
37 Reviews
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Copshop (2021)
Could have been really good in they got the aesthetic
14 September 2021
So it had many good things going for it, a good cast, good production and a fun story.

Whatever went wrong? Well the overall feel of the movie was just weird, you have strong violence in parts and this playful detective style soundtrack which created this disconnect in overall aesthetic.. feel.. atmosphere..

Couple this with a few really stupid characters (the hitman window licker) that was just a parody character.. and a few dumb as bricks cops thrown in there..

Overall it was entertaining but confusing mess of a movie that could have been really decent if played straight..

PS the background soundtrack for this movie did not fit the movie.. it was like Inspector Gadget cartoon music..
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Artemis Fowl (2020)
Disney .. RIP
17 June 2020
15 minutes is all i could take.

Truly poor film making, parody laiden and cliched rubbish exposition heavy twoddle..

Dont waste your life watching tripe like this.
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Space Force (2020–2022)
Space Farce?
17 June 2020
I understand this may be funny if you have been in the military...

But if you're in the the 99.9% of the population that hasn't where does that leave us? I couldn't imagine a studio producing a series aimed exclusively at such a small portion of the public and alienate the rest. So taking the later into account, this is poorly wrtten and executed.. Granted i only watched 1 episode, but that was enough to extrapolate what i needed to make a desision that this was not for me.
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G.B.H. (1983)
This is flipping great from start to finish
29 April 2020
This is way better than it should be.

I couldnt stop watching ... really good fun ...
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1917 (2019)
Good, but could have been great.
24 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Undoubtably a very good movie. In todays climate of trashy politically charded progressive agenda set pieces, this was a breathe of fresh air.. No gender baiting no race baiting just a story. Well made and has some great imaginary, a stand out set piece was when our hero was entering a ruined town, the shadows and subtle almost subliminal imagines of German soliders gave expostion as to what was to come and the dangers that lay ahead.. it was masterfully filmed.. blink and you missed the.

A few silly little plot holes here and there still didn't ruin the experience, the milk from the last cow in France that had survived German machine gun fire(obvious a set piece for the baby sence which was not needed) the none lesson our hero picked up from the second German that shopped him!! He actually HAD FOOD in his rigging, why was he chuntering on about have no food? The Enfield ammo clip he had only holds 5 rounds, he shot way more than that.. even the scene at the sniper in the building he fired more than 5 rounds without a reload.. im just picking now..

Great movie no the less.. and those few points are just me being picky.
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Cats (2019)
So this is film making in 2019?
24 December 2019
Rise of the skywalker "im the worst movie of 2019"

Cats "hold my coat"
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Disney needs to sack the current team.
21 December 2019
I have just watched ep 7 of the Mandalorian, this one 30 minute episode had more heart, drama, style and meaning than TLJ and TROS. The rise of skywalker is so bad its literally on a different level, TLJ was bad but not THIS bad, at times i felt like i was watching some sort of cross between scooby doo and the fast and furious .. And thats somewhat an insult to scooby doo.. It was nosensical rubbish, poor acting, dialogue and editing. The story telling was pathetic. I have never walked out of the cinema before, and would have walked if i had not been with family. If the same team is involved in any Star Wars projects again i will not watch. Absolutely pathetic .. A travesty in movie making .. No talent.
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So bad it's good .. Sort of..
6 December 2019
As the title says, this movie is firmly in the so bad its good catagory. The acting, script and story line are so bad. I actually laughed out loud at certain scenes of Sarah Conor dialogue, it was unintentionally hilarious, it was played so straight it just became a parody of itself. This line says it all "ill not be back" wow just wow.
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Knives Out (2019)
A fun time ..
29 November 2019
I don't understand reviews that are 10/10 .. Shouldn't they be for mind blowers ?

This movie is fun, its undeniably a well thought out clean piece of cinema . a ten no ..

If your into who done its . go see it .. Its fun ..
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Revenge (II) (2017)
Clueless movie makers
25 November 2019
This is what you get when you have clueless feminism making movies.

If they played this movie for laughs and action it would have been a decent romp .. But they tried to make it so edgy and stylish it was another level ridiculous.

Shotguns with long range scopes?

I dont need to say anything more than that.
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Oh dear .. A movie with no story
15 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers

On second viewing this movie is way better, not Quinton best by any means, but after having to survive TROS and Dark Fate.. This is a cinema master piece ..

Slow and deliberate story telling, great performances. I like it a lot.

