
88 Reviews
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I can't reach you (2023– )
Japanese version of "Heart Stopper"
28 January 2024
I found this short series on Netflix by accident and really enjoyed it. I didn't know what to expect and didn't know it was LGBTQ genre - kinda reminded me of "Heart Stopper" ...but set in Japan. I give this show a solid 7 (a "10" rating is only for something exceptional & special). This is not a "must-see masterpiece," but was actually VERY ENJOYABLE.

The show offers an interesting glimpse into Japanese society: eg. How girls "confess" their love for boys and how some things (high school courtship) differ from the West. It's something different from the usual Hollywood offering that makes me dislike certain kids these days. ;-)

Story told well, no boring slow drawn-out moments The acting was not great (perhaps a bit cheezy at times ...they're kids) ...but overall believable and decent. Production is good with some beautiful Japanese scenery. The series goes by quickly (watched the whole thing in one evening) since each episode is only 20 minutes.

The title, "I Cannot Reach You" didn't really make sense to me ...but maybe this is something that was "lost in transation." Note: unlike most shows, the series is NOT dubbed into English at times, you need to be quick on the subtitles; I had to rewind several times to catch the dialogue.

Overall ...I thought it was really cute and even a bit touching.
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Cocaine Bear (2023)
24 February 2023
Come for the "Cocaine" ...stay for the "Bear." I am certain this will be a HUGE hit. They may already be working on sequels. Allow me to suggest:

  • Cocaine Bear 2: Mushroom Bear (Trippin' on psilocybin)
  • Cocaine Bear 3: Molly Bear (Luvs everybody)
  • Cocaine Bear 4: Cannabis Bear (Uncontrollable munchies)
  • Cocaine Bear 5: Viagra Bear (self-explanatory)

The title pretty much tells you what kind of movie to expect and delivers as promised. If you expect too much ...then you may be disappointed, but I don't think anyone who is going to see this film is expecting an Oscar-worthy meaningful masterpiece. Yeah, I guess the movie could have been better (definitely not a 10-star film), but compared to other things in this category; I think it's above average and effort was made to produce something entertaining.

I predict the "Cocaine Bear" films will become quite a successful franchise. I'm actually kicking myself right now and thinking: "Why didn't I come up with this first?!"
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A few attractive actors can't save this boring series
23 February 2023
This isn't completely awful and somewhat engaging in the beginning, but it quickly fizzles and becomes repetitive and boring after a couple episodes. The entire series ends up being barely "average."

The show relies too much on a handful of "eye candy" to carry the entire series. The supporting cast is a complete polar opposite and quite uninteresting The plot is very simple and doesn't evolve, neither do any of the characters. Little effort was spent on the writing and on finding a suitable supporting cast.

The gratuitous nudity is welcome and makes the show bearable and easier to watch. But even the hookup scenes make little sense; the sex comes out of nowhere, is rushed and very superficial. While it may be fun to watch, you really don't feel anything! You can find more emotional depth in most porn.

The main characters are charismatic enough and do a decent job, but even they become tiresome over time due to bad writing and poor character development. Georgina's (female lead) character becomes downright annoying and her actions make little sense! It' feels like watching "Groundhog Day" ...she keeps making the same mistakes over and over again. The supporting cast is all over the place and it's difficult to take anything seriously. In the end, I didn't care about what happens to anyone.

Finally, the time jumps are poorly executed and completely ridiculous. The story begins in 2004 and jumps 18 years into the future; but characters look EXACTLY the same, with a slight hairstyle change and they use smartphones instead of flip phones. This huge time jump is completely unnecessary to the plot; the same could have been accomplished with a more realistic (believable) 5-6 year time jump. Plus, we are expected to believe that (after nearly two decades) the characters have ZERO growth and have exactly the same feelings, problems, emotions and issues (not to mention looks).

In summary; I regret spending (ie, wasting) my time on this.
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Control Z (2020–2022)
Just OK..
18 November 2022
This is "watchable" ...but that's about it!

Same plot every season ...only the villain changes (and it seems to be randomly selected without any compelling reason or logic). Many plot holes and some issues are resolved without apparent logic.

Difficult to connect with (or care about) any character; they are all very simple and become annoying over time: they just keep doing the same thing and don't learn a thing. Same mistakes over and over again. By Season 3, this becomes very annoying and difficult to watch.

Nothing special here. Season 3 becomes painful to watch ...and In the end, I regret wasting my time on this.
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Dune (2021)
This is only Part 1 - only HALF of the story.
30 December 2021
I probably would NOT have seen this (yet) if I knew it was an incomplete story. Now I need to wait 2+ years for Part Two.

Having already seen several Dune adaptations, I already know the story. Here, just as things begin to get interesting and gain momentum; the movie abruptly ENDS!! The film completely leaves you hanging and highly dissatisfied. Now go home and wait 2-3 years for "Part Two."

I am taking off 3 stars for titling this simply "Dune." Little effort was made to clearly indicate that this is only "half" of the movie (somewhat misleading). I believe this style of film release/distribution should be neither rewarded nor encouraged. I can understand waiting 3 months for part 2, but 2-3 years is ridiculous. I also think it will be difficult to regain one's momentum in watching "Part 2" unless you RE-WATCH this movie again. In today's streaming environment (where an entire season is available almost immediately) ...this film take a HUGE step back!
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Riverdale (2017–2023)
Becomes UNWATCHABLE by Season 6
30 December 2021
This series had a great start. Season 1 & 2 are quite entertaining and well-done. By season 5 it begins to get tired and pretty absurd.

  • Season 1 & 2 = 8 stars
  • Season 3 = 6 stars
  • Season 4 = 5 stars
  • Season 5 = 4 stars
  • Season 6 = 2 stars.

