young people today are lost or wandering along as they reach young adulthood. This is simply one example of a young man caught in the web of confusion, conflict and indecision, but successfully fights his way through it. This is all the result of a happenstance meeting with an American WWII hero and Medal of Honor winner.

So tune out the slamming criticism of a budget movie with no unrealistic Game Boy attention deficit disorder activity, no ending explosions and enjoy the honest, refreshing and happy ending.
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The Aviator (2004)
Could Have Been An Easy 9 Without Dicaprio
23 August 2023
Unfortunately Leonardo Dicaprio didn't have the talent or range to pull of Howard Hughes. And, as usual, Dicaprio over acted and over dramatized his role. Dicaprio as an Executive Producer was a joke. Howard Hughes was bigger than life, and The Aviator deserved better. Howard Hughes deserves better!

Aside from the DiCaprio casting mistake (there were actually several casting mistakes), the movie was entirely too long, with boring and nonessential mundane events. I will give a High-5 to Alan Alda, who played the stereotypical corrupt Senator to perfection. I have to blame the loss of opportunity to make a colossal and historic movie about an important man in American history on Martin Scorsese's Directing role. I am sure that script writer John Logan got a little carried away as well.

If you know much about the life and contributions made by Howard Hughes, spend a little time thinking about how The Aviator could have (and should have) turned out. What a shame, what a blooming shame!
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Endeavour: Uniform (2023)
Season 9, Episode 2
27 June 2023
Season 9, Episode 2 is extremely difficult (i.e., virtually impossible) to follow. This is a major league error since it is not the failed movie 'Clue.' It is difficult to understand how this occurred. My best guess, since I had no interest in researching the specifics is that the previous production staff were replaced by some or possibility all script writers, producers, directors, and every other qualified staff for those who had very different and strange ideas. And yes, far less quality resulted. What a whale of a mistake.

I was not that happy with Episode One either, but at least some it it could be followed. Episode Two, on the other hand, is unintelligible. What a shame to end this interesting series with a season 9 FLOP. Such a waste of acting talent. Even the actors appear disillusioned with the script.
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Succession (2018–2023)
Awful, Just Awful. Go Outside & Pull Your Garden's Weeds instead.
1 June 2023
How can anyone stand to watch this malarkey? I would rather return to my youth where my brothers and sisters fought with our parents, friends, each other, the TV set, the neighbors, get the idea. Succession is just plain garbage where irritated and irritating viewers go to aggravate and annoy themselves even more.

Three painful episodes and I was done. Actually, I stopped watching Episode 1 three times before making it to the end. How does the show make anyone feel better or how can any normal (by Webster's definition) person think Succession is good entertainment?

Succession has no redeeming social value, regardless of the paid and in your face unnewsworthy publicity. Do yourself a favor and SKIP IT.
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The Beginning And Ending Are What Matter
31 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Episodes 1-7 were an 8. Episode 8 dropped like a rock to a 2. So my weighted average is a 4. I read that the test audience didn't like the original ending so it was re-scripted. Hint: That was a gargantuan error!

This was a really excellent reimagined movie from years ago, well, until it wasn't. Every actor, every scene, every set, every line was magnificent until Episode 8, which was really amateurish. The ending was just awful, and ruined everything. Gosh, shouldn't these professionals have known better? Even I did, and I'm a banker.

Did he do it? If not, who and why? Why did so many people seem to enjoy his potential fall? As a successful prosecutor and prospective judge, why did he take the defense position he did? There was a lot of suspense that was ruined by the last episode (the entire episode was jumbled and awful). Another hint for those in control of production: Next time this happens to you, second guess your second guess...don't repeat this kind of mistake.
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The Snowman (2017)
Winter Scenery Was The Best Part
19 April 2023
'The Snowman' was interesting, but like some other reviewers noted, who the heck were all the extraneous characters, and what did they have to do with anything?

And, I still cannot figure out what Val Kilmer had to do with it. I assume it was to provide a known actor for marketing purposes.

