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Diarra from Detroit (2024– )
Mildly interesting, aggressively eccentric
31 March 2024
This would work really great on Tubi as original programming. No one should have to pay for this. It's interesting because it really captures the look and feel of Detroit; it has that aesthetic. But then so does BMF, and that is actually a good show.

This is more of a dark comedy. At times it is just ignorant, but it turns a corner every time you think it's going to devolve into straight up buffoonery. So it has potential, but as with everything Kenya Barris, it leaves much to be desired. So the best it can be is like a Detroit "Blackish", which is sad because it's actually more entertaining than that show in a very weird, eccentric way.

It isn't laugh out loud funny, so don't expect that. But is a comedy for bringing light to what otherwise would be a rather dark drama set in Detroit. I know Detroit, Detroit, Detroit, blah blah blah. But that's really its most redeeming characteristic.
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Paterson (2016)
This is supposed to be interesting. It isn't.
31 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I always watch Adam Driver films but they all end up being about being. His existential performances, going all the way back to Girls, are slow, brooding, and full of contemplation. This film is no different.

You know the funny thing about this film is that everyone that loves it and gives it a 9 or 10 rating wrote the exact same review. They probably did not do so intentionally, or maybe thought their observations were unique. But in the end, they said the same thing that the last 50 people mentioned, just in a different way.

There is something to say about the work you have to do to pay the bills and what you would do for free but it would great if someone paid you for it and you lived it on your own terms. This film tries to tell a story about a bus driver that is content with his life and does not consider himself to be an artist. But it juts reminds me of all of the people I've met along the way on jobs that do comfortable, "mindless" work, because those are the easiest jobs to keep, and continue to grind but are anything but what their job says they are. The protagonist thinks he's a bus driver that writes poetry. I think he's a poet that drives a bus for a living.

They film is also about how something interesting happens every single day but nothing significant ever happens in life. Nothing happens worth talking about. You can cherish the insignificant moments but honestly why should you? It's false humility. Perhaps they exist for context to keep us from feeling sorry for ourselves. To keep us from being depressed. But there's only so much *nothingness" people can take before they start crawling the walls. Yes we should appreciate the little things. But we don't strive for those things, we strive, hustle and grind for greatness. We may never reach that, but we have to try.

I take the film as an exploration of the void in between life's movements. Eventually people do something; they fail but part of being human is trying and putting forth an effort. Those slow periods can be a week, a year or a decade. It is really up to you. One does nothing until they get the courage to do something. Boredom does not last forever, but appreciate boredom when it presents itself. Make the best of it. Paterson provides a look backstage when the curtain is down and the actors are changing clothes. It isn't the first film to do so. But it's philosophical approach, and the focus on poetry, is something worth contemplating every now and again.
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Maestro (2023)
Too much made of Bernsteins sexuality
20 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Good film definitely the best filmmaking this year by far but too much of an emphasis on Bernsteins complicated relationship with his wife. Seemed like his wife provided emotional support, and he loved her no question about it, but it isn't really the film that I wanted to see, especially when nothing came out of his relationships with his lovers.

Just when his wife was about to have her own situations on the side she gets diagnosed with cancer. Bernstein stayed with her in her final days and then went back to living out his truth with affairs with other men. The movies tries to end on a high hedonistic note, but it just feels empty and disrespectful to his wife. Not really how we wanted to see things end but I guess if you knew Bernstein personally you wouldn't feel any type of way about it.

I'm with another reviewer this felt like a film for his fans that already knew him, and an opportunity for people to learn about him was lost. Bernstein was still alive when I was a teenager, so it would have been nice to learn more about his motivation.

