
22 Reviews
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3 February 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I don't really know what I thought of this movie...the beginning was really good, but then when it actually started it was just so repetitive that I felt like getting up and leaving the theater! It was basically 90 minutes of listening to a phone ring over and over again. I thought the calls could have been creepier if they actually made the guy say more stuff instead of "have you checked the children?" or just breathing heavily. This movie was also so0o0 predictable!! I guess most horror movies are these days...but with this movie you can pretty much tell whats going to happen all the way through. Oh yeah, and I thought they used way too many of those lame "cat" scares and the "turn around and there's a coat behind you" scares that only make you jump the first or second time and then it's like, " many more times is this going to happen?!" Another thing I didn't get was when they showed the captured creepy guy in the police car after they captured him it kind of seemed like he was going to be somebody we'd seen previously in the movie. People behind me were saying stuff like "It's her dad" and "it's Dr mandrakis!" which it wasn't of course, but from the way they showed a dark shadowy figure of him at first and then lit up his face it kind of seemed like it. Overall, not one of the best horror movies I've seen...When the movie began there were only about 20 people in the theater, even on opening night...I guess now I know why. 5/10
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Uptown Girls (2003)
Not Too Bad...Dakota Fanning Makes It Worth Watching.
14 December 2005
I first saw this movie two years after it came out, so I didn't get the chance to see it in theaters. But I had heard from numerous people that it was a good movie, and I love Dakota Fanning, so when I saw "Uptown Girls" for sale, I decided to buy it.

At first, I was kind of bored with this movie, because it really doesn't get interesting until Molly (Brittany Murphy) gets the job as a nanny for eight year old Laraine, (Ray.) (Dakota Fanning.) This is the first movie I have seen where Dakota plays a rich, snobby, stuck-up character, but even so, I think she did a great job. It was funny when she was beating up that girl for calling Molly a slut-bag whore =) I have never heard her talk like that before...(or put up her middle finger) she is usually so polite and friendly...even in real life.

I thought Brittany Murphy did an awesome job in this movie too. She plays Molly Gunn, the 22 year old daughter of a deceased rock star. After she loses all her money she is forced to get a job as a nanny to a little rich girl named Ray, who is only 8, but acts like a 35 year old. At first, Ray doesn't like Molly, and acts rude towards her. Molly knows that the reason for Ray's behavior is because her mom pays no attention to her whatsoever...she only buys her whatever she wants to shut her up. So Molly refuses to give up on Ray, and by the end of the movie, the two are the best of friends.

Well I guess all in all "Uptown Girls" is a pretty good movie. Its really funny and fun to watch. So if you think you might like to see it sometime, go for it! I think you'll really like it. 8/10
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Everything I thought it would be...and more!
11 December 2005
Wow!! I have to say that Narnia is by far the best fantasy adventure movie I have seen in my entire life! I'm not A huge fan of Harry Potter like lots of people I know, However I really liked The Lord of the Rings...But not nearly as much as this movie. When I got to the theater on the day Narnia was released, it was already packed with people! Some who walked in slightly late even had to leave=) I thought that Georgie Henley, the little girl who played Lucy was adorable, and she did so well considering she has never acted before. This little girl played her part remarkably and I don't think there is another child actress out there that could have done better. Hopefully she'll be in more upcoming movies, because it's good to have a variety of children in movies instead of the same ones over and over, such as Dakota Fanning. Even though I love her amazing personality and acting abilities, she has been in so many recent movies! Dakota is so in demand right now that she doesn't even have to audition for her movies anymore! Anyways, to get back on topic, this little girl was just so amazing, and so cute. I loved her.

The other actors/actresses did great too! William Moseley, the guy who played Peter acted like a responsible older brother to his three siblings, looked after them and was brave enough to fight for Narnia. I think his acting abilities are pretty amazing, especially since he hasn't been in many movies besides Narnia. Skandar Keynes, who played Edmund did great in this movie too. His character was the second youngest of the four children, and he was the second to go through the wardrobe and into the magical world of Narnia. I thought he did really well. Last but not least, Anna Popplewell, who played Susan, the second oldest of the four. She did an awesome job as well. Her character was supposed to be friendly, but a little boring. At times she tries to act smart and superior to the rest of her siblings. Overall, I thought they all did an excellent job!

