
93 Reviews
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Louie: Elevator: Part 6 (2014)
Season 4, Episode 9
I cant believe they can not find any Hungarian people to play Hungarians
16 May 2024
Interesting twist, but even if somebody cant talk English fluently, they still know things. Especially if they are from Hungary. Yes, no, sorry, hello, I dont like, I dont understand, love, feel, haird dryer, etc... A lot of things have Eng;ish name in Hungary and everyday life you see them all around. If she is from Budapest than she must see them.

Eszter is acting dumb, not Hunarian. Her mom is played by a duthc/french woman, what is surrising. She can not tal Hungarian at all, and has dutch accent even for those few words.

USA is full of Hungarian people, a lot of them working in film industry too. Even Louis CK is 25% Hungarian, his grandfather was Hungarian.

Even the waiter is Russian. Learned a few sentences but clearly can not speak Hungarian at all. Very hard Russian accent he got.

It would be so much easier to get a Hungarian waiter and a Hungarian aunt to play the role.

"Ivanka" or what the hell is her aunt name and "amia"??? What is that? Never heard those names, not even Hungarian names.

Why not called Kata, or Eszter, Gabriella, or any normal common Hungarian name? Or even uncommon Hungarian name, like Szidonia, Mercedesz or Eszmeralda, but Amie and Ivanka or what the hell of therin names.. never been Hungaran name, nobody called like that in Hungary, and nobody have Russain accent if they not Russian.
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it is an allright film.
3 April 2024
It is ok, but nothing over the Moon from me.

Many characters are out of characters.

Whoever done the casting is not good. Great jokes but not all of them landing right.

Some scenes are overdone and become dull, and some of them bish bash bosh.

Music and sound effects annoyingly loud! I had to sit with he volume control to turn down the music and sounds. Very annoyig.

Character progress is painflully cliche and dull.

Karl Pilkington not mentioned in the film, but he should deserve a special thanks, or should appears withing the writers as his characters and childhood memories appears in the film.

Some actors should not be in the film, or at least should do some acting. Terrible actors mixed with good actors here what is a bad mixture.

Overall the film is very flat, stands still. Jokes are good but not landing right.

It is close to good, it should havedone more background work, rehersals and more takes.

It would be great to see with good acting. Not too far from good, but missing the rehersals.

The most annoying was the loud music.

Secondly the bad actros in it what should not be near the good ones.
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Kaleidoscope (XI) (2015)
tipical first film what ends in drawres:')
3 April 2024
Need to start somewhere to nake film, and i see they try different lihts and tricks.

It is a ractice film I can see it.

The us stop scene was close to good, I would work just a bit more on that.

The 1914 light blinking reference and settings were good.

Respect for Rambaud and Chaplin, Buster Keaton, great, I can see where they get the ideas from.

But these are still practice.

It is a long way to lear to write script and execute what you want to see on the canvas.

After watch back your work, you should re shoot again until get it better and better, or remains practice video.

This is typical first films what ends in the maker's drawer and they may never watch back ever.

Good for pactice and learn from it, but not good as short film.

The loonacy scenes are terrible.
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High school short film. Not good, bored
2 April 2024
Yes we all make short films in high school, we can try ideas and see how we can make films. This is looks like one of them.

Probably they learned a lot from it.

I watched them and I could not enjoy it.

Too long for the joke what we (should) see here.

Bad acting kills the barely existing vibe.

Direction is flat, lazy written.

I can not understand who and why tagged Karl Pilkington and Ricky Gervais here. None of the main characters played by them, I asume the girl with the guitar not Ricky nor Karl, furthermore not make any sense in the film.

I can see the resemblance of that voodo doll in the glass with Karl Pilkington, and maybe Ricky Gervais is the whisky?

After watching this long short film I feel wasted my time.
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Bad Samaritan (2018)
why American movies have to be lame? Not make any sense
10 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Good start, it was interesting and I enjoyed the first half.

