
72 Reviews
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Road House (2024)
Not better, but not bad either...!
21 March 2024
It's meant to be over the top, cheesy at times, have all the chaos and one liners, the action and an escalating plot... the same ingredients as the original... We have to expect that... That's why our dads, and then us loved the original.

We as the audience can not expect more than this... Otherwise it's not a re-make, it's just a different movie. There will be characters that you wish were given more time, and others that seem to fade when they should shine a bit brighter. Nevertheless, it has a good pace and narrative that keep you engaged right up to the boss fight in act 3.

I wish it kept the action to a bit more of a simple concept like the original... I think the writers may have thought that we the audience always want bigger and crazier set prices and highly styled editing.

Well I don't, anyway...

Keeping it a similar story with a more realistic editing style would have increased the score from my point... But Jake Gyllenhaal and even Connor McGregor played their parts very well, just characters that you want to watch and see through to the end...
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Damsel (2024)
In distress... I think not...!
8 March 2024
So far so good for Millie Brown and her Netflix features... The two Enola Holmes films were great... and this next one was action packed again... Makes me so happy that she is choosing these types of narrative's of strong characters that need to fight back...

She would be great in a new Alien film...!

This story centres on the ye old medieval times when the kings and lords think they can send out the 'weak' as a sacrifice or to appease the gods or what ever they think will keep their own peace and happiness... Not the happiness of the common folk... This is where the films gets interesting, because a character that has nothing, has nothing to loose when they know their internal character is telling them what to do...

And fight is that response... I really thought the special effects were done well, including the dragon... It's not the best fantasy film ever made but I felt like it had enough originality to be engaging. Millie is often at the centre of the frame and flying solo in many of the tense scenes, here she does well. I would have liked a better, bolder ending... But nonetheless it was a solid Friday night at the 'in home' movies.

Click play and enjoy...
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The Gentlemen (2024)
Version 2.0
7 March 2024
Interesting to see Guy Ritchie expand this world into a series... The feature film was generally well liked athough not in the same league as Lockstock or Snatch. There's no doubting his writing of key characters and often snappy dialogue, and the good thing here is that the narrative seems to be off to a good start in ep. 1...

The pacing might be an issue going forward but time well tell as the episodes continue. It looks great on the screen, together with the settings, the intertwining stories and key players vying for money and a seat at the head of the table... Would be good to see more action and pending doom that the characters need to escape or work around... But that's just episode 1... So...

And Vinnie Jones is back... Brilliant right there from Ritchie...!
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Not a horror, but scary nonetheless...
10 December 2023
If lyiu like good cinema set this one up and hit play... it's about real people and real life places and situations, and the slow build of emotions and conversations that we all have. Watching a film about how people deal with stressful and unknown situations was in fact nerve racking and produced a lot of tension in the narrative.

The film had good writing, acting and directing... it's all about how these characters interact and develop as people in the strange situation they find themselves in. You have to wait as the acts progress and enjoy the story as it develops and crosses some genre boundaries...

Great to see another original story...
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The Killer (2023)
One Character is all Fincher needs...!!!
10 November 2023
Fincher's 'Fight Club' from '99 is my favourite film of all time... It had everything... If you've seen it, you know... Seven '95 takes second place and the Game '97 comes in 3rd for me... The Killer was probably on par for 3rd place here.

As others have mentioned the story is simple and even unoriginal in many ways... However it's the atmosphere and the world that Fincher creates that makes his films engaging, as again occurs here. Again the acting is on point (Fassbender) and always seems to be in expertly directed films. The small amount of action is fantastic and some key smaller rolls are also excellent, Tilder Swinton... Remember her in Snowpiecer...? Brilliant...!

Enjoy it for the slow burn, and watching the one character move, develop, and execute his plan. The narrative that you follow is just that, what Fassbender's character does, how and why... and it's really great to watch... Never boring and always a surprise, even if you kinda know this type of story.

The atmosphere as always done by Fincher is done so well... The separation of distinctive 'acts' is good but not really needed (as text on screen anyway). The acting and the outcome of this characters journey is what keeps you watching and ultimately engaged. So let your self fall into the world created for the tightly paced runtime... That is why we press play in the first place right...? Enjoy.
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That '90s Show (2023– )
Looks the same, feels different...
19 January 2023
Well, I was a big fan of the original 'that 70s show' especially as it began airing in the late 90s...