Another thing I loved about this movie was how close and precise it was to the original story. After seeing the movie, I came home and found The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe book in my closet. I started reading it, and it felt like I was watching the movie all over again. They did such a good job keeping it like the original, and I was so glad because I hate it when people take classics and ruin them by changing them too much.

All in all, this is such a wonderful, magical movie, and I loved it!! If you are thinking you won't like it because it seems like a kids movie, it's not. Narnia is a great movie for all ages, and C.S Lewis would be so proud. Definitely a 10/10.
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Fantastic Four (I) (2005)
The Best Comic Book Movie I've Ever Seen
4 December 2005
I saw Fantastic Four with my friend last July when it came out. I have to admit, before seeing it I had read many negative reviews, and the ads for the movie on TV looked kind of corny...I was also not a fan of movies based on comic books such as Spiderman, or The Incredible Hulk. After seeing Fantastic Four, I thought it was a really great movie, and not just thrown together sloppily like a lot of other recent movies that I've seen. I found that in most of the negative reviews for Fantastic Four, people were complaining about "not enough action." But I don't see why they would, because this movie had enough of it as it is...besides if a movie has too much action, and a bad story, then it probably wouldn't be as good. I thought all the characters did a great job. This movie would probably be one of the most fun to act in. Anyways, I really enjoyed this movie and I'm really glad I decided to go see it. It was really cool and I hope that there will one day be a sequel.
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For it's time, one of the best horror movies
9 November 2005
I saw this movie for the first time about two years ago. Since then I have watched it many times over again. why? The simple answer is because it's so good! I love to see actors and actresses play varied characters, and act in different types of films. Ford Harrison did a great job in this. At first when I watched it, some parts were confusing, but after I watched it again, I understood everything completely. I love the storyline in the movie, and it keeps your attention all the way through. Some people are saying it's annoying how in lots of movies, a character seems nice, but then turns out to be the "evil" one. Well, you can't really say that for "What Lies Beneath" because even though that happened with the husband who seemed so perfect, this movie had the idea way before most of the ones that followed, like, for example take "Hide and Seek." The dad was so nice, and then turned bad at the end. oh well. There's not much more can say about this movie. It was really good, and if you like this kind of movie, then I highly suggest you go and rent or buy it. It's definitely worth it! 8/10.
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Feardotcom (2002)
Lame dot com!!
8 November 2005
Ugh!!!! I saw this movie with some friends three years ago when I was in grade six...I am a huge fan of horror films, but...this one ABSOLUTELY SUCKED!!!! whoever attempted to throw this piece of crap together was obviously out of their mind. Well...I guess you could say it was a good idea for a story...that went to waste. I have seen horror movies that were made decades ago and they were ten times better than this.Ahhh it was so0o0o0 BAD that I don't even wanna waste my valuable time writing a review for it.

Um did I mention the horrible ending? When I saw her sitting on the bed with her cat, crying I thought "this better not be the end!! Dammit!" It was probably one of the worst cliffhanger endings I have seen. that you have read this, along with many other negative reviews, I'm sure you will think twice about wasting your money on this movie. I wouldn't watch it again if someone paid me. 1/10 cause thats the lowest rating possible.
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Identity (2003)
If You Take Identity And Subtract The Awful Ending, You Have A Pretty Good Movie
8 November 2005
I thought that overall, "Identity" was pretty good. Nothing more than that....but nothing less. You have to admit, it's pretty unique and not like all the other horror movies out there. Some of the most recent horror films that I have seen lately are similar if not identical to other horror movies, which can get pretty annoying. For example, one of the newer ones, "House of Wax." Sure it was good too, but for all of you who have seen it don't you think it's almost exactly like "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre?!" A group of teens driving along, their car breaks down, they stop, meet up with some creepy old man, and eventually there is only one or two survivors out of the whole group. YEESH. Anyways, back to this movie. The acting was done pretty well, and basically the movie was great up until the end. I kind of figured out who was responsible way before it reached the end. But I won't let that take away from the fact that, yeah, overall it was a pretty decent movie. 7/10.
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Omg This Was The Best Movie Ever!
8 November 2005
To all the screwed up people who said this film is bad...YOU DON'T KNOW A GOOD MOVIE WHEN YOU SEE ONE!! Holy crap, I don't know how anyone can say this movie sucks, cause it doesn't! Say what you will, but I definitely believe otherwise.It's one of my all time favourites!

