
217 Reviews
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This Is the Police II (2018 Video Game)
one step forward, two step back
2 June 2024
I like many of the improvements. They had done with the police part. I really have to be in awareness instead of just going into police mode and stop thinking.

How the police people have their own little personalities and things they wanted to and don't want to do and how they are paid in the ass. It does improve it and make it so that I have to think more than I did in the first one.

But the thing that broke me that thing that made me not able to do anymore of this game even if I want to because I liked the other half of the cop gameplay, is the XCOM level the strategy levels. I find this so boring and appalling that I cannot get through them every time I try I want to just Stop playing the game. I am done I don't want to beat It Anymore.

But I was still curious about the story and where it went, so I watched the cutscenes on YouTube .What the story feels confused to me? I know what direction they are going with it, but it just makes me so uninteresting and unlikable to me that it's just like hey you are not a person I want to see life. So why should I give a s***? He's no longer interesting, a man put in a horrible place and make horrible choices, now He is the bad cop.

The story hooked me but not for a good reasons.
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dusty and old it is so atmospheric
2 June 2024
All time classic, It's amazing to see how this slow-paced movie can still feel intense and Nerve waking .

The real main character is the tuco. He's the one we sees most of the movie and he is wonderful on scream. Just being a horrible piece of s*** of a person who will do what he wants, is smart enough to not Screw over his own plans but oh my god. He's so wonderful to watch.

I think about the scene in the gun shop, he's just putting together a gun, is comically and funny angle, but still horrifyingly brutal.

How all of these character feels so small in this world full of death and civil war and they are just looking for treasure. They're like little DongBeatles looking for the gold.

I like how confident that the directors was in his actors just put the camera on them for two minutes and let them do their magic not too many cuts that doing they awesome acting that is entertaining in seeing it in itself.

And all of the places looks dusty and old it is so atmospheric and gifts the whole point of feeling It's sturdy. It's full of men who don't take baths because that dirt is now just part of their skin.

All the actors Sell the show it's just one of those movies where I cannot find a bad performance the only bad part is that every line is Dub, but that is the charm of spaghetti westerns.

Movie has a nice Odyssey feeling it takes forever for a plot to actually pick up good amount of the movie is just tupo and Blondy just trying to beat each other.

Is an all-time classic it takes almost three hours and is not boring ,it is captivating and wonderful and is certainly worth watching again.
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F.3.A.R. (2011 Video Game)
who is the best son
1 June 2024
It is a fun co-op. It doesn't have many strings to its bow. I think it is almost torture to play alone but together with a friend it is fun enough.

But what a annoy me about the game is it has potential I could easily see this as an Xbox 360 doom like game, but is it's just a little too slow and the enemy's health bars are little too big and it is very scallop brain in the level design.

I just wish it was more movement based and had more fun guns to use. Does shotgun feels weak.

Story is laughable, but it is fun god listening to fettel saying the most delicious evil things it is fun as hell.

It is a Suge game, but it is fun with a friend and co-op is so fun Just teasing each other about who is the best son.
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Nightcrawler (2014)
HE will do anything in his path to get what he wants
31 May 2024
What a great f** movie well written with awesome acting and a story that feels as relevant today it as it was great.

It reminds me of that kind of movie where a guy is down on his luck but then Rises up in a career to become the top of the world but instead of an noble person, we have a psychopath. Who will do anything in his path to get what he wants.

And it is chilling just his staring with no emotion. Just looking into the eyes and getting what he wants. He has Direct reason for everything he does because he has a system that has to be a system and you cannot break the system, he has created.

I don't know if he is a psychopath or maybe he has just watched so many business tutorials about how to be successful that it has Warp his mind.

Cinematography is very good. Just many slow camera moves not too many fast movements. Just staying at the important bits almost like how he shoots the horrible crime scenes.

I watched it 10 years ago and had headed on my mind every now and then. Now I have watched it again and it is certainly worth remembering.
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X-Men Origins: Wolverine (2009 Video Game)
running around with a wife beater
31 May 2024
Do you get nostalgic for the tie in game that is actually worth something, because Raven has created it and it is fun, but God it is janky .

The best part of the game is running around with a wife beater. Just destroying everything around you with the claws and going around sometimes good looking environments.