How the mighty have fallen, 2hr 40mins slow with no story to note.. Just a few characters that do some stuff and have little back story.. Set in a what could be a parallel world alongside what really happened to Tate in reality. Good performances from Pitt and Leo, and a decent scene when pit goes to the Manson lair. Massively failed in the humour department and felt forced, for me it missed the mark, other movie goers laughed in places, but i just didn't find it even remotely amusing or witty. Don't believe the hype and watch Pulp Fiction again, then ask yourself, what happened to Quinton?
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Entertaining to a point.
16 July 2019
There's some good atmosphere built with steady tension raising, good cinematography, lighting and sound... But it's all let down by some silly set pieces which lack any scaryness .. Sometimes less is more.. And theres no real threat felt beyond a certain point ..
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Game of Thrones: The Bells (2019)
Season 8, Episode 5
Scorpion aimbot patched out version 1.1
14 May 2019
Good job they got a patch out to fix the scorpions aimbot, biggest nerf of a weapon I've seen in a SOB longtime. Dragon buffed 9000% now an unstoppable killing machine that melts rock ..
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The Usual hollywood jump scare marathon.
14 May 2019
Raymond Cruz came to the rescue and made what would have been disaster into something tolerated and mildly entertaining. Expect the usual dumb discussions and low iq characters.
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Ted Bundy was not a nice guy.
13 May 2019
Honestly by the end of this movie i actually thought Bundy was going to be exonerated and let free, he was just such a dam nice guy.. What a joke. 3 points for Zack Efrons cuteness ..
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Escape Room (I) (2019)
Much better than i expected
23 April 2019
I went into this movie thinking and pre judging a 3/10 I was surprised how solid this movie was, good acting and pretty decent story line with excellent pacing never wasting a scene. Good production value. Worth an hour and a half of your time.
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Good but not great.
2 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
After the jaring violence and straight forwardness of Bone Tomahawk and Cell block 99, i was expecting more, don't get me wrong it is good, but it just never quite delivers. The setup is good, it doesn't pander to much and theres not a great deal of expositions, which in this hollywood invested drain is a welcome breath, the it could have been so much more, the climax in Cell Block 99 was jawdropping, the climax in this movie just whimpers out a last hot breath, leaving you feeling i little empty, maybe because i didnt feel anything for the man and his family who ended up with the gold. The build up the 3 main bad guys get was good, making you really fear their brutality, they were genuinely frightening, but were dispatched with relative ease again leaving me wanting more. With those faults, this is still a must see film, if nothing more than to witness the demise of Jennifer Carpenter .. Thats where this director shines.
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What is this tosh?
27 March 2019
Just who is this movie made for? It can't be for kids because its boring, it can't be for adults because again its boring, so i can only assume its for the hollywood studios to cash in on JK woke Rawlings Harry Potter fame. A hideous mess of a movie which never holds your attention and doesn't give you anything interesting to do. Not to mention Stephen Hawkins clambering all over the screen ... What was that poor man thinking playing Hawkins?! Talk about selling your soul to the devil.
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2 stars for the effects
27 March 2019
Thats all this movie gets, and then after the 3rd effects show piece its just becomes meh .. Soulless and empty movie with nothing at its heart .. Avoid at all costs ..
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Serenity (I) (2019)
This movie is not for the NPC,s
5 March 2019
Judging from all the bad reviews my worst fears are born, we do live in the age of apathy, Fredrick Nietzsche was right 'god is dead' and we killed him ..
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Quite a challenge to get through.
4 March 2019
As the title says, this is quite a good challenge. Making it to the end you feel a sense of achievement, as if you have accomplished something great. Challenge yourself today.
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27 February 2019
One of the greatest old skool kung fu movies ..

Unfortunately theres a silly 1980s american trash ninja movie melted into the original kung fu film ..

Wish i knew what the original kung fu movie is .. Its priceless .. Ten out of ten
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Climax (I) (2018)
Climax - is everrything but.
25 February 2019
Maybe its just me or is is virtually impossible to get thought a Gaspar Noe movie without being bored to tears?

I have failed to be impressed by Gaspar Noe now on every occasion, his movies just plod and draw without any creative flow, giving the viewer the odd kick of extreme violence or sexual brutality to stir the testosterone in aid to stop the warm tide of sleep just around the corner.

Climax is no differnent, its all style over any substance and even then the style is reminisent of the poundland DVD section.

And to those that bleat on about 'CINEMA EXPERIENCE' i would rather subject myself to a 24hr Trolls2 marathon than to 1 Gaspar Noe movie.

I'm out.
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You're in!?
6 February 2019
LoL .. I actually had lulz watching this, and it wasn't intentionally funny, it was fun y because some of it was bad, very bad.. But in a watchable way. There was a even a few moments of tension intertwined inbetween the comically out of place music score, seriously amateur acting and the lack of brutality (which could have lifted this movie). Anyways, not unwatchable for a low budget flicks and has a lots you can chuckle about.
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Very good serial killer movie
16 December 2018
As a serial killer movie, from the perspective of the serial killer this movie delivers.

You don't have any compassion for the victims, you don't feel any empathy for anyone in this movie, it's cold and perfectly sets the tone. There a little dark humour scattered in there just to lighten the feel and that works well, even when the violence is peaking in certain scenes its done in a easy digestable way which makes it ok.. and it never feels shocking or over the top, it just feels normal. So to LVT's credit he has created a perfect serial killer movie .. putting you there to share the great work of this 'artist' without feeling like a peeping tom "which a lot of serial killer movies can make you feel" like Henry did.. although i'd admit i liked Henry more and it had a different impact.

I would have voted higher than a 8, but the end was a little let down, I wanted to see a little more of the HELL .. but artistic impression ran out of ideas.
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