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The Purge (2018–2019)
Started off promising but it's like swimmin with a lead vest
17 October 2018
First few episodes weren't bad and showed promise. Shortly after, the stupid characters just overwhelms you. How can people be do dumb? It's so unrealistic that you just can't help but hate the show. Hopefully this is the only season.
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Jason X (2001)
Cheesy yes, but entertaining
4 September 2018
It's Friday the 13th. Of course it's cheesy. The movies are not oscar aware nominees. They are cheesy fun and humor. In the 10th installation of the franchise, Jason Vorhees heads off to outer space where nobody can hear you scream. Set 400 years into the future, Jason is thawed out and starts to inflict terror on a small star ship. There are enough kills and laughs to keep you entertained for 90 min so if you are looking for something to watch you can't go wrong with this
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Extinction (2018)
1.5 hours of annoying crying
18 August 2018
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Ok when is the kid going to stop crying? It's been 90 minutes and she's still crying and wailing. Don't tears dry up eventually? Why did the director think that people wouldn't be annoyed by some kid constantly crying the entire film?
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A Quiet Place (2018)
Wow the characters are stupid
27 June 2018
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After seeing the trailer for this movie, I had high hopes for it but my hopes were immediately crushed due to the stupidity of the characters. They are so stupid it's beyond belief and I wonder how people are rating this movie so high.

89 days after an alien invasion, most of humanity has been wiped out by some creatures who are blind but have a keen sense of hearing. They hunt via noise and this is universally known. So when a family enter a small deserted town for supplies, you'd think they would all know to stay quiet. Nope, one of the children finds a toy rocket that lights up and makes noise and he wants to play with it. The father warns him about the noise (which he should know by now) and takes away the batteries only for the dumb kid to sneak some more batteries. Then stupid kid proceeds to put the batteries in the rocket and turn it on. Wow how dumb can you be? Yeah I know he's a kid but that's no excuse for hardheadedness. In fact, the father should have just taken the rocket away. Well the kid dies go figure.

Skip to 1 year later and the wife is pregnant. Ok. Did they even think about what would happen when the child is born? Nope. The lady decides to shack it up and get pregnant which in turn is so dumb as there's no way the baby will remain silent when it's born. *sigh* Supposedly the basement of their house is sound proof but that doesn't include the stairs cause the wife goes into labor and while going down into the basement, steps on a nail (How the heck is a nail sticking out for her to step on without anyone noticing) and drops a picture frame which alerts one of the monsters to the house. Luckily they are able to hide the newborn in a box without the monsters finding out where they are at.

It gets even sillier with the basement flooding somehow, the kids falling into a silo which attracts another monster and the father dying because his kids just won't shut the hell up. Wow.

It ends with the children finding out that high frequency noise can disable the monsters temporarily allowing the mother to shoot a loud shotgun killing one of the creatures. Of course, this just invites more to the house. The mother grins like she's a winner and get ready to fight the two new monsters not even thinking that she's about to run out of bullets and each time she shoots, more just shows up. Wow oh wow.
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Deadpool 2 (2018)
People who say there is no plot watched a different film.
28 May 2018
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Deadpool 2 was great. Fives times better than the first. Jokes were a plenty and in most cases, the amount would be overkill, but this is a DEADPOOL movie. Not some sappy action flick like Captain America. It has been a long time since I've laughed so hard. Probably since Deadpool 1. People complain there's no plot but they don't understand the character. He does whatever whenever. Doesn't have to make sense. The movie could be about him going after the doctor who slapped him on the butt when he was born. The plot here was simple. Someone close is killed off and he feels has nothing left living for. He meets *insert typical misunderstood delinquent here* who is in trouble for something he may do in the future by some guy from that timeline. He rescues the kid and in turn, rescues both himself and the humanity of the time traveler. Now insert super funny jokes every 10 seconds and you have a winner. I'm so excited for Deadpool 3. Keep them coming and I'll keep watching.
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Black Panther (2018)
One of the best marvel movies to date.
18 February 2018
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Hail Wakanda! This has to be one of the best Marvel movies shown to date. First off, there is an actual coherent storyline. Basically, the movie is about inter-turmoil between Wakanda tribes on the subject of releasing their tech to the rest of the world. Some are against the idea as it will expose Wakanda to the world and some are all for it thinking it's for the greater good. The bad guy is pretty human by Marvel standards. In the end, he just wants to go home, gather his people and help save all the other oppressed people of the world. There is action but not as much as some people seem to like. There is no major alien/godly badguy to defeat. They are really just fighting themselves. The cast is colorful and you are not bombarded with stale jokes every frame (unlike Thor Ragnarok). I give this movie a solid 8 out of 10 stars. I do think the bad guy could have been a lot tougher to defeat and there were a few small items not clarified (So what do they do now that all the plants have been burned up?) but this was a pretty enjoyable flick
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Geostorm (2017)
Absolute Trash
25 October 2017
The movie held such promise. A global catastrophe/end of the world movie should never be this bad. 3 stars for getting the science facts right but overall the story was just bland and boring. Action scenes reduced to being 6 seconds long reminded me of the 2014 Godzilla movie where he would start the fight with a Kaju, then all of sudden, it's the next day and they have a news report on a TV in the movie giving details about the battle. What were they thinking? Did they think people did not like special effects or something? How dare they even think about releasing his in 3D. Utter shame.
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Wish Upon (2017)
A spoiled teenage girl discovers a box that carries magic powers and a deadly price for using them
30 September 2017
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There were a couple decent scenes but overall the movie was a turd. It's the story of a spoiled whiny unpopular girl who is given a box that grants 7 wishes. For each wish, a blood price must be paid. In other words, someone has to die. The people that die, do so in the most ridiculous methods. For example, someone with very long hair let's it drape into the sink where there's a garbage disposal. The switch for the disposal is on the front of the sink cabinet at thigh level. Why would a switch be placed here where it's easily hit. Then again, why if you have long hair are you fiddling with the garbage disposal and not even bothering trying to move your hair out the way. So of course she bumps the switch and her hair gets stuck. Wow really imaginative.