But there are different environments in the games , some of them looks awful like every time you are in a laboratory especially the first one that jungle looks bad and the latest part of the game, but I'm gonna give the blame to unreal engine 3 did some horrible stuff for video game graphics at the times.

I played the Xbox 360 version it has some bugs, falling through the ground dying random moments because I felt through the ground and one boss who falling through the stage so I had many problems getting through it. I'm lucky. I played it before so I could skip it.

But there is beauty in this game. It is a video game ass video game, where you want one stage a playing against maniacs wind machetes in the African jungle to giant assassin ladies and just unexpected video game enemies just appear and it is nonsensical and I am so happy because it is my kind of jam this video game nonsense.

My favourite state was that look mostly distinct and was fun to play through which was chapter 2 with the snow levels and chapter 3 with the giant robot. It is when I have fun because the other levels were frustrating

But the fun part of this game the thing that made me play it after all these years are the regeneration mechanics where you can see Wolverine pulling himself together and insane combat where you are a lawnmower just destroying everything.

Even if I really only enjoyed missions 2 and 3, I am still happy to have played it. It is a fun game despite as many flaws.
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long lost time of the Capcom
30 May 2024
I'm glad I finally got to play this game. It took me some tries because it is a hit scratcher and it took me a long time to get the mood to play it again, but I'm glad I did it because this is one Hell of unique Wii game.

It's from a long lost time of the Capcom company the time in the history in the 2000 where they made so many different games with so many different art Styles and we had all kinds of genre .

Capcom experimented with all kinds of gameplay and sometimes it was amazed and sometimes it was some beautifully cartoonist stuff like this. God this reminds me of ghost trick.

So what we have here is a lovely point and Click game with lots of times where you can be a Deadman walking but luckily the levels are small enough. So it's not too bad to start again and there is a lovely hint system that means I was never stuck.

And the gameplay is fun using the Wii remote in all kinds of ways and trying to figure out what steps to step to get to the final point. It's just fun all the way around and I appreciated many laughs , stuff they did.

It's that kind of game that is only made to be played on the Wii because of the unique ways it uses the controller like appointing click. Oh, you could do this with a controller but then it loses so much of the charm.

And the character design and the story is so charming we have the brat pirate Rose that is so cute. I just wanted to pet her on the head and then we have the absolute numbskole that is Zack, he's fun, he Just doesn't care. It's all about the treasure and has the right attitude for this colorful adventure.

It is a really good game even if it is frustrating because of the ticket system you have to pray a prize to be Revived where you died. If not, then you have to start the level of which can be really f** annoying in the later half of the game, but it's not a deal breaker. I would absolute recommend it.
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Touch of Evil (1958)
Orson Welles is directing, I'm watching the version that he wanted
29 May 2024
Orson Welles is directing and I'm watching the version that he wanted.

This movie I had fun with I went in with a little understanding about what is happening. I mean I didn't even read. What was on the back of my blue ray but I was really surprised about how well written and surprising the plot was.

I really enjoy how it must have played on expectations when it went out in the Cinema in the 50s like hey left-handed reverse the Mexican is the good honest guy and American police chief is the bad guy that corrupt crooked Cook.

We have some lovely presentation the black and white keeps it looking out of this world. It has a look we don't really use anymore and it just adds much more subtlety and painterly Strokes to the image. It looks like something I could put on my wall. It's just so well iconic.

Wells just takes every scene. He's in Mexican man with not played by Mexican sadly is also done extremely well and in the beginning. I didn't really care about any of the stuff that was happening, but slowly but it happens. I was hooked I really wanted to see it. It was just so compelling in the last half.

I really enjoy the villain, how dirty and corrupt he was and how he still felt like a sad pathetic husk of a man, who still did his job. I appreciate him. He was so fun and awesome acted.

If you're going to find the directors version, then you are certainly going to have to watch it.
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A Goofy Movie (1995)
I had a goofy time.
28 May 2024
It is funny that the plot of this movie is made entirely out of misunderstandings and don't want to talk about it. It's just one big movie about not talking to dad, the dad not talking to the son.

It looks very nice. Good 90s Disney animation and just has some very fun songs, no ones I'm gonna remember for a long time, but when they are they are fun, I really like illegally distinct Michael Jackson.

I like conflict between goofy and Max and I really enjoy Pete, Pete is my favorite. I want him and especially that sexy scene where he is beside the pool when we're looking down Angle oh, he looks good.