Unfortunately I missed this movie in theaters, but after it was released onto DVD I watched it over, and over again until I practically had the thing memorized, it was that good! Ashton Kutcher did such an amazing job in this movie even though he doesn't act in very many thrillers. not much more to say except LOVED IT, LOVED IT, LOVED IT!!! 10/10!!
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Hide and Seek (2005)
I Loved This Movie!!
8 November 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not really sure why the ratings for "Hide and Seek" are so freaking low on IMDb, or what most of these people were expecting. If you ask me, this movie couldn't have been much better. As usual, Dakota Fanning did an awesome job, and looked so cute with the dark hair. Her acting abilities never fail to impress me, and it's gotten to the point now where I will watch a movie just because she's in it. Robert DeNiro, Elisabeth Shue and all the other actors were great too.

I guess I can understand that the "alternate personality" thing that went on with the Dad, is pretty common in horror movies, but at least in this one it was unexpected. They put in other suspicious people to throw you off, like the guy delivering the key, and the neighbor. So I don't think ANYONE could say that "they knew from the start the Dad was Charlie." Maybe this movie wasn't quite as "scary" as some of the others people have seen, but so what? Can you really say that just because a movie isn't frightening enough for you, it's automatically bad? The reason why it's rated so low is probably because people who haven't even seen the movie are giving it a bad vote because they might hate Dakota Fanning or Robert DeNiro or horror movies altogether. So yeah, "Hide and Seek" is a great movie. Pay no attention to all the losers who are saying it sucks. Definitely go out and buy it...or at least rent it. 10/10
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Little Heroes (1991 TV Movie)
One Of My Childhood Favourites
7 November 2005
Warning: Spoilers
When I was about four, my family was going through the McDonald's drive-through and the received the movie "Little Heroes." At the time I had absolutely no idea what it was going to be about, but being the movie lover that I still am today, I popped it in the VCR as soon as we got home...and as soon as it ended I announced that it was my "new favourite movie!"

Ten years later, I still own the movie, only on DVD instead of VHS, just for memories. I still cry when I watch it just like I did when I was four. In the movie, Charlie's dog, and also her best friend, Fuzz, gets poisoned and dies. Little did I know at that time that the exact same thing would happen to me two years later. When I turned six, my beloved German Shephard dog, Tyson, was poisoned while we were away. Someone had fed him poisoned meat while he was in his outdoor kennel. I was devastated, and watching the movie only made me more sad, because I felt Charlie's pain completely.

So yeah, this movie is just so good. Most people might not think so, but I do, even today. I will always remember "Little Heroes" as one of my favourite childhood movies. Definitely a 10/10.
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Not Too Bad...Surprisingly
7 November 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Ever since I saw "Baby Geniuses" I automatically hated any movie that involved obnoxious young toddlers...especially babies who are supposed to be smarter than everyone else. But two years ago when I was in grade six, and it was in theaters, a couple of my friends wanted to see it, so I thought "how bad could it really be?!"

After I saw this movie, I was so0o0 glad i gave it a chance! It was so cute and funny and the little kids weren't as bad as I thought they would be. I actually never knew that Elle Fanning would be in it.I am a huge fan of her sister Dakota, and I like her a lot too. She is following right in her big sister's footsteps. And even though she wasn't a main character, she was really cute in the scenes she was in like when she called 911 after Crispin stole her doll and ripped off it's head.

I guess making this movie would be kind of hard, seeing as most of the actors are four and five year old children. It might be a little hard to get them to do everything you want them to, but obviously they did a great job, because the movie turned out awesome! Eddie Murphy was so funny and it was pretty clear that he enjoyed working with the kids and vice versa.

This is a great movie to watch if you ever feel like a laugh. After I bought the DVD, I saw some of the bonus features which were pretty cute. You get to find out more about the kids in "Daddy Day Care" and their point of view on being in it. They're actually all pretty cute. So if you feel like seeing a funny movie, go out and rent this one. 8/10.
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The Good Son (1993)
This movie was actually pretty good!
7 November 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I saw this movie for the first time two years ago when I was about 12. I was watching A&E and I saw an ad for it, so I decided to give it a chance. The first like, 20 minutes of the movie were somewhat boring, but I left my TV on, and the movie caught my attention again when it got to the part where Mark almost fell out of Henry's tree fort.

