
181 Reviews
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Beef (2023– )
Just play it at 1.5 times
26 December 2023
I endured this for 9 long episodes and then finally remember I can play videos at 1.5 times speed on Netflix. Thank goodness I remembered. As comedies go, this one is not bad. Steven Yeun is amazing, as always. Ali Wong is awful from beginning to end. This person is not an actress. If they had chosen a different comedian to play the female lead, this would have probably been really good. But Wong utterly destroys anytime she is onscreen. Steven Yeun has a great career ahead of him, not that it isn't been pretty great so far. What a shame they could not picked a better person to play the female lead.
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The Chosen (2017– )
This doesn't even make any sense
22 December 2023
I have never seen such an absurd series. The stories make absolutely no sense and I am very familiar with the stories they are supposedly "derived from." Overall, a really awful production. I am amazed at the high ratings for this terrible series. I was intrigued by the high ratings but wow, was I disappointed. It is unendingly boring and banal. Give this series a pass. There are many great series that are worth your time. This one simply is not. Unremittingly awful. And really? Do you think mascara and false eyelashes were available during these times? If you want the series to be realistic, drop the makeup!
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This is good!
13 November 2023
What a breath of fresh air in the Walking Dead world! This season (1) is superior to at least the last 7 season of the original Walking Dead, which I gave up on, except off and on for a while. Walking Dead became just a slog through more grossness, ickiness, psychopaths, etc. Etc. I mean really, who can watch that schlock through 11 seasons? I gave Daryl Dixon a try because Daryl was a favorite of mine from the Walking Dead. What a revelation to set it in France, and so refreshing and interesting. The setting, the script the cast and of course the scenery are all top notch. Yes, some of the ickiness is still there but does not dominate the narrative the way it did in Walking Dead. More Daryl Dixon!
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Lioness (2023– )
Not Taylor Sheridan's best work
11 September 2023
The premise is good, (although it has completely implausible elements), most of the actors are good. The one glaring exception is the casting of the Cruz character. She is so awful and they spend so much time with her character, it really ruins the series for me. Also, it's completely implausible that two women would meet while shopping, proceed to become best friends and then immediately become lovers. Sorry, but life just isn't like this and Cruz is so completely unlikeable anyway, it is particularly implausible with this actor in this role. The rest of the cast manages to carry the series, despite its most glaring flaw (Cruz). The rest of the cast are all very good actors. The actress who played Cruz simply is .....not.
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Before We Die (2021– )
Very underrated
19 August 2023
I found this to be an absorbing, interesting series. Lesley Sharp can do no wrong in my book. I loved her in "Scott & Bailey" which had great actors all the way around except for the awful Suranne Jones (talk about an overrated actor!). I just love that UK women, in general, allow themselves to age naturally and beautifully. In my view, it lends gravitas to their characters to them individually as people. Living the US, just about all actors seems to go for botox and/or cosmetic surgery, mostly with very poor, downright hideous results. I enjoyed this series a lot. It's worth a watch - definitely!
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Painkiller (2023– )
Poor portrayal of an important story
18 August 2023
Dopesick is superior to this schlock in every single way. Far too much time is spent on long drawn-out scenes of what amounts to female characters who were the "pushers" of the notorious and deadly Oxycontin. About 50% of the series is just showing spoiled skinny girls in clothes that are too tight and too immodest. Really, is that interesting to your average viewer? It isn't to me. Far too much time is spent on Richard Sackler who could only have been more aptly named if it was "Sack-of-S**t." As the main character, Matthew Broderick does not hold a candle to Michael Keaton in Dopesick. Broderick is and has always been an inferior actor. If you want to watch the horrible damage done by Oxy, do yourself a favor and give Painkiller a pass. Take the time to watch Dopesick instead. Painkiller is 50% hype and tripe. It's ONLY saving grace is the compelling presence of Uzo Aduba. She is amazing in this role but not even she can save this garbage production.
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Silo (2023– )
Better than some reviewers have found
30 June 2023
I was prepared to be disappointed with this series. I read (voraciously) the trilogy by Hugh Howey. I told friends about it and they read it voraciously, too! At first, I didn't like the way the silo looked - it was just not how I pictured in while reading the books. But after getting used to it, I grew to like it and it made sense. All the actors do a great job with their roles. Not sure why some reviewers don't like Common. I think he is extraordinarily good in everything he does - including this series. I'm really looking forward to Season 2. Do yourself a favor and give this series a chance. It's worth it!
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Black Mirror: Beyond the Sea (2023)
Season 6, Episode 3
Probably the best of season 6
16 June 2023
But that's not saying much. I found this season of Black Mirror uninspired. Although "Beyond the Sea" held great promise, it become utterly predictable early in the episode. So we are just sitting here to watch how completely predictable ending is executed. As for the execution, the actors are flawless. What the series needs are better stories. If the series doesn't have anything original to say or watch, then why watch it at all. I have to say that a prior episode with Salma Hayek was pretty good but only insofar as when Salma Hayek was in the scene. She chewed the scenery to hilarious effect. I hope Netflix does better than mostly-pathetic season 6 or simply ends the series.