A very memorable fun movie.
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Rabbids Go Home (2009 Video Game)
We must send them to the moon
27 May 2024
I startet this game set on a mission. I wanted the rabbits out of this world and I got my wish. They are finally gone now. They have to annoy mario and Princess Peach world.

Fun just driving the cart picking up garbage and collecting to the bar to get more items. It's just simple but fun. It's the perfect game to listen to a podcast to it's just so relaxing.

The collecting gameplay is fun and luckily gives a lot of unique and interesting level design because hey I grabbed this item now. I have to get out of this place with it and it just gets a lot of mileage with how many weird things I collected,

It has a simple and clean art style. It's really easy on the eyes just simple colors and character's that are skinny and look like could be blown away by Breeze.

It's the perfect gameplay for just playing some levels and then going back to doing something else. It's almost like an apple a day kind of game, every if I ended up completing it in two days because I just have so entertained.

The game is at the same time a bit challenging but also easy because the challenge is only as hard as how many items you want to collect.

Which helps with the relaxing quality, because I tell you this the secret ending is not worth it it's just a gold star, so just have fun with playing it

My character's was yellow guys the minions and mario that looked weird and I had fun so it's worth playing.
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good cinematography, iconic angles
27 May 2024
Hurt Locker is an intense movie with a lot of good cinematography and iconic angles for the camera to show but I find the characters lagging.

Feels like an action film, at some point maybe with a bit of a serious get-up, but it is a movie I get taking out of it. I kind of wish it was more serious, but it is mostly and action film with a serious skin on it.

What I enjoyed most of what Meny sit pieces, the ways it shows the slow action packed way of getting the bombs out of the things and all of the different ways it is done and 1 horrific body scene with a little boy.

But then I get taking out of it because the characters are way to Simple and movie like I wish they were more grounded in reality but they feel like oh, I know this character and this kind of character. It feels like and normal film put in this conflict.

It is a fine movie. I would recommend it. Maybe it works on you.
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Memories (1995)
memories of anime distant past.
25 May 2024
Seeing this much production quality and design put into these abstract and weird ideas is amazing. I truly appreciate old Ova market for what it did in the 90s and 80s.

Magnetic Rose is my favorite animation short I have seen, the beautiful design, The Haunting story disturbing accuracy in the little bloody scenes. It is one of the best short cartoons I have watched and it is always one I'm going back to.

I am blown away by every little detail in the background and how many subtle clues there are to what is gonna happen? I really enjoy watching it a second and third time and just seeing the four shadowing that is raiding and haunted feeling of this magnificent space Castle.

Because the idea is silly ghost story in space, but it is done so well and with so much details and we'll human action that it doesn't feel silly. It's it's feels so sad I begin to cry in one point because it felt so emotional to the character.

My favorite anime short of all time in 40 minutes 10 out of 10.


Then we have stink bomb, which I will call the most unlucky guy on the planet story, that I keep thinking is Mr Bean if Mr Bean was hated and needed to be destroyed.

It's an amazing absurd black comedy with some amazing destruction and animation details. I really love this silly dumb idea. That is just given so much attention and love behind it. It is so fun to watch.

This one is the opposite of subtlety instead. We have characters written masks that are overly animated to show their feelings and people with some good old really cartoonish faces that are really expressive. It is so funny done.

I had certainly many laughs at anime and the beautiful animation and it is just go all out action fun black comedy experience that's not really too much to talk about it because, it is what it is really, just well done.

Stink bomb 8 out of 10 ..... Sadly the last one I couldn't get into as much I love the design and animation is still beyond many things done today, but I am sadly mostly cold on it. I don't really have too much to go on, just ok.
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Goblin Slayer (2018–2023)
Perfect Dungeon crawl feeling
25 May 2024
Goblin Slayer is a fun sleazy anime with a funny main character that is all about killing Goblin, is so autistic about it that it's awesome.

What I enjoy most about this is the very delivered and be specific way gets through the dungeons. Just looking behind Every Corner very slowly very diligently doing it. It has the perfect Dungeon crawl feeling from the old games it is a really fun to see.

An even if the side characters not that deep they are fun and I enjoyed company when they try to get the goblin Slayer out of his shell.

This anime has a particular kind of woman they like with big proportions little clothes and just all the sex appealed it could have, it's kind of funny How sexy the characters are so funny.