The Black and White part of the film moves about like an old Woody Allen film and the color part is more technicolor, either real or digitally simulated, for film geeks that love the way that color was represented on film in the 50s. Plus they had the 4/3 ratio which was another distraction. I would have preferred authenticity in the story, not the presentation.
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Barbie (I) (2023)
Disturbing, but I couldn't turn away
16 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is a very bizarre, very weird movie. Basically Ken gets motivated by the idea of the patriarchy once he visits the real world but only went to the real world because of Barbie, who was there because of the woman that still plays with Barbie was depressed and, yeah, whatever. Oh and Mattel is run completely by men.

I always wondered what a Barbie films storyline would look like. But this makes Barbie sound like a diversion to play into the fantasies of progressive, feminist, women. And maybe it is maybe it isn't. Mattel is making a serious case for the legitimacy and relevancy of Barbie, and the movie is really a two hour commercial for the toy. But it's worth it to explore dynamics between women and men. Who is in control of relationships, how men and women really need each other for more than just families and reproduction.

In doing so we are back to the patriarchy and old fashioned traditional all American values but maybe that is all that life was ever about anyway. But then when the movie makes its point it gets away from itself, runs too long and gets campy again.

The bigger picture is that Barbie, the film, gives us that movie magic we took for granted. And that's why I think it was so successful. It gives us something that has been missing from cinema for a while. But it is still a mediocre movie. Seven out of 10 for transcending that mediocrity at different times, but only seven out of ten for it's rhetoric. If women are given a choice, they'll probably want to remain in Barbie Land.
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Fingernails (2023)
Slow, like everything else on Apple TV+
26 November 2023
Typical slow motion picture courtesy of Apple. Like Lessons In Chemistry. Like Severance. Like every other masochistic piece of content on there that we tolerate because the people are attractive and its shot in 4K.

This has been done several times before. Usually it's an app, or they take your blood, or whatever. Usually it's dystopia, and not romantic, and I don't understand why they didn't take that route. Here, it is just physical torture that weirdos do to figure out if they're in love. Not something cool that has overtaken society. Not the New World Order. Literally, something losers and weirdos are doing because they're desperate and confused, and the people running the "institute" aren't 100 percent themselves. Maybe that is the point of it, but it just has that icky retrotech feeling to it.
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Rap Sh!t (2022–2023)
Insecure for the next generation
12 November 2023
This is Insecure for a younger generation. It isn't better and it isn't worse. It's what you could expect from a younger generation for that. Insecure wasn't the best show, definitely not as good as people were making it out to be because it felt like Girlfriends, which felt like Living Single, and so on, and so forth. Black women friendship, Sistahood and all of that, which is definitely needed.

Basically people just keep making the same show over and over again. You have one woman that wants to be conscious and bougeious and ends up indulging other sides of her personality when she forms a group with her rachet, "hood", friend. Which is something every Black person does, because it is part of life. I don't get all of the reviews about how disappointed they are because this isn't The Cosby Show or A Different World. Those shows were good for the time but those story lines wouldn't hold people's attention now.

The show also conveniently has artists from the music industry make appearances, as if to legitimize it's need for existence, but it isn't necessary. It would be a lot better if it stayed in character. The production methods, which include a lot of Instagram Reels, to tell us that young people exploit Instagram to market themselves and promote their brand, was unnecessary and makes the producers seem like old timers that do not respect the subject material. It isn't a mockumentary and I'm confused why they have that type of energy in this project. This has been done several times before to show us how technology is changing the culture, in particular that FaceTime episode of Modern Family and it really sucks that they're doing that here.

Anyway I'm going to keep watching it even though I'm a few generations away from their target demographic. Not sure if this show is satire or not, but it gives me Spike Lee vibes at times and I'm not sure that is the intention.
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Black Cake (2023– )
Depressing story about exploitation that is supposed to be interesting for all the wrong reasons
11 November 2023
This is framed as an epic crime novel but it's just your typical story about the West Indies and what a woman finds herself doing to make it in Europe. She ends up doing what anyone else would in her situation. A lot of grisly tales about exploitation, assimilation, racism, nationalism and a life of being an outsider and a foreigner, no different than the same odds Black people overcome in general.