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Not even close to an 8.3 - it's average rating right now
15 June 2023
This is extremely repetitive and overdramatized. The narration is particularly annoying - "oh, the drama, oh, the sacrifice, oh the risk!!!!" It becomes tiresome very quickly. And the overdramatic music is icing on the cake, turning this series into almost a SATIRE of mountain climbing stories. I'm left with the feeling that here are a bunch of overprivileged, over-entitled drama queens paying tons of money to risk their lives AND more importantly, the lives of these sherpas. The ONLY heroes in this story are the sherpas. I'm happy they've found a decent way to make a living, given the economic conditions in their countries but they must secretly despise the almost-exclusively white, rich tourists who pay for these expeditions.
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It's a 10
29 April 2023
This series has been very underrated by those doing the rating. While it's not a total 10, I feel it's only fair to give it a 10 to compensate (in a very small way) to the overall underrating by reviewers. This is an excellent mini series. It truly is exceptional. If you don't know the true story behind the series (which I did not before viewing it), it draws out the suspense and the worry and the aggravation that the family, the homicide detectives, and the prosecutor go through in order to find the evidence needed to convict the perpetrator. Yes, it's a moody, Danish vibe, but all the better for it. Every single actor in this series is an absolute 10 - no exceptions.
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Cunk on Earth (2022)
Starts cute, end dumb
22 April 2023
The first two episodes or so are funny, refreshingly so. It's completely off-beat and fairly hilarious. By the time you get to the third episode, it's just getting tiresome and the remaining episodes are really rather dreary. It really just amounts to the same joke or kind of joke over and over. Clever at first, and then insanely tiresome and boring. It's a great idea but too played out by the end of the series. Shorten it even more to two or three episodes and you might have a winner. Acting stupid is only funny for so long. This series does not manage to sustain and you end up thinking she is really rather dumb.
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This is OK
10 March 2023
Not on the level of the Luther series and it does have its absurd moments but don't all police procedurals? Idris Elba is awesome as usual and Cynthia Erivo is a wonderful addition to the cast. I think the casting was inspired, even if the story was borderline absurd. It is a clear set up for additional stories about Luther and I look forward to more Luther films or a continuation of the very good series this film is based on. I don't get the hating on this film. It's not nearly as good as the series but it's better than some people are giving credit for. It's worth the little under 2 hours of your time.
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1923 (2022–2023)
Not Sheridan's best
4 March 2023
I suggest you watch 1883 and then 1923 (and yes, I watched them twice) back to back. The contrast is striking and not in a good way for 1923. The story seems paper thin compared to 1883 and the absolutely only things that redeems this series in the least is the amazing presence of Helen Mirren and Harrison Ford. Also worth mentioning is Brandon Sklenar. Other than that, there is not much there there, as sadly evidenced by extremely long scenes of sex, sadism and cruelty. These awful scenes seem to provide a "filler" but not much else and on top of that, the scenes are simply offensive. I sincerely hope that Mr. Sheridan can improve upon the story in season 2. I adore all things "Taylor Sheridan" but this series was disappointing.
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The Handmaid's Tale (2017–2025)
Bradley Whitford is the best thing about this series
16 February 2023
Season 1 was compelling. Season 2, less so. Subsequent seasons are only saved by episodes in which Bradley Whitford appears. Otherwise, Season 2 and onward are just grim, brutal, ugly and revolting. I mean seriously, how long does Elisabeth Moss want to do her "I will kill you" face? She is a decent actress but this series does not really flesh out the June character much. It's mostly just sad and even shocking at times, at the brutality she is capable of. But thank goodness for Bradley Whitford. He brings his signature style to the enterprise and that is no small thing. He steal every scene he is in.
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Tár (2022)
Worth your time for the Cate Blanchett performance
31 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Cate Blanchett, as an utterly enlightened, self-involved prima donna is truly amazing. She disappears into each role she inhabits. The rest of the story is very predictable and not very interesting. In the age of "me too," it's hardly original to portray a woman subjected to the same shunning and scorn as the males who have been subjected to "me too." Seriously, is anyone surprised by anything about "me too?" I'm not. But I grew up in the era when sexual harassment was par for the course and simply had to be tolerated. There was no recourse and no legal cause of action for the crime. In the current era of course, the opposite is true - just a hint of it and the knives come out. I hope we can reach some equilibrium as a society, where claims are investigated and prosecuted but are not tried solely in the press.