It was always going to be difficult to match the chemistry of the original cast and the funny situations and adventures they got themselves into. Having said that, a series needs time to develop and it can only really be fully judges at the end of the first season, so you will need to stick it out until the end.

It is truely amazing how the set looks exactly the same, and Red and Kitty Forman still on top of their characters persona's. The 90s references and products are great, but I would have liked the canned laughter track turned down.

This type of sit-com is rare nowadays, and sticking to this classic 90s structure could pay-off in the end, only time will tell...
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Emancipation (2022)
Not as good as similar films...
20 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Well... this film was well made, well acted and did give the viewer an emotional connection to the main characters.

It just wasn't as good as the following: 1. Django Unchained 2. The birth of a nation 3. 12 years a slave

The civil war era slavery theme was explored here using a real life persons story, made famous from a photograph taken of him when he reached a certain point in his journey. This was great, unlike Django, it was based on a real person and the chase that ensured when he and fellow slaves made a run for it while building a railroad for the southern army in civil war USA. The sheer determination, courage, and strength of body and mind were unparalleled, and leaves you with something to think about in your own life.

As a piece of entertainment, it just didn't match the aforementioned films and needed more action, suspense and payoff in the final act for this to really hit the mark. It was edited with a sort of sepia filter and I think would have been better if it was just black and white... Overall, worth a watch, but won't make anyone's best of the year lists.
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Wednesday (2022– )
Soooo Good...!
23 November 2022
Directed by Tim Burton... Music by Danny Elfan... The look of the frame, the acting and story all remind me of the two now classic 90s Adam's Family Feature Films... Wednesday was my favourite character in the films, especially the second one when she and Pugsley got sent to Summer Camp...

Christina Ricci in those films as Wednesday was floorless, and it was great to see her appear in this too. Ortega's turn as the main character was excellent she is quickly becoming a great actress. I think you need to give the series time to develop and remember that it's target audience is quite wide, I don't think it's meant to be too dark. Just like the 90s films it plays on the dark and morbid humour, but with the teen angst mixed in.

Definitely worth watching if you are intrigued, but remember that it's not an 18+ rated adult only tale... it's a modern tale on these ever classic characters, think along the lines of the Netflix Sabrina series... If you liked that, then this should be right up your alley.
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The Wonder (I) (2022)
Interesting narrative... and original
16 November 2022
Firstly, the opening title credits were bold (not the font) but as soon as you hit play you will know what I mean... and I really liked the idea too...!

This, as you may have heard, is a slow-burn, but also a very interesting piece. It's great to see new and inventive stories and plot points. You never really quite know what to think or where it will end up, and that was the best part of the writing, directing and editing... Nurse Wright arrives in small town Ireland hired to 'watch' an 11 year old girl for medical reasons... Together with a nun, they take 8 hour shifts, but as it is the year 1860, science and religious beliefs are quite seperate, but also closely linked.

The acting and slow development of the story keep you engaged and your brain ticking over the possible act III outcomes and payoffs... If you enjoy the period piece, drama, thriller type event then go into this one not knowing too much, if that's possible.

Could end up on the best of the year lists for some I think... Especially on the originality scale.
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Great sequel...!
3 November 2022
If you were a fan of the first, like I was, you should enjoy this second outing...

It doesn't try to outdo the first film or be too different... it's a natural continuation of the story. Millie Bobby-Brown and co deliver excellent comedic/action sequences with the mystery element still central to the plot.

Millie's acting chops should now see her take on some more challenging roles (like Florence Pugh). But for now these types of roles are right up her alley. The film has a great pace to it, and develops the characters well, including the new ones. The set design and costumes again bring an old London to life.

Remember, it's not an Oscar contending drama... It's a fun family friendly action/comedy... So enjoy it on that level.
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The everyday evil...
26 October 2022
I just finished watching '5 days at memorial' over on apple+... That was great, a very sad but interesting story I didn't know about... This was similar... Such an interesting story that needs watching to be believed.

The screenplay was a dark and moody one, fitting, that really played on your emotions and future thoughts on the subject. The acting of course was excellent with the two leads we know as Oscar t winners... and the investigative nature of the story is always interesting.

As a drama it plays out well and was a very unassuming film that has gone under the radar up until it appeared on the Netflix feed... I just wish there was a a backstory segment in act I or maybe a non-linear storyline that moved back to the beginning then forward to the end.
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Monster (2022– )
So detailed... Extremely well made...
3 October 2022
10 episodes of 1hr each... This is detailed with not one boring part, scene or character. The story is told in a somewhat non-linear way, which does work well. All the characters are detailed and given the time needed to tell their story successfully. The acting from Peter's and all the cast was excellent, and this along with 'Candy' should be in the mix come ward season.