And sson as the FBI path started it is got very annoyingly lame. The dialogues got lazy, and out of character.

What the heck is the bad guys's super tracking system who not just track that car, but predicts the future where and when he will have to speed his car next to the good guy's car?

How did hebreak his windows, and put that brick in the car and driving at the same time, and how did he predicted he will stand next to the car? It is just so lame as American movies.

I am sad to see it got very wrong after the good start.

As always, great idea for start, than we go nowhere.

An come on, the txt message to all of the classmates?

What is this childish plot? Where ae we a lame high school movie?

How did he know who is she, which class shte taking, who is her classmates?

Other think: searching for password is one thing ok, but download what?

What did he downloaded? And why did he have a pendrive with him? Not make any sense

Why the comter make supid noises? No ANY computer makes that stupid american mvie noises whan download something, or open windows.

And when he go home and start trolling suddenly windows opening up straight away ? What is that nonsense? Yes I believe he can find out who is his gf, but how did he find her class so fast? Nonsense.

Hiding at Derek's closet. That is very stupid and very American nonsese again. How and why did he think Derek goes home?

What is Derek no comes home till next morning> He sleeps there?

It is very unrpofessional and lazy writing

The most annoying thing is these kind of people making movies and get money out of it. Why they not think? It is common sense.
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Insatiable (2018–2019)
unwatchable bad :(((
12 October 2023
This is s bad I can not even finished the pilot.

1. bad acting. E,pty talks, empty caratcers 2, lame plot 3. Very bad writing 4. Boring screenplay 5. Mistakes on mistakes.

It is so annoying to watch I had to shout outloud "it is sh-t!"> i dont usually talk to the screenm but it is very painful to watch.

Not just the brainless story, but the plot and the "twists". Omg, this is very bad, I would give zero rating if I can

have to fill the rest of the space here, otherwise I can not submit the review. 123456789124567891234567891234567891234568124567846532154687564 Who write this kind of rubbish?
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Home Fries (1998)
Unnecessary helicopter
30 September 2023
I feel.sorry for the way they mishandled this film in terms of dramaturgy, despite having a promising storyline. There's no substance to the beginning. Whether he's a stepfather or not, it's unclear how the two children are connected to him. Do they like him or not, yet they seem to live together for a while, got a dog as well. After his death, none of the performances convey any depth or emotion, making it quite shallow. Either everyone is a psychopath or nobody feels anything. On the mother's side, I understand, but the two children? I don't see any genuine emotion from them.

I understand the attempt at humor, and it could work if not for the terribly executed performances. It seems the fast-food workers have never worked in a fast-food restaurant; their portrayal is quite amateurish. The boys with helicopter access I still not get it how they just nick a helicopter and do whatever they want with it

It's hard to believe they didn't know there was a fast-food nearby. Just one plot hole to another.

What an exciting story it could have been about love, acceptance, understanding, and the importance of family-so many meaningful themes could have been explored.

The idea behind is very compex amd I can see what they wanted to show.

Unfortunately, they overshadow all this with helicopters and unrelated elements, trying to make it excessively action-packed when it wasn't necessary. What a great film it could be without these unnecessary parts.
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Hancock (2008)
Childish and boring
29 September 2023
"Hancock" is a dull, predictable, and formulaic American action film filled with costly destructive scenes, explosions, and weapon glorification. The plot is easily foreseeable, leaving no room for surprise or engagement, even for those not paying close attention. The twists are poorly written and executed briefly. The entire film is monotonous, tedious, and uninteresting. The accompanying music suits the typical American family movie style.

The story feels repetitive and typical, lacking meaningful solutions and featuring feeble dialogues. The visuals could be enjoyable if not overwhelmed by excessive destruction. The action scenes come off as childish, resembling a poorly choreographed playtime. They are particularly disappointing, disorienting, and irritating. The film would be much better without the emphasis on action and destruction.