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Little Women (2022)
Almost impossible to follow
7 November 2022
The plot is there but dang if you can figure out what's going on. There is way too much overwrought acting and way too long shots on facial expressions. If there had been more emphasis on connecting the characters to the plot and following it logically, the series could be much improved. It jumps around way too much between time frames and events to the point where you have whiplash and then a headache trying to connect everything together. Overall, a pretty awful viewing experience. I will continue to comment that IMDB requires you to enter far too many characters in a review. I fail to see why we can't make a simple comment and be done.
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House of the Dragon (2022– )
Leaves you cold
1 November 2022
Just the facts, ma'am. That's the impression you get from watching this. It's like reading a history book - not a very well written one at that. There are absolutely no characters you can warm up to. King Viserys comes the closest to someone you can sympathize with but of course you know what happens there. OMG, if only we could have the wonderful characters like Tyrion, Varys, Brienne, Jaime (in later episodes), Jon Snow, the northerners. I could go on and on. It was not the "story" that made GoT great - it was the characters. There are too many to name. You can love them, hate them, giggle at their interactions (give me just one scene between Tyrion and Varys). This second-rate knockoff is like ZOOMING through the facts and events and you don't care about even one of the characters at all. Not. One. I assume this series will continue so please tell the show runners to breathe some life into this very dry, unmoving, not very interesting story.
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A solid attempt to capture this tragedy
6 October 2022
The real interviews and footage are amazing. The reenactments, less so. It is very interesting from a human interaction perspective. It is also heartbreaking sometimes, as you might imagine. Ever since reading "Into Thin Air, I have always been fascinated AND repulsed by Everest climbs. For the most part, they are for people that just have enough money to add the climb to their "accomplishments," all at the expense of the brave and competent sherpas that eke out a living from what has become a tourist destination. It's absurd really. The Langtang village interviews are eye-opening, that people can find conflict even when they should be working together.
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Awful series
28 September 2022
I really wanted to like this with John Goodman in it. Unfortunately, it's puerile and juvenile. The humor falls flat. If John Goodman had more of a major role (rather than part of the cast), had actually starred and led the series, it would have been much better I think. The majority of the main actors are OK but seriously, you could do better than McBride. He is just repulsive and unwatchable. I found this series easy to dislike. I'm not a huge fan of comedy anyway but was willing to give it chance. If this had had the Coen brothers touch, you might have a had a good series here. As it is, it's awful. No shock that the creator was McBride.
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Last Light (2022)
Not as bad as people are saying
26 September 2022
The story line is pretty solid but it moves along too quickly. The series would have benefited from more character development and a few more episodes. As it is, it speeds along too fast like it's in a hurry to get somewhere. Everything feels very rushed and why?

Were there shooting deadlines, poor character development of the script or what? We barely scratch the surface of these characters. Too plot driven, not enough human driven. The final lines of the series would have landed better if we got to see more of the aftermath, how people coped, etc. It's not a great series but a solidly good one.
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The situation was not as gray as it is portrayed
16 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I have researched this extensively and read all source material available, including Sheri Fink's masterful reportage on these events. After the last episode, Cherry Jones states that these were not black and white situations, only gray. I disagree, Ms. Jones, even though I thoroughly admire your fantastic body of work. Many of the situations were gray - I'll give you that. But Dr. Pou's murders were not gray. Not in the least. It is a crying shame that Dr. Pou, to this day, has not been held accountable for the murders she knowingly and willfully committed. I gave the series only a 9 rather than a 10 because they presented Pou as a somewhat sympathetic person and she is anything but that. They also portray Pou as having a conscience and being religious. If Pou is religious at all, she's faking it. As for a conscience, I don't think so. All she has tried to do from the time she committed the murders up until today is worry about herself, her medical practice, her reputation. She is truly pathetic human being.
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No Offence (I) (2015–2018)
Had great potential but lost the plot
30 July 2022
For the most part, this is a very entertaining series - if you are OK not understanding what the heck is going on. I'm pretty confident a plot exists in each season but darned if I can follow it. It bounces around from event to event, character to character, to the point where the viewer is completely lost. I've watched many British, Swedish, Danish, French, German and American series and had no problem following plots at all.
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Transcendence (2018–2020)
Mostly silly pseudoscience
19 July 2022
What a waste of several hours. They are really just saying the same thing over and over again. This is just another iteration of the ridiculous "power of positive thinking" nonsense with lots of veganism and "manifesting" thrown in. This is garbage.
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Utopia (I) (2013–2014)
What an awful series
30 June 2022
Unwatchable. Adding words since IMDB insists I do so. This is a horrible, truly horrible series. I'm stumped as to how they got decent actors to be in this piece of garbage.
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30 June 2022
This series just makes me sad. To think that these are the guys who brought us "The Wire." This series is, at best, a cut rate, low budget, poorly portrayed "Wire" knock off. It tries really hard to create the same sort of atmosphere as "The Wire." It fails miserably. There are literally NO characters that we care about - at all.
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