Even after the girl finds out the truth that her wishes are killing people, she continues to make wishes. Like shes's on drugs and is addicted. Eventually it ends on a high note which made up for most of the film's mistakes.
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Looks like we'll get another reboot in a few years
31 July 2017
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I've been a huge fan of Spiderman since I was a child. Grew up collecting all the comics and I have seen all the movies/cartoons. I have supported the reboots but it's now getting ridiculous.

This film is nothing but PC advertisement. I enjoyed spiderman in Civil War but this film is a mess. Many scenes just seemed to be piece-mealed together for no reason. Majority of the movie doesn't even take place in Spiderman's home town! Majority of the characters just seem out of place. First there is Flash. He's pretty much a nerd who bullies Peter by calling him names like "penis parker." If you found that funny then you will probably like the movie. He gives off nothing "threating" unlike in the comics or other movies/cartoons where he's the stereotypical dumb football jock. I don't see how Flash isn't being bullied himself! They also just randomly made him Indian for no reason at all. Was that really necessary? In fact, all the characters are totally different than their comic counterparts other than the name. You'd think Hollywood would have learned their lesson by now but it seems some people just don't pay attention.

Then we have MJ the emo black girl (why they made her black see above). She basically just shows up at random places saying the most ridiculous things. "I'm here because I have no friends." You'd think the chick is on suicide watch.

Next, we have Peter's friend. I forget his name. He looks Filipino or something similar and again with the PC correctness. He also is another nerd, fat, and is into things like Star Wars. All the stereotypical nerd activities. He finds out Peter's identity right away because Peter has no spider-sense.

Tony Stark stole the show whenever he came onto the scene. As much as I like Tony Stark as Iron Man, having him replace the good old Uncle Ben is a travesty. Ben has already died in this movie but Peter hasn't really learned anything about power and responsibility since. It's like they replaced Uncle Ben with Tony as the role model. Ewwww.

The suit. Why oh why did they give spiderman a mecha suit? It even has AI which talks to spiderman as if he were Iron Man Jr. It will even automate most of his movies which just throws out the whole "Hey let me rely on my acrobatic skill and spider-sense." The suit contains a variety of weapons from stun blasts to nets to capture villains but it functions no different than Iron Man's own suit! Eventually near the end, he returns to the old ugly suit but then again, it's the end of the movie blah.

Besides Tony, Michael Keaton does a great job as the Vulture. You can understand why he turned to a life a crime with the way small businesses are getting the short end of the stick when major corporations move into town and take over all the business.

At the end of the day, this is just a mediocre spiderman movie.
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I'm not a diver but wow the one sister was really dumb
27 June 2017
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And the other sister almost as such. No wonder her man left her because she's an idiot. They go off with some strangers to go swim with some great white sharks while in a cage. The cage is tied to a single rope and is lowered into the water where the sharks encircle it and they can take pictures. One girl even mentions how she's read about bad things happening to strangers but yet, she goes anyway. The cage and equipment look old and out of date/maintenance to me (I'm not a diver) but yet they are the first to take the dip only to leave their life in the hands of these strangers. *sigh*. It gets worse from there as one girl leaves the safety of the cage to try to, I don't know, fix the cage? Sorry the only way out is to swim up or wait for your new found buddies to save you. Quckly, you start rooting for the sharks to hurry up and make the kill.
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Two and a half hours of my life I can't get back
27 June 2017
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Ignore all the good reviews. You'll see most are posted on the same date and probably fishy. This is one of the worse movies ever made. Comparable to the ScyFy movies that air on the weekends. Movies like Sharknado and Crocasaurus. Actually, these movies may be better than Transformers: The Last Knight.

