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Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (2013–2020)
Again great show on beginning and then... stupid comes...
8 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Great beginning, first show very well planned and executed. Later on some episodes starts to be just fillers which has so many plot holes and logical ones too that it is mind blowing.

I would say great show, if you just do not think and enjoy the ride.

Fift season whole is so thin and stretched, when you look at animate series of avengers, it would fit in one, maybe two parts - would be good series entry. Here you need to take hours to watch how to finish one virtual reality and pretending how complicated it is and without any fail-saves which "genius" would make.

So I just pray it will be better, writers take time and find something interesting and logical.
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How the hell it can be taken as a professional movie
7 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
When you take a premise, this movie should take place in a future and future is mostly derivative of past experience. The people and exploration of worlds till this movie should be full of morons and unintelligent decision makers.

First you have a colony ship, and crew is a non trained band of idiots. No safety precautions, rules or even a slight hint of any training at all.

You have a plan to colonize a planet, then by any incident or discovery means you will change the plan completely. Further more you without any checks land on that planet and start to walk around just like taking a vacation at Bahamas.

Then when someone is getting mysteriously sick... you take him immediately somewhere where everyone can be sick together and spread the problem, no questions asked no checks... and this way is whole movie...

Sci-fi were as very intelligent movies, stories and glimpses of geniality or special events. Now it fell down to mediocre effect driven without any hint of wise planing or story line which is believable movie creation. Really big disappointment
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So bad it is astonishing
5 August 2016
I am glad i did not pay to see it in cinema, it is so horrible that if written, produced and shot by some group of amateurs it would end up better than it is. Comedy which lack of all fun and story which is actually non existent.

So if you go to see it... expect immature humour which is not funny, that movie is trying to show all other then women stupid, shallow or pure evil. When you look on SGI you would not see anything new in fact what was done in late eighties as CGI is looking better and well created instead of the lousy remake of effect within the movie. I do think the whole turn over of this movie is only from people which like me loved previous two and when they sit through this abomination first 20min they wanted to go and get money back.

My suggestion is then, do not go for that to cinema, wait for home as this movie will be out from cinema and given to TVs and cable in packages, since Sony will have to pay others to even take it. Thats how this movie is bad...
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Arrow (2012–2020)
Seasson 4 - how low we can go...
16 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I just watched the end of the season 4 and I feel so big sorrow how good serial can go to hell. There are many good serials which in last couple of years show up. From Flash, Gotham, Marvel line to Arrow and all have one fatal flaw; when they start they are very well prepared and great on storyline, believability and pace… in many of them second or latest third series the strain on fast creation and script writing with checking if it has even a logical continuity goes to hell.

That's when you watch the last couple of parts of season 4 you are just thinking it would be more merciful if the show just ended. Brilliant story telling were replaced by long reminiscences of being or not being guilty. Commander who send's their troops against main villain which in the end is the level of all powerful, just knowing they are going slaughtered. Spartan who as ex-soldier is having complete break down and do not follow any orders (in general ever). The mighty Arrow who goes to make a speech to people on street which magically save the day {when in normal day most of the people would not even care}. Magical hacking which sends something to infinite loop, which ends in 24hours. Pathetic "Spiderman end cliché" when in the most crucial moment fighting the main villain people start throwing stones… Damien Dark who by the way in blink of the aye killed approx. 20 people and evaporate bullets; controlling by mind things miles away - cannot kill that one pathetic person.

Arrow when started was great show, amazing even. Now it's a pathetic sentimentality rewind of all possible cliché which were ever written and can be repeated on weekly basis just to get the show running.
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Warehouse 13 (2009–2014)
Seen whole on one swipe and... downhill slide.. :(
6 March 2016
Especially due to the end series where the writers inability to think and make it for dumb audience I rate the whole W13 as 7/10.

When you watching the show which starts with brilliant storyline, catchy and really clever premises you hang on it but then the reality and lack of imagination and even shortcuts and inconsistency between the story writers show up and spoil the whole thing.

Beginning was really nice, the characters with soul and written with consistent behavior and development of relationship. The snag bag tag premise is clever and nice. Later in show obviously was main to write as many interesting stories and sub plots as possible, so you see characters being quite out of characters. Mainly you realize that clever and professional people doing the most dumbest things, security on anything is irrelevant and where debronzing for example after 100 years mean 24 hours at minimum without light and person is very exhausted, in series 4 debronzing 400 years old "patient" means nothing and he immediately acting..

So after beginning of series 3 and except some brilliant and good parts later on you may take it as fast slide to below average US low TV intelligence show where clever people acting like a bunch of idiots just to not complicate too much creation of story and progress the show...

Really pity, one of favorite shows which ended obvious money grabbing machinery to produce as much possible against the quality...
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