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Mortal Kombat (2021)
Not quite a flawless victory, but not that far off
1 May 2021
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Since the 90s fans have craved a good film adaptation of the hugely successful franchise Mortal Kombat, and despite my reservations I have been proven wrong.

This is by far the best adaptation of the game, yes the plot and story is a bit thin and it is missing a lot of character development, but the action is brilliant and just like the game quite gory.

The opening first 10 minutes is brutal and well shot with the camera angles.

The main character Cole is a bit meh, but that is down to his story/script. Kano is outstanding and you just cant hate him in the film.

Sub zero is portrayed well same with jax and especially scorpion.

It has been hinted and left open for a sequel, and yes this film does need quite a bit of work done on it. But they have a good chance with how well this first outing has been done.

I fully expect a lot more characters in sequel especially with Johnny cage.

Overall Mortal kombat is a brilliant example of when people who care about a game, turn it into a film.

Fatalitie, flawless victory.
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Wrong Turn (2021)
Film takes a wrong turn into a weird place
25 February 2021
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Wrong turn is a new approach and fresh take on the 2003 horror franchise. That being said it doesn't work.

The plot starts of similar but then it takes a complete wrong turn into a weird place, I cant explain this film. It would of got a bit of sympathy if it was a indy film and had a different name.

But to take the name of a 2003 franchise was a really bad idea.

Watch it and decide for yourself.
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Sonic may be the hero, But dr Robotnik was the real star
17 February 2020
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The nicest thing I can say about this movie is that Sega and Paramount dodged a monumental disaster. From the horrible first designed of sonic to the idea of a film been done that was based on a video game, Mortal kombat, Super Mario, Doom and the first installments of Lara Croft Tomb Raider. All these were proof that video games dont make great films. And sonic can be added to that list BUT it wont be top of the list as sonic was half decent and a couple of scenes did make me chuckle, granted they were all Jim Carrey scenes.

So now you know Jim Carrey steals the show, I can go into detail and Based on how far his character flies off the rails, with speeches perfectly synced to Carrey's physicality and timing. I get the impression the actor ad-libbed what we get on-screen. Yet even if I'm wrong, his rhythms and intensity fall into an incredible groove, as if he were teaching a masterclass on '60s B-movie villainy and we were the students.

I'm glad Sonic had enough of its parts in place to get me through a viewing feeling slightly entertained. But the only thing that would get me to recommend this film over other family-friendly options is, Jim Carrey's performance. Nothing else in Sonic the Hedgehog feels particularly exciting. Kids will probably love it, but for people older than 12 dont waste your time with this film, do something productive like a crossword or evan better dig out your old mega drive and play sonic the hedgehog game.
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Lots of fun and great chemistry
6 August 2019
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Hobbs and Shaw a spin off from Fast and Furious franchise, a film that a few of us were on the fence regarding this film.

But I gotta be honest the film is a lot better than I was expecting, The chemistry between Dwayne Johnson and Jason Statham was excellent, it reminded me of the first Bad Boys film with Will Smith and Martin Lawrence and how they bounced off each other.

Now the plot and story is your run of the mill, With Idris Elba playing a decent bad guy. The only issue I have with his character is I wished they made his character more believable and giving the audience some real concern that he would succeed.

The film is a lot of fun and the best way to enjoy the film is to NOT think to hard about the story. Now that might sound a bit harsh and a bit of a negative towards the film, But it's the best way to watch and enjoy the film.

With some of the best cameos since Tropical Thunder Hobbs and Shaw delivers with some breathtaking scenes and lots of banter and does a decent job of being a stand alone film thats attached to a popular franchise.
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Brie Larson does great, but........
8 March 2019
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Ahhh the wait is over and Captain Marvel has arrived, now before I go on I will openly admit Brie Larson done a brilliant job. Not only getting into character but also all the hard work to get into super hero build (she was always a slim woman)

Now onto the film. It is a mixed bag if I'm honest, for everything this film does well there is something dragging it back down.

All we needed was a introduction and her back story and how it's going to lead Into end game.

Yes we got what was needed but in some parts of it...it came across as a bit naf and that is not what you would expect from Marvel, now this is not Brie fault it's the script she has been given. She starts the film as a Nobel hero and end the film as a Nobel hero, there no character flaw or discussion of over coming emotion as in most marvel superheroes. And watching it you feel no emotion towards captain marvel in over coming the battlefield no empathetic reason to get onboard her struggles. Like I said I am not knocking Brie Larson I'm knocking the script and some of the cinematography is average at best, not what you would expect from a marvel movie. It is worth watching just to piece together the pieces leading into end game. But it is a film that should of been much much better.
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Rowan Atkinson pulls it off
25 September 2018
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It's been a number of years since the last Johnny English film so at least they have had time to think of a new idea for the franchise.

