
21 Reviews
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Fool Me Once (2024)
Utter rubbish, now I know to avoid Harlan Coben's work.
7 January 2024
What can I say, my wife is a big soap fan so wanted to watch this because of the good ratings and soap stars in it.

The storyline is so awful with plot holes everywhere, I really don't want to have to write anymore about this abysmal show, but I'm required to fill up the character count. It was obvious what was causing the cops problems from the beginning and also a very standard trope for the guilty party / killer. So many obvious mistakes in the plot signalled early on that this was going to be utter drivel, but what can I say?

Hopefully my wife will no longer trust reviews of shoes like this, but then, knowing my luck she'll still fall for the next one :(.
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Three hours of my life I'll never get back!
4 January 2023
Honestly, your be better watching a David Attenborough documentary, it's far more interesting and no way near as boring. Most of the film is dire storytelling interspersed with overwraught battle scenes, you really need to switch off any common sense or scientific understanding when watching it. Basically Rambo level of stupidity.

I need to write another 268 characters for some stupid reason, but really I just feel worse the more I think about this awful film. The first was okay, not fantastic but okay, this is just total garbage along the lines of the recent Alien movies, hopefully that is enough to convince you to save your money.
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Utter rubbish
11 September 2022
This film owes more to Carry On movies than it does to Marvel. It's all about the laughs, and has little to do with forwarding the Marvel storyline. The whole of this just seems like a tacky comedy. I don't know if Marvel is deliberately setting up the Thor movies as a comedy thread alongside the (only slightly more serious) movies. If so, fair enough, but I'll be according them in the future if that's the case.

To to it all off, the storyline itself was garbage, Marvel really need to audit these storylines before letting them make a movie.

Truly, this demeans the whole Marvel franchise that can't be fixed with a simple reboot.
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Slow plot, mediocre acting, hopefully it picks up
2 September 2022
Really, it's was like having to watch something akin to a Greek tragedy in the original. Very stilted acting, with nothing much happening other than building up background to the story, perhaps that's why there's two episodes straight off the bat.

The continuity of accents is interesting, although some of the pseudo Irish accents are a bit odd, but then they're "not Irish" I suppose, they just sound similar to Irish to our modern ear, like the Dwarfs in the movies sharing some vaguely Scottish/Welsh sounding accents.

Hopefully things change as the "development" is concluded and the story begins in earnest.

Beautiful scenery and rousing music is not enough!
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Why the love for such a bad movie?
23 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Utter, Utter, Utter rubbish.

A disjointed story line with unlikable characters, multiple universes (very on trend) crammed together. Universes with no life (that apparently excludes grass) but the protagonists are "living rock" . Seriously, I might have rated this higher if had just been boring, but it was also just lazy and stupid.

What I really can't understand is how it's so highly rated, just goes to show I must be out of touch with the rest of the movie watching audience, but then I didn't like Black Panther, Dr. Strange, Captain Marvel etc. Either, so maybe I'm just grumpy and sick of movies just jumping onto bandwagons.
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Raised by Wolves (2020–2022)
Sad attempt which just bores
24 February 2022
Intensely boring and drawn out.

Why oh why do so many Sci-Fi shows turn into long drawn out Soap Operas.

I started watching this with great hope, and finally thought at the end of the first season it might start to entertain, however I was sorely let down.

It continues with worn out tropes, plot holes the size of a planet and weird decisions that make no sense.

Not quite as disappointing as Foundation, but damn close!

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Trigger Point: Episode #1.1 (2022)
Season 1, Episode 1
Depressingly obvious
14 February 2022
I can picture it now, a bunch of TV people get into a room and say "let's make a show with no original ideas that plays on the success of the main actor and other shows without actually having any value of it's own". Five minutes later, 6 episodes written.

This was so badly written, the pacing was horrendous and all in it was like watching a 60's trashy cop shop with every cliche used to try and provide some tension.
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Foundation (2021– )
This show just got wore as it went on.
22 November 2021





Downright garbage.

Honestly, these are the only words I can think of to describe this show after a season of complete trash. As for those who wrote this... you should be ashamed, you took a much loved story and developed into a piece of garbage.
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Invasion (2021–2024)
Utterly boring, bordering on depressing
1 November 2021
Who green-lit this show? It literally has no redeeming factors. I weep for the writers with much better stories that can't get them produced.

IMDB insists I write more, which is difficult without neing really negative, suffice it to say that I would never recommend this programme to anyone.
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Foundation: Mysteries and Martyrs (2021)
Season 1, Episode 7
Messy and contrived with no reference to the source material.
29 October 2021
Ok, I understand that books, especially this one, can be difficult to transfer to the screen... but they have now officially given up and started writing their own story. Basically what happened with GoT, not quite as bad as I Robot which just used the title and laws of robotics.

Step away the surface connection to Foundation the book and your left with a so-so sci-fi story that doesn't stand up to its cost.

Disappointing to say they least

What is hoped they would do was flesh out the gaps in the book story where we're just told that something happened, not create changes to the core sorry line. And it's now 99% change with the 1% original being big guns and space ships.
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Black Widow (2021)
More Disney-isation of Marvel
15 July 2021
Marvel character finds a problem.

Marvel character calls some friends for help.

Marvel character finds out something they didn't know.

Marvel character seems to have lost.

Marvel character actually wins.

Yep, standard Disney/Marvel recipe complete, put it out for people to watch, make a load of cash, rinse and repeat.

