
12 Reviews
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2012 (I) (2009)
Watch it carefully, there is more than you might think
1 January 2012
With John Cusack, Woody Harrelson, Danny Glover and Oliver Platt all in the same movie you have to assume there will be some action, some anti-establishment messages and great performances. It does and it is a BIG movie with a lot of very ambitious CGI, and great locations. A very interesting end of the world movie that portrays some great heroics, sacrifices and humor. It would be easy to throw back a few beers and lightly watch this film, but you would miss a lot of the subplots the production company works very hard to weave throughout the story. Government cover-ups, assassination, conspiracy theorist. Full of Hero's and villains, the ending is satisfying and surprising. I loved it. I never have been disappointed in a movie with John Cusack.
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Secret Ballot (2001)
A wonderful Vacation from Hollywood
29 December 2011
This movie is a Jewel, some won't get it and that is their loss. It is thought provoking, every scene is a unique canvas painted with the realism of common people who, like people all over the world have their own problems and must make decisions on priorities. The contrast between the two Characters is so NON Hollywood. A simple soldier that is going to be taught and have his world expanded. A young woman who is educated, and believes in the process of elections, is the election agent her job is to collect votes, qualified and valid votes. Simple right? Wrong, she is also going to learn also. The great thing I loved about this movie is the extreme effort they ( the Iranian government) made to collect these votes from this extremely remote and isolated island. This is a must see movie for anyone interested in learning about the Iran, the people and especially the culture. WELL DONE. You could never go on a trip there and see what you see in this movie. This movie has so much love in it; the work is a master piece, of observation without getting in the way or polluting the subject matter. I would love to own their car, even without a windshield.
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He's Dead, I'm Crippled and your lost…… I wonder who won
25 December 2011
The irony of war is woven throughout the artistic presentation of the most important effort by the American and English allies. The director mercifully spared us from the horror of war yet successfully portrayed the sacrifice and suffering of both sides. Humor is an important part of this movie, not overwhelming but surely relieves the dark negative nature of the subject matter. This was a casting call for almost every successful male actor in America, England, France and Germany. In fact an interesting back-story could be developed about the missing names and the circumstances surrounding their absence. I first watched this movie on the big screen in Huntsville Alabama, in the first release. It was an awesome experience back then. I sat as close to the screen as comfortable. The movie seemed to end too quickly, but the ending was perfect….. He's Dead, I'm Crippled and your lost…… I wonder who won. An important after thought about this film was that ALL of the actors were alive and some even were involve in the "D" day landings, many had lost friends and family in the war. This gave all of them a special respect and honor in doing this film. Something that has been lost with the passing of time.
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Burglar (1987)
Great Movie from the1980's
13 December 2011
I believe most of the people who claim they did not like this movie, were over thinking it. This is a funny, well done movie. It mixes a lot of great work, especially from "Bobcat", my favorite is his delivery in the Mayday bar, this movie is so 80's. Maybe it rubs some wrong, but if you were an adult in the late 1980's, this movie would be a real treat. Unfortunately many of the jokes are for Americans and our culture; I can understand it not working for other English speakers, such as Canadians, etc. A lot of slang, and *#@! ^& etc. I almost forgot the most offensive part of the movie for those politically correct tobacco Nazis. Almost everyone including Whoopi is shown smoking, and smoking and enjoying it!!! That's right kids it was a widely practiced social interaction between people especially the opposite sex. Just look at it as a time travel back to the 1980's, sex, drugs and rock and road were still alive and well, big hair, and all the rest. You either love it or hate it.
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Skyline (2010)
why bother...
21 April 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I rented this from red box because of the bad reviews, I was mad I wasted the dollar and my time. That being said, the acting was excellent all the players did their job. The script, killing everyone off, with NO resolution of anything. Special effects were excellent. But the director, editor, the people who were responsible for the end product not only missed the boat, they sank it. This could of been a epic SCI FI, they took risks, but much of the script was predictable. They used a lot of the special effects used in "District 9", which I enjoyed. But this film almost seemed like too many people were involved and too many different visions of what it should of been, with no clear winner. Sorry, I am rambling.. If you are a hardcore sci-fi freak you will probably get your money's worth if you rent it from red box, and maybe it could be used in a film school to point out some mistakes the "pros" can make. It was a failure by the director, producer, and editor in my opinion. I can only reflect and think what it could of been, hopefully in the future someone will remake this and do it right.