The basic problem with 'The Snowman' is that it didn't really tie things together. Characters were introduced, other characters were walkons (came and went), but this movie could have been a stage play since there were only a few essential characters. The others didn't add suspense, character development, plot enhancement, nothing. I suspect someone said "Bring in the clowns" since they were short on plot. "That will confuse them" and it surely did, but not in a good way.

Now the positive: The winter scenery was outstanding.
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Lucky Hank (2023)
Who Enjoys Universal Unhappiness & Frustration?
5 April 2023
Lucky Hank is reminiscent of the old HBO hit comedy "Curb Your Enthusiam" except, well, everything:

  • It isn't funny
  • It is overdone like a burned turkey
  • Every single character is highly annoying
  • It doesn't have any likeable characters - none!

  • Every character is abnormal and has extensive issues & problems.

Who enjoys watching episode after episode of unhappiness and lack of humor? Not me. I predict Lucky Hank sinks like the unlucky Titanic as people tire of the endless paranoia, frustration, every character over the top in personal problems, the extreme overacting in their roles, and a really bad theme...universal unhappiness. We can read the news if we want that.

Give this dog a pass! A comedy should at least some humor.
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True Lies (2023)
When Will They Learn? What were they thinking?
4 April 2023
I really, really wanted to like this show. But the pilot episode turned me off so badly that I can't forget it and move forward. Honestly, I think the concept is fine, but the (1) script writers, (2) directors, (3) casting amateurs, and (4) is it the lighting folks, maybe, are awful. What were they doing before this mess, stock clerks at Kroger?

In addition to the crew listed above, the fatal flaw was casting Ginger Gonzaga as Helen. To be blunt, she was magnificently miscast. First, she is hard on the eyes (and speaking about eyes, add (5) Ginger Gonzaga's makeup person to the list above). She can't carry off the role. Wow! She must be really depressed about True Lies being hung around her neck. It will be a career killer. It's not your fault, honey, you are probably good at something.

On a positive note, whoever is running the show must be amazing to get it done with all these losers. And here's a thought: It's not too late to start over by replacing Ginger Gonzaga plus all those running around behind the camera.
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Blood & Treasure (2019–2022)
16 February 2023
Season 1 should have wrapped up after six episodes. But, why not stretch it out to 12? Who thought this was a good idea? There were totally nonsensical twists and turns that never should have seen the light of day. And surprise: One or two late episodes were pure slapstick comedy. For diversity, they must have brought in new writers that never bothered to see the first 8 or 9 episodes, and had zero talent. Surprise, this thing began to stink early on, and I should have thrown a beer bottle at the screen. It was painful to watch!

Now I see there is a season 2 planned. And it was extended to 13 exciting episodes since the stretch from 6 to 12 was so enjoyable. I think I will pass (and wish I had skipped the dumb season 1.
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Fall Into Winter (2023 TV Movie)
We Just Didn't Like This
2 February 2023
It's difficult to identify why we deleted this on the DVR, because it was bad in so many ways. {And this has nothing to do with Lori's prison stretch. She paid the price and that's over}.

The premise of her her brother suddenly moving and pressing her to agree to sell his half to an investor was just not realistic. That successful investor guy walking in and trying to take over a tiny candy shop was ridiculous. The faked awkward chemistry was obvious. Who thought this setup was a good movie idea? A moron did obviously.

Bad script, awkward acting, weird circumstances, and just plain bad. So we hit delete and moved on. I gave it a "3" since I was feeling generous (and embarrassed for everyone involved). Here's a word of advice: Next time put on your thinking cap so you don't repeat this dog.
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The Secrets of Bella Vista (2022 TV Movie)
Nice Change From Typical Hallmark Formula
23 September 2022
I have grown tired of the Hallmark formula applied to every movie so this was a very pleasant change. Still Hallmark, but the tired scripts did a pleasant change up, and it really was a pleasant change. A very enjoyable movie, mystery and romance.

There were both a host of new characters, all likable, and a couple of old standbys, also very likable. Great scenery, so they must have sprung for a slightly higher budget, a good choice. Everybody loves a little mystery, some honest appearing suspense, and a happy ending.

Keep the changes coming and trash the worn out storylines that are totally predictable and boring.
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