I'm being really generous with my star rating because they had the guts to actually do a Black Widow movie.

Still better than either of the Wonder Woman (I WONDER why I watched them) movies, but that's not saying much.

It's like death and taxes now; there's bound to be an iffy Disney/Marvel movie or show along every six months or so. It's got to the point where it's like watching a soap opera because we're only still watching because we're invested in the characters.

Soon enough the "normal" people will stop watching because they're not invested in the characters in the first place.
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Loki (2021–2023)
More dull drudgery from Disney/Marvel
15 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The recent spate of Disney/Marvel shows seem to be going down a very predictable path... let's make everything into a family Disney movie/show.

Sorry, not for me.

The Netflix Marvel efforts were far better, these Disney driven efforts are boring, samey and just don't have a Marvel (comic book) feel to them.

Everything is about homour, there's no real tension and the action sequences are like something out of the A-Team. In this show we discover that people haven't even been dying, they've just been shifted to another place at the end of time where some beastie kills them off.

This show is at least better than WandaVision which would have been better titled WANDER Vision due to the amount of time it took to actually get to the point.

Ah well, back to watching anything other than a Disney show for a while I suppose....
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A waste of talented actors
6 July 2021
With all the hype I was hoping for a first class detective show with depth a maybe a neat twist. Instead I got a soap set in a detective cliche that bored me to the point of giving up after three episodes. It's predictable, sloppy and had nothing to render it to the audience other than the cast, however they are woefully let down by the story.

Avoid at all costs.
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The Falcon and the Winter Soldier: Truth (2021)
Season 1, Episode 5
More boredom wrapped up in shiny paper
17 April 2021
Well, the first third of the episode was a good all-in Marvel fight, fun to watch will excellent effect (although some of the choreography was a little off with obvious missed punches). Then we were treated to a boring middle section on angst, followed by a spoiler laden final section with some reveals and an attempt to make a monster look like a real hero.

Much like WandaVision, this Mini-Series is looking more and more like an extended preview for the next phase of Marvel movies. No real point in itself, just setup for the next phase, so pretty much a waste of time, if not a con.

Colour me disappointed, if not surprised.
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The Watch: Better to Light a Candle (2021)
Season 1, Episode 8
Terry must be turning in his grave
17 February 2021
What can I say? I became nervous about this show once the pre-release reviews started coming out, but thought as as fan of the Discworld novels since the very beginning, I really had to give it a chance.


The show is Discworld adjacent at best, it utilizes some Pratchett characters from The Watch set of novels, ignores some of the most important and plays around with the sex and sexual orientation of some of those characters. Don't get me wrong, I couldn't care less if a book character is portrayed with a different sex, but why do it just for the sake of things? It hasn't made the material any funnier, it hasn't improved the story line, which doesn't hold to any Discworld novel material, and it just wasn't necessary.

They've taken what is arguably the most evil wicked character in Discworld (Carcer) and turned him into some sort of bad guy from CSI NY. They also selected someone of African heritage, so is that racist that they make the bad guy black whilst Sam Vines is Caucasian, or is it a kick in the teeth of white supremacists by giving a lead role to a non-Caucasian? Who knows, and it doesn't matter, because it doesn't make the show any better or worse.

If they had used someone like Idris Elba as Sam Vimes, that would have been great. He's a fantastic actor and would be great in the role, just not in this show because the STORY is what let everything down here, not the actors. All of the actors are fine, there's no-one I could point at and say "they can't act", but if I ever see the person who decided to write a NEW story using some of Pratchett's best characters and turn them into such a damp squib, I will happily point at that person and shout "what a bloody idiot".

I can only hope that this is the one and only season of the show, and I can forget it quickly.
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Looked like it was made in 1984 rather than set then.
27 December 2020
From the first fight scene in the mall, it was obvious that this film was going to be utter garbage. It seemed to channel the feel of Back to the Future and spent more time trying to be funny than actually interesting. The first film was OK, but this was complete nonsense.
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Untraceable (2008)
Disappointing after a good start
7 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
So, one FBI agent is killed, but they still allow the lead agent to stay in a motel on her own? And she gets back into her car even though she knows the killer has taken remote control of it.

Just plain lazy.
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Skyfall (2012)
A very generic action movie with James Bond stamp added as an afterthought
25 May 2020
Honestly, one of the worst Bond films I've seen, it was a generic slapdash action/spy movie with so many contradictions and errors. This could easily have been a Bourne move or some other cheap Bond knock-off rather than a genuine Bond production. What makes things worse is that everyone else is lauding this film as if it's the best Bond movie ever!
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Arrival (II) (2016)
Carly overrated
23 May 2020
Slow, boring, dated, unexceptional, only done of the words that come to mind. This tries to thought provoking like 2001, but fails. Truly a film I wish I'd never watched. Great cast, hopelessly water on a meandering story will very little to endear it to anyone with any live if Sci-Fi.
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Devs (2020)
Incoherent, self serving, and worst of all boring
18 April 2020
I should have realised how utterly wasteful of my time this site would be when I read the premise, but stuck for something to watch during lockdown I have it a try. Much like Ex Machina, this was a concept that SHOULD have delivered a promising show, but in reality produced something that appears to have merely wasted any potential.
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The Mandalorian (2019– )
Predictable and boring
29 November 2019
About as interesting as a filler SG1 episode, so far this series is like every other other dross Sci-Fi show with regurgitated story lines and tired concepts.

I suppose kids will at least like it.

What ever happened to innovative writing?
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