At that point, I began watching it again, and the rest of the movie was pretty good! Strangely enough though, the first time I saw the movie, I didn't even know that Elijah Wood played Mark, even though he is an actor that I really liked from seeing him in "The Lord Of The Rings" and stuff. But later that night, the same movie came on again, and I noticed how well he did. McCauly Culkin did a pretty good job too. I remember seeing him in the "Home Alone' movies when I was a bit younger. It's kind of funny how his little sister played his actual sister in the movie, and his little brother was in it too.

Basically this movie is about a boy named Mark (Elijah Wood) who finds out from his father that his mom is dying from cancer in the hospital. After having a few last words with her, she passes away, and Mark goes to stay with his Uncle Wallace, Aunt Susan, and his two cousins Henry (McCauly Culkin) and Connie (Quinn Culkin.) At first Mark and Henry have lots of fun together, but after a while, Mark notices something about his cousin. Although nobody except Mark realizes it, Henry is actually "evil" and does all kinds of bad things. He kills a dog by shooting it with a steel bolt, drops a dummy onto the highway causing a huge collision, tries to drown his little sister, poison his family's food, and lots more, but nobody seems to even notice. They all think Henry is the perfect child. When Mark tries to tell His Aunt and Uncle, and even his Dad, everyone thinks he's crazy. One day when Henry's mom takes him for a little walk to question him about his little brother Richard's death, he pushes her off a cliff, and is just about to drop a big boulder onto her when Mark runs up and knocks it away from him. The two begin fighting by the edge of the cliff, while Susan manages to climb back up. Then the two boys roll off the edge and Susan grabs each of them by their arm. She knew she could only save one, and let her evil son drop into the rocky bay below.

I guess all in all "The Good Son" was a fairly good movie. I actually saw it on DVD one day in a store and picked it up. I didn't even know it *was* on video or DVD, I just thought it was a TV movie. Definitely not one of my favorites, but i liked it quite a bit. 7/10.
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It was OK...could have been better.
7 November 2005
I saw this movie twice in theaters when it came out in June. I thought it was pretty well done, and the actors all did a good job. A couple things I could complain about would be how people were recording the alien tripods on the video cameras, even after all electricity was supposed to be not working. I mean come on, if Tom's WRISTWATCH isn't even working, how the hell would people be able to use camcorders and digital cameras?!

Also, another part that didn't make a lot of sense was at the end of the movie when the kid's parent's house is the only one unharmed, and Robby comes home from the army without a scratch. I was kind of hoping that they would be told "I'm sorry, but your son didn't make it" or something like that, but no.

A lot of people were saying that Dakota screamed too much throughout the movie, and thought she was annoying, but you can't judge her acting abilities on this movie alone. I'll admit it was a little annoying after a while, but she didn't choose to act like that, she only did what the directer told her. Little Dakota has been my favorite child actress for a while now, and I think she did a great job in the movie, despite what many other people are saying about her.

I only wish that this movie had been longer. It seemed so short when I watched it in the theater. It was a good movie, but if they had taken some extra time to perfect it, and fix the mistakes, it could have been a lot better. I give it a 6/10.
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Man on Fire (2004)
Man on Fire is such an awesome movie!
6 November 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I saw the movie "man on Fire" when in first came out in theaters. The previews on TV looked so promising that I couldn't miss seeing it when it was released.

Pita Ramos (Dakota Fanning) gets a new bodyguard, an American named Creasy (Denzel Washington.) She almost immediately picks up that Creasy is sad or depressed, but he doesn't talk to her very much when she asks him about it. He tells pita that he is being paid to protect her, not to be her friend. Pita, however, does not give up on him. She even names her favorite teddy bear "Creasy Bear" because she see's Creasy as "a big sad bear." After some more time, the two begin to bond more than ever, as Creasy helps Pita train and become a better swimmer. She improves quite a bit, and wins her competition. As soon a she hears her name announced as the winner, Pita climbs out of the pool, and leaps into Creasy's arms. Creasy was almost as happy as Pita was.