Unfortunately it's the same type of jokes but at least with its updated cyber threat it makes the film that bit more enjoyable. Granted it's not as good as the first film, but at least rowan Atkinson has still got what it takes to perform comedy from his look to the action.

Overall I'll say it's watchable it's not a must see but with a run time of just over 80mins it's worth it.
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Poor sequel
10 June 2018
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I'm pretty honest when it comes to reviews so I'll carry on with the second Jurassic world film,

The opening is great lots of fun, then as the film goes on the plot begins and it's not great. The best way to enjoy this film is to go in with no expectations and to not think about the story your watching.

Chris Pratt does not seem to be into the second film as much as he was in the first one, I'm glad they decided to alter Bryce Dallas Howard character in this as she was a bit annoying in the first film, she is miles better in the sequel.

Legendary Jurassic park favourite Jeff goldblum is under used and wasted and this film would be badly passable if they did not totally destroy it with one of the dumbest post credit scenes in movie history!!

Jurassic world 3 featuring the Flintstones, that is what it will stick in your mind.
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Ocean's Eight (2018)
These actress deserve much better material
10 June 2018
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I am all for women getting more rights and equal pay in Hollywood and I'll fight on with others to make it happen.

Now to this film, they have a brilliant set of actress (not including rhianna) and what they are given is poor, there is no character development like there was in oceans 13, the humour and attempted gags and one liners was not great, it was the type of humour that did work but that was a decade ago.

The suspense was average and then the heist happened and the way the film ended abruptly just put the cherry on top of this awful film.

Hollywood please please give these talented actress what they deserve and stop giving them garbage to work with. They are all talented so give them a script and plot that shows off just how great they are, and not a rebooted plot less pile of trash.
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How can Marvel top this???
27 April 2018
This film is simply stunning, all the hype and antisipation do not do it justice.

From the start it's all go and the first 10mins of the film ensure you go through a few emotions, Thanos is here.

The story of how a group of superheros need to put differences aside to deal with the real end of world threat of Thanos is told to perfection, and how it all comes together is done in a way that now Marvel has a big problem!!

How can Marvel top this non stop rollercoaster of torn emotions??

I'm trying my best to not write a spoiler here so my review is short and sweet. People have said the run time is too long and these folk are stupid as there are so many questions coming out of this film and believe me when I tell you, As soon as the film starts time goes by and you will leave the cinema not realising you just spend over 2hrs in their.

This is the best film Marvel has done and will be impossible to top it
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Truth or Dare (I) (2018)
Trailer was miles better than the entire film
26 April 2018
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Here is a perfect example of how the trailer looked miles better than the film.

How can a company with a good track record in blumhouse production let the final cut be released, granted it does have a great premises and if it was done well it could been a great film. Truth or dare could of been the 2018 of the classic Wes craven 90s film Wishmaster but instead it's just over 90mins of a clunky put together attempt of a demon who controls a game that keeps changing its rules.

I was very disappointed in the final product and my advice is just watch the trailer and then let your imagination take over, trust me it will be a lot better than sitting through the whole film.
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Corbin Nash (2018)
Great film where you don't need to use your brain
26 April 2018
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If you want a film that you don't need to think about what's going on, ladies and gentlemen I give you Corbin Nash.

90 minutes of cheesy one liners some pretty decent killings and a creepy cross dressing bad guy Corbin Nash has all the above.

Yes it's a same old story of a cop who wants revenge of the people who killed his parents but it's done in such a refreshing way it's quite enjoyable, Corbin Nash to me is like watching a film adaptation of Far Cry Blood Dragon with the 80s type of action dialogue with the cool lighting and graphics.
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Had potential to be great but sadly it fails
28 February 2018
I like the concept and idea of the film as it is something fresh on a lackluster social media internet crazed genre.

This had the making to be a stand out film if it had backing and with that backing a bigger budget and more in-depth script, selfie from hell suffers from a rushed story. As said before I liked the idea of this film but what we got was not great with sound effects that came from the cutting room floor of insidious to the film only running for just over an hour.

Selfie from hell had the potential to be great but with a tight budget and a rushed story and script it falls flat on its face which I'm disappointed in as was hoping for much better.
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I was wrong, this film is much better than you think
4 January 2018
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I hate it when Hollywood decided to cash in on a beloved title so I did not go into this film with much hope, From the opening scene that was more or less a copy and paste from the ending of the original Jumanji it did not sit well with me.

Thankfully this Jumanji film took me by surprise as it turned out to not be a reboot or Evan a sequel but a fresh new take on the game.

A updated version of Jumanji that now involves it being a video game and not a board game. With a great cast from Karen Gillan to Dwayne the rock Johnson Jumanji is a brilliant fun film that edges on being a family film with some strong language but used in a comedy style.