Furthermore, all action scenes contradict each other, making them incongruous within the film. The editing and cinematography are acceptable but not exceptional. The cast delivers a mediocre performance with no standout elements. The acting itself is average, relying heavily on physical strength to solve every issue, rendering the plot's twists meaningless and foreseeable.

Watching it was an ordeal.
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Battle Creek: The Battle Creek Way (2015)
Season 1, Episode 1
Breaking Bad in Hallmark version - painful to watch
28 September 2023
Came across because of Vince Gilligan and wanted to watch his other works.

Maybe this is not his best work, or just the crew messed up, I can not tell.

I see here is nothing brillant:
  • music is below avergae, rather commerse
  • actors below average,
  • supporting artists not goo, some of them bad,
  • drama is flat, over explaining everything. People come forward, and everything is jolly good super happy ending like the world in lego movie.

Even the story bacjground not make sense.

50.000 people in this small town. That is not a lot of people, it is just no adds up with the crime.

Characters dull, they not live.

This is very boring and painful to watch.

I tried but can not suffer more episodes than 3.
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Baby Ruby (2022)
A Painfully Clichéd and Boring
11 August 2023
I have 3 friends who went through postpartum, but it is not like this for sure!

Kit Harington, is good in the film, but I feel so sad to see his talent is wasted here.

It had me hoping for an engaging cinematic journey, but alas, it turned out to be a tiresome ordeal. From the opening scenes to the final credits, the film is riddled with clichés that make it an excruciatingly boring watch. The abundance of clichés is comparable to the incessant cries of a baby - a baby that cries far too often.

In a blatant attempt to appear current and trendy, the film forcefully embraces 2023 trends, but the result is nothing short of lameness. The story itself is disappointingly straightforward, lacking depth and complexity. The screenplay's flatness and laziness reflect its poor writing quality, leaving the viewer yearning for substance that never materializes.

Regrettably, I found myself growing bored not once, not twice, but three times within the initial 30 minutes. This movie is the epitome of a drag - a truly agonizing experience that tests one's patience.

The actors' performances manage to salvage a fraction of the film's credibility, with the husband's character standing out as a natural portrayal that is acceptably decent. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said for the mother's character and the actress's performance. The dialogues and the questions she raises come across as insipid and lack authenticity, pulling the viewer further away from any emotional investment.

Even the inclusion of a seemingly fake granny character doesn't provide the relief one might hope for. The potential for better acting from this character is evident, making her underwhelming performance all the more disappointing. And don't even get me started on the portrayal of the mom club - it's so contrived that the discomfort is palpable, underscoring the film's overall lack of authenticity.

The film's sound and music add to the dreariness with their dullness, failing to even align with the scenes they accompany. It's as if the creators threw together a mishmash of elements without any regard for coherence.

In essence, it could have been salvaged as a concise 30-minute short film centered around a mother's fear of embracing motherhood and going thorough postpartum. Unfortunately, it falls significantly short of achieving even that modest goal. The regret of starting this cinematic endeavor has only grown as the credits roll. If there's one takeaway from this experience, it's that the potential of a story was wasted due to lackluster writing, forced trends, and an overall absence of genuine emotion.

It leaves me pondering the art of storytelling and the importance of true creativity in the world of cinema.
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broing cliche. very bad. Literaly painful to watch!
5 August 2023
Omg, it is so boring and full of cliches.

This film flies very low and just go deeper and deeper in bad writing and bad acting. He music is same every time what is very annoying and feels like a C grade 90's VHS movie.

Terrible screenplay, bad writing and terrible director is the best combination to create this rubbish.

Top of that the editor were following this same rubbish style and made further damages on this with the cuts.

Painful to watch

Some actors do their best I can see, but just wasting their talent in this bad movie.

It is so bad I can not even write enough characters here about it.
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Very childish and not funny. I fall asleep on it
24 April 2023
Is it supposed to be funny?