I have to repeat the actors and actresses all did a good job, the special effects were very good, with all that going for it, the movie was my first bad review with spoilers on this site.
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Did they run out of money?
29 August 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I saw this when it was in the theater, it started out so strong I mean back in 1980 this was a bold movie and the special effects were excellent AT THE time. Now you would have to of been at least 30 or so in 1980 to really understand this point because studying film historically misses the mind set at the time the expectations, and other related psychological factors. Now as I said the movie was engaging suspenseful and very entertaining. It builds to an excellent climax then.... IT ends I mean the person that described it as having a water balloon break in your hand before throwing it, besides being a very poetic description. In my experience, it was just not strong enough. My wife and I were well... how can I say this? We were upset, I mean we paid money, invested the time to watch the movie which was excellent. "We both felt we were robbed with an ending that convinced us both the production company must of run out of money and could not raise enough to finish it correctly. In fact my wife said it best, it did not end, IT JUST STOPPED!
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Words are not enough you must see this
25 May 2009
There are 25 comments, if you take the time to read them all. Greatness in all aspects of film making. Epic score, masterful writing, directing, acting. This very moving film, is a documentary disguised as a drama. This is the only film that has several real tiger tanks in one scene. You are transported back in time, like a fly on the wall observing the real Russian people fight the great patriotic war. This great movie was band during the cold war and the United States role was greatly distorted. But that is politics right? Millions of Russians were killed civilians were killed without hesitation. The eastern front war between Hitler and Stalin was personal. They slaughtered each other. no quarter was given nor expected. Whole armies were destroyed. Cities bombed to ruins, then fought over to the last man. This movie records the pain, suffering, desperation, struggle, the sacrifice and most of all the character of the great Russian people.
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Star Trek (1966–1969)
Low tech high quality Sci Fi
27 December 2008
One must remember that Star Trek was made as a for profit network TV. The amount of money and total lack of any computer aided special effects. Was the norm, it a call for innovation, creativity, thinking outside the box, in fact they did not even have a box. So remember 10 years before Star Wars, Ten years before the the first Apple Computer, during the Civil Rights movement, during the peak of the Viet Nam War, Before man had set foot on the surface of the moon, a man name Roddenberry had a vision to " Go where no man went before". Exploring social issues, with appearances by some of the days leading actors, and actresses. Star Trek in a way is a time warp of the mid 1960's. The styles and culture are mixed in series. Indian mysticism, invaded the series just like the white album. I believe the most diverse cast and characters in the history of TV. The one high tech aspect of the show is and was it was filmed in color when few people owned color TV's. Live long and prosper.
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It did not work, even after spending a ton of money on it
14 December 2008
Warning: Spoilers
If you love good sci-fi this movie will be disappointing, it has two things going for it and they are not great but superior. The sound, and some of the special effects. I spent most of the day thinking about this and it just does not work as a whole. The leads are convincing and do a good job. The scenes are good, but do not fit together and tell a good story, the ending was not satisfying. At the end I just stared at the screen and wondered is that it??? I had no choice I had to go, I rate the original as one of the best sci-fi movies ever made.

The remake could of been so much more, they either did not care or lacked vision or maybe they did not understand that sci-fi fans are much more sophisticated and have higher expectations than the makers of this movie. I can not say this movie sinks, it is just mediocre and flat. I hope this crew does not remake anymore classic sci-fi movies, the classics deserve a better effort. I will avoid any movies directed or produced by these so called movie makers. I will not bother to buy the DVD. Go see it, if you must but you will agree afterwords that I told you so….
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The One that started it all
7 December 2008
The Day the Earth Stood Still is a must see movie for anyone who appreciates good movie making. Considering the age and the black and white film, the story is as valid today as it was in 1951 when it was made. The special effects are still convincing. This is one of Michael Rennie best character's. One must not forget the role of Sam Jaffe, (Shalom Jaffee) as professor Barnhart, a very key and personable role that gave great weight to humanities outreach to the alien that comes in judgment . I can not rate this movie high enough ground breaking, this is the movie that directors and producers pray to make every time they start a new project.

This movie did much for the whole Sci-fi industry, it raised production standards, introduced complex, meaningful, and socially relevant plots. With Patricia Neal as a powerful co star, the overall production standards of this movie were ground breaking in the late 1940's to the early 1950's. The success of this film gave the movie companies the courage to make other great movies, My favorites are

The Day the Earth Stood Still, Invaders from Mars, War of the Worlds, Them!, 1984, Forbidden Planet, Invasion of the Body Snatchers, Kronos, The Fly, The Blob, Journey to the Center of the Earth, On the Beach.

If any of these are your favorites, I believe you can thank the people who made The Day the Earth Stood Still whose success inspired others to follow in it's foot steps.
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Clever, thoughtful, very under rated.. a sleeper
3 November 2008
I believe a lot of people down rated the movie, NOT because of the lack of quality. But it did not follow the standard Hollywood formula. Some of the conflicts are not resolved. The ending is just a little too real for others, but the journey the rich characters and long list of supporters provide is both thought provoking and very entertaining. Even the cinematography is excellent given the urban setting, the directing also is excellent and innovative.

This is a 10 in my book, this movie will take you places the normal and expected Hollywood script will not. They took some risks and did a few things different. I think it worked well, I am purposely trying to avoid any direct references to the movie because seeing it for yourself is the best answer, not accepting someone else's interpretation.
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Spy Game (2001)
Clever writing, great cast, excellent music and sound
1 March 2006
Robert Redford introduces us to the spy game yes a game, "One that you do not want to loose" as he informs a Newly recruited Brad Pitt. You go from the last days of Viet Nam and the Phoenix project to the Middle East, back to the US and Red China. The sets, the directing, the supporting cast. Oh, did I forget the sound track? This is one of the best little nuggets in this complex and very clever movie great score and sound should of got a little golden boy but what does the academy know is not the first time they blew it and it will not be the last. I do not want to spoil it for you so I will just stop here and say, rent it; borrow it, but most of all you have to see SPY GAME. It is very solid entertainment, which was somehow overlooked at awards. God only knows why.
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