After the competition, while Pita's parents are away on business, she has lunch out with Creasy and two of Creasy's friends. It was then that Pita gave Creasy a gift that she had bought with her own money- a little case shaped like a brown bear, and inside that was a necklace with a symbol of Saint Jude-Paitrant Saint of Lost Causes.

One day after Pita's piano lesson, a group of men try to kidnap her. Creasy tries to save her, and shoots two of the men. He ended up getting shot himself, and Pita immediately runs to his side. But Creasy was completely helpless lying on the ground wounded by the gunshot. The men grab Pita, toss her into their car and drive away.

When Creasy recovers, he stops at absolutely nothing to find and rescue Pita. He questions everybody who he thinks might be involved. Eventually he found out that it was Pita's own father who had ordered those men to kidnap her. The agreed to set Pita free-in exchange for Creasy's life. When the men finally set Pita free, and remove her blindfold, the first thing she see's is Creasy standing on the big bridge. She runs to him, screaming his name.

It was good that Pita got to go home to her mom, but the last few moments with Creasy and Pita together is pretty sad. Watching them part just as quickly as they had reunited. But after I saw this movie, it automatically became one of my favorites, and still is today. I couldn't wait for it to come out on DVD so I could buy it, and now I can proudly say that I own this great movie. Definitely a 10/10.
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One of my favorite horror movies
6 November 2005
Unfortunately, I didn't get to see this movie in theaters, but the very day it came out on DVD I went out and bought it. After I took it home and watched it, "The Amityville Horror" became one of my newest favorite horror films.

In the original movie, there is a somewhat demonic pig, instead of Jodie, the ghost of the previous little girl who was brutally murdered in the house, along with the rest of her family. I think that was a pretty good idea to have Jodie in the movie instead of the pig, even though a scary little girl is quite common for horror films. It was a bit more realistic, and relates more to the true story of the Amityville murders.

As for all the actors and actresses, I found that they all did a really good job. Melissa George played Kathy Lutz, a woman who basically wants what's best for her family, and wanted to buy the house in Amityville because she thought it would be a great place to raise her three kids. Ryan Reynalds (George Lutz) agreed after a lot of thought to buy the house that his wife wanted so badly. Throughout the movie, he seems to be affected by the demonic presences in the house, but refuses to believe that houses can be bad. When his kids try to convince him of that, he insists that houses don't kill people. People kill people.

The three kids also play their characters parts really well. Jesse James (Billy Lutz) is Kathy and George's oldest child. He has a hard time dealing with his real father's death, and because of that, doesn't take too much of a liking to his step dad George. Billy usually gets blamed for everything that is caused by the evil presences in the house. Jimmy Bennent plays Micheal Lutz, the second oldest child. He also believes that the house is bad. One night when he went into the bathroom, he turns the tap on to find blood dripping out the faucet instead of water. Seconds later, the ghost of a murdered Indian appears beside him, although he doesn't see it. but the blood was enough to send him running back to his room. The youngest Lutz child, Chelsea, played by Chloe Grace Moretz, is the one who makes friends with Jodie, the girl who lived in the house before her, and was murdered in her closet.

One of my favorite scenes was when Chelsea goes upstairs to get her teddy bear, and climbs up onto the roof of the house. When her parents come home, they notice their daughter's teddy bear fall to the ground. they look up and see Chelsea walking across the narrow top of the roof, waving and calling out to them. Frantically, George climbs up a ladder to try and get her, while Kathy runs upstairs and gets on the roof the same way her daughter did. She calls Chelsea to come to her, but Chelsa insists that she must go with Jodie, and jumps off the end of the roof. Luckily, Kathy catches her by her pink overalls. She holds on to her as long as she can, but when she finally lets go, George catches Chelsea from on the balcony. I thought this part in the movie was pretty cool because Chloe actually walked up on that high roof all by herself with nothing but two thin cables holding her up.

This movie has no scenes that are useless and boring. It keeps your attention the whole way through, and your eyes glued to the TV screen. So if you haven't already seen this movie, it's definitely worth it. Go out and buy it, because it's probably not going to be one you'll want to see only once. 10/10.
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The Ring Two (2005)
A horror movie?! More like a horrible movie...
6 November 2005
I saw the first one when it came out on DVD and I loved it! It was so good that when the second came out, I was expecting something just as good, if not better. Boy was I wrong...

