
7 Reviews
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I Care a Lot (2020)
Bold, Heart Wrenching, Cold, Full of Twists
24 January 2024
This movie is far from perfect but I'll tell you why there are so many low reviews, it's the same reason 'Hollywood' continues to make the same, predictable movies time and time again. People can't stand to see the 'Bad Guy' Win or for there to not be a clear 'Good Guy'.

In life there are no clear 'good guys' and 'bad guys' just lambs and lions like the film says. This film sends you on a rollercoaster of who to route for till you eventually get to a point where you don't route for anyone. Which is where most people get lost in it. It holds a mirror up to society and capitalism and shows you how ruthless the world, and indeed those who want to make money at all costs really are!

There are so many people like that in the world. People who don't see you as human, simply a digit or a dollar sign, and I don't think people can handle that harsh truth. Great storyline, good acting, lots of twists. Unrealistic in some parts but hey it's a movie.

More like a 7.5 than an 8 but hey still a good film.
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I'll Never watch another Marvel Movie Again!!!
22 May 2023
How is this the most highly rated GOTG Movie!??

Apart from Rockets backstory this was utter garbage. Predictable, Irrational garbage. I literally walked out of the cinema! I couldn't even finish it. I'm sorry but since the last Avengers movie all the Marvel films have been terrible!!! Predictable, Childish and lazy writing throughout (Dr Strange 2, Thor L&T etc...).

What the hell were those stupid, mutated, pig flesh security costumes about at the weird fleshy space station and why did they just aimlessly barrel into every "Immensely dangerous, impenetrable" fortress without a plan and just happen to make it through... I get that this is a superhero movie but come on, at least try and make some sense!!

They will never have another penny of my money!
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Absolute Garbage! I didn't even make it past the 30 minute mark
6 July 2022
Honestly there isn't many films I have to turn off before the 30 minute mark and although I didn't have high expectations for this I still didn't expect it to be this BAD! I loved the first Trilogy, unbelievable film making, plot and story but this was Trash!! I honestly don't know what they were trying to do, be smart, maybe trying to be funny, I don't know but the constant flashbacks and parodies to the first films just didn't work.

Everyone involved should be ashamed!!
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Dune (2021)
Wow! Just Wow!! 12/10
8 December 2021
I absolutely LOVED this movie from start to finish! The acting is sublime, literally every character and the story is well told without being drawn out. The visuals and soundtrack are awe inspiring. I could have stayed in the cinema forever watching this film, 2.5 hours was no where near enough. Cannot wait for the sequel!
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Probably the Worst Marvel Film to date...
23 April 2019
I would give this film a 1 star rating if it wasn't for goose the 'cat'. It's unbelievably corny, rushed and pretty badly acted. I don't know why marvel was so adamant on forcing this unrelated character on us to save the marvel universe... surely they must have had other options. Anyway this film is so bad I'm actually not looking forward to Endgame any more.
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Aquaman (2018)
Ok seriously, what were people watching!!??
15 December 2018
Let me start with this: "Aquaman was one of the worst films!! Yes films, not just superhero movies but films!! I've EVER seen.." I honestly don't know how it's got so many 10* ratings. I'm starting to think there's something seriously wrong with people.

The film is ridiculously cheesy, not well acted at all and so cliche it physically hurt me to watch at most points. There were too many scenes that were just stupidly unrealistic (I know I'm watching a film about a half breed, Atlantian, superhero but have a touch of consistency) like the scene where a 3 ton block of concrete lands on some guy's legs and aquaman just lifts it off and he jumps up and runs off without a scratch on him. I could go on but I'd be here all day...

All in all I felt Atlantis was too over done for me, as was the CGI. The storyline was weak, cliché and rushed and considering it's the only film I've ever wanted to walk out from I think that says it all.
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Wanderlust (2018)
Can not understand the 1/10 reviews!
3 October 2018
"The Problem with Marriage is Women think Men will change and they don't and Men think Women won't change but they do..."

I think anyone who gives this a 1/10 either hasn't ever interacted with normal day to day people or is in a terribly boring marriage and sees so many similarities between the on screen couples and theirs that they feel threatened!

I honestly don't think I've ever seen real life couples, marriages and general interactions portrayed on screen as well and as humorously as this. Like when ever do you see foreplay on television? Either spoke about or visually... Usually people just kiss and magically jump straight into each other as though everyone's just walking around hot, wet and ready at any moment!

I thought the dialogue was brilliant with many laugh out loud moments and the use of long drawn out pauses in personal and some what embarrassing scenes really drew you in and made you feel it deep in your soul.

The Characters are bold and I honestly can't wait to see how they evolve. All I all a great, very refreshing show that I can wait to continue watching.
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