What I do not enjoy about this aine is the goblin's rape people, mostly because it doesn't feel like the world has a realistic response to it. I mean if our world had the species that did that, I think people would be in the streets to Killing It Off very quickly but in this world. It's just like hey it's beginner stuff. Just go and kill these horrible creatures. It's so weird. It's like rape is not taking serious in this world.

It's a funniest experience with a main character that I like . So even if they are some things that don't make sense. I think it's worth watching.
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Neon White (2022 Video Game)
heaven or hell, it deserves Paradise
24 May 2024
What a wonderful speedrund came with absurd anime aesthetic and story just touched me to my bones, enough to 100% completed and what I mean is collecting all the items and gifts.

Playing this game almost in a trends. It was so good that I had to see all of the story and get a gold medal at least on every level so it was just so fulfilling I beat it in 2 settings, 12 hours and I would say it totally worth it.

But the characters are all lovable anime absurdity we have the best friend we have the cuticle who likes knives we have the sexy girlfriends who will call you puppy.

But they are still foolished out and feel fun and compelling and I think that amnesia makes it so you grow to enjoy them like the main character begin to remember . It feels simultaneously because of it.

And the gameplay is so fast-pac Sill technical it is most amazing that it's so good that I could play this on a controller and still feel precise because I played the PS5 version.

When I get into the rhythm listen to the music Jump used I'd you demons just the trends is so magnificent. I cannot leave it. I'm so sad the game is over because I'm not gonna see these lovable goofballs anymore and this amazing gameplay that is tense but still open enough to a few ups and still get a gold medal.
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second world war that is less explored
24 May 2024
Movie is a spectacle on the production levels with set design to buildings being destroyed a soldiers the goal and all the high value actors they have in it.

Movie has is incredible actors in the youth of their careers doing incredible stuff. I think about the scene with the soldiers on the river bank, the British soldiers fighting in the streets slowly being destroyed.

All of the practical effects people falling from sky , buildings being destroyed I think this movie is amazing when it comes to showing the aftermath and the destruction that war brings.

And soldiers are wonderful they have been giving an impossible task and they are still trying to fill it even if there have been given to little resources to do it. The soldier still giving it their Alle even if it is a poorly made plan.

The thing I didn't like about the movie is its length. I think it's a bit too long and editing is confusing sometimes. I don't know where I'm supposed to be in these 3 to 4 different places.

It is always interesting seeing parts of the second world war that is less explored and this is certainly one of those good times.
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Baldur's Gate III (2023 Video Game)
Dungeon Master that has a tentacle fetish
23 May 2024
I had a wonderful time with this game the journey was exciting on every step and the Companions were so warm and interesting .

I have not had this feeling with an rpg since I played Dragon Age a long time ago and now I finally have it the feeling of obsession where I could not get the game out of my head and they characters those were certainly part of it. My only real problem with the game is the later halves have way too many enemies so battle can take an hour but it is mostly the last chapter it happens.

I played it as a barbarian knocking heads and brute forcing my way through but it is really fun seeing all the others different ways you can get through the game and it is almost an immersivesin in how many ways you can get through the game.

I really appreciate the characters and the crest and how how you handle it changes how the characters act and even if they're alive in different acts of the game it must have been a nightmare to program, but it's so nice to see difference.

Another problem I have to the game is that it is so long for me it took 69 hours and I didn't mostly everything so it's certainly a once a lifetime experience because I'm not going back to it takes too much time.

The graphics look insane I played on PS5 and the music really was good to zones I was in special boss fight against Raphael god the music was so good dear.

But the biggest problem with the technical stuff was the loading times 30 seconds was a bit too much.

Game is a really fun Dungeon Master that has a tentacle fetish and it is a fun and varied adventure with characters that have worth remembering and even if I'm not a fan of rog style games I can appreciate it because I loved it even if I am not the biggest fan of the genre. I would recommend it as a masterpiece.

TS best girl is karlach.
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A nice journey into the swarms with some lovely people .
22 May 2024
Captain knows what he's doing, but he's not a distant for this world long and others are some of the stereotypically Bad soldiers and God was fun watching them.

Watching the story is this horrible swamp I can almost feel the exhausting watching them walk through this awful experiences and then watching these redneck French Hunters.

It's a nicely shot movie with some awful locations and almost horror Feeling because of the going down one after one.