"The Ring 2" carries on forever! Most of the scenes are completely irrelevant. There was not one single part in the movie that even came close to being even a little bit scary. Max, the little boy in the movie was just so annoying I couldn't stand it! However, I do think that Naomi Watts did a pretty good job.

OK so maybe it's not *quite* as bad as I'm making it seem...but if you are a huge fan of horror movies like I am, and you haven't already seen this movie, trust me...Don't! I made the huge mistake of not seeing it in theaters, and buying it when it came out on DVD. I thought it would be so good that I didn't even bother renting it. well, now I own it...and it just sits on my shelf collecting dust. I doubt I'll watch it again anytime soon. 3/10.
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Dreamer (2005)
Such A Great Movie!
6 November 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Wow, I saw this movie last night and it was amazing! I have always had a love for horses and have been around them for over seven years, but that's not the only reason why I loved "Dreamer" as much as I did.

All the actors and actresses did such a great job in this movie. I have been a fan of Dakota Fanning for a while now, and I think she does well in almost everything she does, but I don't think it would be possible for her to do any better than she did in this movie. She played her character Cale Crane, perfectly. It was obvious throughout the movie that she loved her horse, Sonador, with all of her heart. She would even sneak out at night to feed her Popsicles! In real life, Dakota has her own horse named Goldie, so she was already used to being around horses before she started filming this movie.

Kurt Russel also did an amazing job in this movie. Honestly, I don't think there is any other actor out there that deserved that part more than he did. I've seen Elisabeth Shue (Lily Crane) in another one of her most recent movies, "Hide and Seek," which is a completely different genre of movie, but I thought she did a great job in it, and "Dreamer" as well. Dakota Fanning was also in "Hide and Seek," and did a great job too, as usual.

I didn't even notice one single thing in this movie that I would have changed. It was just so good, and I think there should be more movies like this to be made in the future. Everyone in the theater clapped and cheered when Cale's horse Sonador, crossed the finish line in first place at the Breeder's Cup. "Dreamer" is a movie that anyone can enjoy, so if you are looking for a really, really good, inspirational movie, I highly suggest you go see this one. 10/10.
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House of Wax (2005)
Almost exactly like The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, but still really good!
4 November 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I don't know about other people, but while I watched this movie, all I could think about was how much it was like the 2003 remake of "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre." They both start out with a group of teens, and finish with one, or in this case, two survivors who are scarred for life after witnessing their friends murders. In The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, everyone in the town is somehow connected to the chainsaw killer that lurks inside the big house. And in this movie, it's pretty much the same. The sick, old roadkill man is Vincent and Bo's brother, who leads them into the trap. Bo is the one who lied to his brother, Vincent, and told him their mother would have wanted him to kill. All of them are tied together somehow. But...maybe the fact that this movie seems EXACTLY like The Texas Chiansaw Massacre is just a coincidence...or maybe it's just me...but I doubt it.

But aside from all that, it was probably the best horror movie I have seen in a long time, even if it's very similar to another horror film. I thought all the actors/actresses did a really good job...even Paris...the one who got famous for doing nothing. She wasn't in as much of the movie as most of the others, but I thought she played her character pretty well. The best performance though, I'd say, was by Elisha Cuthbert. If it weren't for her, the movie just wouldn't be the same. She did such a good job, and made her character seem so real and believable.

If you really look at them, the wax people, are pretty freaky looking, especially since they are supposed to be real, dead humans, tortured and turned to wax by Vincent, the killer who lurks around the abandoned town preying on lost, unaware visitors who happen to stumble upon it. I think the one that looks the sickest, and the most disturbing is the old woman that supposely pulled back the curtains when Carly(Elisha Cuthbert) was screaming for help. Even though she was wax, her eyes seemed to be staring right at Nick when he looked in the window.

At one point in the movie, when Wade goes into Bo's house to use the washroom, he comes out afterwards, and starts looking around at Bo's stuff. Eventually he wanders into another room...and begins looking around in there too. There is a table, and on top of it, a bunch of odd metal tools, knives and scissors. He picks one up....and then the lights go out. Wade tried to open the door but it was locked from the outside. Then, out of a trap door in the middle of the floor, Vincent entered the room. He cut the back of Wade's leg with a pair of long, metal scissors, and stabbed him in the arm. Soon after, Wade was strapped to a chair and tortured some more. Vincent stitched up Wade's stab wounds, and covered his entire body with wax...