I like Steve Martin and Jean Reno, but I couldn't find this film funny.

Furthermore the writer made terrible job, characters dull.

Very childish and not funny.

I understand they wanted to it cartoon style jokes, but didn't work out.

The worst is the accent what makes no sense.

Why they speak English in France?

Or if they speak their native language than why is the accent for?

They should speak just plain English.

Also J Reno has no hard accent as S Martin.

And the assistant woman has Hungarian accent and other supporting background artist

Could not seen funny parts. Please remind me when do I need to laugh.

This film is a waste of time, waste of talent and waste of film.
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Ava (IV) (2020)
Waste of talent. Flat screenplay, boring conversations
14 April 2023
First 15 min same song all around.

The main character is not match with the person at all.

Does not look anything like she had a past life what they try to tell in the story.

Family visit is soooo booooring.

Complete stand still, just informal bs without any acting.

And why Michael Jackson dressed as woman play her mom?

After 20 minutes this film already lost me.

Super drug what causes paralysis in 1 second? Wtf?

And have not reached even 25 minutes amd already a gun advertisement with an unreal fight scene.

And she turns into Rambo...

Ahh. I wanted to see John Malkovich amd Collin Farrell, but maybe I will quit this film before that.

27 minutes and stop this film 3rd time already...

The tense between characters unrealistic.

There is no point to showing guns and from fight.

The writer must have seen too much cat C action movies like this, but never heard about reality.

When not tdumb action fight on the screen than full boredom :/ Dialogues fla, they not talk woth each other just talk into the air without meaning.

Survived 1 hour woth this movie. Only got a tiny bit better from the 27th minute to here.

I think I will turn this off now.

It could be better as a 15minutes short film.

But the story is not that interesting either. I dont understand why anybody bother to make a film about this empty plot.
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Space Force (2020–2022)
Punishment to watch this. Not worth it, John Malkovich could be on face swap, he is not there at all, just his name
12 April 2023
I got my head up for John Malkovich and also I was curious what would Lisa K do in this film.

Omg, it is sooooo booooring and flat.

Not funny ar all.

The writer is very bad whoever wrote the scenes.

Dialog lues is way worse than the plot itself.

Dramaturgy is childish.

Yes, i get it, it is supposed to be a foolish nonsense comedy. But it is not.

Neither comedy, there is little to no acting.

No science behind, no strategy, no good ideas or anything..

There is no any value what I can see here:(

Waste of time and energy this entire film.

Watched the whole series, but straight downfall from part 1. There is just way down and getting worse and worse.

F Tony should be cut off or erased, I should not put him in any production. He is terrible bad, very painful to watch him.

Also the dramaturg and whoever wrote the dialogues should not write anything anymore.

Director is blind and deaf probably also.

How does it possible an entire crew work on something and nobody see this is a big pile of s?

Characters weak, no connections between them, no acting, no comic path.

Terrible bad.
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Man vs. Bee (2022)
Not funny as would you expect from Rowan Atkinson.
8 April 2023
Terrible boring, flat story, and not funny at all.

Bad acting, bad writing, flat story.

Ok I can see it is a cartoon style something.

This is not good absurd fun, it is just dull and stupid.

Music is the smallest problem how off putting.

The worst is the plot, and the fact. It is not funny at all.

I love Rowan Atkinson's any other works, but this is just him try to seat blood to make money with Netflix.

First of all, why have to be series? Doesn't have any point to cut an 81 minutes film to 9 pieces.

Also the bee is an enemy? Should be a fly at least.

The jokes not funny at all. Have not laughed in anything in this.

Worst act ever from Rowan Atkinson.
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Essie Davies is great, but the story is really boring
12 March 2023
The most boring episode so far.

Writer is so empty and full of clichés.

I can not imagine why they picked up this story.

Essie Davies is really great we see h acting from her.

The guy acting ok too.

The support artists not.

Noises and music is cliché.

Story is very dull and boring.