Now, obviously this is a difficult story to watch at btimes, especially for the details provided. However, most of the disturbing scenes and horror elements are written and filmed in such a way to avoid gore and shock factor, often just hearing sounds from a neighbours house etc...

Could it have been shorter, maybe, but you can't deny the effort and detail that went into this...
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Blonde (2022)
It's based on fiction...
28 September 2022
It was great to see Andrew Dominick back in the directors chair as he is one of those directors who makes very few films... 'Chopper' was an outstanding debut feature back in 2000. It was great to see him utilising Aussie and Kiwi actors again to good effect. I was surprised however in my research to find a 2001 film of the same name... Even though, this screenplay is based off a book, I haven't read it, it it's not a true to fact biography by all reports.

Having said that, this was a well constructed film, aesthetically pleasing, well acted and scripted. You get a combination of both colour and black and white sequences, and a 4:3 aspect ratio. It was slow at times but interesting throughout the 2+hour run time. It's always interesting to see the depiction of the childhood years in these types of films as one can't help compare this to your own. Much like in 'Walk the line' or 'Ray' both excellent biopics. It does tackle some very sad and emotional topics, and some scenes could be hard to watch for some.

This was also Ana's time to shine as she has been knocking on the door of this type of role for many years now. You knowing going in that it's not a documentary, it's a fictionalised movie of a real person's life. So, you have to dispense with some realities that you may already know of the life and times of one of the entertainment industries most famous icons...

All movie lovers will need to judge for themselves...
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Malignant (I) (2021)
An unreal 80s throwback...!
24 September 2022
This was paying homage to the horror films of old, and with an original script, top acting from the lead and a third act that just went for the jugular...

It was great that the studio trusted James Wan and the other writers with this script. It could have looked very different depending on the director and cinematographer, and the red filter that was across most frames was excellent. The story was pretty straight laced across the first two acts with us as the audience watching the mystery evolve and attempting to work it all out.

When it hits the final act it moves to a place most of us wouldn't have guessed... Which was great...!

Old school, slower build horror with a great payoff at the end... A great watch...
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Lou (I) (2022)
True Grit... But not enough...
23 September 2022
It's great to see a JJ Abram's produced action movie with a dark and ominous tone... Shame the film wasn't up to his standard of production.

Positives: Two strong female leads and an engaging but simple story that keeps you watching... Set in the 80s too. You are shown a mysterious but strong character 'Lou' from the opening scene that leads you down the garden path, so to speak... Small town USA, pick-up trucks, everyone knows everyone, and a big storm on the way. We dont know at first Lou's backstory, you have to wait for that to be slowly revealed, which was well paced.

Negatives: Unfortunately this could have easily just been a Liam Neeson action film, but one of the lesser ones. Lou was helping out some less capable folk when bad things happen... as is the narrative in these types films. Lou is tough, but troubled, and it just needed more action, more from the secondary characters, more grit... But it doesn't and I don't like to say that I had to skip through the middle section as it was quite boring...

More 'bad guys' needed to show up in order for Lou's character to showcase her backstory, and for entertainment value. The main antagonist was quite dull and a little sad and pathetic really... Disappointing as this actor was great in 'Upgrade (2018)'

Overall, not really worth watching...
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Music & Fiction
19 September 2022
There is something about these fictional musical stories that seem right at home on the small screen. The last one "Yesterday" was excellent, and this story brings an unlikely due together, but it's the drama that keeps you watching.

We all struggle at times in our lives, and it's often the what if, or the motivation to keep moving forward like the characters in this story that make life what it is... Persistence and a positive attitude even when it seems like life won't cut you a break, this is what these type of characters are up against. Watching unknown actors also adds to the realism of these type of small stories...

Decent casual viewing...
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Do Revenge (2022)
90s nostalgia...
16 September 2022
Positives... It was great to see both the comedy and the mystery/thriller vibes in this one... Maya Hawke is proving to be a quality actor and is making good choices when it comes to scripts. Playing up the teen movie tropes was also good idea, rather than trying to RE-create them in a serious way, knowing the movie that it is, and just being that, made for some good viewing... Some...

I think if you liked Mean Girls or Cruel Intentions this might be right on the mark for you. The MA15+ rating means you might get more than you bargained for in some scenes, so be prepared for that... The mistreatment and cruel behaviour amongst the teen characters is something that seems to be really only getting worse with the addition of the internet nowadays, and this films does highlight some of those issues.