By then, I felt so bad for Wade, because he was my favorite out of the four. (In the movie, not real life.) But it was really sad when Dalton found him...covered in dried wax...unable to speak or move, except for shifting his eyes back and forth.) Then tying to help him, Dalton starts to peel the wax off, revealing the blood and muscle in Wade's face. It was pretty obvious at that point that Wade couldn't be saved. Of course, seconds later, Vincent shows up, and kills Dalton by slicing his head off with two knives.

So yeah, I guess the death scenes in the movie were really well done. It was kind of funny to see Paris Hilton die, but in the movie it was pretty gross to see a pole get impaled through someone head... Paris's boyfriend wasn't in too much of the movie, and his death wasn't exactly shown, except for him lying on the ground, half alive, with a knife in his throat. I really felt bad for Carly too, when she had her finger cut off. That would hurt so much! One thing that was kind of funny was when they were hiding in the old movie theater, and that OLD black-and-white film was playing. The lady singing was pretty hilarious! "I've written a letter to Daddy!" Ha ha...and it was still playing while Bo was searching Nick and Carly, who were hiding in the theater.

Well I guess overall I can say that "House of Wax" was a really good movie! One of the best horror movies I've ever seen! If you haven't seen it in theaters, and are looking for a movie that will keep you on the edge of your seat the whole time, go out and rent or buy this one! I can almost guarantee you will love it! 9/10
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11 May 2005
I have been a fan of the South Park show for quite some time now, and I have always hated how they block out the swear words! In my opinion, its far more annoying to her "beep" than f**k and s**t so I was glad that they didn't do that in the movie. "South Park: Bigger, longer and uncut" starts off with Stan's version of the song "Mountain town" which he sings as he goes around town rounding up his friends, Kyle, Kenny and Cartman to go to the Terrance and Phillip movie,"Asses of fire." Kenny's mom lets him skip Sunday morning church to go to the movie, so the two boys make their way over to Kyles house. They find him in the front yard kicking his baby brother Ike through the window. Kyle lies to his mom and tells her they're going ice skating. She agrees to let him go as long as he took Ike with him. Then they all go over to get Cartman, who is, as usual, sitting on the couch with some cheesy poofs watching TV. When all five boys including Kyles baby brother get to the theater and ask for their tickets, the ticket guy refuses to sell them any because the movie contains "naughty language." They decide to pay a homeless guy to sneak them in. When he does, the boys give him ten bucks to go buy some vodka. When the movie starts, Terrance and Phillip immediately start swearing and singing their song "Uncle F***a." everybody leaves the theater except the boys who are having a great time, carefully learning every swear word said through out the movie. After the movie they head over to the ice rink singing the song. Stan notices Wendy the girl he is madly in love with, skating with a new kid named Gregory. Every time Stan tries to talk to Wendy, he barfs in her face, and he did so as soon as she skated over and said hi. Wendy likes Gregory because he is smart and political. They are the only two kids who don't like Terrance and Phillip. At school the next day Kyle, Cartman, Kenny and Stan got caught swearing continuously in class and were sent to the office to speak with the school counceller Mr.Mackey. When their moms found out they were very mad and started M.A.C. (Mothers Against Canada.) Since Terrance and Phillip are Canadian they decided to blame them for teaching their children foul language. After Mr.Mackeys lecture, the children were dismissed for personal reflection time which they spent at the theater seeing the movie again. Afterwards, Cartman bets him $100 that he can't light a fart on fire. Kenny tries...and succeeds! He burns to a crisp and is rushed to the hospital. There, the doctors begin hacking him up, removing his organs, and heating up his heart in the microwave. When Kenny wakes up, they tell him that they have accidentally replaced his heart with a baked potato and he has three seconds to live. Kenny dies and is denied access to Heaven. He falls down to Hell instead and is greeted by Satan and Saddam Hussein. meanwhile, the adults are still trying to get their children to stop swearing so the plan on using v-chips. Little patches that are inserted under the child's skin, which gives them a shock of electricity whenever the say a swear word. Cartman was the one they put one in to test it out. It worked. Then there was an announcement on TV that there would be a war between Canada and America. Also, Terrance and Phillip would be executed. The boys didn't want their idols to be killed so they organized a secret club, "La Resistance," to rescue them. Stan thought the idea would make him seem more political and get Wendy to like him. At the meeting Gregory gave the boys "The Mole's" address. The Moles real name is Kristoff. He had done this type of thing before and they hoped that he would be able to help them. The mole agrees, and said he would sneak them into the USO show where Terrance and Phillip would be executed. Kyle and Stan's job was to stall the show while he dug a hole underneath the stage and broke out Terrance and Phillip. They got Big Gay Al to sing a song. Cartmans job was to shut off the alarms. he didn't and guard dogs attacked The Mole. But before he died, he managed to free Terrance and Phillip. Then the war started. Satan and Saddam Hussein came up from Hell to take over the world, but Satan was getting angry at Saddam hussien cause he wanted to do it all himself. Kenny came up too. Cartman's v-chip went all screwy. instead of getting shocked when he swore, he could shoot electricity. So he began swearing his face off and shooting electric bolts at Saddam Hussein. Satan finishes Saddam off by tossing him down to Hell again where his body was impaled on a sharp rock. Satan thanked Kenny for helping him see that Saddam was an a**hole, and said he could have one wish. Kenny said that he wanted everything to go back to normal before the war, even though he knew that he would go back to hell too. Satan agreed to grant his wish, and for the first time Kenny removed his hood and said to his friends, "Goodbye you guys!" Then all the war soldiers and minions disappeared. Everything was back to normal, except the Canadians and Americans were friends again. When they looked up into the sky, they saw Kenny. Instead of going back down to Hell, he soared up to Heaven.