The show goes completely off the rails in season 6 (beyond absurd) and lost me by the 3rd episode.
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Loved it
12 July 2021
Sweet, well-paced and well-produced. Actors come across as "real" and believable. Solid plot that keeps your interest until the end. This film will not win any awards, but is a very enjoyable watch!
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Very Sweet Short
12 July 2021
Well-presented solid short film that will make you feel good.
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Ernesto (2020)
Just AWFUL!!
11 July 2021
Incredibly boring and one of the WORST movies I've seen. Ernesto is cute (that's about it) ...he can't seem to figure out whether he likes boys or girls (that seems to be the entire plot)!! Half of the movie has no sound and weird artsy-fartsy filming. No story, nothing really happens, nothing develops and nothing is resolved. Ridiculous!
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Cola de Mono (2018)
OK ...but quite flawed.
10 July 2021
The performance by one of the young leads was great ...everyone else was "blah." This had potential, but the plot was rather far-fetched and difficult to take seriously. Ending is ruined by another ridiculous plot twist.
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Proud (2018)
10 July 2021
Interesting, Enjoyable, Meaningful and Memorable! Solid and intelligent plot that is well-produced and well-acted. Given everything else that is available out there; this mini-series definitely deserves the high rating.
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Trick (1999)
LOVE THIS!! ...wonderful time capsule
4 June 2021
Boy ...did this give me flashbacks to living in Manhattan during the late 90's. Interesting and engaging plot, sympathetic characters, good dialogue. The film is very well made, well-paced, very sweet, often amusing and very entertaining.
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Cute & Simple ...nothing great
4 June 2021
I found this to be very watchable, often interesting and rather cute ...but really nothing significant/great. I feel giving it 6-stars is being generous; anything higher would be an insult to other films.
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Antares (2004)
Well acted & produced ...that's about it
4 June 2021
Solid believable acting and good production values ...but I couldn't care any less about any of the characters. The plot is jumbled, superficial and not very engaging. Nothing gets resolved and the ending was very disappointing ...but by then; I was glad it was over.
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OK ...but a nothing great.
19 May 2021
Overall enjoyable, but one really needs to struggle to "suspend disbelief" much of the plot in the second half is rather absurd. Nothing memorable; in the end, it was a bit disappointing (something I didn't need to see).
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Bad Hair (2013)
Self-Expression quashed at every opportunity
14 May 2021
Nothing uplifting about this movie. Long, depressing (and cruel) ...with a disappointing ending. Should have been called "Bad Movie."
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9 May 2021
Everything about this is so bad and amateurish: the acting, the plot & production values. Nothing seems genuine, heartfelt, emotional or remotely real.

Prepare to be bored and wonder about what kind of "koolaid" all the positive reviewers drank.

Definately a "MUST SKIP!"
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Falling for Angels (2017– )
Overall ...just kinda average
20 April 2021
Out of the 6 episodes, I found:
  • one to be really good & insightful
  • two episodes were "OK" and somewhat enjoyable
  • three were "so so" or not very good (esp. The last one).
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FLOKI ...before Vikings! WELL DONE & ENJOYABLE
11 April 2021
Great story, good production and solid acting. It is touching, engaging and keeps your interest from start to finish. Nothing gimmicky or outlandish.

The film is well-written and story effectively told (whereas so many others fail).

PLUS ...if you are a fan of "Vikings" you will enjoying seeing a popular character in a different role.
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As I Am (2020)
Enjoyable ...but quite flawed
11 April 2021
This was only an hour long and the story seems to missing several important pieces. The characters never get a chance to be fully developed and we keep wondering what is wrong w/them. We are expected to make huge jumps of belief/acceptance, but are never able to fully "connect" w/any character (one character falls madly in love and becomes an emotional wreck on the first date). Then we get a quick ending and conclusion to the story. Also, the acting by the two leads was good, but I found ALL of the adult actors were difficult to watch or to take seriously. It was enjoyable, but after thinking about; not so great.
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Not very "Beautiful" ...but definitely "Something"
10 April 2021
It wasn't bad, but nothing great either. Slow at times with "artsy" stuff thrown in; a bit strange and not very relatable. I enjoyed it, but don't seem to "love" this as much as other reviewers.
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King Cobra (2016)
James Franco ruined this for me
7 April 2021
Overall, this was an enjoyable watch. Both Garrett Clayton (Brent Corrigan) and Christian Slater did a good job ...but James Franco's over-the-top acting made this seem cheezy and unbelievable. Furthermore, while they seemed to have a good budget for top-name actors, the production of this seems rather "unpolished."

I originally gave this 6-starts; then took off another star once I found out the real "Brent Corrigan" is NOT a fan of this film and he feels "they got it wrong." So while it may be "based on true events" seems to be very loosely so.
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Happy Families (II) (2020)
Really enjoyed the passive-aggressive tactics
5 April 2021
Cute story that holds your interest and ends on a positive note. I found the female character rather annoying ...even if there hadn't been any ulterior motives. Well-done and enjoyable, but nothing great or special.
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Danny (I) (2009)
Turns on you ..and in the end, kicks you in face!
4 April 2021
"No good deed goes unpunished!!" This movie is quite good for the most part: well produced and keeps your interest, but the ending is very dark and disappointing. I could envision several possible endings that would make far more sense and have a more significant/powerful message!! This just leaves you numb and empty!! Frankly, I feel I'd be better off not seeing this.
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Boys (III) (2016)
Nothing Great
4 April 2021
Not the worst I've seen, but nothing moving or meaningful about this either. I have no idea what the 10-star reviewers saw; this film has little to say and is simply not very good. I originally gave this 5 stars, but after reading some of the "raving/positive" reviews, I felt I was being too generous.
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