Computer effects are too obvious and too visible.

Spooky parts very childish.

Set is very bad, makes no sense.

House have a huge hole on the ceiling?

They arrive woth empty luggages and bags. Typical amateur error.

This was the most boring and the worst episode from the series.

I bored my head off.

What a waste of time.
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Sheri should be played by Amber Heard!
4 March 2023
The youtube footage and the articles more interesting than the film.

The caracters were not alive in the film. Actors under performed.

It would be fun to see Amber Heard as Sheri Papini :'D

But the main actress was ok, she were acting ok.. But I did not see the real monster as Sheri. At Youtube and on her photos you can see something is odd with Sheri. I can not tell on the actress who played.

By the way Amber Heard is similar, when you just look at her, you can tell (with no offence) something is not right in her mind.

The actor who played Keith was not good enough, rather bad.

The real Keith way much better than the actor who played him. At least they should find a similar body language guy, who is talks and moves like Keith.

I say again Youtube is more enjoyable than thie acting in this movie.

Detectives bended up to one persen and made it black woman. Meh. The real detectives better, more natural.

The actress who played the detective is awesome, she is really good. Only thing what is wrong is the writers who wrote the script and planned the play.

The writers messed up the film unfortunatelly:'( I am disappointed to see the truth from the begining and took the excitement off from me.

I would rather figure out myself what happened.

The writers completely ruined the story.

Also the screenplay is dull and unrealistic.

Too simplified, and too short.

The time jumps messy and distractive.

There is a significant point with the DNA test but that was not explained enough (23andme).

About the film style I liked this is like a low budget tv movie a bit, just like a based on true story BBC films.

Camera is good, and editing is good, have not find problems with it.

Only the ending part is messy, too quick cut, I feel like scenes are missing, and I have no idea how much they jumped.

Yeah, maybe a text say "3 years later" or something, but I can not feel the time passed.

In the first third of the movie I can feel the time, even I feel without the text "1 wek later"/"2 week later" I can feel the time passed.

But at the end I can not feel any time pass, and feels unrealistic.

It should be amontage about news, youtubers, other news, and show something like time passing.. and than show suddenly the Papini case again, than I can feel the time gone forward 2-3 yeras.. Writers are terrible in this movie.

They killed the story and killed the last quarter of this act. Also they kiled so many paths and charatcters with blending it together.

I would happy to watch for 3-4 hours if they leave the characters and the other paths in the film and would not feel long.

The story itself interesting enough to watch it.

But the witers killed the story.

I try to avoid his writers in the future.
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terrible, and childish teenager "horror" absolutely terrible and weak production.
17 February 2023
Poinless, with jurassic rat and a half gollum

what the hell is this unsinished rashed production?

Good actors, but terrible screenplay idea.

The plot is empty, and meaningless.

Also not make any sence that path.

Setting is very lazy.

Camera on the floor pointong upwards and lot of smoke to get away with the empty set...

Also it is very clear none of them dig anything before.

That digging is laughable.

The director, the actor and the sateg setup director never dig the ground before for sure.

And never seen rotten corpse or bones either.

This is very childish teenager idea of a graveyard robbers.

A lazy execution of "Indiana Jones and the garaveyard rats"

absolutely terrible and weak production.
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good start, but go nonsense
16 February 2023
Good start and interesting beginning.

But as the story develops, more errors and holes in the story.

Fatal character errors what makes no sense at all.

Costume and set errors also.

Acting is good front he main guy mostly in the entire part, but I can not see change when he should express different things.

Mask and make up. Terrible.

I would hit the make up artist in the head with a hammer to experience how does it look when somebody got hit by a hammer!

Also I would hit the director and the writer as well as they never seen how does it really look, or feel.

The set is a huge mistake. Too huge, too big.

The Spanish lady character is a complete error. I have no idea what they meant by that woman. Is she live in the parking lot, or what?