The only redemption in this story is that the woman learns how to get about without relying on men, but the angst of dating men is not far behind. It goes back and forth in time too much for my tastes and can be a bit confusing if you're not paying close attention. She wants to be involved with a man but can't learn how to do so without undoing everything she's accomplished to reinvent herself and keep preventing people from learning the truth and the identities she's appropriated. Some women are just put in those unfortunate series of circumstances and some create circumstances to get through life. It is what it is.

We already know that we have a hard time in Europe and we know what it was like for our grandparents back in the twentieth century so I don't really understand how this story is groundbreaking when a lot of our elders went through similar things. Things haven't changed that much and a lot has remained the same.
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Shaft (2019)
Depends on what you're in this for
28 October 2023
So Shaft finally got the made for TV production quality treatment. Figures because it's brought to us by someone in television. What we end up with is a mixes bag of honoring the legacy of Shaft and an attempt to update it and keep it relevant. Dark comedies, which are the norm for cop shows since the last installment, Shaft (2000), came out, is probably the best way to do this.

So instead of your traditional blaxploitation film, this film branches out and switches things up a bit. And that's a good thing and a bad thing. I only found out about this film because Richard Roundtree died. It's that bad. Yet it's unique enough to feel like something awful off of TBS or FX. It's that good. The intergenerational differences between Father, son and Junior are interesting as well. Kenya Barris brings his usual rhetoric to the game as well, which would usually be a deal breaker, but it actually works here, even though this franchise isn't known for consciousness or introspection.

Just take ir for what it is and don't think too hard about it because it's a wonder the franchise has lasted this long.
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Pictionary (2022– )
People have no sense of humor
14 October 2023
The show is obviously playing homage to the 1997 version and Win Lose or Draw from the late eighties. Both of which were ridiculous but acceptable for that time. It's more of a caricature of those shows than something new and different. What is wrong with people being goofy, silly, and immature when we were ALL being innocent and naive like that in the eighties!

This is just a feel good, nostalgic show. Meant to take you back to when times were simpler, people actually got along, and people could agree to disagree without going dark and without unforgiveness. Back when people knew what it meant to be human. I swear people on IMDB take themselves too seriously at times.

Yes everyone looks and acts like they're binging on laughing gas or antidepressants. That is the entire point.
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Asteroid City (2023)
Another visual masterpiece from Wes Anderson
23 September 2023
I always enjoy the visuals of Wes Anderson's films but the only one I actually followed the plot of was The Royal Tenenbaums. The plot of his films are not that different from any other film from any other filmmaker. What separates Wes Anderson from other artists is the style he uses to progress the film, which is hypervisual and a nod to the idealistic values of America's past. His work is always some satire of old money, old ideas, scientific idealism and psuedo intellectualism. The perfection of his visuals is the candy through which we can digest the heavy handed critiques he delivers through the medicine of his writing. Thank God the America that actually exists, is not the one he portrays, but the point of it all is that this is a reality for those privileged enough to live in the bubbles on display. He always provides the perfect means for escape for how messy and random life actually is.

This film is no different but I have to give it a one out of ten for being a film within a play within a television broadcast. Which just confuses the viewers. If it were clear what the play or the television broadcast were actually about I'd rate it higher but there's nothing compelling outside of the visuals here. It's worth a watch for the art direction and cinematography but that's where the film ends in my opinion. This could have been a satire of the 50s and Area 51 but the opportunity for that was lost a few minutes into this film.
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We have already seen this show but the execution keeps me glued to the set
15 July 2023
It starts off as a show showing how weird and eccentric New York City can be and feels like a show that is exploiting this in order to come off as more interesting than it really should be, Brooklyn in particular. But then it reveals the complexity, frailty, and humanity of its characters, and the idea of the city as a character quickly dissapears. I like the show because of its infectious positivity and feel good nature, and it reminds me of what I love about urban environments.