This was a great movie and i would give it a perfect score! 10/10!
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Better than the original!
9 May 2005
I think the remake of "The Texas chainsaw massacre" is so much better than the original! Sure, the first one might be a bit more "believable" like someone else already said, but this one is much more attention-grabbing. Five teens are driving when they see a girl walking by the side of the road. she seems scared out of her mind so they offer to give her a ride, but then she puts a gun in her mouth and kills herself. They were arguing about weather they should dump her body or call the police. When they decided to phone the sheriff, and he showed up, it was nothing like they expected. He was a mean, drunken old man who didn't know what he was doing. He started blaming them for killing the girl, and forces them to help him wrap her body up in a tarp. When the sheriff leaves, the teens decide to look for help. They find a house out in the middle of the forest. When they knock, an old man answers. He has no legs and moves around in a wheelchair carrying a gun. He does let them inside, and that was the first time they met the chain saw killer. I really liked this movie and so far it is one of my favourite horror films. I would definitely rate it a 10/10.
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One of my favourite animal movies ever!
8 May 2005
I was very young when I first watched this movie, and I love it just as much today as I did then. The main idea of "Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey" is three pets, Shadow, a wise old golden retriever, Chance, a goofy, fun-loving American bulldog puppy, and Sassy, a hilarious Himalayan cat who are left in the care of their owners' friend that lives hundreds of miles away on a farm. After several days, the pets begin to worry. Thinking that their owners must be in some kind of trouble, they set out on their adventure home.Along the way they encounter many unexpected surprises but their determination and love for their owners helps them in finding their way. For me, this was an unforgettable story of love, courage and devotion that will inspire everyone who watches it. A must see for animal lovers! I give it a 10!
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La Bamba (1987)
Great movie!
6 May 2005
The movie La Bamba was shown in my eighth grade music class earlier this week. For its time, I thought it was exceptionally good! Most of my class thought the ending to this movie was really sad, especially when Ritchie's family heard on the radio that he had been tragically killed in a plane crash after his good luck charm was broken. Although I wasn't familiar with most of the actors, I thought they all did a great job! Definitely not my favourite, but overall a pretty good movie! It kept my attention from beginning to end and from what I can remember there were very few boring scenes. La Bamba proves that dreams really can come true if you try your best to make them happen. I especially liked how even though Ritchie became wealthy and famous from his music, he didn't forget about his family. Instead, he bought his mother a new house like she'd always wanted. Ritchie also never gave up on his stubborn and drunken brother Bob. He continued trying to reason with him, even when Bob was constantly screaming and cursing at him and his family. If you like Rock and Roll, then you should definitely see this movie! I would give it a 10.
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