She work every day, why is she there? Make no sense.

Some scenes are too theatrical, but others are not. They should stick with one or the other.

When sometimes realistic, and sometimes not it make no sense.

I would watch the other episodes as well, I hope it will get better and not worse.
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Unwatchable rubbish 0/10
16 February 2023
It is painful to watch this.

Even the starting scene make no sense.

And following by bad acting, rubbish editor work, bad director and nonsens wrriter.

It is just unwatchable rubbish.

The scenes has the same acting and direction level as a porn film, but without the adult content.

I could not even watch till the end, it is just terrible time waster.

I can not even say that much word to fill the spance here, but I must make up to 600 required characters to be able to send this review.

It is unrateable, 0/10 Pointless, meaningless, lack of acting, lack of dierctor, lack of writers.

They should never do films.
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Aqua Teen Hunger Force (2000–2023)
lot of fake rewievs here
10 February 2023
It is not funny. Have a few monents, or just few second of fun.

But it is really boring, and unfunny.

I can not believe the comments here, I read them, and all looks like written by same or similar person.

Looks like fake reviews.. If not than I can not understand how they write the same sentences like the others. Looks like they have not watched any episodes.

Characters are dumb, the show dumb too. What would not be a problem. The problem is: boring and unfunny.

I like shows like Family Guy, South Park, Futurama, etc... those are funny shows.

This is the most boring show ever..

Really lazy production, no plot, no point, goes nowhere.

I made even better nonsense comics at my childhood.

This is terrible. I wold rate 0/10, but there is no 0 rate.
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slow art movie with colored smoke and lights
8 February 2023
Its not horror, nor sci-fi or thriller!

It is a really slow art movie with coloured smoke and light.

I watched Mandy yesterday and I was curious about the creator (director/writer) Panos C's other works, so I watched this.

It is even slower then Mandy.

What it would not be bad if it would not be boring because of it.

There is no point to be this slow, as nothing happening and no pint for being slow.

Interesting idea, but I can not feel it is well created. There are so much opportunities in this film.

I don like the repetitive visual and sound effects, and same mucic comes back many times.

Also character connection errors again, same as his other movie.

I like strange movies, but this is not my cup of tea.

A lot of good ideas in the film also: No cliches, not usual cheesy horror, and really interesting subject for sure.

But there is a lot more in this than we saw.

OK, still better than American movies, but everything better than that...

I rate 3/10 because I nearly fall asleep.

Acting did not satisfied me either, nor the dramaturgy.

Good point for the idea and the writing, directions is acceptable.

Visual, sound and effects rather dis tractive than add anything.

Costume is acceptable.

Cut and editing acceptable

I would not watch this again.
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Mandy (I) (2018)
Inner state metal psycho film (not horror)
6 February 2023
This is not horror. There is no jump-scare and no fluffy happy Halloween teenage chainsaw chasing.

Nothing like we see in a typical American "horror".

And this is very good. Good references, interesting subjects.

The hell-raiser characters are too much, and make no cense, they are badly drawn.

I think this film would need more brainstorming and ideas how to show what they really wanted to show.

They would rather do a 50 minutes film (actually this is no longer than 50 minutes, just released in slower speed. You need to watch this on 25% or even 50% speed, and still very slow...

But the best would be 14 episodes series on this, where we have more time to sink in each characters.

I don't get the young guy for example. I see he is try to acting hard but make no sense what does he actually play, what is he with them?

I wanted to see more what is the connection between them. It was not acted out.

The hell raisers just "arr, we are the bad guys" and that is all. Nothing else. Why they live like that, where, do they have a problem, what are they struggling, what are they, what is the connection between them, and how they love.. Nothing just a mess. Those characters just subtract from the movie.

The labour guy is good, I can live with that.

And than we fall in a plot hole, and suddenly the final scene... That was disappointing also.

It could be better.

No big regret, but only can give 8 / 10 because of the hell raisers, and the missing parts.