It is a mix of a lot of different shows. It does check off a lot of boxes though, and I doubt closed minded individuals will be able to see past the aesthetics; there is a lot going on here. It will have to evolve past the tropes of shows with Black female protagonists, weight challenged protagonists, etc to find its way. As it is I can't see it getting past a second season.
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People don't really understand this show
20 March 2023
Retrofuturism is not the point of this show. It's just a device to explain why the future is not as interesting as they thought it should be in the fifties. The reason that future never worked out is because that is not the way that it was meant to be. But in this show let's assume they got the future they wanted, which caused them to miss out on the future we take for granted today, 70 years later.

This is why the social, political and economic turmoil of the sixties through 2010s never happened and things are as boring as they are; their vision of the future solved a lot of those problems for them. But it created a utopia that seems lame because it lacks all of the conflict and drama that we're accustomed to.

It is no different from a lot of science fiction shows. The future isn't all that interesting. What is interesting is how people deal with conflict, turmoil and collapse. This society has no global warming. It doesn't have opioid addiction. It doesn't have mass shootings. Racism does not exist here. It doesn't have a lot of things. So yes it's boring, but that is what happens when technology solves our problems. It is the reason why they're selling empty promises of the moon, because despite their technological advances, they are missing something deep down. This is a human condition that technology will never address.
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Supermarket Sweep (I) (2020–2022)
Lost potential
4 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
A few things here. Leslie Jones obviously has an affinity for her Black contestants. And yes I'm a Black man and it was abundantly clear what was going on.

The second is that the show was interesting on the surface because $100,000 compared to $5,000 back in the nineties? Not much to think about; not sure if anyone ever won the $5,000 back then but the few episodes I've watched it does not appear as if anyone did. I also enjoyed the fact that people could pick up more than just groceries, then again grocery stores today aren't what they were in the nineties.

The third and last is that the show is actually in high definition for a change, with better props, additional characters on the show and a bigger store. Which should have made for a better television show. But it actually doesn't. None of those ABC reboots of seventies, eighties or nineties game shows are better. But again it's nice to see these shows in high definition.

I think the era for these types of shows has passed. The Game Show Network does them better anyway. But it doesn't work when ABC does them, for whatever reason.
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Mike (2022)
20 November 2022
Just makes Mike Tyson into a caricature of himself. Very sad state of affairs. It is entertaining, but isn't really telling us anything we didn't already know about Mike Tyson from the documentaries and from what he talks about on his podcast on YouTube.

It's like the only real reason to watch this is because there isn't a bio series out now with his actual involvement. Reminds me a lot of the various bio series out from the likes of Lifetime or VH1, or even BET. I do admire the skill of the actors playing Mike Tyson; they have his accent, and mannerisms down to a science. But aside from that there are no legitimate reasons to watch this.
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Shallow Hal (2001)
21 May 2022
I'm offended and if stereotypes were any indication, I shouldn't be. And the ongoing joke about the guy with Spina Bifida. I knew I should have avoided this film at all costs. The whole film is one juvenile joke towards larger people. Again I'm not in that situation but I take real offense at how sophomoric the film is. Not that it is without a serious message, but the execution is toxic.
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9 October 2021
Who signed off on this?

Racist stereotypes. Coonery and buffoonery. Makes me ashamed that Black people go for stuff like this. I couldn't even finish it didn't even get an hour in.
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Better than Panther
9 March 2021
I know it sounds incredulous but this may be the definitive movie about the Black Panthers for many years to come. Not to be missed. Small Axe comes close, for movies about race in Western culture.
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I canceled my account
9 March 2021
I never thought I would ever see Pluto Nash again but I was in for an unpleasant surprise. I knew something was up when Amazon purchased the movie for a bargain from Paramount. Didn't add up to me. Now I understand.

If you like silly, sophomoric comedy this is the one to watch. But if you want 80s Eddie Murphy you won't find it here. This movie should have come out in the 90s, when it was still relevant.
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5 September 2020
This really sucks. The interviews on YouTube are bad enough; the novelty of being a really bad cable TV access show makes them work, especially with the soundtrack and the cheap set.