It is a tense experience even if the acting isn't the best it is worth recommending and it is from a really good director!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Halo Infinite (2021 Video Game)
wasn't for Co-op with my friend, I would not have finished it
20 May 2024
For me this game is hard to review because I had a good time with the game but it was only because I played it with a friend. If I had played it alone. I would have had one of the most exhausting and horrible experience with halo gmae I had ever had.

Gameplay experience is based on legendary, which I must say was horrible balance. Enemies are so precise . Me and my friend have to play in Russian style human wave Tactics and . Damage so hard that I had to play with certain weapons and damaged them for far to avoid getting instantly killed.

And whoever decided that they should have health bars that are so large and annoying that it takes forever to kill them and when you want out of ammo. I have to just use fits and we have it so bad, there were two Hunters me and my friend had to use 20 minutes to grab and melee it to death.

Brightside I like the grappling hood it adds a lot of fun verticality and me and my friend here at infinite more fun Just using them, then actually killing many of the enemies.

Insanely glitches one time the enemy didn't spawn so we couldn't get further ,another time the checkpoint glitches out so we had to restart to actually make new checkpoints again. So many times it crashed when loading , it is just an exhausting experience if it wasn't because we were Halo fans. I would have left this game in the dust and never touch it again.

The Sandbox doesn't add so much it feels very repetitive after a while and when you try to use a very powerful scorpion tank and the enemy still kill you in no time it's feels so disappointing and weak.

I think the story is fine my only problem with it is it is mostly feels like the franchise doesn't know what to do anymore and it's just grafting at straws. It is certainly the sin of Halo 4 that went the story became more character based instead of plot-based

soon realized that the only compelling characters are master chief and katana, and we are just left with those two forever in Conflict or together and conflict and together. It is a universe where they can only use two characters.

If it wasn't for Co-op with my friend, I would not have finished it and this is the worst Halo game even if I like some of the Mechanics like the hrafting Hook.
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Moonwalker (1988)
ultimate vanity project
20 May 2024
Michael Jackson movie in is the ultimate vanity project and I am proud that he made it et It is a swede peace of Art you can only make when you are high on yourself on a level never experience to others and your the top of your carriever.

After watching the first 20 minute of jerking off in our face then it becomes a spectacular insane trip through the mind of Michael Jackson and we get to see how he sees the world,world sees him, safe children defeats The Mafia escape from paparazzi's, want to be left alone. Just everything that is Michael Jackson and it is awesome.

It reminds me of a yellow submarine and but when the Yellow Submarine has kind of if I smoke a joint it will make sense this has a madman's kind of makes sense, so it is a very funny to analysis.

Michael Jackson it's not in good actor, but he's good performer which is more fun to watch especially when he's beside the children.

Insanely fun film would recommend.
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Armadillo (2010)
To feel completely unwanted.
18 May 2024
A film for friendship, being together with your Bros and sad depressing feeling that nothing you do matters.

Being in Afghanistan in one of the most dangerous posts that the Danish military was in and just being surrounded by people who don't really want you to be there and have a mission that nobody really believes in and now you just have to be with your bros in a desert for half a year slowly losing your mind.

Authentic and realistic betrayal of it and horrible camera lenses they use to suck all the colors out of it a bit over the top but it gets the pointed for us.

Didn't help to see actually dead people and see how you slowly become one with the masculine identity on the base and just an awesome film on every level and seeing the Danish soldier doing what they do is just breathtakingly sad and also.

Maybe the music was a bit over the top of it get the point across. I really respect this movie documentary for what it did to make it feel more like a movie than a documentary.
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Happy inside malkovich
17 May 2024
I really enjoyed this movie just a lot of surreal humor world design and a really intelligent written script and characters were really fun.

Also really enjoyed the main character. He's a sad piece of lonely guy. I just think that he's the perfect douchebag for this story. First second scene hot girl trying to get in her pants.

Dysphoria for not feeling good in your own body is one of the things that get in the story mods of the time his relationship that is going downhill and he only really appreciates after everything is going to hell god. I mean character is so bad. I love it and black hair woman. That is just oh deliciously dominatrix like in how she tortures the main character.

It could be body horror But the way it's handle is so comedic but not overly comedic. It's kind of subtle what kind , because of monkeys and way too small working places. It has a surreal feeling that I enjoy really much.