From the start of the game to the end Jumanji welcome to the jungle is a great start to 2018 and to be honest it's a film that was needed after a awful 2017 for films.

With supporting cast from Jack black to kevin Hart Jumanji is a successful new take on a beloved title and I'll admit that I was wrong!
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Well worth watching
31 October 2017
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Happy death day is one of those films that turns out to be miles better than what the trailer offers you to go watch it.

Plot is interesting Tree (Jessica rothe) wakes up and relives the same day by getting killed over and over again and has to figure out who is the killer to stop this endless cycle.

Groundhog Day meets Scream, now it may sound a bit crazy but Christopher Landon (director) pulls of a great film in the way it's been shot and put together.

With some great acting, light hearted humour and a mystery that will keep you guessing right till the end Happy Death Day is a great horror/thriller and definitely one to watch this Halloween.
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Not since Jaws has a shark film been so intense
18 July 2017
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Not since Jaws has a shark film held the intensity and pure terror of the ocean beast, many have tried take deep blue sea a good film but got a bit silly, then you had The Shallows which was much better and it delivered with intensity but failed with the killer blow.

47 meters down is the latest of shark terror films and I'm glad to say it delivers everything you felt when you first watched Jaws, it is intense with the right amount of jump scenes and best of all the plot is simple and yet very effective.

A error in a shark cage takes you on one of the best journeys in a fight for survival, stuck 47 meters down in a cage where in-between you and the surface are hungry great white sharks.

With just under 90 minutes 47 meters down is one of the best independent films to come out this year.
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Great start with hopes of a better sequel
7 July 2017
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Sony have not been great to Spiderman and I like others wished Marvel had got the full rights back to Spiderman a long time ago. The first couple of Toby Maguire films were good and the first amazing Spiderman was decent but the rest were awful.

With the recent deal between Sony and Marvel for 3 co_starring roles (cival war, infinity part 1 and 2) and 2 stand alone films (this one and Spiderman 2) it is music to fans ears and happy to say this first stand alone film is really good.

Unlike other Spidey films this does not go down the origins path but continues around 2 months after cival war. Tom Holland is slowly becoming a successful marvel star with his portrayal of the webbed hero the film does a great job of character building and don't expect a lot of action scenes yes there are some but not as many as you would expect.

Micheal Keating (first person to cross the divide from DC to Marvel) is brilliant despite his small role, where the films fails is there is just to much forced comedy and dialect, the plot and story work great and overall Spiderman is a great start that can only improve with the next outing.
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The Mummy (2017)
A great way to open the dark universe
17 June 2017
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There is a lot of bad reviews for this film which I can understand why they have given them but also I don't agree.

The way to watch this film is not to think of the 90s Brendan Fraser mummy franchise, yes it is a reboot but that's where it ends. This is a reboot for something bigger than just the mummy films it's the starting point for the dark universe.

I found the film to be really good with outstanding performance from Russell crowe as Dr Jekyll and sofia boutella as Ahmanet and not to forget nick Morton played by Tom cruise.

The story is similar to the 90s mummy where a power crazed person is caught faced a punishment then buried somewhere, only to be found dug up and evil curse rises. But with this film there is more to it than that, the character building and Easter eggs for what is coming next is brilliant and done in a way that you would think it's a marvel film (it really is that good)

With a dark universe on the horizon the mummy film delivered what it was meant to do......and that's open the door to the dark universe Tom cruise to my knowledge has not done a bad film in decades and is impressive in this film but the brilliant former model/dancer sofia boutella is the stand out.

The Easter eggs shown are great and the action scenes are as good enough to match films that are currently in theatres. The mummy may be a reboot but it is one that is done really well.
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Wonder Woman (2017)
DC universe best film so far but still not great
1 June 2017
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DC universe does not have a good reputation when it comes to films take barman vs superman a film that was hyped up then some idiot released a traitor that gave away the entire film. Granted we still watched it and was still disappointed then came suicide squad which was OK but not great so the hopes going into to this film we're not high.

Wonder woman is a good film but not Great, the backstory is really good and the film has some great action scenes with Gal Gadot is a perfect choice for the film and she does really well with what she is given (and 5 months pregnant at the time of filming)

That's the good parts now on to the bad, the war and soldier scenes feel like they have just been copied and paste from Captain America first avenger, then you got Chris Pine who is a established actor who has carried the brilliant Star Trek films....But in this he is more or less a comedy sidekick. Don't get me wrong the film is worth watching as its probley DC best one to date but you will leave thinking it could of been so much better.
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Split (IX) (2016)
Simply amazing
28 May 2017
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There are not many films where actors can really show their many skills as they are either type-casted (Kevin Hart comedy sidekick) or are tied up to one character (Chris Evans cpt America***)

Thankfully split is a successful well written directed and superb acting from all cast members, you get the feeling James McAvoy really enjoyed expressing himself with every personality and it shows as this is a masterpiece.