But developing an actual plot around this idea is taking things entirely too far. Only good thing about this movie is that we get to see the interviews iin HD.
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The Twilight Zone (2019–2020)
Different from the original. Not what I expected. In a good way.
14 May 2019
I'm not going to be a jerk and give this one star because it deserves more than that. This is Jordan Peele reimagining what he thinks The Twilight Zone should be. Not necessarily a bad thing.

I give it ten stars because it retains the existential qualities of the original. But it is political and it does show the depths of human depravity. It doesn't do it in the way that the original does and that is a very good thing.

In 2019, The Twilight Zone wouldn't be what it was 50 years ago. I'm not saying that Black Mirror isn't better for modern sensibilities. But I am saying that Black Mirror might be unnecessarily disturbing. Shows like Black Mirror and Weird City like to go there.

The Twilight Zone is different every time it is rebooted. This is no different. I don't need my mind blown or to be freaked out in order for the show to get it's point across.

People desiring this show to be as jaded, twisted, and disturbing as some of the shows that owe their existence to The Twilight Zone. Wow. The racism is real. You would have thought this show is "The Wiz" by some of these comments.
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Flawless, without blemish, exquisite
8 March 2019
Does not get much better than this! Great story telling. One of the things I like about it was to see just how many songs Queen wrote over the years. Even if you aren't a fan of the group and are just vaguely interested, this is a must see.

Queen wasn't really my generation, as I was born in the seventies, and I had a vauge idea of them but was too young to appreciate them. By my adolescent years they weren't creating new material. But I love all of their hits. I didn't know about the solo albums either, but now I'm curious.
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Platonic (2018– )
Mildly interesting; but it has potential
3 March 2019
I found this series on NBC Universal's Watchback app. But you can also watch it on their own website. Just do a search for "Platonic The Series". It is exactly what it sounds like. It could be great if it gets picked up by a larger distributor and they have more money to work with. The story lines are interesting enough, but the show needs more to work with. It is also a show without a protagonist, which may be a good thing seeing how that is overplayed on a lot of shoes; Insecure comes to mind.
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Damn. Haven't seen one this good in a minute.
28 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Hard to talk about this without giving it away but I'll try. It gets dark around 2/3 of the way in. But without seeing the first 2/3 of the documentary you'll never appreciate the turn that it takes. The rest is just meaningless without watching it in it's entirety.

This film right here is why I watch documentaries. This is a difficult standard to meet.

Makes you feel bad about any curiosity or fascination you had about twins. The only thing I can say is that it explains a lot about why adoptions are the way that they are today.
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Mom and Dad (2017)
Weird, but I like it
16 February 2019
Very unconventional movie plays out like a horror movie, but it isn't scary. Will have you asking wt_ from time to time. But interesting enough to keep you watching.
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Crew 2 Crew (2012)
A visual treat. More depth than most dance movies
2 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Cinematography is on point. But this is from Damon Dash I wouldn't expect any less. Soundtrack is great. Environment is beautiful. Actors carry their weight even though I don't recognize any of them. A sleeper of a film, but Damon has many, even though he wants to create the next great ghetto film we need more films like this one.

Biggest surprise is this film is set in Italy without significant Black representation in the cast. Yes, Damon Dash is involved in it coming together. No, it is not that type of party. What this film does well is show the influence of hip-hop culture outside of America, which is a story that needs to be told.

And it's not a corny "Save The Last Dance" interracial love story under the guise of a dance movie either. It is a respectable script. The problem Damon Dash is going to have with the film is that his fans will hate it. But you might catch it on your favorite streaming service. I won't say where I caught it cause that could change by the time the review gets improved.

If hip-hop dance were more of the point of this film, rather than a footnote, it would have performed better. I love it the way that it is.
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