Premise I have never seen before and have not see replicated another place and it is worth watching every Charlie Kaufman movie did he has been a part of.
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Why the bosses
13 May 2024
So it looks technically better. I mean the character models are higher quality and the Wii games look nice, but it also looks worse now because it have lost a lot of it dark. Atmosphere it got in the umbrella Chronicles look. It was mostly because they took assets for the GameCube games, but it's still edit a lot.

And now you can have more weapons, but they did that weird decision to instead of having the grenades on the knife button they now just have a different slot for grenades that have to compete with other weapons and that is kind of insane this stupid.

Setting in African looked so bad maybe the dark and Gray there was mostly in umbrella Chronicles was kind of repetitive but at least it did not look bad like Africa does.

Anything this game's bosses are a lot of a hill worse, the timing to not get hit is so much Tighter and I could not get it to work properly that dude with an eye socket in his arm was so bad.

I am happy they got Leon's voice actor for Resident Evil 4 that is the best part of the game for me.

It's kind of the weird part of this game. It feels like it has higher production quality behind it but also lost a lot of the soul. I would not recommend it.
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Cosmopolis (2012)
sadly I think the movie is boring
13 May 2024
I think I got this movie, I suppose I did when I think about it. It feels like a soup of information and things happening and all of that but I think I got the message, but sadly I think the movie is boring most of the time.

The scene where he talks to people in his limousines seen not connected for the world of round him. Just thinking about the system to make more money and all the philosophical talks in the limousines. I think it's had many good moments but I also think it is very sterile to watch not many funny or interesting angles.

Most of my Goodwill comes from the last scenes in the movie the last half hour where I really think the movie picks up and became interesting but most of it. Just is about a man self-destructing, but it's not that interesting to see.

What still get interesting sexual angles from David cronberg's lovely cinematography and I still thinks it's amazing how sterile. He can make sex Look and how it is not sexy even when they are having sex.

But even if I understood the story a little bit I still think boring cinematography makes me not want to go back .
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Awesome poster.. bad movie but FUN
13 May 2024
We are in that situation again that situation where we have an awesome poster. I mean a really fun poster of a pig eating a Dude and then I watch the movie and it's kind of about that but not really.

It's more like man eating pigs is background and exist and I want them to do cool stuff, but we are instead seeing a psycho story.

I mean, it's not bad. It has a lot of charm because of the time period and I think it's fun perform, the actors Are Hamming it up and being fun so on that front. I was not bored while watching it and constantly looking for hairs and cigarette burns in the film was fun in itself.

Seeing the awesome cover watching the movie getting bamboozled, but it's still worth watching if you are interested in really bad 70s movies.

Why didn't I get to see the pigs eat the neighbors.
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Roar (1981)
More scared than a horror movie
11 May 2024
So, do you want to see the most intense movie of the year most scary horror movies.

That I have this awesome bad movie with some of the upsetting scene. I've seen because they are real f** Lions beside real people and I am always afraid that somebody is about to get killed .

And the more things I learned behind scenes the more horrified this movie becomes 70 people injured ,uses own kids for the scene all the horrible unsafe moments. I'm amazed this movie got made, but I'm happy for it because now I can watch it and become horrified.

Because seeing all these animals together interacting with people is breathtaking. Maybe it is mostly horrifying but it's still an amazing feat that they could do this and animals were so scary.

I can't tell you about all the technical parts of the movie that doesn't hold up so well the editing fills all jumble and will just end in one scene to another scene without much cause and the acting on the kids are laughable, but it's just like this is not what the movie is it's about how horrifying it is to see the actors with the animals.

I would recommen this movie that is more scared than a horror movie.
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is Magic gone
10 May 2024
I understand why people like this movie I do , sadly I find half of it boring.

When emotions hit, they hit hard and I think it's absolute worth watching to see if you are one of those Who's Gonna Love It

But for me the biggest problem was the lack of dialogue I begin to slowly fall into a trends because of the no to little dialogue.

What is absolute amazing is the animation the little detail in the hand movements all the small flowers just I think it looks like a Disney movie from the 60s when it had the more jacket style and I love it.

In the backgrounds look detail and gorgeous. Just all of the artist was in love had been put into this movie.

The slow paced very melancholy story, showing a girl magic even if it does not exist. It's a very nice movie and has some beautiful sad moments.

And the ending is just spectacular. I did not expect it and I love it.

Is Magic gone.
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