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Ganjasaurus Rex (1987 Video)
Good indie stoner film
7 August 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I saw this movie years ago living in the area it was filmed but I finally re-watched the other day. I have to say this is one of the funniest low budget stoner movies ever. The acting is so bad that it makes this movie a classic. Plus I recognized a lot of the locations they film the movie at plus they filmed this before I was born and it was cool to see area back in the day. Really the plot is so simple a stoner could follow: this pot grower makes a really huge bunch of pot seeds. She gives one to some friends who plant it next to what they think is a rock. The plants a special in that they grow the size of a Redwood and even look like one too. CAMP, the Campaign Against Marijuana Planting, shows up and starts raiding farmers. The giant pot plant next to the "rock" wake up Ganjasaurus Rex who goes out looking for the smell by testing other pot plants, whether still in the ground or attached to CAMP helicopters. Soon the authorities figure out that a monster is on the loose. They seek a scientist that specializes in Ganjasaurus Rex research. The police set up their base in Garberville, Ca. The rest of the movie involves the pot growers being chased by CAMP and Ganjasaurus. The creature is finally sent back to the sea, actually filmed in Shelter Cove, Ca, with the help of the pot farmers and he scientist.
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The Tripper (2006)
Makes a lot more sense if you've been around hippies!
1 August 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I can really relate to this movie growing up and living in Humboldt County and going to the concerts that sparked David Arquette's imagination. If you've never been to a hippie festival then this movie really doesn't have the same affect but it is still pretty funny. It has gore and comedy with some satire. Not just anti-republican satire but anti-liberal/hippie satire. My favorite satire involves Courtney Cox as a hippie trying to protect killer dogs only to be attacked by one of the dogs. I've met many people like that which makes it only that much funnier. The anti-republican satire is really good as well, like when the rednecks attack the main characters for no reason. Thomas Jane is great in this film and shows he can be funny with out cracking jokes, him and Paul Rubens work well together.

If you like gore and satire with some drug humor check it out.
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Great film about religion and Humanism
29 July 2007
I'm a humanist Reverend and have some what of an interest in religious studies and I have to say this is a great film. If you are a believer or a non-believer or just don't care this is a thought provoking film about human-kinds relationship with "GOD." Christopher Eccleston is one of my favorite actors and does a great job of portraying the semi-reluctant son of God. One of the highlights of this film is the interaction between Steve, Ecclestons character, and his friends. Some of his friends believe in him and some don't right off the bat. The way people react is probably very realistic, hard to say since this hasn't happened before. The ending is very good and actually surprising since in America it would never have been chosen, the alternate ending would have been chosen instead.
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