Writer is good, I believe way much better in the book, and the best is in the writers head..

Music also god, visual effects and sound also good.

At the editing I don't like they slowed down the film, that is a huge negative.

But overall way much better than what Americans call horror.
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Finally something unique! 9/10
5 February 2023
I loved the start and the full non cut acting!

I wish to see the whole movie without cut and editing, it was so enjoyable to watch

Sadly just 9 out of 10, because of the massacre parts.

I think the entire film would be better without the messy parts. And the effects.

This writer is so good, the director was also good, acting brilliant, and the whole idea was unique!

Special thanks for not using guns :')

I wish to see more like this films, and I hope they will do such without massacre and blood as well.

It would be so great to see this without killing scenes. Why was that necessary?

That is the only reason I don't want to watch it again, but I would like to watch all scenes again.

Really big thank you for the crew!

So good scenes and so many good subjects they bring up.

I really hope the crew will read this review, and somehow they will get my message.

P Lease do similar film, but without blood and killing. You will have a bright future ahead.

I will save this director and writer to my favourites, next to Lynch and Linklater.

Have not seen such so far!

I will recommend this film to my friends as well.

Thank you.
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Mindcage (2022)
Could be a great 10 min short film with John Malkovich + 2 more actors. All the rest is rubbish
4 February 2023
Movie title should be "trite" instead.

We seent his, been there, meh. Why they had to make this film again? At least they should make it better than the others, but it is just so flat, banal, empty.

Badly. Descripted characters, with plenty of holes in their personality.

No conection between the characters, they just talk in the air. Exept Martin L and John M. They talk to the other character and have a bit of connection and tried to add to the movie with acting as possible.

But with this badly written script and hackneyed production even Martion L and John M tried their best the movie is still empty.

Dialogues the most childish. The woman character is unreal and too dumb.

No chemistry between the couple either. I have no idea who is that guy wit her at home.

All their scenes together is weak, forgetable and unnecesarry.

Crime scene investigation is banal.

Wtach the background actirs too. What are they doing? And add the typical cliche to it, the main character walk in the scene and jump into conclusions in no time. Grab 1 item and immediatelly they know what it means, lead to the next clue and of course find all clues les than a minute and leave. No doubt, no ideas, no false ideas, they sove the wole scene in 30 seconds, despite a whole CSI crew spending their whole day there.

The clues and mysteries part in this film just like an escape room. Touch 3 items and you get the clue.

Combined with Scooby Doo luck.

Gunslinging. Also very childish. Think with guns is basically childish. I am happy to see thee is less gun scenes than before, but stil too much.

Unreasonable gun scenes. Why they have to have guns at all? Not making any sence.

The film would be better without childish "phew phew, piff-puff" childish gun scenes.

Story writer probably a young teenager.

But for sure the witer never worked in his life anywhere. He has no idea how to work. How to grab a heavy object and put it somewhere else.

How to hire, book, build, etc.. The whole storyline does not add up with the timeline.

I will remember this writer name fur sure, to not watch any further works from him.

So upsetting to see this kind of slopy work could go to production and they even convinced John Malkovich to take part in this rubbish.

Any teenager can write a better story than this. Who watched minimum 5 episodes of Scooby Doo and realised all the same.

Movie lenght 90 minutes.

Why is this so long?

Could be a great 10 minutes movie just with John Malkovich when explain his childhood. ALl the other patch is unnecesarry. No guns, no dumb woman character, husband (or brother?) is useless in the film anyway, no Jake, no csi. Just Johm Malkovich, and 2 more actors + 5 background artist. And that would be a good film.

Or with a talented writer and a good dramaturg and a non American director could be longer with good writer, and good dramaturgy, even could survive 8 times 40-50 minutes episodes and a series, where all characters has background, they have connection, and we can see the production crew actually worked on the storyline, timeline, character sheets, connections, drama, scenes, screenplay, clues and background.
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