Negatives... Could be a Good Friday night watch... However I didn't really get the private school setting, and the fact that there were no adults in film at all. Besides Sarah Michelle Gellar (playing the Principal) these teens didn't have to negotiate any of the barriers common in these types of stories... There were many mansion filled parties with endless alcohol and illicit drugs, these teens had endless resources and seemingly not a problem or care in the world, difficult for some of us to relate I think to be honest...
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Kleo (2022– )
Really well made series...
21 August 2022
It does happen... Someone has a good idea for a show and the writing team make it happen...! The acting and set design are important and are done very well here too, but to make a story come to life... It's the writing.

We just get a simple and effective narrative with action, humour and intrigue. It's great when your transported back to a time and place and it feels like the characters are really living it you know... this time, 1987.

Give it a play, you should enjoy this one.
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Day Shift (2022)
The 90s are back... Sort of...
12 August 2022
It must now have been long enough that the 90s action films are considered "classics" as this is one of those good time movies that could have been released in 1996 alongside From Dusk Till Dawn... Although I just don't think the professional screen writers are currently hitting the mark... I mean we have the technology... Unsane was filmed on an iPhone 6 a few years back...!!! But it all comes down the story, great actors and directors can't really fix that...?!!

I wish more studios, like this film however, were not afraid to give a good new action flick an R18+ Rating so the action can be turned up to 11... It wastes no time setting up the premise and utilises CGI to enhance the creature effects and action sequences well.

It's not a perfect film by any means... But it knows what it is trying to be... the story, the dialogue and the writing in general are average. But you do get... Crazy characters, a good guy trying to make ends meet, some comedy and lead character banter, Just some 'ol B-grade good fun really...

It's a shame though, just like with 'Night Teeth' or 'Project Power' the potential is there... But we end up with a fairly generic throwaway action comedy...
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Prey (I) (2022)
Best Predator since the original...!
8 August 2022
Just a great sequel...

Story was Excellent... Acting and casting was Great... The trailer shows a bit too much (as usual) maybe stay clear of that...

The action was awesome as it kept things basic and true to the original film... Best Predator since 1987... I think as an audience we have been watching films that are trying to be an original narrative, true originals... The issue with that is I don't think we really need/want that in a 90min movie, there is often no need for subplots and side characters. I really like just following one good story focused on one main character...

This is what we get here... It was so entertaining to sit back and just watch it unfold...

Just hit play and enjoy... It's not real, just a really good movie :)
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The Northman (2022)
Beautifully Shot, Surprisingly Dull
28 July 2022
Looked great, excellent acting... Had a great act I... Then Alex's character 'the Northman' in the subsequent acts just didn't really hit the mark with his choices...

I was hoping for more of a Braveheart type feel, but it was just a bit boring to be honest... Shame really after a strong act I...
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See for Me (2021)
This worked...!
19 June 2022
You may have read about the protagonist not being likeable...?! But this is what made the character original... For someone in that position she was much more real...

The storey worked, simple, time effective, and an enjoyable thriller. A film like this won't ever win an oscar, so we can't expect 'saving private Ryan' intensity. Each film is Made for a particular audience in mind and this one hit the mark...

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Kimi (2022)
Rear Window - Tech Update
22 April 2022
A good new take on the Rear Window plot... Much like the recent "Run." You get 90 minutes of thrills, character and a well paced story.

Enjoyable viewing from director Soderberg.
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The right stuff...
18 February 2022
Many of us remember the first time we watched the original '74 classic... and this new spin on the classic film was done well.

The pacing was fast... 83 mins... Perfect for a horror/slasher film setting up the main protagonists as they journey unknowingly toward the trouble ahead, always in a car on a hot Texan day.

As it's 2022, the modern day thinking of todays 20 somethings is written into the script well, along with all the creature comforts of mobile phone technology and internet access/posts.

You just have to let reality dissipate for the 83 min run time and enjoy the ride... You know the main character, this is why the film was made, this is why horror fans continue to turn up to the show. It's just a matter of what will happen, and how will this chapter end... That why we watch...
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The Newsreader (2021– )
Excellent mini-series...
12 February 2022
An excellent blend of functional character driven drama, intertwined with the real stories of early 1986... Such a great concept really.

Great set design, costumes, and all things 1980s...

It's really worth viewing and runs the perfect length of 6 episodes... Enjoy.
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