M night shyamalan is a curious director with his early work was great then somehow he lost his way and released some of the worst movies (After earth, last airbender) I'm happy to say shyamalan has finally got back to his best with split.

Watching this you can't separate the actors from star cast to supporting actor as everyone is brilliant all while showing a mental health issue in a breathtaking way.

***Chris Evans shows just how good of a actor he is when he is not tied down to marvel with the great film "Gifted"
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Clever plot with a action injection
18 April 2017
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The fast and furious family return with another NOS filled adventure only this time they are fighting each other.

Some folks are not impressed with the plot, where i found it a clever thought out story. Cipher (charlize theron) turns Dom against his family by kidnapping Elana, she is the former love of Dom from fast 6 and there child (which Dom did not know about) and use that against Dom for him to battle against the ones who he called his family.

A lot of the story revolves around the actions from fast 6 which leaves and keeps fast 7 as what it was....To pay respect to Paul walker and to introduce deckard shaw, granted there are a few questions about fast 8 which are left open but that will be carried into the final 2 films between now and 2021.

Overall fast 8 is a great film with a clever story and some fantastic scenes from the mass car falling from car park to the submarine battle, with a enemy as smart and ruthless as cipher fast 8 ticks all the boxes.
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Genuine terror
30 March 2017
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One of the best and most original thriller/horror films for a long long time.

A farther and son who are both coroners have a unidentified body turn up at there morgue, the unidentified female was found at a mass murder scene by a local sheriff. The sheriff tells them he needs to know what happened to her by the end of the night so they get to work.

With strange things that start to happen during the girls autopsy who has been labeled as Jane Doe this film develops into a horror mystery so much so you can't take your eyes off the screen.

Brian Cox is excellent as well is Emile Hirsch, the autopsy of Jane Doe is how a film is meant to be made not some rubbish found footage but genuine real tension and horror. Quite possibly one of the best films out this year.
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30 March 2017
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I'm guessing that the idea for this film looked and sounded really great on paper. But then the toughest part is turning it into a film that's where it went wrong, the story becomes a mess with some scenes that have more of a spoof feel than a thriller/horror.

A group of friends hold a spiritual night in their new place and strange things begin to happen to them, one by one they all start to suffer from the bye bye man.

The film had so much potential yet watching this you will feel let down as if they rushed the production and skipped pages of the script that would of made a lot more sense, Overall it's a waste of a great idea.
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The Raking (2017)
Not bad for a indy horror
8 March 2017
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For a indy film this is not bad, granted it's not great but I'm sure if it had a bigger budget and a slight tweak to the script it would get more of a reaction.

Story starts off with a family who run out of petrol out in the desert and something picks them off. Then it fasts forward few years and a group of college kids who are working on a project to debunk urban legends go out to where the urban legend story tells where the killings took place.

The acting is not bad you get what you pay for I suppose, the monster/animal that is behind the urban legend reminded me of the film "the descent" from 2005 but with a different sound.

Overall it's not a bad film obviously there is a lot better out there but if you have a spare 97mins then it's worth watching
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Fist Fight (2017)
Stand up for yourself great message
25 February 2017
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Granted this looks like your typical school comedy and that's what I thought until I watched it. Mr Campbell (charlie day) is a teacher who is a bit of a push over his daughter gets bullied and his wife is on the verge of giving birth again, but that is all about to change. With the high school tough guy teacher Mr Strickland (ice cube) who loses it in class him and Campbell are dragged to the boss to answer for what happened, during this Campbell snitches which provokes Strickland to challenge him to a fight. The comedy is quite good with some great one liners from ice cube and slowly Campbell flips and starts to stand up for himself which also leads to his daughter to do the same. With a entertaining fight scene at the end of the film fist fight is a good film, with a brilliant underlying point of bullying and to stand up for yourself and what you believe in fist fight is one lesson you need to take.
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Amazing sequel
21 February 2017
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Have people not learned from the first film to not cross John Wick? A man that wants to retire but keeps being pulled back in to the world of assassination.

John Wick chapter 2 is bigger and better than the ground breaking first outing with more action violence and best of all is Keanu Reeves.

His relentless pursuit is breath taking and if you thought he was deadly in the first John Wick film your in for a treat, Derek Kolstad has written another gem of a film while at the same time not doing what other films do and rehash the first one.

With the return of a number of original characters from the first film including the local cop who turns a blind eye to his activities and then delivers a line we were all thinking John Wick chapter 2 is definitely one of the best films for 2017.
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