How hard is it to follow the storyline of the old cartoons? Make a live action movie out of Transformers: The Movie. Instead they give us this pool of incoherent dribble. Transformers and the knights of the round table? C'mon what a silly storyline. Human macho-ism check. Evil Optimus Prime who reverts back to good from the sound of Bumblebee's voice? Trash. Crappy jokes are plenty in this film. It then ends with a spoiler about the next film and it's going to be even worse than this!
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Wonder Woman (2017)
Lazy writing at its best
9 June 2017
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First of all, this movie only made money because it's a superhero movie. Everyone likes superheroes and there is no way a parent is not going to take their children to see it. Look at Transformers. Most of the movies are downright idiotic but it still makes money because it's.....Transformers. So all popular comic book hero movies will make money period.

I can't make sense of the movie and I really don't think the writers knew either. Her morales flip flop, the bad guy has no real reason to be "bad", the good guy has no real reason to "die." The side characters really didn't serve much of a purpose.

Some parts of the movie are decent and a few seconds later, the same scene turn into a total crapfest. The 3rd part is an utter mess and that act alone should be more then enough reason to keep WW off the top of the charts but somehow has a 94% rating on RT? That right there shows you that ratings are padded because you can't have at least 1/3 of a movie be total trash, 1/3 of the movie just corny dialog and somehow end up at the top of the charts.
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Unthinkable (2010)
To do what is necessary
25 May 2017
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There are 3 nuclear bombs set to go off in a matter of couple of days. The mastermind has allowed himself to be captured by the federal government for reasons unknown. He's not saying where the bombs are and Carrie-anne's character wants to chat the guy up like he's a facebook pal. Samuel L wants to do whatever is necessary to get him to talk as they only have a few days before millions of people die. Obviously, Sammie will do ANYTHING and Carrie has a problem with it but Samuel has been granted power to do whatever. What follows is Carrie futile attempts to break the guy through the power of conversation with Samuel L trying to prove that torture is the way to go. In my opinion, Samuel wasn't "tough" enough. There are 50 other parts of the body he could stab, smash, cut which would have caused this guy to either a) talk immediately or b) faint which I then wake his tail back up. Good movie and worth a watch.
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Not a brain to be found among them
19 May 2017
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Worst movie in the franchise. Even worse than Alien: 3. Everyone was basically an idiot and from the get, you were rooting for the alien to kill everyone. So many issues that I can count the good things on one hand.

1) Everyone died. 2) Everyone died in some horrible/messed up way. 3) Everyone died by their own act of stupidity 4) Everyone got what was coming to them. 5) It ended
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Iron Fist (2017–2018)
Shockingly bad
18 March 2017
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First of all, the lead character could be green for all I care. The issue is everything else.

Right from the beginning, we get the main character coming to the city after being assumed dead for 15 years. He has to try to prove his identy to his childhood friends that run this multi-billion dollar company. It goes downhill from there. They don't believe him (of course) but he insists he just wants to talk. Instead of even asking him any questions from their childhood (or him mentioning anything), they kick him out and he goes rampaging crazily around town. Why why why can't anyone believe me.

He constantly reminds us that he spent 15 years training to be this great warrior and how he can survive things like sub 0 temperatures with no shirt off and that he doesn't need to walk around in shoes cause he's Iron Fist.

A few goons get the drop on him, place him in a mental hospital and the only guy who believes him is another mental case. It took 4-5 episodes before the doctor even discovered is identity and that took the main character slipping out a bit of information about his past while watching a commercial #smh Anyway, he hooks up with this young Asian chick who is also a master of some style. She barely looks 21 but hey, she's good. They show her berating her students about fighting in the ring and how dishonorable it is only for her to take up fighting too. She needed the training because she now becomes the hero's sidekick.

So the hero is trying to find the main antagonist and everyone whoops his tail. He has trouble with all the simplest of goons. He eventually wins his fights and then decides to take on the big baddie herself. The only smart chick says, "Hey it's a bad idea right now" but the guy reminds us of his 15 years of training and that he's good enough to take on the old lady; who mind you, just threw him 15 feet into a wall with the wave of her palm a few episodes back.

Not spoiling the entire thing but it's a terrible show, fights are poorly choreographed and the dialog is poorly written. I'm not sure where all the hype comes from but this show needs an Iron Fist to the head.
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